All People's Island: Awakening SSS-level talent at the beginning

Chapter 44 New field, Xuanwu shocked everyone.

This way, Xuanwu seems to have turned on the routing mode, rampaging and very cheerful.

After the upgrade, all aspects of Xuanwu's attributes have also been qualitatively improved.

I don't know how long it took before a castle appeared in front of everyone.

This castle still looks like a bit of human fireworks, which attracted Su Chen to go up.

In front of the city gate, there are many people standing here, it is very lively, as if it is a market.

Can clearly hear the cries of many vendors.

But the next scene stunned everyone in front of the castle.

I saw not far away, a huge monster!Like the land plate, it moved towards them.

That posture is terrifying!

[Fuck!What is this Nima? 】

[Moving land?then what? 】

[Look at the top, there is a castle! 】

[Isn't it?Can such weird things be encountered by us? 】

[Could it be to invade our territory! ? 】

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, and they were all very panicked by the appearance of Su Chen and others.

Seemingly noticing the panic of the people in the opposing castle, Su Chen cheered up.

This is a land where I first came, and I am not sure what the situation here is.

So at this moment, Su Chen needs to be vigilant.

Once the people here are unfriendly or even attack them, Su Chen will definitely fight back without hesitation.

After a while, Xuanwu finally stopped.

At this moment, Su Chen and the others were less than a hundred meters away from the strangers in front of the castle.

While Su Chen was looking at these humans, they were also looking at Su Chen.

The two sides seemed to be staring at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, no one said much, as if they were all stunned.

Soon, Su Chen was the first to react.

At this moment, the other party has no so-called weapons and no intention of confrontation at all.

Instead, he faced Su Chen very curiously and nervously.

Xiao Jin also shook his head, left and right, as if he had discovered something very curious.

The same is true for Thor, Siyana and others, they all stand beside Su Chen, waiting for Su Chen to give orders.

【Hello!Who are you and why are you in our field. 】

On the opposite side, an old man with long beard came forward and said to Su Chen.

Since you don't know the identity of the other party, you must ask.

Moreover, this old man is also very curious about Su Chen's identity. After so many years, there are very few people who can come here.

Su Chen didn't look very old, but the strange beasts around him looked a little more terrifying.

Facing the old man's question, Su Chen replied, "Passing by here."

"Passing by?" The old man didn't seem to believe Su Chen's words, but it seemed that there was no other reasonable explanation besides this explanation.


The old man originally wanted to ask what the hell this big guy under your feet is, but after thinking about it, these questions are not things that he should ask.

It is enough to make sure that Su Chen is not hostile to them.

After all, they didn't intend to do anything to Su Chen and the others.

"Interesting, we haven't had a visitor here for a long time."

After finishing speaking, the old man smiled at Su Chen.

It turned out that the old man was the head of a local ethnic group.

The power in the local area is not big or small. In short, what he said still has a certain weight here.

It's just that Su Chen didn't think of it at all.

After some exchanges and communication with the old man, Su Chen regained a new understanding of this land.

It turns out that the racial divisions here are very serious, and the various races seem to be living in peace on the surface.


During this period of time, the shortage of food resources made the contradictions among the various races more and more serious.

There are even many races fighting for food resources.

Through the old man's narration, Su Chen learned a lot of useful news.

For example, the standard of living here is not high, at the level of the middle world.

Moreover, the environment they live in is still the era of cold weapons.

This also explains why they were so panicked after seeing Xuanwu.

Judging from the current understanding, Thor, as a pet of the lower god, is quite against the sky here.

"You are very short of food here?"

"Yeah, it started some time ago, and the famine is about to start." The old man said meaningfully.

It can be heard that the old man seems to feel very helpless about this problem.

After all, people are like iron and rice is steel. If there is no food, it is impossible to say what riots will happen.

Upon hearing this, Su Chen immediately became interested.

"You lack food, but I have it."

"You have?" When the old man heard Su Chen say that he had the real thing, he immediately became energetic.

But in the blink of an eye, calm was restored.

Even if Su Chen had food, how much could he have?

Their local territory is quite large, and if they want to feed everyone, it will be as difficult as reaching the sky.

Besides, the food that people have is theirs, not their own.

"Hey." The old man sighed and continued: "The situation is not the same as before. We need a lot of things here, and your stocks are of little use to us."

"I have a lot of meat here, but you need to exchange it with energy crystals."

When the old man heard it, he immediately laughed.

Energy crystallization is far less important than food to them.

Energy crystallization is for upgrading and cultivation, and food is for survival!

In comparison, everyone can clearly know which is more important.

And, what is their purpose now?Isn't it just to survive?

"As long as you have enough things, we are willing to replace them with energy crystals." The old man said to Su Chen very seriously.

"make a deal!"

In the following time, Su Chen exchanged the sea king's meat and a lot of daily necessities with the old man.

After a wave of transactions, millions of energy crystals were harvested directly.

Don't mention how happy the old man is.

I thought Su Chen was just talking, but I didn't expect that this guy is strong enough!

Neptunian meat has been sufficient for their species to survive for some time.

In addition, there are still a lot of supplies for daily life. It can be said that in this wave, both sides are getting what they need.

Su Chen got the energy crystallization she wanted, and the old man got enough food to survive. It can be said that this is a deal with the best of both worlds.

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