Chen Xiaolei felt a strong sense of crisis, and his whole body was running to the extreme. With a "whoosh", he dodged dangerously. On the previous seat, a hole the size of a fingernail was emitting black smoke, and then his face was covered with He looked at Liu Zhou gloomyly: "Give me an explanation." After speaking, he silently performed the opening gesture of Gu Taiji Pushing Hands.

"Brother, don't get me wrong. Didn't you hear Brother Liu say that someone wants to buy firearms? I'm also testing it out. After all, I don't dare to accept people who don't have certain strength to do this kind of black business."

At this time, a young man with a big head and a small body with only a few hairs on his forehead came in outside the door, looking extremely weird.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is Sanmao, a retailer of black market firearms. You can talk about it." Seeing Chen Xiaolei's expression was wrong, Liu Zhou explained hastily, and at the same time he dragged Guo Dong away go out.

"Brother Guo, why do you want gunpowder?" Liu Zhou lit a cigar and exhaled a smoke ring, his narrow eyes were full of doubts.

"I don't know, but it's better for us to be less involved in the matter of their martial arts, isn't it? I hope my brother will keep this matter a secret, or I will burn myself when the time comes." Guo Dong slightly warned, Liu Zhouyi Startled, and then understood what, without words.

After a while, San Mao walked out of the room with a pale face. If you look carefully, you will find that there is still a little blood on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes are full of excitement. He left in a hurry without saying anything .

"Master, what did you do to Sanmao? Did you beat him?" On the way back, Guo Dong was very curious.

"Yeah, I was beaten up, to be honest, haha, even if I promised me, I took the initiative." Chen Xiaolei smiled and shook his fist. Guo Dong didn't ask any more questions, he knew that there would be a good show in the future .

For the next day and night, Chen Xiaolei didn't go out, he recharged his energy at home and prepared a lot of herbal powder. That night, Chuang Kyushu took Xiao Zheng straight to the church, and Chen Xiaolei was dressed in religious clothes, and came to the church like a stroll , the entire church is full of church believers, of course, most of them are ordinary people.

Chen Xiaolei spun around and stayed at each position for a few seconds. The contents of the sachet became less and less, and then stopped at a position in the corner. He smiled evilly and imitated the actions of others. Meditate on some scriptures.

As time went by, there were more and more people in red clothes. When a bell rang, a person at the level of a leader in white clothes disappeared in a flash and appeared on the main seat. Chen Xiaolei's heart shuddered. There was a churn in my heart, and I had some doubts about this action, but the things under the table had been put away, and there was no way out.

However, Chen Xiaolei is no different from an ordinary person, even if the opponent's cultivation base is high, it is difficult to find anything. The difficult voice of the leader in white is constantly explaining, and Chen Xiaolei really listens to it. They are all words of conversion.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Xiaolei's cell phone trembled, and he raised his head to look at the leader in white clothes on the table, and saw that he was silent when he was talking, then he raised his eyebrows, looked into the distance, let out an angry shout and said About to leave, Chen Xiaolei saw the opportunity and exploded the remote control in his hand.

The red light under the table was turned on, and the sound of "rumbling" radiated to the surroundings along with the soaring flames. Some ordinary people were unable to dodge and instantly gasified, and there was no scum left. It looks like they all suffered some minor injuries.

This is more than that, it was just the first wave, and the second wave of explosions followed immediately. The leader in white was already so angry that he looked into the distance with a gloomy look, and his whole body exuded powerful fluctuations of energy to stabilize the situation here. At the same time, his eyes kept scanning the crowd. He watched it several times, but he didn't find any difference.

Chen Xiaolei is now lying inside an ordinary person, his face covered with black smoke, he defended the bomb, some blind spots are clear, the leader in white still underestimated the power of the bomb, the third wave followed, and the impact force compressed to the extreme is He is also a little bit angry, here are all the elites of the church, if he doesn't care, he will definitely suffer a heavy loss this time, so he has to take the bomb if he doesn't take it.

The leader in white uttered a sky-shattering roar, spat out a mouthful of blood, and finally rescued countless believers with his self-destructive cultivation base. A huge light shield wrapped the bomb area inside, and the crowd was finally out of danger. With a loud sound, he left quickly, and then Hongyi also left. Chen Xiaolei smiled, mixed in the crowd, slowly walked out of their sight, and then went straight to the place where he and Chuang Kyushu were assembled.

The mask at the rear lost the support of the leader in white and immediately exploded, but those believers had already moved away and did not lose many people. Chen Xiaolei felt a little regretful, and soon saw a few police cars on the road, and stepped on them without hesitation. Just press the accelerator and go away, the police can't find it out even if they try their best.

Half an hour later, Chen Xiaolei ran all the way to an abandoned car park. He was in a hurry. Although he bought a little time for the trip to Kyushu, the flying speed of the prefecture-level master was still very fast. The body that has broken through 99 feet in Kyushu is constantly moving.

After turning around, I finally found Lili and her brother at the corner of the parking lot. It's just that Lili was a little out of strength and looked sallow and emaciated. She seemed to have suffered a lot these days.

"Xiaozheng, drive quickly."

Chen Xiaolei directly dumped the car to him, and sent them away forcefully. It is useless for them to stay here. The man in red will come after a while. It is better to hide first. After looking at Chuang Kyushu, he did not fall Downwind, this body training is so powerful that Chen Xiaolei is a little jealous.

Finally found a loophole, Chen Xiaolei, who was ready to go, hit out with all his strength with an ancient Taiji push hand. The leader in white was unsteady, and he looked over in disbelief. Even he couldn't figure out why a man without energy Ordinary people" can shake him.

But without giving him much time to think, the purple star between Chuang Jiuzhou's eyebrows quickly sealed the leader in white, "Wish me a helping hand, this time I will refine a prefecture level." Let it go, and with a sound, Zixing emitted a thick flame, and the scorching high temperature made Chen Xiaolei's eyelids twitch.

Chen Xiaolei breathed a sigh of relief, and directly took out a dark round bead from his backpack and threw it over. At the same time, he signaled to enter Kyushu, only to hear a "boom", the space there collapsed, and the space was broken and torn apart. Li immediately sucked the white clothes in.

I didn't expect this "Tianleizi" to be so powerful, brother, don't lie to me, Chen Xiaolei muttered to himself.Chuang Jiuzhou stared: "Xiao Lei, why did you get rid of him, I want to refine it, it has many uses."

"Earth-level master, can you swallow it? It's better to get rid of it." Before Chen Xiaolei finished speaking, the space became unstable for a while, and a dark gap appeared.

"Haha!" The leader in white was covered in blood, his hair was disheveled, his fangs were exposed at the corners of his mouth, and a layer of fine scales appeared on his body. He licked his lips, looking bloody and terrifying.

Chen Xiaolei's complexion changed. This guy is really old and immortal. He seems to have transformed now. He felt the evil and powerful aura in the opponent's body. Blinding the sun, a whirlwind was brought up, and at the same time, he turned his head and shouted at Chen Xiao: "Go!"

Chen Xiaolei didn't even look at it, he just walked around behind the leader in white, and punched him out, using the technique of "four or two strokes of a thousand catties", but to his surprise, the leader took their punch, and then stood up straight He fell down, and blood began to ooze from his body.

"His condition doesn't seem right." Chuang Jiuzhou pondered for a while. When he fought just now, the opponent was suddenly strong and weak. He was not a real prefecture level at all. Chen Xiaolei slapped his head: "Hurry up and leave, whatever happened to him." Said He didn't finish watching, and just dragged Chuang Kyushu away.

Chuang Kyushu glanced back, the opponent was lying there half dead, but the opponent was able to come out of the space crack, this kind of strength should not be underestimated, and he had no other thoughts, just ran away, as for whether the opponent can be found in the future, it is another Said, at worst, go back and dispatch troops.

Back at Guo Dong's house, my heart was still beating wildly. I was really reckless tonight. Later, I went to Kyushu and said that the place where Li Li was detained, and various organs. Fortunately, Chen Xiaolei bought some time, otherwise there would be someone in the organ. For manipulation, it is even more powerful.

"Brother Lei, I'm causing you trouble. I didn't use my energy at all, and my aura didn't leak out. How did they find me?" Li Li's face was still a little pale, and she looked at Chen Xiaolei puzzled.

"Take a good rest. It's fine for the time being. I've informed the people in my dormitory that the prefecture level is no longer a threat to us."

Chen Xiaolei patted Lili's head. In fact, he was quite sympathetic to the two brothers and sisters. Those people from the church didn't look good at first glance.

After the password ban was issued, Chen Xiaolei sent them to rest one by one. It is estimated that there will be news tomorrow, and the church will be blown up. Hey, it is a cult anyway. Which side will the police station take? Chen Xiaolei thought for a while, slowly Slowly he had an idea, and at the same time kept Lili's words tonight in his heart.

I had nothing to say all night, and early in the morning, I experienced Lili’s virtuous man-han banquet again. I really miss it. I disappeared early in the morning when I went to Kyushu, and I ate it hastily. , and then leave in peace.

police station.

"Officer Mu, the outsider said that your boyfriend is looking for you." Mu Ruoxi was taken aback, why didn't she know when her boyfriend was.

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