Entering the nightclub surprised Chen Xiaolei who had never seen the world.

There is a long lightning rod on the [-]-square-meter large stage in the middle, and a woman wearing three pieces of thin cloth keeps making movements around the needle that Chen Xiaolei can't understand.

There are all kinds of shouts and drinks around, the upper and lower three floors are full of people, and there are even rich kids on the second floor who keep shooting beer at the woman on the lightning rod. The scene is very exciting.

On the three small stages around, men and women kept twisting their waists and raising their buttocks, and even the faint spring was clear at a glance.

I'll go, what evildoer, it's too...

Chen Xiaolei sighed for a while, the life in this city is really extravagant, but Wei Shu is very comfortable with hugging left and right, his peach blossom eyes are full of lust.

After a while, several people had already arrived at the private room that Li Miu had ordered in advance. The [-]-story big cake inside was even more majestic. Chen Xiaolei circled around a few times in amazement.

Lying on the window on the second floor, Chen Xiaolei could clearly see the curve of the dancing woman's [-]-legged legs on the lightning rod, as well as the upside-down chest light.

While Chen Xiaolei was swallowing, Wei Shu held the microphone and drew everyone's attention:

"Brothers, I celebrate my birthday this time. First, I want to celebrate Xiao Lei's success as a master. Second, I hope that Xiao Lei can overthrow Ye Qingcheng as soon as possible. Third, I also hope that the eight of us can dominate one side in the future."

"Okay! Come on, I'll do it first!"

"That's right, we will definitely have a place in this world in the future."


A few people were so proud that they drank the dragon snake orchid in their hands.

"Hmph, jumping beam clown, I don't know if I can survive tonight, what's the future?" In another room, a bug was playing the words of Wei Shu and the others, and the cold man next to him looked disdainful , the whole person is like ice.

"I didn't want to use the military's power at first, but the ruthless Juggernaut is really useless, because I failed once and I can't hire him anymore." Ding Changsheng sat on the side, smoking a cigar, with a confident and contented face, The smoke ring at the corner of the mouth is full of images of Chen Xiaolei.

The cold man didn't speak, but listened quietly.

"Xiao Lei, let's toast, these girls are good, you must have a good time at night." Wei Shuo's whole head has been buried in the mountains, and the pink energy in the palm of his hand is constantly flowing. The woman has nothing to do. The eyes are full of spring, trembling again and again.

Even Chuang Kyushu, who looks honest, keeps using his rough palms to enjoy the softness.

"Didn't you say that you can't break your body before the prefecture level? Are the rumors wrong?" Chen Xiaolei had already walked slowly to the place where the big cake was, and cut the cake with an exaggerated white bright knife in his hand.

Hey, this cake is quite hard.



Before Li Mimiao could finish speaking, the whole cake exploded at this moment, and a wave of fire swept across the room in an instant, rushing toward the only exit, the lightning rod instantly gasified, and the woman on it also turned into flying ash.Countless children from rich families below died unexpectedly, and even Wu Xiu, who escaped by chance, was disabled at the first level.

The whole nightclub was in chaos, not knowing what happened.

But in the opposite room, a pair of cold eyes looked at those struggling people expressionlessly.

At the moment when the fire wave passed, Wang Honghuo had already turned into a fireball, forcefully propping up a space, but the shock wave was still violent.

"Change!" Chuang Kyushu turned into a 99-foot giant in an instant, and rushed down with everyone. The huge weight collapsed the second floor at once, and even the ground smashed a deep black hole under his strength.

Hundreds of feet deep underground.

"How are you all?" Chuang Kyushu has returned to the size of a normal person, but the soaring fire above it still looks very bright.

"Ahem, damn it, it's not safe to celebrate your birthday. It's a good thing you're physically strong, otherwise everyone would be finished." Wei Shu coughed a few times, seeing that everyone was fine, he began to think about escaping.

"The only ones who can know our whereabouts are some people in the school. We were killed three times and four times. These people really need to be dealt with." Even Chen Xiaolei was a little annoyed.

"No, we have to leave quickly, or we will be buried alive if we are blocked by people above." Li Mimiao's words made everyone's expressions change, Chuang Kyushu recovered his real body again, and rushed out with everyone, but the surrounding facilities It has been destroyed, and the casualties are heavy.

The sound of a police car rang not far away, and Chen Xiaolei and the others hurried away.

"They're gone, is your military going to let him go?" Ding Changsheng's contented face was a little stiff.

"What's the rush? The game has just started. I found out that I like these people. Let them play with me before killing them." The cold man's stern voice made Ding Changsheng shudder. There was a remote control in his right pocket With a light press, the room fell into silence.

The eight disheveled people had already walked on the official road in Yangcheng, and they could reach the school only by crossing the main road.

But at this time, a neat row of lights in front of them lit up, accompanied by a "launch", and the overwhelming roar came quickly.

Damn, a row of tanks, why did these people lock on us.

Several people felt a life-and-death crisis, and this extremely lethal firearm could already threaten their lives.


Like an earthquake, the entire official road was in disarray. Before a few people could breathe a sigh of relief, the second round of launches had already arrived.

Damn, it's too deceiving, the "Xing Tian Arm", Chuang Kyushu's entire arm extends for more than ten meters like a gibbon, and the fist becomes extremely huge, and it hits the shell.

There was only a sound of grinding teeth, the shells were resisted, but Chuang Kyushu's face flushed, and the force of the shock was obviously not small.

"Go quickly, you can't fight hard."

All the way back, except for tanks, all kinds of modern weapons made the eight people suffer, especially when they were scattered under a round of missile shooting.

Chen Xiaolei's clothes were tattered, he panicked and fled to the south of Yangcheng.

It was a city of mortals. Chen Xiaolei did not believe that the person behind him dared to slaughter mortals. This was the most hated thing in the cultivation world. Even modern laws would not allow random mass killings.

Finally, after his physical strength was exhausted, Chen Xiaolei moved into a villa, and before he passed out, he vaguely heard a woman's exclamation, and when he ran out of the bathroom, he was naked.

Consciousness was gradually awakened, but there was a smell of western medicine in his nose.

Chen Xiaolei woke up with a jerk, and what caught his eyes was a needle that was constantly enlarging.

"Stop, what the hell?"

"Don't move around, just take an injection and you'll be fine. You've got a burn, just take an anti-inflammatory." Chen Xiaolei turned his gaze away after a gentle voice, with red lips and white teeth, oval face, the whole person looked full of holiness, eyes closed After thinking about it for a while, it gradually overlapped with the figure who ran out of the bathhouse before.

"You saved me? Are you not afraid of me?"

"Healers are based on saving lives. I don't think you broke in on purpose, so I treated you." The woman was very gentle, and her eyes were full of kindness when she looked at Chen Xiaolei.

Chen Xiaolei sensed it, the other party didn't have the slightest physical strength, but her skillful technique and the medicine box around made Chen Xiaolei think of a secular profession - a doctor.

"Aren't you afraid I'm a bad guy?"

"Hehe, your eyes can't fool me." The woman covered her mouth and smiled, and continued to inject Chen Xiaolei.

Chen Xiaolei smiled wryly, eyes?A cultivator's eyes can be disguised and changed, but this mortal girl may not understand that level, so she didn't say much, but the other party is quite kind-hearted.

Ziji's magic pupil flashed, and he had clearly identified the liquid medicine in the needle tube, and it was just some simple anti-inflammatory ingredients.

A burst of cool liquid was injected in, it was ice cold, and it was the first injection.

The woman was about to say something, but there was a knock on the door accompanied by a majestic voice:

"Xiaoya, what are you doing in the room, it's time for a blind date today."

Xiaoya's complexion changed, and there was a slight panic on her quiet face:

"No, nothing, I'll go out."

"Hurry up and hide, my dad is here." Xiaoya took Chen Xiaolei to the toilet on the side, and closed the door tightly, but at this time Xiaoya's dad came in.

"Xiaoya, who is injured, how did you use these things? Is there someone hiding in the house?"

"No, no, I just took it out and practiced it. After all, I am also an intern in the hospital. Practice more."

"No, it has a different smell." After saying that, Xiaoya's father began to search in every corner.

Xiaoya raised her heart to her throat, until her father went to the toilet, the whole little face was pale.

This time the blind date is with the young master of the Shengtian Group, who is very influential in the Linjiang area, so Xiaoya's father has worked hard for this blind date, and even locked Xiaoya in the house for half a month. Going out was to avoid any accidents, but the abnormal smell in the room today immediately made this father who likes to climb high branches feel unusual.

Xiaoya could already imagine her father's scolding next, and even implicate the injured person.

But after a while, Xiaoya was taken aback by the puzzled look on her father's face when she came out of the toilet. Could it be...

Xiaoya went to the toilet to have a look, there was half a figure there, it was empty, and she was stunned for a while.

It wasn't until her father urged that Xiaoya realized it, looked at it again in doubt, and then followed her father to go out.

"What an interesting little girl, but it's better than being cut into pieces when you're in a coma." Chen Xiaolei, who had already moved to the road, shook his head and smiled bitterly, but immediately felt that the eyes of everyone looking at him were a little bit wrong .

Fuck me, last night's scorching high temperature burned almost every inch of Chen Xiaolei's body, which is now -- naked.

"That boy, where is the beggar coming from? Disturbing the law and order, follow me." A woman's coquettish shout sounded behind her.

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