All People's Island: Awakening SSS-level talent at the beginning

Chapter 17 The snake girl surrounds the castle!

After taking a bath, Su Chen picked up the bucket and basin placed in front of the castle window.

Back in the castle, I looked at the Red Dragon Queen who was still sleeping soundly.

Su Chen approached the Red Dragon Queen and let the water on her body be dried directly.

Lie on the couch.After opening the system, he asked the system.

"Don't say it, it's quite convenient."

"With the Red Dragon Queen, even if I encounter ice and snow in the future."

"It won't freeze either."

Su Chen smiled and leaned against the Red Dragon Queen.

[Island owner: Su Chen! 】

[Number: 10089! 】

[Talent: The only strengthening talent at the sss level (can strengthen everything)! 】

[Power: 80! 】

[Physique: 80! 】

[Speed: 16! 】

[Spirit: 20! 】

[Skills: c-level defense, c-level giant strength, ss-level water element affinity! 】

[Props: [-] energy crystals!Eight thousand units of wood!Eight thousand units of stone!Other: slightly! 】

[Level: Level [-]! 】

Opening his own attribute panel, Su Chen saw something different.

Because before, Su Chen's skills were defense and talent.

There are no grades.

Now there is a level.

"System, what's going on?"

Su Chen frowned and asked the system.

"Because you strengthened C-level life before."

"So you can only get their c-level skills."

"However, you can also directly use energy crystals to strengthen these skills!"

The system explained to Su Chen.


Su Chen nodded, she was careless before.

It seems that the life to be strengthened in the future should preferably be above S rank.

Otherwise, for these low-level ones, I not only have to improve their life level.

Also upgrade your skill level.

The energy crystallization that needs to be spent is simply too much.

If you can strengthen the life above S level from the beginning.

Then he can save at least several million energy crystals.


Seeing that I now have [-] units of wood and stone.

Su Chen remembered that the castle needs [-] units of wood and stone to upgrade to a high level.

Another two hundred energy crystals were taken out and put on the market.

[Each energy crystal can be exchanged for ten units of wood or ten units of stones! 】

After sending out what you want.

Su Chen directly opened the chat interface of my aunt.

"Auntie, have you upgraded your castle yet?"

"Upgrade as soon as possible, if you don't have enough materials, you can find me."

"Strive to upgrade the castle to a high-level castle before the seven-day protection period ends."

Su Chen, leave a message directly to my aunt Su Yun.

After all, according to his current castle level, monsters of level five or six appeared on the island.

If your own castle level can be upgraded to a high-level castle.

Then at least level seven or eight monsters can appear.

Only in this way can I obtain as many resources as possible to upgrade.

Every island should be the same.

If you don't upgrade the castle for seven days.

Then there should be a fifth-level lord with a bunch of third-level monsters on the island.

It is very simple to survive the beast tide.

"I see, I have now upgraded the intermediate castle."

"But there is still a while before the high-level castle!"

"But I have upgraded my Ancient Life Tree."

"Now four nature elves can be summoned every day."

"Even the probability of summoning elemental spirits has increased."

On Su Yun's side, she directly replied to Su Chen's message.

After seeing the message Su Yun replied.

Su Chen was taken aback for a moment, yes, it seems that everyone's way of leveling up is different.

Like Auntie Su Chen who has awakened the summoned arms.

It should be the first to upgrade the relevant buildings.

Just like Su Yun, she took the lead in upgrading the Ancient Tree of Life.

Allows you to summon more arms.

In this way, the more materials you can get every day.

Come to think of it, this should be a way of balance.

After all, it doesn't matter whether it is a soldier type or a summoning type talent.

In the later stage, it is an invincible existence.

The crowd tactics alone can crush people to death.

And as time goes by, more units will be summoned.

It's not fair to people like that with self-awakening abilities.

So, there are some balances to be struck.

"It seems that I have to quickly obtain some energy crystals."

"This thing is the main material for my own upgrade!"

Su Chen thought about it and decided not to upgrade her castle for the time being.

Wait until Siyana and the Red Dragon Queen reach level eight.

Going to upgrade your castle.

Otherwise, wait until more advanced monsters appear on the island.

It may be overturned directly.

It will be embarrassing if you can't beat it at that time.

As for Xiaojin and Xuanwu.

For the time being, they can only be upgraded to level five first.

After all, level five is the pinnacle of their potential.

If you want to upgrade, then you have to use energy crystals to increase their life level.

The energy crystallization in this time period is extremely precious!

Wait until your own energy crystallizes more later.

It is not too late to strengthen them.

However, right now I still have [-] energy crystals.

At this stage, I want to buy arms or summoned beasts above S level.

That's simply not possible.

After all, people still expect to survive the beast tide.

The low-level self can't look down on it.

Now Xiaojin and Xuanwu don't need to upgrade by themselves.

Su Chen thought about it.

Let's improve your skill level first.

"System, how many energy crystals are needed to upgrade a c-level skill to b-level?"

"Upgrading from c-level to b-level requires [-] energy crystals."

"Forget it, pretend I didn't ask!"

It takes [-] energy crystals to upgrade from c-level to b-level.

Su Chen directly closed the system interface.

With this energy crystal, wouldn't it be good to directly strengthen monsters above S rank in the future?

Don't waste it on skill levels.

"right here!"

"I saw that big tortoise go out from here."

"That's right, it's here!"

"And this castle should have been built by people from other forces."

"Sisters, rush in!"

While Su Chen was studying the skill level.

Outside the castle, a large group of snake girls were carrying machetes.

Slowly approaching the castle!

The number of these snake girls is very large.

At least there must be more than a hundred.


Hear a loud bang from outside.

Su Chen was shocked, and picked up the machete casually.

Su Chen looked out through the window.

Seeing this, Su Chen frowned suddenly.

I seem to be surrounded by snake girls!

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