All People's Island: Awakening SSS-level talent at the beginning

Chapter 38 What kind of bicycle do you want?

After receiving Su Chen's message, my aunt quickly replied to Su Chen.

She knew that Su Chen was very worried about her safety. After all, this beast tide was not a joke.

This is a great hunting opportunity for someone with a lot of strength.

But for some weak people, this is simply too frightening.

So far, after a wave of frenzy, the death toll has exceeded 30.00%!

As a SS summoning talent, my aunt is extremely talented, but it is difficult to resist the attack of the beast tide.

"My side is full of monsters of level six or seven, so it's not a big problem to deal with them." Auntie replied.

After so many days of evolution, my aunt's overall strength has become very strong.

As long as you don't encounter too perverted behemoths, basically there is no problem.

If you encounter a ferocious beast at the peak of the sanctuary like Thor, you can only accept your fate.

"Don't worry, auntie, I'll let Medusa and Siyana help you." Su Chen said.

Although Medusa is only level six, Siyana has already reached the Sanctuary!

With the two of them here, it is enough to help my aunt relieve a lot of pressure.

The more monsters you kill, the more points you will get.

"Auntie, I'll ask Medusa and Siyana to help you first, and contact me anytime if you have any questions."

"Okay, you must pay attention to your own safety." The aunt said with concern.

"Do not worry."

"Boom boom boom!"



Before Su Chen finished replying to Auntie's message, he heard bursts of violent explosions, exploding in his ears.

Looking around, Thor seems to be crazy at the moment, killing him is a joy!

It was originally a frenzy of flooding that countless people feared, but it was suddenly played by Thor as a greedy snake!

"Don't run away!"

Seeing how powerful Thor is, many monsters are already dumbfounded.

[Fuck!What the hell is this special meow!Can't afford to provoke! 】

[Quite meow, run away!This guy is so perverted. 】

[Who the hell can afford this?I ran away! 】

The monsters have given up their attack on Su Chen.

However, as the saying goes, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

If these monsters want to run away, they have to ask Thor to agree!

Thor was killing happily, how could it be possible for them to escape so easily.

So with, you can see the scene in front of you.

The monster runs, Thor chases after.

Layer upon layer of flames, like sea waves, swept towards the monster layer by layer, directly submerging the monster in the sea of ​​flames.

There were screams of grief one after another!

On the other side, the screen shifted to Wang Kuo.

To say that the most tragic is Wang Kuo's difficulty.

Since the start of the beast tide, Wang Kuo has always been resisting.

If you want to say that the person with the worst SS talent in the world is Wang Kuo.

"Wang Kuo, don't worry, I'm here to help you."

After receiving Su Chen's news, Wang Kuo seemed to see a savior!

"I'll give you Xiaojin first. According to the current situation, Xiaojin is enough to help you survive this beast tide." Su Chen said.

Now, how can Xiaojin have the mind to pick and choose?Some use is not bad, what kind of bicycle do you want!

Seeing the bronze-colored Xiao Jin appearing in front of him, Wang Kuo finally sighed.

Now, he has begun to envy other people with SS-level talents.

Even a summoning system is much stronger than one's own forging system.

At least when the beast tide comes, there is still a helper.

Take a look at yourself, there is nothing except the dragon tendon Su Chen sent him and some manufacturing materials.

Let’s just say that the talent of the forging department is very cowhide in the late stage.

But the question is, can I survive to the later stage?

Any large monster can eat itself if it comes over.

"Don't choose forging for whatever talent you choose, choose forging to strike lightning!"

Seeing Wang Kuo's appearance of wanting to cry but not tears, Su Chen saw it and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

This feeling is like the feeling I had when I was in school in another world.

At that time, many friends advised me not to learn clothes!It's the same situation and feeling.

Fortunately, Wang Kuo encountered monsters, all of which were very low-level monsters.

Otherwise, it is really hard to say whether it is life or death.

The battle on Su Chen's side has entered the most exciting stage!

Big World's announcement is also a reminder.

[Current standings! 】

[First: City of Xuanwu! 150! 】

[Second: Elven Garden!Eighty-six thousand! 】

[Third: City of Darkness!Eighty-three thousand! 】

[Fuck!Is this Nima No.1 open? 】

【150 million!So scary! 】

[Elf Garden has caught up to the second place, isn't the gap between the second place and the first place too big? 】

[The sum of the second and third is not as much as that of No. 1? what? 】

[Should I say it or not, the next bitch boss criticizes Klass! 】

Seeing the system ranking change, the entire communication interface exploded.

Everyone never expected that this time the frenzy of the beast tide would bring such a huge shock to everyone.

Someone easily scored a million points.

There are also people who are exhausted and only have a few hundred points.

The gap in this is simply a world of difference.

Seeing everyone's comments, Su Chen had a smile on his face.

There are still more than 40 minutes before the end of this beast tide.

If there are no accidents, it will not be a big problem to break through 200 million points.

And this time the No. 1 position of the beast tide must be Su Chen.

[Ding: Dear island owner, your pet Medusa has been upgraded to level seven! 】

"Good guy, it has been upgraded again."

"Is this guy on the high speed? The upgrade speed is too fast!"

"Aww! Don't run away!"

Just when Su Chen lamented that Medusa's upgrade was as fast as if she was on a high-speed highway, a huge roar came out.


Not far away, I saw Thor as if it was wound up, chasing monsters endlessly, it was a joy.

With one skill, a large group of monsters were all burned into roast suckling pigs.

Especially now that there are no Xiaojin and Medusa robbing monsters, all monsters are exclusively contracted by Thor.

[Ding: Attention all island owners! 】

[Ding: Attention all island owners! 】

[The beast tide is still 10 minutes away from the end. 】

[As of now, the island owners who died in this beast tide accounted for 40.00% of all island owners five! 】

【The island owner who survived, please work hard to survive! 】

Just as Su Chen frantically made up the knife, the system's notification sound came out.

"My mother, the death rate has reached a terrifying 40.00% five!?"

This death statistic really shocked Su Chen, it was almost halfway up!

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