The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 48 I am the sea, I am the sea

Even the others felt a sense of gloom, as if the red cup was filled with a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The whole space became solemn after the man in black robe finished speaking, and Li Bufan even saw that the scarlet eyes of the other party became more intense.

"Why, are the words of the old woman ignored by people now?" The voice of the black-robed man suddenly became sharper, and the blood of several people became as if they were about to come out of the body, which made several people Personally horrified.

"We can't live anymore, we still have something to do." Li Mimiao reacted with a jolt, this place is too weird, it's best to go first.

"Haha! Do you know what this road is called? It's called No Door Road. Quack!" While the man in black was talking, the door behind the six people, including the road, disappeared.

The complexions of several people changed. They had opened their eyes just now, but they didn't see clearly how the door disappeared.

"What do you want to do?" Chuang Jiuzhou shouted and was ready to transform at any time, his burly body blocked in front of everyone.

"This place is in the underworld at night, and in the sun during the day. You are on the right track. The yin people borrow the way, and the yang people avoid it. It takes a cup of your blood to integrate into this place." Tongue out.

The complexions of several people changed drastically. The situation here is really unheard of.

Chuang Jiuzhou gave everyone a wink, and in a blink of an eye it became ten feet, and his whole body reached the roof.

"Breakthrough!" Li Mimiao roared, and several people also cooperated tacitly.

They showed their housekeeping skills one after another, and the various colors looked very colorful in this small room.

But the man in black didn't move at all, like a wood carving, he didn't move at all.

Chuang Kyushu punched the black-robed man, and the strong punch even lifted her clothes, revealing a shriveled face underneath, as if she had lost all moisture.

I thought it would be very troublesome, but who knew that Chuang Kyushu knocked her out with one punch, and turned her whole body into flying ash. The others were also stunned. This seemingly mysterious person was so easy to deal with?

It was a bit hard to turn, but several people reacted immediately to find a way out.

For a long time, the door seemed to have really turned into a wall, and the whole room was imprisoned, as if there was no way out.

"Damn, did you make a mistake? Isn't it the age of technology? Have we really come to the underworld?" Wei Shu was a little annoyed. They searched for this broken place for half an hour, even upstairs. It seemed real. It looks like a wooden hotel, but there is no door.

"There is no way out, is it true that you can only enter but not exit?" Wang Honghuo thought of what the strange man said before, and his body was full of fire, but when the fire light touched the wooden materials, those materials did not burn stand up.

What a strange place.

Several people also frowned, feeling a little helpless.

"There is no way, no turning back, leave the abyss with one obsession, and send it to the practice of cultivation!"


At this moment, like an ancient incantation, also like a sound transmission in the empty valley, the old tone resounded non-stop.

Immediately afterwards, red mist scattered around everything, and the whole wooden house was blurred. Those ancient tables, chairs and benches slowly atomized until they turned into a monstrous sea of ​​blood.

However, the more shocking thing was yet to come. After the red mist dissipated, the vision of several people gradually became clear.

Isn't the huge black robed face in front of him the strange man just now, and everything around him is still so familiar, the familiar wooden house, the familiar dilapidated wall paintings.

But the only difference is that the eight of them are already in the red cup that the black-robed man took out, and the bright red blood inside slowly flows, and the sea of ​​blood around them is a small cup of blood in the black-robed cup.

"Are we getting smaller? Or is the black robe getting bigger?" Wang Sheng said a little uneasy, and at the same time carefully looked at the world outside the cup, which was exactly the same as when they just came in.

"There is no way, do you understand? I want a cup of your blood, but you are not enough." The voice of the black robe resounded throughout the sea of ​​blood, causing countless big waves, but the outside of the cup was indeed calm.

"Quack, nourishment for ignorance, I will send you to your final destination." The man in black raised his cup slowly after speaking.

A few wretched people saw a gluttonous mouth that seemed to be able to swallow the entire world, and as they got closer, they could feel the fierce and bloody aura.

"What should we do? We're going to be drunk like candy." Wang Sheng stared, a little unbelievably, there were no teeth in his mouth, but a strong feeling lingered in everyone's hearts.

Chuang Kyushu directly turned into a giant body of ten feet, but it was still too small compared to the cup, like a sesame seed turned into a bean, still unable to change the status quo.

Chuang Kyushu slammed the cup fiercely with his palm like a cattail leaf fan, but the direction of the cup did not change except for a shake.

Wang Sheng's sharp sword qi slashed at the cup, splashing bursts of sparks. It seems that the transparent cup is stronger than glass by many times.

Everyone couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"I am the sea, I am the sea!" Li Miyao yelled and his whole body melted, turning into a little bit of water vapor and melting into the whole sea of ​​blood.

The monstrous waves stopped.

However, a vortex formed in the middle of the entire blood sea, and the speed was getting faster and faster. When it was about to reach the peak, it suddenly reversed. The compression force generated by the instant conversion rushed out of the cup with a hurricane, and shot straight to the ceiling.

"Ah, my fairy wine, my Yulu fine wine, you are too wasted." The scarlet eyes of the man in black gleamed brightly, as if he was extremely regretful.

After several people came out of the cup, they immediately grew bigger, and the huge sea of ​​blood was only as big as a mouthful of water at this time.

After landing on the floor, Li Piaomiao's face was pale. The sea of ​​transformation just now was a heavy load on him. His whole body was on the verge of falling, and he was a little unstable. Wei Shu stepped forward to support him, while looking at the black man gown man.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, like a curtain of blood dripping from the ceiling and blocking between several people and the black robe.

The door that disappeared before has appeared, and everything just now is like a dream.

"I want to drain all your blood, what a waste, my little baby." The black robe was crying, full of hatred, and the uncomfortable friction and dryness in the voice could make people unable to sleep.

"Let's go!" After breathing a sigh of relief, Li Mimiao immediately led everyone to prepare to break through. Although the situation just now did not know what happened, it showed that it was this weird person's technique.

If you don't go now, wait until later.

Chuang Kyushu immediately became bigger and rushed over with Li Mimiao in his arms. The robed man was still on the ground, crying out for blood, and did not stop him.

The Chuang Jiuzhou people who rushed out of the wooden door just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but there were countless black robes, the same scarlet eyes, and a bright red cup in their hands.

Flying out of their wits, several people hurriedly turned around and fled along the original path, but the extremely shrill voice came from behind, which sounded so terrifying.

Several people ran non-stop until they reached the place where the car was parked.

"Damn, what is the origin of this group of people, why are they so scary, my little heart." Wei Shu was also afraid for a while, the bloody mouth is still vivid in his mind, and he feels bloody all over his body when he thinks about it.

"How are you, Miu Miao." At this moment, Li Miu Miao's whole body went limp, and she fell to the ground, her face paler than white paper.

"It's okay, I'm out of strength. I can't use the sea-melting technique now, ahem!" Li Miumiao's weak appearance made everyone feel distressed, but fortunately, he was just out of strength.

"Weird people, I just smashed her just now, as if nothing happened." Chuang Kyushu returned to his original state, a little depressed, staring at his thick bear paw non-stop, thinking that something was wrong.

"Look, there are no lights in that town." Wang Sheng has been on guard all the time, but just now there was a lot of lights, but now he can't see anything.

"You won't come to us in groups." Wang Honghuo's words made everyone nervous.

Several people discussed it, and got into the car first, and evacuated first if there was any emergency, so let's spend the night in the car tonight.

Wang Sheng is still on guard.

Li Miu took some of the pills he carried with him, and he felt much better. After experiencing the horrible scene just now, they lost the interest to talk, and only wanted to pick the birthday soul flowers quickly and leave here.

Gradually in the middle of the night, several people meditated cross-legged to recover their vitality.

Wang Sheng stared closely at the direction of the town, for fear that something would appear accidentally.

Fortunately, there was nothing to do all night. Practitioners are also full of energy if they don't sleep all night. It's just that a few people didn't feel relaxed when they came.

This is still so terrifying without entering the thick fog, and they don't know what dangers are waiting for them inside.

"Let's walk according to the map, don't go in the wrong direction, remember, don't run around." After dawn, Li Mimiao, who had recovered but was still a little pale, made serious arrangements.

"Should we go to the town yesterday to have a look, we are not afraid of it during the day, do we want to take revenge?" Wei Shu looked at the sun shining in the sky, and couldn't help feeling emboldened.

Several people were silent for a while, but agreed.

At least I know who was beaten last night, otherwise it would be in vain, and several people rushed down.

But a few people stared wide-eyed.

Where does the town of yesterday still exist, only a barren wasteland.

"No way, did you really go to the underworld yesterday?" Wei Shu walked around the wasteland a few times, and even looked at the location of the wooden house in his memory several times last night, but there was still nothing.

"Forget it, don't cause trouble. It's important for us to do business. This place is full of weirdness." Li Miyao said lightly, if not for the weakness in his body still exists, he would think that last night was just a dream.

Several people left in a hurry, but no one noticed that there was a bit of blood left at the wooden house last night, which was the immortal brew of the man in black.

Walking in the white mist, the air was slightly humid with a corrosive smell, surrounded by unknown bright red grass, gray-black rotten ground, and muddy puddles constantly bubbling. This is the feeling of several people who came in.

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