"Quick, turn on the fire!"

At the entrance of the cave, Su Chen kept handing wood to Siyana from the system warehouse.

Let Siyana continue to increase the flame.

The bigger the flame, the bigger the smoke from these woods.

"By the way, Siyana, let these firewood be slightly moist."

Su Chen suddenly remembered her childhood.

When I lived with my aunt at the foot of Qingyun Mountain.

Every time it rains, the two of them can only see the kind of wet firewood.

The smoke will be bigger on those wet logs!

"Come on, step up!"

Seeing more and more smoke, even the snake girls in the cave began to cough.

Su Chen suddenly laughed badly.

If this method can kill all these snake girls.

Then Siyana can at least reach level eight, or even level nine.

At that time, Su Chen can continue to upgrade his castle directly.

Thereby obtaining higher level wild monsters.

The novice period is not so much a novice protection period as a novice welfare period.

In this vast sea, the chances of encountering an island with monsters will definitely be very low.

Therefore, it is better to take advantage of this time to upgrade your castle directly and quickly.

Then make yourself a higher level!





In the cave, these snake girls are chopping the gravel at the entrance of the cave with weapons.

If you don't get rid of these gravels.

Maybe they will become the worst wild monsters to die.

After all, he was choked to death by the smoke.

It would be better to be killed directly.

You can still say that you are inferior to others after being killed.

But now being choked to death, this method of death is very abnormal.

These snake girls in the cave are constantly cleaning up the gravel.

But outside the cave, Xuanwu's huge front claws.

It is also constantly beating the top of the cave.

One strike after another, Xuanwu, who is already powerful.

That paw went down one paw after another.

A large amount of gravel fell in the cave every second.

Make these snake girls miserable.

"Come on!"

"Siyana, think about your triple experience!"

"If you can directly kill all these snake girls."

"If you don't make it right, you can even become a demigod."

"Think about the life span of tens of thousands of years at the demigod level!"

Su Chen, right now, is just like a pyramid scheme leader.

Constantly encouraging Siyana in Siyana's ear.

Even the Red Dragon Queen began to increase her strength.

Although I can't let out the fire, but the huge dragon's mouth.

Every breath of air can be blown into the cave by these thick smoke.

As for Xiao Jin, he was lying at Su Chen's feet, looking at Su Chen with a bewildered expression.

It's because Su Chen's method is too sunny.

Let it's little head can't think at all!



Gravel, torrential rain, high wind.

It resounded continuously on the entire island.

【Boss, this is the devil fruit I made! 】

Just when Su Chen kept taking out wood and handing it to Siyana.

In the group, Li Haisha directly uploaded many devil fruits.

These devil fruits were all made by her using the things Su Chen gave.

The most precious of these is the frozen fruit!

She made a total of two, and the others are ordinary animal fruits.

There are blue wolves, and there are grizzlies.

Although this thing is not very effective, it can also greatly improve the user's physical fitness.

During the novice protection period, it is extremely important.

After all, at this stage, if everyone can improve a little bit, they can improve their strength a little bit.

To survive the beast tide!

【Thank you, but don't you need this frozen fruit yourself? 】

Su Chen accepted the Devil Fruit that should belong to her.

But Su Chen didn't accept the frozen fruit.

It's not that Su Chen doesn't want to accept it, after all, this thing is very precious.

Especially in this world without domineering.

It is simply an invincible existence.

But if Li Haisha didn't eat it.

Then wait until the beast tide three days later, Li Haisha may not be able to survive the past!

[Thank you, boss, I have already sold some of the blue wolf and grizzly bear fruits. 】

[And I also have frozen fruits on my side. 】

[I'm in extremely cold weather now, and I've made a total of two frozen fruits! 】

[However, I can no longer make frozen fruits. 】

[The message from the devil fruit tree is that each phantom beast species and natural system can only breed two! 】

Li Haisha, briefly introduced her current situation to Su Chen.

【That's fine, I'll accept this frozen fruit. 】

[If you lack any resources, you can tell me directly. 】

[For this frozen fruit, I will temporarily price you [-] energy crystals. 】

[After all, it's the novice protection period, and everyone doesn't have much material. 】

Su Chen directly accepted the frozen fruit.

This thing can be said to be invincible.

[Wow, did you get the frozen fruit directly? 】

[Isn't this thing from the natural system? 】

[Invincible, Miss Li Haisha! 】

[Isn't it? The devil fruit of nature is invincible in this world without arrogance! 】

【envious!envy! 】

Others in the group, after seeing the frozen fruit that Li Haisha gave Su Chen.

Immediately everyone became envious.

After all, the devil fruit becomes stronger with the user.

If you eat this frozen fruit, you can say it unceremoniously.

It can be regarded as obtaining the second talent skill.

Extremely precious!

[System, can the side effects of this devil fruit be eliminated directly? 】

Looking at the frozen fruit in his hand, Su Chen frowned and asked the system.

Devil fruit is indeed a good thing, but it has a fatal weakness.

That is to be afraid of sea stones and sea water!

In this world full of sea water, this weakness is very fatal!

【cannot! 】

The system replied directly to Su Chen.

Sure enough, the side effects cannot be eliminated directly.

In that case.

[Auntie, this is a natural Devil Fruit Frozen Fruit! 】

[After eating it, you will gain the ability to freeze. 】

[And it can also turn the whole body into ice. 】

[Become invincible! 】

Su Chen directly gave this frozen fruit to her aunt.

Although this thing has a fatal weakness.

But my aunt is powerless now!

Except for the summoned elves, they have no fighting power.

Between weakness and life-saving.

Su Chen believes that my aunt will definitely choose to save her life.

Moreover, wait until I find my aunt in the future.

It can be connected to Xuanwu's back for my aunt.

Coupled with the special ability of frozen fruit, it will basically not fall into the sea.

This reassured Su Chen a lot.

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