Chen Xiaolei smiled, he didn't expect to meet a pickpocket, but today you can't steal money, you can only steal poison, Chen Xiaolei didn't stop him, and even put his body closer to him to make it easier for the other party to "steal".

After a while, the man yelled in horror, holding a centipede and two spiders in his hand, he didn't dare to move, Chen Xiaolei didn't let them release the toxin, otherwise the other party would have been a corpse by now, which is terrible No ordinary poison.

"Brother, why are you still carrying something on your body? I don't dare anymore." The man was about to cry, stuttering, his whole body was wet with sweat.

Chen Xiaolei chuckled, and put them away. The man felt relieved, and looked at Chen Xiaolei with fear in his eyes.

"Hyacinth? Is there any poisonous food near Yuecheng?" Chen Xiaolei looked at the other party's trembling look jokingly. It really is a magic weapon. Ordinary people have almost no resistance. Even Wu Xiu once bitten is enough He drank from a jug.

"Okay, I'll take you there." The man trembled and walked forward, his face was pale and bloodless, especially with the icy centipede in his palm, he was even more lost.

Hyacinth wobbled to a pet shop, and he didn't come back to his senses until Chen Xiaolei let him go. He ran away with all his strength, and he probably would have nightmares for a few days when he went back. Chen Xiaolei bought a big bag Rations for cold-blooded animals left.

I wanted to go back to Linjiang alone, but I was worried about Fairy Ji, so I went back again, just in time to meet Fairy Ji, who was coming. The famous egg was finally bought back by Zhu Liang.

"Do you really want that Nine-Aperture Stone Man?"

"Nonsense, I didn't come here to travel after traveling so far." Ji Goblin's reproachful expression was even more alluring, her white teeth clenched tightly.

"Let's go later, there will be something to be gained in the evening. I have already locked a person just now." Chen Xiaolei patted Ji Fairy on the shoulder, but he fell down halfway through the pat, and the amazing elasticity overflowed for a while.

"Mistake, mistake, but I will help you find the Nine-Aperture Stone Man tonight." Chen Xiaolei scratched his head in embarrassment, and left here with the suspicious Ji Fairy, heading straight to a Sichuan and Chongqing hot pot restaurant in Chongqing.

"You will have energy at night when you are full." Chen Xiaolei directly ordered a table of dishes.

"If you can't find it, I'll kill you, huh." Ji Yaojing bit the salmon bitterly. Not long after, a loud noise came, and some gangsters rushed to the private room upstairs, holding machetes, looking fierce , Some customers hurriedly checked out and left, and the boss hid aside too frightened to say anything.

"Chen Qingshui, when do you owe us the money?" The group of gangsters quickly dragged a man whose body had been hollowed out by wine and sex from upstairs, threw him aside, and knocked over several papers. table.

"Me, give me some time, I'll pay it back tomorrow." Chen Qingshui kept trembling on the side.

"Hmph, it's tomorrow. Call your sister to give it, or I'll see you in court." The gangster slashed his knife on the table, his fierce light must be revealed.

Chen Qingshui was startled, and hurriedly called, his words were full of pleadings.

"Oh, it's pitiful, the Zhu family took usurious loans, even if there is a lot of money, they still can't pay off."

"Yeah, I don't know why the Zhu family targeted this guy. I heard it was because of Chen Ruyi."

"Don't talk about it, the Zhu family heard that we will be in trouble, and now the Chen family and the Zhu family are in trouble."

Listening to the whispered discussions of some people around, Chen Xiaolei suddenly realized, yes, Zhu Liang became a eunuch, this is a slap in the face, you can tell from his crazy appearance at the beginning, after a while, Chen Ruyi ran in, but his face was covered with tears. It's disgust. Her brother is gambler and lustful. He has been used by Zhu Liang several times, but he still doesn't have a long memory.

"For the last time, if you commit the crime again, you will die." Chen Ruyi threw a bank card, without looking at those who had to pay, grabbed Chen Qingshui, threw it into the car, and left.

"This chick is so hot, I seem to be riding on her body."

"Don't worry, brother Liang has promised us that he will be able to play with this bitch himself in a short time."

The group of gangsters chatted lewdly and loudly, treating this place as their own home. The Zhu family is the number one family in Yuecheng, and few dare to oppose him. Even the Chen family is just struggling to support it. Fearing that the Chen family would jump over the wall and tell the scandal, the Zhu family had already launched a war.

Chen Xiaolei took a few bites casually, this Chen Ruyi had killed Zhu Liang a hundred times at that time, why leave a hidden danger, he felt hateful to this stupid woman, and even implicated himself in it.

After eating, it was already dark. Chen Xiaolei moved his nose and sniffed lightly. After confirming the direction, he floated over directly. Fairy Ji followed closely behind. After a while, he arrived at the place where the daytime treasure appraisal meeting was held. Chen Xiaolei heard that After a while, it floated directly towards the backyard. Seeing Chen Xiaolei's skillful appearance, Fairy Ji felt a little strange, but she still didn't make a sound.

Soon it stopped in front of a wall, "Let's rush over."

Chen Xiaolei went straight through, but he didn't expect that there was a hole behind him, even the Fairy Ji looked around in amazement, like a maze, all kinds of mirrors refracted the light, Chen Xiaolei went straight in one direction, very fast, fortunately, he left a hole on the Taoist priest before. A medicinal powder.

"It's obvious that you are not ordinary people who can come here. My boss said that whoever can make this Nine-Aperture Stone Man come into the world will belong to him. We have studied for many years, but there is no correct way, otherwise we won't let it out. .”

Chen Xiaolei was at the end of a passage, looking at the old man in the daytime talking there, besides Duan De and Zhu Liang, there were some others he didn't know, but they were all Wuxiu.

Fairy Ji was excited, and finally saw the real version of the Nine-Aperture Stone Man, but it seemed that he couldn't take it away. On a huge mirror, a human-shaped stone was locked by various chains, and the heart was beating "bang bang". The sound is really refined.

"What should I do, can I get it away?"

"Earth-level masters have nothing to do, let's forget it." Chen Xiaolei shook his head, staring at Duan De without blinking, if anyone has this possibility, he is none other than him.

"Come on, let's go outside to ambush, I have a good idea." Chen Xiaolei pulled Fairy Ji back out slowly.

"Didn't you say that no one can get it out?"

"Stop talking nonsense, listen to me, you still have my understanding?" Chen Xiaolei directly placed a pile of explosives at the door, and then turned his head: "By using your Yuanli, the other party will know the earth escape technique and must seal the floor."

Fairy Ji pouted her lips, but in the end she cooperated with Chen Xiaolei in performing the Six Immortal Forbidden Seals, sealing all the surroundings inside.

"Okay, someone will rush out later, let's call him back, haha!"

Fairy Ji had a lot of doubts, but seeing Chen Xiaolei like that, he felt angry. Half an hour later, Xiaolei stared at him, threw the lighter directly, and retreated while pulling Fairy Ji.Only the sound of "rumbling" explosions was heard, and the flames were soaring into the sky.

"Damn, who designed Daoist. I escape, I rely on, who is more wicked than me?"

Duan De scolded angrily, and then a group of people rushed over behind him, especially the old butler at the prefectural level, who grabbed it with a huge palm of Yuanli, and shouted at the same time: "Ox-nosed, don't go, leave the nine orifices behind!" stone man."

Some people around also followed, all kinds of energy fluctuations, Duan De was overwhelmed by countless martial arts, he never thought that someone is so familiar with him.

With a scream, Duan De's Taoist robe was even more broken. This delay has already missed the best time to escape.

"Damn it!" Before Duan De finished speaking, he was coughing up blood from a new round of attacks. Chen Xiaolei pulled Fairy Ji back quickly, and stopped until there was no one there.

"How do you know? You are so amazing." Ji Yaojing looked at Chen Xiaolei inside and out with a face full of surprise.

"You can hold a seriously injured person for a while, you can be sure."

"Can he escape alive?" Fairy Ji covered her mouth.

Chen Xiaolei smiled, didn't make a sound, closed his eyes and kept sensing. After a while, a flash disappeared, and Ji Yaojing slapped behind him with a palm.

"Damn it, why are there still people? The old man is in a bloodbath today." Duan De let out a sigh of relief and punched him. Fairy Ji didn't say anything, just pestered Duan De, and soon a few long rainbows flew over from a distance.

Duan De's face was livid, and he looked behind him anxiously, with faint sweat on his forehead, and finally threw the Nine-Aperture Stone Man to Fairy Ji with a flick of his sleeve, "Don't beat me, I'll give it to you, I'll go to the poor."

After finishing speaking, he hurried away, but there was a constant lament in the air: "What's going on, why is my luck so bad today, didn't I invite my ancestor?"

Before Fairy Ji got excited, Chen Xiaolei directly used the storage sachet to put the Nine-Aperture Stone Man into it, and then sent a voice transmission to Fairy Ji, and left quickly.

"Senior, hurry up, he's running over there."

"Hmph, leave it to me." The old butler directly drew a seal to keep Fairy Ji in place, and then chased in Duan De's direction without stopping.

Soon, it became quiet here, and Fairy Ji silently counted the time, and after a while, Fairy Ji came back here, Fairy Ji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thought you weren't coming back?"

"How could it be possible to leave my future daughter-in-law here?" Chen Xiaolei let out a long breath. Fortunately, the other party left a seal, and the nameless kung fu worked extremely well, and the suction suddenly came into being. Within a few minutes, the seal was broken, and the two quickly left .

"Now I can't understand you more and more. You don't have Yuanli, how did you break the seal of that earth-level master? And how did you know that Taoist priest would come here? And how did you hide the induction from the earth-level master?"

"Beauty, you ask so many questions, check your household registration, are you planning to marry me?"

When they came to a hotel in Yuecheng, the two breathed a sigh of relief. The Nine-Aperture Stone Man was relatively big and could only be stored in Chen Xiaolei's storage sachet. It is impossible to have a storage sachet.

There are only two Zhu family in Yuecheng, and one is in the hands of Chen Xiaolei.

"Hmph, not to mention pulling down, that Nine-Aperture Stone Man is mine, you can't take it all by yourself."

"Don't worry, I don't want that thing, I want you."

"What are you doing, ah..."

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