The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 79 Compensation

Seeing Chuang Kyushu's suddenly extended arm, everyone was shocked. This is beyond the reach of human beings. Ordinary people may not have the opportunity to see a master at the ground level in this life. With a scream, the young man in yellow was firmly held by the giant palm. In his hands, the sound of grinding teeth made some people around him turn pale, and they no longer had the arrogance just now, and some even knelt down and begged for mercy.

Chen Xiaolei gave a signal. After all, he was in the city, so it would be better not to cause trouble. He threw it out like throwing garbage, and then wandered into the company as if he had drunk too much. run away.

"Hey, where are you going? Your subordinate's words don't count, my car..." In the hall, Chen Xiaolei stopped Jin Ya, who was about to flee in a panic, and unconsciously wiped his neck, which made his head swell with fright. Khan, stammering: "I will pay, I will pay, here... I will give you a check... Have you seen enough?"

"That's about the same, why make me make another trip, you see my brother didn't drink well."

"I'm sorry, let me have another meal, have you seen enough?" Before Chen Xiaolei could finish speaking, Jin Ya had already consciously took out another check, with a lot of zeros on it, smiling apologetically.

Chen Xiaolei nodded in satisfaction, made a threat, and then walked away, leaving his golden teeth touching his crotch. When the wind blew, he shivered, but after Chen Xiaolei left, his eyes were full of resentment.

"Jiuzhou, if you have money, I'll give you these several million. You can spend it as you like, and I will call you when the time comes." Chen Xiaolei withdrew part of the money from the bank and handed it to Chuang Jiuzhou. Now that the owner hasn't returned, he can't go directly to Sheng's house. Bar.

Help Chuang Kyushu to arrange a hotel to stay in, the fluctuations in his body are too strong, he is not suitable to live with werewolf siblings, he is practicing everywhere, he is a brother, not a thug, Chen Xiaolei will not interfere too much .

Not long after, a brand-new Bugatti was driving on the streets of the city again, with no direction and slow speed. When passing by Xiaoya's house, Chen Xiaolei showed a slight smile. The original place...

Many familiar scenes are like yesterday, but with a slight sense of loss. After all, the feasting and feasting are not as full of true feelings as the mountain.

"Xiao Lei, don't go to the back mountain. There is the patron saint of our sect in the back mountain, so be good." The grandfather was so kind, he patted Chen Xiaolei's head at that time:

"Xiao Lei, your meridian, your second grandfather and I have nothing to do, you go to the mundane world to take a chance, if you have any troubles that can't be solved, come back, and the whole sect will help you vent your anger."

There is also the elder brother who is cold but warm-hearted. When Chen Xiaolei went down the mountain, he secretly stuffed a lot of fruits for him to eat on the way or when he was injured.

It was really warm at that time, no one would secretly do black hands, come to the secular world with excitement, and find that it is not what I imagined, many people here can ignore life, ignore the law, and even make themselves invisible. It has also become a little different.

When the green light came on, Chen Xiaolei shook off the chaotic thoughts in his head, stepped on the gas pedal and returned to Guo Dong's home.

"Master, you are back. Miss Lili has prepared a meal for you. I am lucky to follow you. Where is that big man?" Guo Dong walked over with a smile, not looking like a boss at all, teasing With a trace of respect.

"He has something to deal with. If you have nothing to do recently, don't move around."

Chen Xiaolei swallowed his saliva, and gave some simple instructions after everyone was seated, but he didn't say too much. The delicious food on the table was full of fragrance, and he couldn't help being more interested in that Longsheng Yipintang. She snatched it back, Xiao Ning ate very elegantly, but she was a little absent-minded.

"Master, the provincial drag racing I told you the day after tomorrow will be held, and then you see..." Before Guo Dong finished speaking, Xiaozheng became excited: "What? Drag racing? Brother Dong took me to play together Well, drag racing is my favorite, when I was at my sister’s company, I had a drag racing club, but it’s been disbanded now.” Xiaozheng didn’t care about eating, his eyes were full of stars.

Guo Dong didn't speak, but just looked at Chen Xiaolei.

"Well, fine, just arrange it when the time comes. Xiaozheng, do you know how to drag a car? If you do, this time you go straight to it, so you don't need silver needles, and save Guo Dong from suffering." Chen Xiaolei seemed indifferent, but he didn't care about Xiaozheng The drag racing club is still very interested. In the past few days of contact, Xiaozheng can learn everything quickly regardless of his young age. He just doesn't like martial arts training, otherwise his achievements will surpass Lili.

But this is also good, the higher the strength, the more he will fall into the atmosphere of fighting and killing. Now he reads books every day, practices the piano, and even studies some machinery and financial management.

"Okay, no problem, as long as the other party is not manipulated by a martial arts master, it is no problem for me to win against an ordinary person here."

Xiaozheng agreed with full confidence, but Lili was still a little worried: "Will people be suspicious of showing up like this?"

"Don't worry, drag racing is a private activity and will not be synchronized on TV. It's like an underground black boxing. The government and the media will not care about it." Guo Dong knew what Lili was worried about, and after some persuasion, he did not stop her , the most important thing is that she has confidence in Chen Xiaolei.

Xiao Ning still hated to eat quietly, even if there was no sound, if she didn't go to see her, it would be easy to ignore her, and discussed the details with Guo Dong, it was already midnight, Xiao Ning was timid and slept with Li Li , the room gradually quieted down.

Chen Xiaolei still sits cross-legged in meditation. Although breathing doesn't have much effect, he still insists on it every day, especially when he keeps running that nameless exercise, there are some invisible but existing subtle changes in his body.

The night passed quickly, and greeted the new rising sun. In the yard, Chen Xiaolei stood like an old pine. It seemed that he had been doing this for a long time. The artistic conception was real. When the first ray of purple air pierced the darkness, Chen Xiaolei's eyelids With a slight movement, a faint purple light brewed in the eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiaolei moved, his hands were like pushing a millstone, it was uncomfortably slow, each movement seemed to take an hour, the mixture was smooth and perfect, but in the next second, it was surprisingly fast, which made people catch Without a trace, countless phantoms flashed in both hands. This movement and stillness is the essence of Gu Taiji Pushing Hands.

He took a long breath and called it a day. Since he mastered this martial art, he has not practiced for a long time. He has used it many times since he went down the mountain. Until today, he feels something different. Although he has not broken through yet, it is not far away. This is also the only martial art that can exert great power without using elemental power.

"Brother Lei is awesome, I was dazzled just now." Xiaozheng appeared in the yard at some point, and looked at Chen Xiaolei adoringly.

"You are not far behind. As long as you work hard, you will surpass me. I think your martial arts talent is quite good, and your blood has an advantage." Chen Xiaolei touched his head, not for no reason. It is true that the natural advantages of the human body are not comparable to ordinary people.

Xiaozheng seemed to understand, but he didn't care too much. It's just that the haze in his eyes couldn't be eliminated in a short time. He simply had breakfast. Today he had a rare time, so he took Lili and the others to the freshwater lake in Linjiang. Fishing, let's take a look at Guo Dong's skills by the way.

Originally, Guo Dong suggested going out to sea, because there are good things in the depths, but Chen Xiaolei did not agree. Ordinary people don’t know the hidden dangers in the sea, but Wuxiu can vaguely feel it. Grandpa gave him a serious warning before he went down the mountain. He didn't want to go into the deep sea, thinking of that serious expression, Chen Xiaolei was determined not to go.

Guo Dong had no choice but to choose a good location after getting the special equipment. Although he had never fished in this shallow water location, based on his experience, he could still judge the location where fish often gather at a glance. .

"Let's compare and see who catches more." Xiaozheng was fiddling with the fishing rod, looking eager to try, but his eyes were twinkling. Lili, as an authority in the kitchen, also had a thorough understanding of fish. After a while, he took out the bait and waited quietly.

Xiao Ning slowly leaned back, basking in the sun, with a faint smile on her face, matched with her orange skirt, she looked very pure, but her eyes rolled around, and the indifference flashed away.

"Xiaozheng, you are about to lose, my fish is about to be hooked." Chen Xiaolei laughed.

"Liar, obviously there is no movement, poof!" Before Xiaozheng finished speaking, Chen Xiaolei's fishing rod was already shaking violently, and a big spotted fish was in his hand.

"Uh, uh, I must have been fooled." Not only Xiaozheng was a little unbelievable, but even Guo Dong, a veteran in the sea, was a little unbelievable.

After that, every time the interval was less than 5 minutes, Chen Xiaolei closed the rod once, and the smallest one weighed five catties. Guo Dong was so shocked that he almost bit his tongue. If he got this technology, he would not worry about monopolizing the seafood market.

"Master, teach me."

"Brother Lei, I want to learn too."

The two of them looked over eagerly, even Lili was surprised, feeling that Chen Xiaolei had no energy in his body, and scratching his head made him even more puzzled.

Chen Xiaolei smiled lightly, this is the result of mental power, how to teach?Just as he was about to find another reason to prevaricate, a sound of cursing came over.

"I see who has robbed my cornucopia, so bold."

As the sound of footsteps gradually approached, Chen Xiaolei and the others turned their gazes over. A man in a Givenchy flower shirt, who looked to be in his twenties, with a mole between his eyebrows, was staring at Guo Dong angrily. Behind him were some people dressed in black who looked like bodyguards.

"Guo Dong, I haven't touched your deep-sea market, why are you arguing with me in this shallow water entertainment place?"

"Hey, where is it? How dare I fight for Young Master Sun's place? Didn't I know this beforehand? You know that I never come to shallow water areas." Guo Dong smiled faintly, but his face was a little ugly. He whispered a few words in his ear.

Chen Xiaolei didn't care, just kept looking at the men in black behind him, and suddenly reacted.

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