The master goes down the mountain

Chapter 83 Central Plains 1 Point Red

The others were astonished. This corpse was a member of their team before. Seeing that the wound died not long ago, the most important thing was that the blood had been drained from the whole body.

Even Chen Xiaolei was stunned for a moment. He was highly focused last night. He didn't expect this person to die without a sound. Could there be any unknown danger on this island?

"What do you all do together in the future, don't be alone, I will explore this island today." Lu Han's loud voice sounded, originally he was just a racing driver hired by the silver-haired man, and he had cooperated several times before, but this time the situation was unexpected , I don't care about those commissions anymore, I just want to escape here quickly.

The faces of the others were heavy, and one person died on the first day, but they were not dissatisfied with Lu Han's proposal. More than 50 people formed groups of three or four, with a distance of less than three meters, and searched the island like a carpet. Unsurprisingly, many trees here are still primitive and extremely strong.

Except for the man-made traces in the center, most of the island has not been developed. The island is not very big. After half a day, I checked everything on the surface and found nothing, except for the desolation. The only thing I am lucky is that there are some fruit trees here.

"Now, let's cut trees and build a boat, and leave here." Lu Han's face was full of unwillingness, looking at the vast surroundings, with a feeling of despair, even when he spoke, he became more irritable.

"What are you, are you ordering us?" Immediately, a foreigner was dissatisfied. Although Mandarin is not standard, he can understand it.

Lu Han's eyes widened. He had been a soldier for ten years and had learned some martial arts. Even Yuanli had vaguely felt it. He immediately slapped him and roared: "The most important thing is to go out now, you trash, If you don't listen, I'll kill you." After speaking, he glanced fiercely for a week.

Most of the drag racers here are ordinary people, only a few of them, Chen Xiaolei is a bit confused, but he knows that this Lu Han will be unlucky soon.

Chen Xiaolei ignored it, and took Xiaozheng to walk among the fruit trees. Filling his stomach is the most important thing now. With his eyesight, he can tell whether these fruits are poisonous at a glance, so he gave some to Fairy Ji, and Fairy Ji moved Elegant, she touches up her makeup from time to time, as if she didn't take it seriously at all.

Of course, some people were forced by Lu Han's power to cut down trees and make boat planks, and some people lay on the rocks and looked into the distance. The man in black was motionless in the car, and Lu Han could see it, fierce The color flashed, and then a sneer appeared, and he didn't say anything.

Hospital operating room.

"Doctor, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, skin trauma, overly frightened, just get some sleep and you'll be fine." The doctor's words made Guo Dong heave a sigh of relief, the others were missing, and now the only one who had something to do would really add to the confusion, and returned to the ward in a trance, How should the master explain when he comes back? Guo Dong frowned tightly, and had already mobilized his relationship to search for it.

But it didn't help, the island was missing, Lili's life and death were uncertain, and he also vaguely knew something about Lili during this period of time together, and he was even more afraid of that force in his heart.

"Are you awake? What happened at the beginning, tell me carefully." I don't know how long it took, Xiao Ning woke up slowly, Guo Dong asked with a serious face.

"After you left, Sister Lili and I were waiting in the room. Suddenly, a group of people in red broke in, shouting werewolves, and then Sister Lili turned into a wolf to fight them. I fainted. I don't know about it later." Xiao Ning looked like she was alive after a catastrophe, and caressed her chest, as if she couldn't accept Lili's transformation into a wolf, her eyes were full of horror.

Guo Dong sighed, he had more knowledge and was not surprised by these things. After listening to Xiao Ning's detailed explanation, he was more sure about the forces behind the man in red.

After Guo Dong left, Xiao Ning smiled coldly, licked her lips, and fell asleep.

"Hey, Brother Chuang, where are you? Something happened..." Guo Dong contacted Chuang Kyushu after leaving the house. He heard his master say that this person's strength is unfathomable, so he should be able to help him.

A few minutes after hanging up the phone, Chuang Kyushu rushed in from a coffee shop near the hospital.

"What, tell me about it, something went wrong, what island?

Ten minutes later, Guo Dong explained it in detail. Chuang Jiuzhou was full of anger, crushed the steel cup in his hand, and said dissatisfiedly: "No matter who is behind the scenes, they must have no direction at sea now. Call the police and let the police handle the positioning, and what about the red clothes, I will take it all at once."

"No, the strength of the church is unfathomable. Since they didn't kill Lili on the spot, it means there is a conspiracy. It will be a long-term plan to rescue my master when the time comes." It's not that there are three teachings and nine streams, after some reassurance, they slowly discussed it. After all, entering Kyushu is a martial arts, and they have a thorough understanding of these things. With such a big effort, there must be a lot of articles in it.

It's just that he couldn't think of the reason why he was thinking about it. The reason why this drag racing race is different from usual is because of this. In Kyushu, ask Guo Dong to pay attention to the whereabouts of those people in red. As long as it is not several prefectures, he is sure Respond, and the earth-level masters in the secular world are not white radishes, one of them is the top.

Guo Dong used the contacts he had accumulated over the years and spent some money to keep looking for news. Not only Linjiang, but also the capital city has paid attention to this tsunami. Of course, it is not the racing drivers, but the people brought about by the tsunami. The disaster is relatively large. Some villages along the coast have been buried, and the trend is still increasing. The government has reported it layer by layer and launched rescue measures.

Chen Xiaolei leaned on the tree and looked at those busy figures. Under Lu Han's power, those racing drivers became cheap labor. After a day and night of manufacturing, a wooden boat that looked fairly solid gradually took shape, and today's tsunami also Much smaller, with little sunlight shining through the dark clouds.

"The boat is only this big. If you want to escape, build it yourself. You, you, and you will come with me." Lu Han has already recruited a group of men during this period, and now that he is about to escape, he has abandoned some of his labor force without hesitation. , making those people resentful and dissatisfied.

"Why, I did my best to cause this. You can't justify it if you don't take me away." A man dressed in the Caribbean, wearing a slanted hat, dragged the boat desperately to prevent Lu Han from leaving. He stabbed it with a knife, and the screams were accompanied by blood spurting, and the others trembled in fright.

Lu Han sneered, and led those men to float away. Before leaving, he glanced at Chen Xiaolei with disdain. People moaned and sighed.

"You are not in a hurry at all, that person has escaped." Fairy Ji came over slowly, holding some fresh apples in her hand, and gave one to Xiaozheng, and looked at Chen Xiaolei with a smile.

"It won't take long for him to return. The boat is not strong, and there is no road here. Going out indiscriminately is just looking for death."

Chen Xiaolei closed his eyes, and the enchanting state of Fairy Ji appeared unconsciously in his mind. Even if he didn't need to look at it with his eyes, he would be obsessed with it unconsciously. Sitting on the side from beginning to end did not move.

At the same time, Chen Xiaolei also has doubts, who is so big, not only calculated the celestial phenomena, but also the arrangement of the island is just right, he does not believe that this is a natural phenomenon, it cannot be such a coincidence, and there must be problems among the more than 50 people. The master is watching, it's better to keep a low profile, the person died yesterday for no apparent reason, and the death looks familiar.

Fairy Ji glanced at Chen Xiaolei in amazement, she had been bewitching Tianyin for a long time without any excessive movements, and at the same time she was very puzzled by this phenomenon.

Ten hours passed, and the people on the island were a little anxious. Many people already thought that Lu Han had escaped. One of them mobilized the labor force to rebuild a boat. This time, more people could be accommodated.

"Friend, although I don't know how to address you, we are not people like Lu Han. I invite you to join us and escape together." The second shipbuilder started with a smile on his face and a kind tone.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I think this island is good and suitable for retirement, so I don't plan to run away, I'll give you the chance."

Chen Xiaolei waved his hand. This man is more insidious than Lu Han. With such a big ship, it is obvious that he wants others to find the way for him. He is extremely despicable, and the indifference in his eyes shows that he has a cold nature. How can such a person Possibly so impartial.

The visitor froze for a while, obviously he didn't expect that someone would give up his escape, but he did the opposite, narrowing his eyes slightly, without looking at Fairy Ji, and went directly to the black-robed man, but the black-robed man ignored him at all, His nose turned gray, and his face became even darker.

More than 30 people left, and there were less than ten left. The rest of the people were not in a hurry, they found their respective positions and waited silently. In the evening, a panicked shout broke the silence, and Lu Han was covered with The blood crawled back, and less than half of the people who came back with him were all seriously injured, and what's more, their arms and legs were broken.

"There are sea beasts, ah, help me." Lu Han clutched his chest, there was a bloody hole there, lying on the open space of the island, gasping for breath, but no one came to ask, after another half an hour, the second A group of people also ran back with injuries all over their bodies, less than half of them.

"You really guessed it right." Ji Yaojing pursed her bright red lips, flashing a charming electricity, and gently leaned towards Chen Xiaolei.

Chen Xiaolei raised his head and slashed at Xuebai in front of him fiercely, and his mouth made a movement of drinking orange juice, "Come here, I'll just drink it, I'm very thirsty."

"Then come here, I'm full of nutritional products here." Ji Yaojing fiddled with the overwhelmed belt as she spoke, and a wave of waves exposed more than half of it, and she could vaguely see a little red in the Central Plains.


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