The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 81 Supreme Card

The car door opened in response, and a mature and charming woman about 27 or [-] came out. She had skin that could be broken by blowing, and the water was like a hibiscus. Every frown and smile was full of temptation. Consciously sinking into it, the eyes are ever-changing, extremely clear in the blink of an eye, and endlessly wanting in the blink of an eye.

"It's actually the jewel of Linjiang Ji's family, I didn't expect her to come too." Guo Dong murmured beside him with a look of admiration.

The appearance of a woman has already fallen for many men with unstable minds, even Chen Xiaolei was momentarily stunned, but he recovered in an instant, what a powerful charm.

"It doesn't matter, is Fairy Ji coming to compete with these dolls too?" The old man was as old as ever.

"Hey, I've been short of money recently, come here to make some money." Fairy Ji lived up to her name, even her laughter was easy to imagine.

Mr. Chi smiled lightly, and continued the topic just now: "Old man Chi Tian, ​​thanks to your love for hosting this drag racing competition. There are no rules. As long as you are No.1, in addition to the original benefits, plus one more thing, you can be recognized by the four major families in the capital as the supreme leader." A membership card."

As soon as Chi Tian's words fell, those aristocratic and wealthy families, including drag racers, gasped. The Supreme Card recognized by the capital is universal throughout the country. It costs nothing to eat and entertain. Even some high-end clubs are unimpeded. A Supreme Card is undoubtedly It is an emperor's imperial golden rice bowl, which can be eaten and dressed casually, and the most important thing is to represent status, while Fairy Ji has no expression on her face, as if she knows such a thing.

Chi Tian looked at their envy, and was slightly satisfied. Although he didn't know why there was such a strange rule this time, he could only obey the decision above, paused, and said loudly: "The drag racer can take his place now , peripheral personnel are free to choose."

As soon as the voice fell, the roar sounded, and a whole hundred super sports cars stopped outside the yellow line of the grand square. Among them, Chen Xiaolei and Xiaolei were in the same car. Originally, he didn't want to participate, but the supreme card let He is a little tempted, and has another idea that can be implemented with the help of this drag racing.

Fairy Ji is among them, her charming eyes are constantly discharging. It is estimated that when she starts to run in a while, there will be a lot of car accidents because of her beauty. On the outskirts, Lili, Guo Dong, and the silver-haired youth are waiting quietly. Liu Zhou, who was sitting next to Chi Tian, ​​was the most anxious. With so many capable generals coming this time, he had no idea.

After Chi Lao finished speaking, he squinted his eyes and basked in the sun, but the occasional flashes of light in his eyes showed that he still existed. At the yellow line was a naked beauty with a poisonous scorpion painted on her face. The red flag in her hand quickly slipped. Next, Chen Biaozi reacted the fastest, stepped on the accelerator to the end and rushed out, and the others were not to be outdone.

"Brother Lei, everyone else is so fast, isn't our speed a bit too behind?" Xiaozheng looked at his car at the bottom, really confused.

"Don't worry, whoever dies soon, let them be the first birds." Chen Xiaolei smoked a cigar and looked to the left. She smiled sweetly, it was so crispy to the bone that she didn't even have the strength to step on the gas pedal.

"Boom!" A bomb fell from the sky, and Chen Biaozi's car and the woman in it were smashed into powder. It was surprisingly powerful, and with another sound, the front car was wiped out.

Chen Xiaolei turned his head and saw that there was a person next to Chi Tian who was directing a continuous bombardment of a battery, hitting whoever was in his early years. Within a few minutes, everyone slowed down.The people on the periphery were expressionless, as if it was a matter of course.

"Liu Zhou, isn't it fierce this time? Where do you want to fight?" Chi Tian rubbed his chin and smiled. He didn't see Liu Zhou's embarrassment, and waved directly at the big man next to him: "Drive them to the maze!" .”

"Boom!" There was another burst of shelling, this time at the very end.

"Brother Lei, hurry up, bomb." Xiaozheng was taken aback, why didn't he play cards according to common sense, but Chen Xiaolei was still the same, the speed was not much faster, but every time the bomb came down, he could always detect it in advance and dodged.

Everyone pumped up their horsepower and rushed towards the maze. Only Chen Xiaolei was driving slowly behind. Chi Tian gave a light "Hey" and didn't say anything. My heart tightened, and the periphery was the one I could see most clearly.

"Xiaozheng, come here, I'll sleep." Narrowly dodging the bombs, Chen Xiaolei directly dragged the bewildered Xiaozheng over, acting as if he had nothing to do with him.

"Lei, Brother Lei, how can I overtake, I can't see the direction in this maze." Xiaozheng was a little anxious.

"Don't rush, drive slowly, just go straight all the way, and hit the corner directly when you encounter a turning."

Chen Xiaolei glanced at Fang Chitian's face behind him, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, since it was a game of those consortiums, it would definitely not be that simple.The fate of those people just now is vivid in his mind. According to his induction, there are more than one rocket launcher around.

After everyone enters the maze, they will separate in different directions. The goblin Ji and the big man with cheeks are missing, and those who walk with Chen Xiaolei are strangely dressed people from the Western Regions. Apart from the difference in clothing, they have dark complexions, short stature, and personalities. His eyes were cold.

"Go away!" The people from the Western Regions yelled, and ran into Chen Xiaolei's car from left to right, and the one on the right was even holding a grenade in his hand.

"Raise the window, fast, slow, and fast." Under Chen Xiaolei's command, the car's engine seemed to be malfunctioning, making people unpredictable.The people from the Western Regions were very irritable, they stepped on the accelerator and rushed over, "Boom!" With a loud noise, the people from the Western Regions on the left and right collided together, while Chen Xiaolei drove over slowly behind.

The same thing was shown in the surrounding maze. Except for those who were blown up by rockets, there were also drivers who were viciously fighting among themselves. Soon the team of hundreds of people was reduced to half, and there were still some headless flies wandering around inside, driving to the end Only then did I realize that it was an abyss.

The silver-haired man's expression was indifferent, silently watching Lu Han's invincible posture in the field, before any car approached him, a bullet was waiting for him, the sound of cars being blown up all the way, Chi Tian seemed to have fallen asleep Same, snoring lightly, only Liu Zhou was a little nervous on the side, staring at the slow car in the field, secretly anxious.

Lili and Guo Dong were praying silently, especially when they saw that their lives were in danger, they were even more worried to the extreme.Fortunately, there is nothing wrong now, Xiaozheng screamed excitedly in the car, following Chen Xiaolei's guidance along the way, coupled with his sensitive reflexes, has already caused many players to commit suicide, and at the same time he is becoming more and more familiar with the car's performance, that kind of The unparalleled pleasure is indeed not something ordinary people can enjoy.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, and landslides appeared around the entire maze. The rocket just now was constantly swaying, and some connected buildings around were overwhelmed and began to collapse in all directions. It turned upside down like a huge wave.

"Quickly, rush to that bridge." Chen Xiaolei shouted, there was no way out, although Xiaozheng's face was a little frightened, but his eyes were full of excitement, and he rushed over like a fish. All the people on the island have one purpose, rushing to the bridge.

But the bridge is so big, it is obviously impossible for more than 50 vehicles to squeeze through. In Lu Han's car, a cold beauty on the co-pilot punched through the roof of the car, and the Type [-] machine gun fired wildly over, blocking In the footsteps of everyone in Le, he had already run up after such a delay.

The rest, except those who were unlucky and died, tried their best to rush towards the bridge as if they were desperate. Among them was Chen Xiaolei, who was like a sharp sword. Now is not the time to hide his strength. After crossing the bridge, Chi Tian rolled his eyelids, pressed his middle finger lightly, and revealed a slight smile.

From the end of the bridge in the next second, there were continuous explosions, and the scene was extremely optimistic, prompting the racers to go all out like a ghost.

"Old Chi, this time is different from usual." Liu Zhou couldn't help it, and asked aloud, with faint sweat on his forehead.

"Don't worry, isn't it fun to be exciting?" Chi Tian closed his eyes and ignored it, and even showed an expression of enjoyment on his face, as if the sound of the explosion could make people excited.

Liu Zhou's gloomy expression flashed, no matter who arrived at the island first, at least it was a problem to come back. Does anyone want these players to die?Liu Zhou thought a lot in an instant, but he didn't dare to offend the people next to him. They are the spokesperson of the capital, which is equivalent to the eyes of those financial groups in the capital.

The bridge keeps exploding, and there is no way back. If you observe carefully, there will always be a few seconds after each explosion. It is not a chain reaction. It seems that someone deliberately drove these people to Liandao. At the same time, there is no lack of cause Tension and urgency.

Lu Han was the fastest, followed by Chen Xiaolei, Fairy Ji and the people from the Sun family, but Fairy Ji's eyes flickered and her ears kept shaking. The earrings were obviously an audio receiver. After a long time, she stepped on the gas pedal as if she had received some order He approached Chen Xiaolei.

"Hey, handsome guy, how about cooperating with me?" Fairy Ji blinked her charming eyes, making it hard to refuse.

"How to cooperate?"

"Boom!" There was a loud bang, and the middle of the bridge began to split into two, tilting, and the situation was precarious. There were still many people crowded in the middle of the bridge, no longer moving forward, but sliding backward. Chen Xiaolei could even Seeing their desperate eyes, the height below is more than 100 meters, and the collision with the sea surface at an instant speed will cause an explosion.

At this moment, all the contestants used all kinds of hidden methods, and the mechanics instantly modified the car, as if it had an extra wing, and flew away.

"Handsome guy, have you thought about it?" Ji Goblin still turned all sentient beings upside down.

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