All People's Island: Awakening SSS-level talent at the beginning

Chapter 28 SSS-level gift packs appear in the auction house!

"Wow, what a cute ant!"

Inside the castle, when Su Chen was chatting with this group of sand sculpture friends.

Kang Na looked at the bronze-colored little Jin, and immediately became interested.

He turned over and sat on Xiaojin's back.

Then he grabbed Xiaojin's tentacles and started playing in the castle.

"Come on, let me introduce you!"

Hearing Kang Na's excited shout, Su Chen also recovered.

Take Thor and Kang Na to introduce each other to everyone.

"This is the Red Dragon Queen, a giant fire dragon!"

"This is an elemental spirit of the water system, called Siyana."

"The big tortoise outside is called Xuanwu!"

"Kang Na, the one you're riding is called Xiao Jin!"

"This one is also a dragon, Thor!"

"This is the thunder dragon, Kanna Kamuyi!"

Su Chen took Kang Na and introduced each other to the friends.


Kang Na nodded cutely.

"Rest and rest, until tomorrow, we will launch a general attack on that dragon's lair!"

Su Chen pointed to the volcano erupting lava in the distance.

Speak your mind.

If there were no Thor and Kang Na, then Su Chen might still consider it.

Let's make a travel note first, so that the Red Dragon Queen and Siyana can be upgraded.

But now, there is Thor and Connor.

Then there is no problem if you go straight up.

After all, Thor is an existence that can confront God.

"By the way, Thor, is your injury serious?"

After Su Chen finished speaking, he remembered Thor's state at this time.

The original Thor was the existence of the pinnacle of the upper god.

Only hurt now.Only the peak of the sanctuary exists.

"My injury is not very serious, and I will recover slowly by myself."

"I was injured by the artifact. Fortunately, the artifact disappeared when I came to this world."

"As long as I have enough energy, I can recover directly."

Thor tossed his hair.

He smiled and said to Su Chen.


"Is it this thing?"

Su Chen thought for a while, and took out an energy crystal directly from her warehouse.

Su Chen still has [-] pieces of this thing.

Su Chen would be very willing to help Thor recover from his injuries.

"This thing?"

Thor took the energy crystal Su Chen took out.

Feeling the energy of the Weibo inside, he couldn't help frowning.

"For this thing, it would take at least a few billion pieces for me to recover."

"But if there are [-] million pieces, I can restore to the level of the next god now."

"But if not, I can recover from my injury within ten years."

"And back to peak condition!"

Hearing Thor's words, Su Chen suddenly smiled wryly.

Sure enough, Thor's level is high, but the resources needed are too many.

Now I can get at most 10,000+ energy crystals.

When it comes to Thor, there are billions at every turn.

I really can't afford it!

"Forget it, I only have [-] now!"

"However, if we go and kill all the dragons in the dragon's lair tomorrow."

"It should be possible to obtain a lot of energy crystals."

"It shouldn't be less than a million!"

Su Chen thought about it and introduced it to Thor.

"Okay! Take Kangna with you tomorrow."

"Konna is going to heal Thor."

After hearing Su Chen's words, Kang Na also nodded cutely.

"Okay, we will definitely bring our Kangna with us tomorrow."

Su Chen touched Kang Na's small head with a smile.

[Ding: Attention all island owners! 】

[Ding: Attention all island owners! 】

[Ding: Attention all island owners! 】

[The auction house will soon appear auction items! 】

[The auction time is one hour! 】

Just when Su Chen was coaxing Kang Na.

The system issued another announcement.

[Props: sss-level living supplies gift pack! 】

【Use it, you will get all kinds of living supplies! 】

[Note: This prop is a permanent prop. It has a thousand kinds of living supplies, ten copies of each kind of living supplies, and the consumed supplies will be automatically replenished at midnight every day! 】

[Starting price: [-] energy crystals! 】

"Hey, good guy!"

I saw this thing called the sss-level living supplies spree.

Su Chen's eyes lit up immediately.

This thing can be described as a very practical baby!

A thousand kinds of living materials, and these materials can still be recycled.

It can be replenished up to ten servings per day.

It can be said that this thing is simply a magic weapon!

Among other things, it is edible salt.

This thing is very valuable now.

After coming to the island world for so many days, Su Chen has never eaten salt even once.

Not to mention others.

Even when everyone starts sailing on the sea in the future.

The edible salt, as well as vegetables and fruits are the most important.

"Come on, just give me a rush!"

Su Chen, without even thinking about it, directly placed [-] energy crystals.

"The situation has changed!"

"Thor, Kanna, Red Dragon Queen, Siyana, take Xuanwu to the dragon's lair to hunt the dragon."

"Five 10 minutes, no matter how many you can kill, come back as soon as possible!"

"There are good things in the auction house now, and I must buy them."

Su Chen thought about it, [-] energy crystals are not safe.

After all, apart from Su Chen, there are other sss level powerhouses.

Adding in their alliance, maybe this time Su Chen will bleed a lot.

Thirty thousand energy crystals are definitely not enough.

At least two to three million yuan should be prepared.


"Master, let's go now!"

Looking at Su Chen's serious expression.

Thor transformed directly, and took Kang Na and others directly towards the giant dragon tide.

"Damn it, this is an artifact!"

"That's right, it's still possible to auction this kind of thing?"

"Is this the official start to control energy crystals?"

"But this is too buggy!"

"Forget it, don't think about it, it has nothing to do with us anyway!"

"Isn't it, this thing has nothing to do with us!"

"Look, the boss with number 10089 directly bid for [-] energy crystals."

"I'll go, the boss is still rich!"

"The bid for the Elven Garden is [-]!"

"Golden Lion City bid [-]!"

"This is rolled up!"

Following Su Chen's direct bid of [-] yuan, other forces gradually began to bid.

In less than 10 minutes, it directly rose to [-] energy crystals.

However, half an hour passed, and now, no one is continuing to bid.

Presumably, there are not many energy crystals in everyone's hands.

After all, this thing was upgraded by everyone.

Maybe the Golden Lion City is just about to be upgraded, but this sss biological material gift pack just appeared.

This thing is now, and in a year or two, when everyone grows up.

Even tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of energy crystals will be bought.

But until the later stage, it has no effect.

After all, at that time, those who survived became gods.

God, there is no need to eat and drink!

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