"Hey Hey!"



At this time, when everyone else was discussing the appearance of the next god on Su Chen's side.

On Su Chen's island, Thor was opening his bloody mouth.

A thousand-meter-long flame burned everything Su Chen saw.

Even the dirt was burned by Thor's attack.

"damn it!"

Seeing that more than half of his companions were directly killed by the woman in front of him.

The sanctuary dragon also exuded terrifying flames, and pulled it towards Thor to attack.


Thor waved his white and tender fist, and hit the dragon's body with one punch.


The giant dragon was directly smashed to death by Thor's punch.

Blood flowed all over the place!

The ground was also shattered directly by Thor's blow.

"Good guy, is this the next god?"

Seeing Thor's random attack, the island was almost sunk directly.

If it weren't for the novice protection on the castle side.

It is estimated that even the castle will not be spared!

It seems that this time I really want to move the castle to Xuanwu's back in advance.

[Ding: The corpse of the dragon was detected, do you want to collect it? 】

One afternoon, Thor took several other people.

Clean up all the dragons on the island!

【collection! 】

[Ding: Congratulations on getting one hundred thousand dragon scales! 】

[Ding: Congratulations on getting two thousand drops of dragon essence blood! 】

[Ding: Congratulations on obtaining 120 million energy crystals! 】

[Ding: Congratulations on getting one hundred thousand units of dragon meat! 】

Good guy, seeing that I actually got 120 million energy crystals this time.

Su Chen could only shout out "Good guy!"

This is a wave of sudden wealth!

And he's rich!

In this afternoon's war, the Red Dragon Queen took advantage of the opportunity to upgrade to level nine.

Siyana has also become a powerhouse at the sanctuary level.

Even Xuanwu has become level eight.

Now the reminder has reached tens of thousands of meters!

It looks very permeable.

Only the hard-working Xiao Jin and Su Chen.

Still only has the strength of level five!

"Thor, interrupt the island directly, let's move to Xuanwu's back!"

Looking at the small island that has become dilapidated due to the war.

Su Chen said helplessly to Thor.

It is true that now this small island, except for Su Chen's castle, has collapsed.

fell into the sea.

Fortunately, Xuanwu has been upgraded to level eight.

It's pretty big on the back.

"No problem, but I can restore the island directly!"

Thor shook his head, and Kojima broke it with one punch.

Then, Xuanwu drilled directly under the island.

Take advantage of the opportunity to hold up the castle!

"Let's go!"

A group of people flew directly onto Xuanwu's back.

"Good guy, no wonder the ancients said that standing tall can see far away!"

Standing on Xuanwu's back, Su Chen looked at the sea in the distance, and immediately sighed.

It is really that the current Xuanwu is too huge.

Up to six 700 meters.

Su Chen could clearly see things within a radius of tens of miles.

This is because Su Chen's strength is not strong, otherwise he would see farther!

[Boss, have you become the next god yet? 】

[Is it the godhead that was rewarded last time? 】

Just when Su Chen was feeling emotional.

Little Lolita directly sent a message to Su Chen.

The tone is full of envy!

[Yeah, I am now the next god. 】

Su Chen thought about it, but said it directly.

Although I have not reached the level of the next god.

But Thor yeah!

And according to Thor, it only takes ten years.

Thor will be able to restore the peak strength of the upper god.

Don't look at how Su Chen has developed so well in just six days.

But this is Su Chen taking advantage of it.

After the novice protection period has passed, the chances of everyone encountering this kind of monster are very small.

Maybe in the next ten years, many people will not continue to upgrade.

[Congratulations, big brother! 】

At this time, on an island very far away from Su Chen.

Little Lolita was chatting with Su Chen with a look of surprise.

Although it is also an sss-level talent.

But Little Lolita hasn't summoned a unit with sss-level talent yet.

The best ones are the SS-level burrow dwarves.

Fortunately, the dwarf leader and the avatar of the dwarf god are strong enough.

Let her be very safe now.

The reason why little Lolita is so happy is because the stronger Su Chen is, the safer she will be.

After all, sooner or later everyone will gather together.

Just when little loli congratulated Su Chen.

among several other alliances.

Everyone started to study it.

"This island owner with number 10089 should have used the lower godhead rewarded last time!"

"That's right, otherwise it wouldn't be upgraded so quickly.",

"I'm only level nine now, and I haven't reached the sanctuary level yet."

"You must know that I am an SS-level lightning talent. The destructive power is strong enough."

"Even so, I'm only level nine now!"

"It should have eaten the godhead of the next god."

"Otherwise it wouldn't be upgraded so quickly!"

However, just as this group of people was studying how Su Chen quickly became a lower god.

Under the sea, in a huge space, an unusually sweet woman is frowning looking at the communication interface.

"How can it be upgraded so quickly?"

"I also just upgraded to Sanctuary this morning."

The woman said with a puzzled face that she had better luck.

At the beginning of the game, not only the talent of sss-level units has been awakened.Even at the beginning, the sss-level mermaid was directly summoned.

These mermaids are very powerful, each with their own abilities.

In addition, her current location is the seabed below [-] meters.

There are so many monsters, which made her quickly upgrade to the sanctuary level.

I didn't expect someone to be faster than her.

"10089? I remember you!"

"How could anyone be faster than me?"

On the other side, a man with flames all over his body also looked at the system announcement with a shocked expression.

He is also a strong man at the sanctuary level.

As a person with sss-level flame talent, after he killed everything on the island.

Came directly to this continent by boat.

There are more monsters here, and their levels are higher.

With triple experience, he had just entered the Sanctuary level this morning.

You know, these days, he hasn't even slept a few times.

I didn't expect someone to be so much faster than him!

"10089, I remember you too!"

As the man muttered to himself.

The man disappeared into the forest in an instant.

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