The next day, Chen Xiaolei stood in front of Jiangnan University with Zhang Yinuo in good spirits.

There was no sign that he was still lying on the hospital bed yesterday, Chen Xiaolei looked at the majestic Jiangnan University in front of him like a giant beast crawling and muttered:

"Sure enough, it's different from the sect in the mountains!"

"Tch, how can the Gada place in the mountains compare with the university full of grandeur." Zhang Yinuo curled his lips in disdain.

"Haha, that's right. My little heart is so excited to be able to share the same bed with my wife for four years soon." Chen Xiaolei eyeballed Zhang Yinuo's arrogant body, especially for that Special care has been taken for the upper parts.

"Illiterate, you're a classmate, don't say I know you." Zhang Yinuo said bitterly.

"I was originally illiterate, I never went to kindergarten, but I am proud." Chen Xiaolei stepped out of the car with his head held high.

There were four or five worn-out big bags hanging on them bulgingly around his waist, and he could even smell a scent of medicine at a close distance.

The standard 80s yellow rubber shoes are full of the taste of the years.

Today, Chen Xiaolei knew that it was the day of enrolment, so he deliberately made a neat pot head, perhaps because the wax was dry, the perfect center part in the middle looked a bit funny.

A clean Chinese tunic suit has turned white from washing, but it sets off a dusty atmosphere, at least Chen Xiaolei thinks so.

"I asked you to change your clothes. If you don't listen, you're surrounded by crowds." Zhang Yinuo was a little embarrassed, but when Chen Xiaolei got out of the car, he successfully attracted the surrounding students who were going to class.

Moreover, the sound of pointing and pointing around made Zhang Yinuo feel even more dull.

"I contest, who is this, the son of the white-haired girl."

"It's not like, it was born secretly by one of Grandpa Mao's subordinates."

"Bullshit, she's dressed so delicately, she probably dressed up for running away with some girl."


Looking at the enthusiastic students who have not yet entered school, Chen Xiaolei, who has never been to school, feels the beauty of the human world.

"Hey, beauty, I'm a famous girl."

"Hey big guy, don't look at me so adoringly, I'm going to swell."

Chen Xiaolei warmly greeted the students he didn't know.He even took the initiative to shake hands very politely.

It's just that everyone avoided it as if they were watching a monster, and even exaggerated girls screamed loudly.

Chen Xiaolei was stunned for a moment, and then happily thought that he must have been frightened by his arrogance.

As a result, his standing waist became even straighter, and his energy and spirit reached a peak state. Only then did he feel that the school was so beautiful.

"Let's go, I'll go through the enrollment procedures for you." Seeing more and more people gathered around, Zhang Yinuo blushed a little, and couldn't help it.

As the two walked away, they could still hear a burst of laughter from behind.

Jiangnan University is really big. Zhang Yinuo dragged him around eighteen intersections, and he still hadn't reached the school's personnel department.

Along the way, Chen Xiaolei saw all kinds of beauties in revealing and bold clothes, and his eyes were drooling.

There are even some beauties who just use two simple fig leafs, leaving the rest of the white area clearly visible, walking with their beautiful buttocks twisting and twisting, making Chen Xiaolei's lower body burst into flames.

This is truly heaven!

Chen Xiaolei sighed in his heart, how could he see such body art in the mountains, and he must take his brothers to "discuss swords in the city" if he had the opportunity.

Just as they were thinking, when the two of them turned a corner, suddenly one of them flew upside down and fell to the ground with a "boom", clutching his chest and unable to stand up.

"Made, Tubie, you dare to offend our Trumen in the territory of Jiangnan, you are getting impatient."

A servant-like guy patted the dust off his hands, slowly revealed his figure, walked over and cursed angrily with his nostrils up.

Soon, a lot of people dressed in expensive clothes, all of them dressed as rich and noble sons gathered around.

"Hey, this person deserves his own fault. He dared to provoke Truman by virtue of his status as the little overlord of the Mu family." A passing classmate shook his head.

"He is so desperate for love, but his skill is really not good, he can't even beat Truman's servant." A little girl with freckles all over her face curled her lips and said disdainfully.

Chen Xiaolei and Zhang Yinuo were listening to their words, and they couldn't help but look at each other, with a cold light shining in their eyes, feeling that the identities of these people were unusual.

"Ah, who is it?" Zhang Yinuo felt his ass being slapped, and suddenly he yelled in surprise and quickly turned his head. When he saw the person's true face, he gritted his teeth and squinted his eyes. The color of disgust.

Chen Xiaolei also turned his head at this moment, but with disdain on his face, he hugged Zhang Yinuo's slender waist, looked sideways at the woman and said coldly, "Why, Jin Binglin, his body is itchy so quickly, let me Shall I scratch it for you?"

Seeing that Chen Xiaolei was eating her tofu so boldly, Zhang Yinuo squinted at him, but considering that it was not the right time, he pouted his lips and looked at Jin Binglin with hatred.

If it weren't for this Jin Binglin, how could Chen Xiaolei have this opportunity.

"Hmph, boy, don't be complacent. This is a society ruled by law, be careful I will put you in jail." It can be seen that Jin Binglin has not learned the lesson from last time, and he doesn't take Chen Xiaolei seriously at all.

"Oh, before I go to jail, I will definitely let you die." Chen Xiaolei snorted coldly, took out a century-old ginseng from the worn pocket beside him, and bit it with a "click".

"Let's go, ignore him." Zhang Yinuo looked at the time.

He continued to drag Chen Xiaolei to the personnel department, but Jin Binglin followed closely behind.

Zhang Yinuo didn't care, today was the enrollment procedure, and the third grandma of the Zhang family had already greeted her.

In order not to continue to embarrass herself with Chen Xiaolei, she just wanted to complete the task quickly.

But Jin Binglin from behind saw Zhang Yinuo holding Chen Xiaolei's hand so intimately, he was so enraged that he was on the verge of feeling ill.

Jin Binglin has liked Zhang Yinuo for a long time. Normally, any suitor of Zhang Yinuo would be scared to death if he knew his background in the Jinhui Group, but when he met Chen Xiaolei, a guy who is not afraid of boiling water, he was also helpless, and his teeth itched with anger.

But he didn't give up, he was used to being domineering and domineering, and he couldn't give up just because of one setback, and it was on the woman's side.It's about the dignity of a man.

Jin Binglin followed Zhang Yinuo's direction, looking at this route, he had a faint understanding in his heart, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth when he thought of this, he looked at Chen Xiaolei's back gloomily, took out his mobile phone and made a call...

Finally, at the [-]th bend of the mountain road, I arrived at the personnel department. I heard from Mrs. Zhang that the director of the personnel department was a good talker, so Zhang Yinuo didn't feel any pressure.

"Hello, Uncle Qin, I heard that the third grandma often mentioned you. Grandma told you about my reason for coming today." Zhang Yinuo looked at this middle-aged man who was a bit over the top with a smile on his face.

"Oh, Yinuo, you've become more beautiful again, but your grandma didn't say anything to me, okay, class is over, you can go." Director Qin's face was unexpectedly cold.

Zhang Yinuo froze for a moment, it didn't match what he remembered.

Just when Zhang Yinuo was about to say something more, a handsome young man with sharp brows and star eyes came out from the back room, with a piercing spirit and a slightly refined style.

"Didn't you hear what Director Qin said? You actually bribed me in school like this. If I caught you, what else do you have to say?" What made Chen Xiaolei frowned was that this bright-looking young man was not polite at all.

Chen Xiaolei was so angry that he was angry at the time.

"What the hell are you, spraying dung all over your mouth here, do you know you have sprayed someone?" Chen Xiaolei looked at him with contempt, looking at him like an idiot.

"Hiss!" Director Qin gasped and looked at Chen Xiaolei dumbfounded.

"You, you don't even know him?" Director Qin's face changed, because he felt the flames of the handsome young man next to him that was about to erupt.

"He is Tianxing, the son of the chairman of Jiangnan University." Zhang Yinuo pulled Chen Xiaolei's arm and muttered softly.

Er, Chen Xiaolei was a little stunned, but the words had already been spoken, and it was not his style to take them back.

Scratching his head, a little embarrassed, he took out an old ginseng and bit it hard a few times.It wasn't until Chen Xiaolei calmed down that he slowly said, "I'm here to go through the admission procedures."

"Take out your high school diploma, transcript, and admission letter." Director Qin followed the formal procedure with a very responsible look.

This time it was Chen Xiaolei's turn to be dumbfounded, what the hell?Diploma?Chen Xiaolei felt dizzy for a while, he had never been to this kindergarten, where did he get all these documents.

Zhang Yinuo also frowned, rolled her eyes, and secretly glanced at Tianxing. With her shrewdness, how could she not guess that this guy who appeared out of nowhere was responsible.

But the other party is the son of the chairman, and his background is not so big. There are really few people in the whole school who dare to offend him. When the time comes, he will tell whoever gets out of the school and who dare not get out.

"Why, don't you even graduate from elementary school, why don't you go to university?" Tianxing's eyes were like lightning, and he gritted his teeth exuding a burst of coldness.

"Hmph, don't think how educated you are, you really guessed wrong." Chen Xiaolei took out a silver needle from nowhere, and picked the naughty ginseng hair between his teeth.I thought to myself, not only did I not graduate from elementary school, I never went to kindergarten.

"Listen up, stand firm, tell me my culture to scare you to death." Chen Xiaolei saw Tianxing frowned, and couldn't help but feel lucky that he didn't go to school.

"Humph!" Tianxing snorted coldly, half-closed his eyes, as if he really wanted to hear what shocking diploma I could tell.

"Ahem, I practiced martial arts at the age of three, practiced kung fu at the age of five, memorized medical classics at the age of eight, and practiced silver acupuncture at the age of ten. At the age of 15..." Chen Xiaolei was about to show off the cultural level of the highest sect , Director Qin interrupted me.

"Um, what we want is a graduation certificate, have you come to our place to touch porcelain?"

At this time, Tian Xing's words "bumpkin" ruthlessly fell into Chen Xiaolei's heart.

This made Chen Xiaolei, who was showing off, furious, jumped up, and punched the jade-faced Tianxing in the face.

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