"If you don't treat it, you will die."

Chen Xiaolei glanced at the beauty indifferently, walked up to the old man, and was about to rescue him. The beauty put her hands on her hips and stared at her eyebrows: "What are you? The money I give is not only for rescue, but also for compensation if you die."

"Why do you say that? You really have no quality, and there are rich people."

"That's right, that's right, did you get this car because you spent a lot of time with your godfather?"


The passers-by around couldn't stand it for a moment, and accused them one after another, but the beauty didn't care. In her opinion, as long as the ambulance came, everything would be settled. She had already called 120 before, and it would be merciful to give some more money. See Chen Xiaolei, who appeared suddenly, became angry for some reason.

Chen Xiaolei frowned, his good intentions were not rewarded, and he looked up at the beautiful woman: "The old lady is dead, and you can't buy a life back with a lot of money."

At this time, the sound of an ambulance rang, and a white light squeezed into the crowd. I don't know which hospital it was from. The well-trained nurse opened the car door and gave the old lady oxygen in time. Chen Xiaolei was startled, and hurriedly pulled off the oxygen Guan, scolded angrily: "What kind of doctor, he hasn't graduated yet, and he treats carelessly without looking at any symptoms."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who is the doctor? Hurry up and call the police. Someone is disturbing public order." The doctor who inserted the oxygen tube had a mole between his eyebrows. He looked over viciously. know a lot."

The crowd was getting bigger and bigger, the surrounding streets were blocked, and the sound of various horns was endless. The old lady rolled her eyes, and her raised arms gradually fell weakly.

"What are you doing?" A familiar female voice came to reprimand, and Mu Ruoxi shot a gunshot, and the surroundings became quiet for an instant. What are you doing?" After speaking, he helped the old lady.

"Don't move, if you do this, the old man will return early." Chen Xiaolei stepped forward and pressed the policewoman Hua's shoulder. Surrounding Chen Xiaolei, the doctor and the beauty kept sneering.

Before Mu Ruoxi could speak, the doctor went to the old man again and directly inserted the oxygen tube. Not only did the old lady's condition not improve, she even convulsed all over her body, her mouth was wide open, and her breathing had almost stopped.

"What's going on?" Mu Ruoxi looked at the doctor. At this time, the doctor panicked. This was the first time he had encountered this situation. In addition, he was an intern doctor with little experience. He suddenly lost his mind and was about to Trying other methods indiscriminately, Chen Xiaolei escaped directly and rushed to the old man. If it was too late, he would be powerless.

Hit the old man's back with a palm, tap a few times along the trachea and throat, and a sticky thing sprayed out from the old man's mouth. Only then did the female police officer come to her senses, pointing the gun at Chen Xiaolei and saying: "Assailant!" Police, I have the right to shoot you right now."

"Could it be that all good-looking people have big breasts and no brains? The old lady obviously has a candy block in her trachea. Wouldn't it kill her to ask this quack doctor to infuse her with oxygen?" Chen Xiaolei curled his lips and looked at the policeman's package vigorously. Unstoppable loaf.

"You!" The female policewoman was about to pull the trigger. At this time, the old lady finally calmed down: "Thank you, young man, I feel better after you slapped me, girl, I was shocked when you ran a red light just now." , the sugar cube stuck in her throat." The old lady looked at the beautiful woman in the luxury car with some reproach.

"I'm in a hurry..."

"If you're in a hurry, you have to be careful. Well, I'm fine, old lady. You can take the money back." Before the beautiful woman in the luxury car could speak, the old lady patted the dust off her body and left. At that time, there was obvious dislike in the eyes, which immediately prevented the doctor with a mole from coming down.

"Why, you still plan to shoot me, why don't you ignore the quack doctor who almost became a murderer just now, but bullied me, a good man."

When the policewoman Hua heard what Chen Xiaolei said, she understood the whole thing. She was out of breath for a while, glared at the doctor fiercely, and left with a flick of her hair, but the unceasingly rising and falling chest seemed to tear the clothes.

Seeing the old lady's open-minded attitude, the beautiful woman in the luxury car felt ashamed. Just now, she almost killed a person. It's already at this point. She was already late for work, so she didn't hurry. She smiled slightly and looked at Chen Xiaolei: " Thank you just now, otherwise I would almost make a big mistake, I invite you to dinner."

Chen Xiaolei was wronged for a while, but he was scolded by others for doing a good deed, which is unreasonable. When he saw this prodigal girl, he became angry and left with a cold snort, leaving behind the doctor whose face turned red and white alternately. Such a big embarrassment.

While wandering around, Chen Xiaolei accidentally came to the place where the gold teeth were, and climbed up to his office without incident. Before reaching the door, there was a burst of "popping" sound. Today's Chen Xiaolei is no longer Wu. Amon, how can I not know, but it is not appropriate to disturb other people's good things now.

Looking through the crack of the door, a white back is riding on Jinya's body and crawling forward, like a roller coaster, you can't see the face, but the profile is very good, Chen Xiaolei slowly appreciates it, not knowing I feel that half an hour has passed, let alone, I have learned a lot of useful things.

It wasn't until Jin Ya let out a beast roar that didn't sound like a human voice that the cross-world live broadcast ended. There was a heavy panting in the room, and there was a woman's weak voice.

"Boss, are you cool? Young Master Hui specifically told me to take good care of you. This project is very important. It is related to the profit trend of Shengtian Group in the next ten years. You should pay attention to it." The woman kept twisting. Move your waist, exuding extreme charm.

"Don't worry, I won't have any problems with this level. As long as this order is completed, I can wash my hands."

"Then don't forget about me, about kickbacks..."

Chen Xiaolei was suddenly overjoyed. He originally wanted to find out about Shenghui's movements, but the news he overheard now was so wonderful. He stood at the door and listened again for a while, until they fell into a sensual tumbling, Chen Xiaolei lightened The light is gone.

Ha ha!Shenghui, I wanted to kill you, but now it seems that ruining your reputation is your final return. Chen Xiaolei sneered, and hurried home to find Guo Dong.

"What, you mean that you want me to monopolize all the docks at sea, even the seafood business?" Guo Dong was startled by Chen Xiaolei's idea, and then he broke out in shocking greed, since the other party said so Yes, there must be a way, just knelt down on one knee: "Master, if you have any requirements, just ask, I will do it with you in my life."

Seeing Guo Dong like this, Chen Xiaolei was slightly satisfied. A strong person should not only have ambition, but also courage. "You can buy the dock without worry. If you have any difficulties in the seafood market, you can find Liu Zhou. This person must be dragged into the water as soon as possible. There will be big moves next."

Chen Xiaolei made some arrangements and called Banxian directly. This kind of mundane gangster is still very useful, at least he is very experienced in fighting for territory.

Before leaving, Chen Xiaolei told Guo Dong to pay attention to Xiao Ning, and didn't say the reason. He always felt that this girl was a bit strange, and then told Xiaozheng and Lili not to go out indiscriminately. Dressed up, the overall look is very ordinary, even if it is placed in the crowd, it is inconspicuous.

The next day, he took a taxi to the Jinhui Group. Chen Xiaolei wore a pair of sunglasses and looked like a scholar.

"Stop, what are you doing here?" Before entering the door, they were blocked by security guards. They Jinhui Group, even the guards at the door are golden dogs. They are very accurate at seeing people. There are not millions of guests who can't enter this door.

"Both brothers, I'm here to apply for a job. It's convenient for you." After speaking, he handed over two boxes of Zhonghua.

"Send the beggar, why are you applying for this job? Our security department is full." The security guard put his cigarettes in his pocket, his tone softened a little, but he still blocked the door and refused to let him in.

Chen Xiaolei cursed secretly, but still smiled. Everyone stuffed a 1000 yuan red envelope. Just as the security guard was about to say something, suddenly there was a sound of braking, and his expression changed immediately. He pulled Chen Xiaolei aside, and stood up respectfully and flatteringly. Changing his posture, Chen Xiaolei glanced in surprise, followed by a burst of astonishment, it turned out to be this woman.

The beauty walked in with her head held high, her eyes higher than the ceiling, and she automatically ignored the people around her. Until she went away, those security guards still looked lost.

"Who is she?"

The security guard looked at Chen Xiaolei like an idiot.

"You don't even know her? She is the vice president of our group, Lin Xiaoqian, who was selected by President Jin from among the many employees."

Chen Xiaolei suddenly realized that it wasn't that friends didn't get together, he ignored the two ecstatic security guards, went straight in, and came to the personnel department for an interview.

"Are you a master's degree? Can you speak eight languages? Are you proficient in martial arts?" Hearing the exclamation of the interviewer, Chen Xiaolei blushed. The official covered his surprised little mouth, his body trembled a little, and Chen Xiaolei felt even more embarrassed.

"Sure enough, it's a poor family that produces talents. You wait." The beautiful examiner sized up Chen Xiaolei, left behind a burst of fragrance and walked in. After a while, she took out a test paper and said, "This is the Italian test paper specially selected by the vice president." And English test questions, you answer first."

Looking at the shining stars in the beauty's eyes, Chen Xiaolei secretly sighed, fortunately, with the power of spiritual power, the answer is not a problem.

In the office of Jinhui Group, two top executives were talking and laughing happily.

"Xiao Lin, you have worked hard during this time, the company has a big business and needs to cooperate with Shengtian Group, you can take care of it.

"Don't worry, chairman, I promise to do it beautifully."

Chairman Jin smiled, and was about to say something when the door of the office opened, and the beautiful examiner hurried over.

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