The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 54 Six Yang Holy Water

Chen Xiaolei's pupils shrank. He hadn't been to the pharmacy for several days, and the overall situation was left to Ha Pi and Zhang Yinuo. What's the reason for such bad news all of a sudden?

"I'll tell you on the way, you go with me first." Zhang Yinuo looked anxious, and there was still tension in his expression.

"Wait for me to get dressed."

These days, Chen Xiaolei is the school's public enemy, because the identity of Ye Wuyao has made many people lose their minds, so now he is cautious when going out.

Zhang Yinuo was stunned and didn't say anything. On the way, Chen Xiaolei learned that Zhang Yinuo, who was an ordinary patient in the store these days, could heal them intermittently through Yuanli, so there was no big disturbance. During that time, an ordinary-looking lame old man brought a child to the store and asked Doctor Yang to see a doctor by name, but Doctor Yang had already left at that time.

But the child's illness urgently needed treatment, so Zhang Yinuo had no choice but to give it a try. After all, he had been with Chen Xiaolei for a few days, and he was able to deal with some common diseases.

But it doesn't matter, the child received Zhang Yinuo's energy and his whole body withered, and almost died. The lame old man couldn't accept it, and suddenly exuded the strength of the earth level, which shocked Zhang Yinuo , I thought it was just an ordinary person, but now...

Zhang Yinuo had no choice but to hold the crippled old man first, and wait for Chen Xiaolei to wake up before watching.

Chen Xiaolei's eyes widened, and he stopped immediately, killing the child of the prefecture-level master?This is not worth my life.

"The old man only gave me half an hour. Let's go back and have a look. I really can't call your master Ye Wuyao." Zhang Yinuo felt that the years were not going well. Why is it that a random farmer is a prefecture-level master? Money is enough, but prefecture-level masters are not easy to fool.

"Then I'll be cured, and you will marry me." Chen Xiaolei softened his heart when he saw her pitiful expression.

Zhang Yinuo glared fiercely, grabbed him and went to the time-honored Yunnan brand, when is this guy still thinking about this.

The entire time-honored brand in Yunnan is filled with powerful coercion. Ordinary people will definitely pee their pants, but Chen Xiaolei is now comparable to the soul of a prefecture-level master, and there is generally no pressure in a drizzle.

After walking in, I saw the so-called lame old man. Is this the real version of the Eight Immortals Tieguai Li? The gourd around his waist is just red.

On a bed in the middle of the hall lay a child with shriveled skin.

"Are you a doctor? Don't say anything, let me cure him first." Although the voice was gentle, the cold image was like a knife, which hurt people's skin.

Chen Xiaolei felt displeased when he heard that, you come here to treat illnesses, and still be an uncle?

"Go, go, move a seat for me, or I won't see this kid."

Chen Xiaolei didn't care about the other party's angry face, this time the primordial spirit was strengthened, the radiation range of the entire mental power reached ten meters, and he could observe things in detail.When he was talking, he had already invaded into the child's body, it didn't matter if he saw it, even Chen Xiaolei was stunned.

For further confirmation, he slowly approached the child. From the outside, the whole person looked extremely dry, even with some hard hair, his eyes were closed, and his expression was dull.

Chen Xiaolei picked up a silver needle with his index finger and gently placed it on the child's pulse. After a while, he stared at the lame old man with a frown and said something astonishing:

"It's unreasonable. Could it be that you are playing us, we treat people, and you bring something that is not human to have fun?"

The old man also tightened his face, and his breathing was out of rhythm. After a long time, he sighed and said:

"Since you have seen it, it means that you are qualified to treat it. Yes, this is indeed not a person, but the Ten Thousand Years Nine Songs Spirit Ginseng."

Zhang Yinuo was dumbfounded. What kind of spiritual ginseng did this child who looked like a "human" look like?This is fine?

"Jiuquling Ginseng takes 5000 years to form and becomes an adult in 1 years. Just a single hair can bring a dying mortal back to life." Chen Xiaolei said loudly, like a master of medicine, the lame old man frowned.

"And you should not be born in the natural state of ten thousand years. The body structure is unstable. Although there are human organs, there is no human vitality. After experiencing different kinds of energy, the body will shrink and the medicinal properties will be accelerated."

Looking at the shock in the lame old man's eyes, Chen Xiaolei said again:

"So you are not coming to see a doctor at all, but looking for Doctor Yang to help you stabilize the properties of the medicine and rejuvenate your body."

Chen Xiaolei flicked his sleeves, looking like a master, watching Zhang Yinuo shine again and again.

The lame old man stood up in shock, his eyes were full of incredulity, he kept looking at the young man in front of him, and his face became serious.

"Excuse me, how to solve it, just let me know if you have any conditions."

For a prefecture-level expert to be so polite, it can be seen how much Chen Xiaolei's remarks had impacted him.

But prefecture-level masters have dignity after all, and Chen Xiaolei didn't dare to show off too much.

"Two solutions, one is to find Jiuyang holy water and soak it for a few days, and the other is to find Jiutianxi soil and replant it." Chen Xiaolei raised two fingers, looking mysterious.

After Ye Wuyao accepted him as an apprentice, he gave him a Heart Sutra, which contained Ye Wuyao's research on medical skills over the years. Otherwise, he would be kicked out of the teacher's school, which made Chen Xiaolei anxious. He didn't see a doctor, and it would be miserable if he was kicked out. So these days, he has been studying knowledge that is not even available in ancient medical techniques.

Combining [-] medicinal herbs can be regarded as a small achievement. These two methods are also the experience mentioned in the Heart Sutra, but no one has tried it, because those things are genius treasures and cannot be bought in the market.

So this prefecture-level old man frowned deeply and thought deeply.

"Okay, I've already told you the method, whether you can get it or not depends on your ability."

Chen Xiaolei flicked his sleeves and was about to leave.

"When I get the Nine Suns Holy Water, please help me cure it."

"Can you find it?" Chen Xiaolei was shocked. This is a legendary treasure. I have never heard of it anywhere.

"It's in the Huaxian Pond that opens every 50 years, and it's just one month later."

"What?" Chen Xiaolei was stunned, and suddenly remembered the Huaxian Pond that Jiyin and Empress Wuhua had mentioned before, could it be this?

Chen Xiaolei became active immediately, this is a treasure, not only can it help the medicine rejuvenate, it is the best life-prolonging medicine.

The Rejuvenation Pill made from Nine Suns Holy Water can prolong life by fifty years, even a few sips can prolong life by ten years.

This is the earth-level pill that Doctor Yang left on his ass, and Chen Xiaolei became hot in an instant.

The ones who went there were all old monsters like Ji Yin, who didn't have any energy, wouldn't they be instant kills?And Empress Wuhua will also go, which is really a headache.

"I'll come looking for you at that time, you have to admit it." The lame old man said solemnly and left, leaving behind Chen Xiaolei who couldn't be calm for a long time.

"I didn't expect you to be very powerful, thank you." Zhang Yinuo came slowly at this time, a little excited and shy at the same time.

"We are husband and wife, so why do we see each other?" Chen Xiaolei put his arms around Zhang Yinuo's waist and whispered in her ear.

But this time Zhang Yinuo didn't resist, maybe it was to repay Chen Xiaolei's help just now, but Chen Xiaolei was excited and climbed among some big mountains all at once.

Zhang Yinuo pushed Chen Xiaolei away all at once, and looked at him angrily, hugging him was fine, and touching him was too much.

Chen Xiaolei laughed, smelled the fragrance in his hand intoxicatedly, and Zhang Yinuo stomped away in anger.

Coming back to this familiar time-honored brand, Chen Xiaolei felt as if he had passed away. He went back to the secret room and re-read some prescriptions and experience on his buttocks. Combining with the Heart Sutra given by Ye Wuyao, he really realized a lot of things, which were the previous experience in the psychedelic place. All the medicinal materials can be recognized.

"Teacher, when will I marry Qingcheng?" In Yeju, Chen Xiaolei pestered Ye Wuyao to ask this and that, and finally got to the point.

"Oh, hehe, you go ask her, I agree, but I don't know if you are capable or not." Ye Wuyao stroked his beard lightly and nodded slightly. He saw Chen Xiaolei's progress these days. In his eyes, he couldn't help but be full of expectations for the position of a saint in the future.

Chen Xiaolei rolled his eyes, the game agreed to recognize him as a teacher and give it to his granddaughter, but now he refuses to accept it, and let him make it himself?

Seeing him deflated, Ye Wuyao laughed three times and left.

Hmph, just make it yourself, I haven't used Wei Shu's Trilogy of Picking Up Girls yet, so I'm going to try how powerful it is this time,

On this day, Chen Xiaolei deliberately found an auspicious day for the zodiac, and also asked Wei Shu, a love consultant, to plan the whole process, and the makeup artist was in place.

Chen Xiaolei was wearing a high suit, wearing sunglasses, holding a bouquet of roses in his arms, a confident smile on his shiny leather boots, and the fan club of the dormitory beside him strewing flowers all the way to the door of Ye Qingcheng's dormitory.

Chen Xiaolei thought about it, since his parents didn't object, he had to make a high-style marriage proposal, and it was made in public. He didn't believe that Ye Qingcheng would break the contract.

Even if you don't agree today, you definitely won't refuse.

Of course, this kind of behavior along the way has already attracted quite a few classmates, and when they saw Chen Xiaolei, they felt itchy with hatred, but they didn't make too many mistakes because of the unparalleled pressure brought by their mountainous physical body in Kyushu.

In the office of a building.

"Hmph, grandstanding clown."

"Ding Changsheng, your laser gun is not good, it can't pierce people, isn't it claimed to be able to break diamonds?" Jin Binglin looked at the figure below with some gloom.

"Fortunately for him, this guy seems to be physically stronger again, but what... hehe."


Chen Xiaolei Tianlong Bayin shouted loudly:

"Ye Qingcheng, I'm here to marry you."

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