The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 76 Serious Injury

"Hey, what about room 3305? Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes." Chen Xiaolei hung up the phone, returned to his original state, took a deep breath, a cold lightning flashed, and quickly regained his composure.

"Boom boom boom!"

The door opened, but Chen Xiaolei was greeted by a beautiful girl with a hot figure and a slim black leather jacket, who looked like a bodyguard.

"Come in!" The woman's voice was cold, and she looked at Chen Xiaolei with some pity.

As soon as he entered the door, Chen Xiaolei's eyes turned red immediately, Xiaoya lay down on the bed disheveled, her body was bruised and purple, and Jin Jin Binglin was also beside her, a few big men she didn't know, and a man wrapped in a black robe.

"Shenghui, she's your married wife, why do you treat her like this?"

"Yo, what, my wife, why do you feel sorry for me, this bitch, I thought she was a chick, but I didn't expect to have slept with other men long ago, it's disgusting." Sheng Hui's face was full of disgust.

Chen Xiaolei was stunned, as if he had grasped something, but he was a little confused, he glanced around, and found Jin Binglin's mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was watching a joke.Not thinking about it, she walked straight to Xiaoya.

"Stop, tell me, what did you see in our treasure house?" Sheng Hui roared, and the fiery beauty immediately blocked Chen Xiaolei's sight with her tall height.

"You don't even know about your family? Let's talk about terms, why did you let Xiaoya go?"

"Hmph, death is imminent, I wanted to know some news, but now I have changed my mind and killed him." After speaking, Sheng Hui took a step back, and several big men rushed over, bringing a gust of wind.

"Huh!" Chen Xiaolei smiled disdainfully, staring closely at the man in black robe, and seeing that he was not moving, he put his hand into the bag, moved his fingers together, each fingertip was stained with a drop of black liquid, his body turned rapidly, Point to the Tanzhong acupoint of the big man.

Before they could react, he rushed towards Xiaoya at top speed, but at this moment, the man in black robe moved, and a powerful aura formed a shock wave radiating towards him. Chen Xiaolei smiled wryly, and took two steps back.

Those big men also reacted, with white smoke all over their bodies, which turned into a puddle of blood in a blink of an eye.

"It's so ruthless, the young man is so murderous." Heipao's soft voice sounded like a woman's, but it didn't look like it after careful inspection.

Sheng Hui and Jin Binglin's expressions changed on the spot, and a burst of coldness continued to emerge from the soles of their feet, and they were suddenly startled by Chen Xiaolei's methods.

"Jin...Brother, kill him." Sheng Hui was stern, and immediately changed his words when he heard the cold snort from the person in front of him, but he still leaned against the bed.

Chen Xiaolei's face was ugly, this absolute prefecture-level master standing in his way, it seems that today is not going to happen, but Xiaoya's tragic situation made him feel worried.

As soon as the figure in black robe moved, his nails grew longer instantly, and countless claw shadows slammed towards Chen Xiaolei, giving people the feeling that it was inevitable.

Chen Xiaolei used the ancient Tai Chi push hands to deal with it with all his strength, countless powders in the backpack were condensed by him around, some poisons even the prefecture level would be afraid of, the clothes in the black robe melted immediately, and his whole body was in tatters.

"Looking for death!" After speaking, the black robe's whole body was full of vitality, and he hit him with unparalleled momentum.

Chen Xiaolei's throat was sweet, but he suppressed it, and with red eyes, he hit him again with an ancient Tai Chi push hand.

"Hmph! Boy, if you move, I'll strangle this bitch to death." Sheng Hui strangled Xiaoya tightly, with a ferocious face.

Chen Xiaolei stopped his figure immediately, and the mountain of palm prints on his back covered him, then spit out a mouthful of blood, and stumbled.

"Shenghui, I remember you, I'm going to crush you to ashes." Chen Xiaolei said fiercely, and he slapped his chest with a mouthful of blood pooled under his feet.

"Blood escape!" With a low shout, Chen Xiaolei burst out of the window, drawing a line of blood in the air, the speed was so fast that even the black robe was stunned for a moment.

"Quick, grab him!" Sheng Hui recalled Chen Xiaolei's icy eyes when he ran away, and he felt anxious and breathless, and shouted to the black robe with some fear.

"It's useless, I can't catch up. If you order me like this again, I will kill you." Heipao said softly, and then walked away.

Jin Binglin and Shenghui, who were left trembling, looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

But after a while, Xiaoya's painful voice sounded.


Chen Xiaolei's face was as pale as a sheet of paper, and he used the Great Teleportation of the Universe to move the Xuedun, but he was still a little out of control, but he finally escaped, and looked behind him with hatred, "Shenghui, just wait for the god of death to come." After finishing speaking Flee in the direction of the school.

"Brother Dong, don't bother, we're bothering you, we'll leave when Brother Lei comes back." Lili was very polite on the side, but the sense of distance still made Guo Dong wryly smile, he was also in business, He still cannot underestimate Lili's air of superiority.

Xiaozheng was looking around at Dong Guo's house, his big curious eyes kept looking around, and of course he kept eating.

"Hey, you're welcome, my master's people, we are a family, let's take you to the aquarium to play today."

"Okay, I haven't played such a fun thing before, take me to have a look, I want to eat something delicious." Before Lili could speak, Xiaozheng was already cheering.

Lili thought, as long as she doesn't use Yuanli, her aura will not be exposed. In addition, her younger brother has just come down the mountain and hasn't seen some things yet, but Guo Dong insisted on agreeing.

Guo Dong changed into a brand-new sports car, and the three of them looked like they were running down the mountain. Xiaozheng swept all kinds of snack streets, including amusement parks, entertainment centers, and movie theaters.

"Brother Dong, that's really interesting!" Xiaozheng ate the roast chicken with his mouth full of oil, and his eyes were full of stars.

"Don't worry, I still have some contacts in the Linjiang area, so I can eat and drink whatever I want."

Lili, on the other hand, was reserved and reserved, with a smile on her face, and she looked like a big sister.

"Help, don't hit me." A ragged little beggar with a dirty face kept running with a chicken leg in his mouth.Behind him, a man dressed like a chef kept chasing him with a spoon.

Soon the little beggar ran to Lili's side, lost his balance and fell to the side, eating all the chicken legs in his hand.

"Bastard. If you dare to steal my chicken legs, go to hell." The chef kept beating the little beggar very fiercely, and the girl whimpered softly.

Xiaozheng couldn't stand it anymore, just as he raised his foot, Lili lightly pressed on his shoulder, shook her head, her eyes were vigilant.Guo Dong was expressionless on the side.

Soon the little beggar's delicate arms were covered with red marks, and his skin was torn apart.

"Uncle Chef, don't fight anymore. We will compensate you for how much." Xiaozheng glanced at Brother Dong anxiously, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident, and he handed over a few RMB.

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't want money today, so I'll beat this thief." The chef's voice was loud, and he quickly attracted some people around, of course there were those who criticized and those who sympathized.

Xiaozheng watched the other party ignore him, showing his sharp fangs, and couldn't help but grab it with his paws.

Lili's complexion changed, but it was already too late.

There were five bloodstains on the chef's face, and he looked over angrily. His strong body rushed over, and he raised his hand to hit him. Xiaozheng growled and was about to rush over.

Lili grabbed him abruptly, glared at him, then apologized with a smile all over her face, and then handed over a wad of money.It was good to say that the chef's anger was calmed down.

"Xiaozheng, have you forgotten what Brother Lei said? If you cause trouble again, I won't let you go out." Lili patted Xiaozheng.

"But he is so pitiful." Xiaozheng was full of sympathy, and helped the little beggar up.

"Thank you. Thank you. I've been starving for days and I'm homeless."

"No, it's okay." Xiaozheng was stunned, the other party was actually a little girl.

"Sister. Let's take her in."

"No, we all have no fixed place now, how can..."

Xiaozheng acted coquettishly for a while, and finally persuaded them. The four of them gradually walked away, not even noticing the strange light in the chef's eyes.

"Chairman, the matter is settled, Xiao Ning managed to get along with them." The man who looked like a chef was dressed in a suit and looked respectfully at the woman who was sitting on the chair.

"Very well, go down, 100 million has already been credited to your account." The woman's voice was cold, her hair coiled up high was like a poisonous snake, and her eyes were full of evil spirit.

The chef man walked out, looked up at the big characters "Longsheng Yipintang" on the building, smiled and disappeared without a trace.

Chen Xiaolei was sweating profusely, his feet were weak, his qi and blood were swollen, even his eyes were a little lax, this time he used the blood escape, he lost a lot of blood, and his body felt empty.

Looking at Yaoyao looking at Jiangnan University, he took a deep breath and rushed towards Ye Ju, until he saw Ye Wuyao's figure before fainting.

After a long time, a warm feeling filled his whole body. Chen Xiaolei slowly opened his eyes, and met a pair of star-like pupils, and saw that her pale jade fingers were continuously adding some medicinal materials and some liquid.

"Wife, you are so kind to me." Chen Xiaolei grinned, and then his whole body ached and his face turned pale. Seeing his situation, he smiled wryly, and slowly relaxed and leaned against the back of the barrel, feeling the continuous force of the medicine into his body. drill.

Ye Qingcheng didn't say anything, she still had a calm expression on her face, the matter in front of her seemed insignificant to her, and quickly ended the movements in her hands, turning into a fragrant wind and going away.

Chen Xiaolei was faintly disappointed, the beauty of the iceberg, when will it be overthrown, but thinking of that agreement, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and there was a strong sense of pride.

"Stinky boy, you can really cause me trouble. Why did you go these few days? Let's see how I drill you tomorrow." Ye Wuyao blew his beard and stared, walked over slowly, walked around the barrel, A palm shook the past.

"Ah, no, Master, I was wrong."

Chen Xiaolei felt dizzy, the whole barrel flew into the sky, Ye Wuyao chuckled, "Boy, try my new method, maybe it can heal your meridians."

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