Chen Xiaolei was stunned for a while, what?Women's bathhouse?Isn't this a dormitory?

"I didn't..." Ye Qingcheng was taken aback by their reaction.

This is the women's bathhouse of Jiangnan University, who dared to be ambitious, but Ye Qingcheng was stunned by their unfake expressions.

Following Zhang Yiyi's gaze, she looked back.

Suddenly his eyes widened, and there was indeed a man, and then he looked down, and even saw Lao Gao's dilapidated bag bulging underneath.

"Ah, you stinky rascal, you actually followed me to peep, to see my Destroyer Hand." Ye Qingcheng formed a seal with both hands, dazzled Chen Xiaolei, and suddenly swung down lightly in his direction.

"Beauty, misunderstood, really misunderstood." Originally, Chen Xiaolei was ready to fight, but nothing happened after watching for a long time, thinking that this Ye Qingcheng was bluffing, so he planned to clarify.

But Ye Qingcheng sneered, wrapping his hands around his shoulders as if watching a joke.

Chen Xiaolei suddenly felt something was wrong, and when he looked up, he was almost scared to death.

Just above him, a palm print of Zhang Xu condensed by water was constantly forming, and it was about to come down.

Chen Xiaolei dodged and moved towards Ye Qingcheng's direction, but in a split second, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a trace of sarcasm at the corner of Ye Qingcheng's mouth.

Something is wrong!

Chen Xiaolei looked up at the sky again, and the palm print actually floated over with him.

Let me go, it actually has a tracking function.Chen Xiaolei looked ugly.

"Beauty. If you have something to say, don't need such a big fight." Chen Xiaolei moved while trying to persuade this hot beauty who would magnify her moves whenever she disagreed.

Ye Qingcheng snorted coldly, tossed his red hair, twirled his toes, and kicked Chen Xiaolei who was rushing towards him.

In desperation, Chen Xiaolei had no choice but to move towards Zhang Yiyi's place.

"Ah, Deng Tuzi, you haven't seen enough, and you still want to see it up close?" What made Chen Xiaolei a little depressed was that this Zhang Yiyi was too narcissistic.

But if it wasn't for Zhang Yiyi's reminder, why would he be beaten so passively?

So Chen Xiaolei moved towards Zhang Yiyi more firmly, and surrounded Zhang Yiyi's willow waist from behind like a ghost.

"Hey, who is that, Ye Qingcheng, right? Get rid of Fa Jue quickly. Let's have a good talk, or I will die with the beauty in my arms." Chen Xiaolei's mind fluttered for a while, the feel of the hand, the smoothness of the skin.

Chen Xiaolei was agitated, and the unknown fire of desire just "rubbed out" all of a sudden.

"Ah, let me go, you bastard, you've hit me." Zhang Yiyi blushed, her cheeks were red all the way to her ears, and then her neck fell down.

Zhang Yiyi has just taken a shower, and the fragrance of her virginity surrounds the tip of my nose.

And she didn't wear clothes, I could see that proud capital out of the corner of my eye.

"I didn't hit you, it was my old ginseng that hit you." Chen Xiaolei was a little depressed, his own ginseng did stand up, but the century-old ginseng in the bag did seize the opportunity before him.

"Asshole, isn't your old ginseng the same as yours?" Zhang Yiyi became a little annoyed, and the guy behind was acting like a good boy.

Chen Xiaolei shouted in his heart that he was wronged, but there was no way to explain it, so he couldn't show it to her to see.

After a while, Chen Xiaolei already understood what this place was, and a group of naked beauties around them were quickly covering their bodies with everything that could be concealed.

And the bathing pool with flowing water over there happened to be able to get a rough look from Chen Xiaolei's angle, and that moment of spring and snow-white seemed to be the most beautiful picture in the world.

But then the eyes are feasting, but the ears can't stand it.

"Who, who is running wild in my jurisdiction." A louder, undistinguishable male and female voice hit Chen Xiaolei's direction.

Chen Xiaolei's body was thrown backwards as if struck by lightning, and hit a solid wall, his internal organs felt displaced.

"Lion's roar skill!" Chen Xiaolei felt ashamed for a while, the legendary prefecture-level martial arts, unexpectedly let himself come across it.

Even grandpa doesn't know this martial art.

"Senior, show mercy, I'm wronged." Seeing the tendency of the middle-aged woman who rushed in to open her mouth, Chen Xiaolei hurriedly pressed his chest with one hand, and waved to the middle-aged woman with the other.

Zhang Yiyi also took this opportunity to get dressed quickly, and looked at Chen Xiaolei with fiery eyes, but there was a faint feeling of strangeness in the place that was touched just now.

Seeing Aunt Bao's arrival, Ye Qingcheng also withdrew the hand-to-hand pinch.

The middle-aged woman is holding a hairpin with a jasper hairpin inserted upside down.

"Aunt Bao, this person suddenly followed Qingcheng to the women's bathhouse, you must make the decision for me, he must be uneasy and kind." Zhang Yiyi took Aunt Bao's arm and shook it back and forth like a baby.

"Yes, yes, this person is not a good person at first glance, he is tattered, and there are so many bulges on his body."

"Auntie, teach him a lesson, we are all seen by him."

"The prostitute, catch it before you put your hands up." A freckled girl shouted angrily as if she had been wronged a lot.

Chen Xiaolei was speechless for a while, why did he become the flower picker in their mouths? Hearing their chatter, he finally realized that the person with profound skills in front of him was the auntie of the bathhouse.

"Ahem. I came here looking for my dormitory. I'm really sorry that I came here by accident." Chen Xiaolei explained with a blushing embarrassment, after all, he had indeed seen a lot of beautiful pictures.

"Young people, if you don't learn well at such a young age, you'll just do these unsightly things." Aunt Bao looked down at Chen Xiaolei, and at the same time exuded a powerful aura.

Chen Xiaolei felt chest tightness for a while, feeling like being stared at by a beast, and at the same time, a strong crisis kept spreading in his heart.

"I, I am the apprentice of Mr. Ye Wuyao. I promise in the name of my master that I am really innocent." Chen Xiaolei suddenly came up with a solution that was not a solution.

But after Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, the whole bathhouse seemed to be poured with hot oil, and voices of disdain and teasing abounded everywhere.

Even Ye Qingcheng also had an unexpected look in his eyes, and Chen Xiaolei was furious as he watched with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

Could it be that I was wrong again?

"Boy, don't even inquire about the southeast and northwest when you lie. Our teacher Wuyao's granddaughter is here. You dare to tell lies. I really don't know whether to praise you for your ignorance or your bravery." Another long blue hair in the bathhouse is holding a bow tie The temperamental beauty suddenly appeared.

Chen Xiaolei narrowed his eyes, so beautiful, why didn't he see it just now?

I compared her with Ye Qingcheng, and they couldn't tell the difference.

The girl's words suddenly startled Chen Xiaolei, Ye Wuyao's granddaughter?

Surname Ye?Ye Qingcheng?

Chen Xiaolei's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Ye Qingcheng again.

"Are you my master's granddaughter? Why haven't I met you?" Chen Xiaolei looked innocent.

"What are you, master, where did you come from? I don't know if my grandfather has accepted apprentices?" Ye Qingcheng immediately became angry, and when he heard Chen Xiaolei say this, he wanted to make a trick again.

Aunt Bao didn't speak, she looked at Chen Xiaolei as if she was joking.

The scene was a bit awkward, like you took money to buy something, and the item was already bought, and when paying the bill, the cashier said that the money was not yours, which made Chen Xiaolei feel depressed for a while.

"I can confront my master, do you dare to give me a chance?" Chen Xiaolei was about to cry, the people here are stronger than each other, even this aunt who watches the bathhouse is not much different from a ghost face, as expected of the Jiangnan University of Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger .

And now, if you don't find a good reason to excuse this situation, you will really be taken to the cross by this group of people and burned in minutes.Thinking of my grandpa telling the story of Copernicus when I was a child, I feel a chill.

So Chen Xiaolei showed a genuine expression.A demeanor of death.

Aunt Bao stared at Chen Xiaolei strangely, wrinkled her nose, sniffed it, then looked into his worn-out pocket, and said a little puzzled:

"Okay, I'll take you to meet each other."

"Aunt Bao, this is a hooligan."

"Auntie, no!"


"Okay, put on your clothes and loosen up." Aunt Bao waved her hand, and Chen Xiaolei's body flew towards Aunt Bao uncontrollably as if being grabbed by a pair of invisible hands.

Sensing that the other party had no malice, Chen Xiaolei did not resist. He didn't want to fight against the ghost face like last time and fell into a coma for three days.

Chen Xiaolei was imprisoned by Aunt Bao, and followed her to a place like a puppet, while other female students who did not give up dressed one after another and rushed out of the bathhouse, and the large army swept past like locusts.

This kind of scene is really rare in Jiangnan University, and it quickly attracted some male students and other people who were not involved in the incident just now.

Chen Xiaolei even saw that freckled lesbian saying something emphatically.

It was too far away to hear clearly, but the male student's expression was like a pig's liver in an instant, and he knew what he said without guessing.

It was quickly passed on to ten, ten to a hundred. The male students had great energy. Although they were not strong, they were still a lot of coercion. No matter when they passed through Aunt Bao's blockade, they melted like spring snow.

Chen Xiaolei glanced gratefully at Aunt Bao in front of her.

"Ma De, Wu Na boy, fight with me, you actually looked at my girlfriend's body, I will fight with you." A man with a golden sword imprint between his eyebrows roared and rushed towards Chen Xiaolei, his eyes They all turned red with anger.

Aunt Bao snorted softly: "Cheng Ritian, step back."

Cheng Ritian, who was dazed by his anger, regained consciousness in an instant, but looked at Chen Xiaolei as if he was eating raw.

There were also some men who were about to rush out, their footsteps stopped, although they couldn't take any action immediately, all kinds of vicious schemes floated in their eyes.

He soon arrived at Ye Wuyao's residence, and was shocked to see the scene in front of him.

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