All People's Island: Awakening SSS-level talent at the beginning

Chapter 51 The elders rebelled, and soldiers came to the chief's mansion.

This group of people was aggressive, and when they came to the gate of the chief's mansion, they even shouted back a large group of people.

But at this moment, there were no more than twenty guards confronting them in the chief's mansion.

On the opposite side of them, there was a huge black crowd. This sharp contrast made people feel ashamed.

People in the distance are also talking about it, and they all express doubts about the situation in front of them.

"What's the matter? What's the situation?"

"I don't know, just now I saw a large number of people rushing over, and they were all armed."

"Could they have come to attack the chief's mansion?"

"Hush! Don't talk nonsense like this, if it spreads, it will be fatal!"


On the other side, in front of the mansion, an old man in a black Taoist robe stood here.

Confidence and arrogance were written all over his face, and he couldn't help but let out a cold snort when he looked at the guards in front of him, who were no more than twenty people.

"Hmph, you guys want to stop me?"

Naturally, the elder didn't take these people seriously. In his eyes, these 20 guards were local chickens and dogs. As long as he took action himself, he could send them to the west in a very short time.

Hearing the elder's words, the 20 or so guards were also a little panicked, and their expressions were tense.

They naturally knew the person in front of them, one of the four great elders, who held a high position in the clan and was very powerful.

If it made him angry, he might die without knowing how.

But what is this place?It's the chief's mansion!

Even if the elders are high and powerful, they can't trespass on important places, let alone lead such a large team.

What is this for?Seeking power and usurping the throne will fail! ?

There was such a thought in his heart, but the chief guard didn't dare to say it.

With my status, I was like an ant in front of the elders.

No!Not even ants!

"Elder, what do you mean? Bringing so many armored soldiers to the chief's mansion, if it spreads, it won't sound good, right?"

"Hahaha!" The elder laughed directly, very presumptuously.

"That's right, I'll tell you today that I'm going to trespass on the chief's mansion, what can you do?"

"I not only want to break into the leader's mansion, but also arrest the leader!"

Speaking of this, the ferocity on the elder's face could no longer be hidden.

As soon as these words came out, the scene was instantly quiet, it was terrifyingly quiet!

Everyone never expected that the elder would say such a rebellious thing in broad daylight.

It is already a capital offense to trespass into the chief's mansion with a soldier in armor, and to say it so openly is an even worse crime, an unforgivable crime.

"Everyone who is sensible, go away, otherwise, you will die without a place to bury you."

The elder's voice was much lower, and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, expressing his disdain for them.

at the same time.

The news of the elder trespassing on the leader's mansion has also reached the leader's ears.

The leader at this moment is recuperating in closed doors.

This is a woman with a beautiful face, her skin is as white as snow, like a fairy falling into the mortal world, she is so beautiful.

When she heard the news, her expression moved slightly, but she quickly returned to calm.

Sure enough, these elders really had a bad idea, colluded with the Baiyu tribe, and wanted to capture their own clan land.

"What's the situation outside the gate of the mansion." The leader asked lightly holding back the anger in his heart.

"Returning to the leader, the four elders have come with armor, and the gates of the four mansions are all blocked." The guard said truthfully.

"Heh, it seems that they have been planning for a long time, and they are going to have trouble in the future."

"Boss, what should we do next?" the guard asked.

"When I go out to meet them, I have not shown up for such a long time, they must already know that I am seriously injured."

While speaking, the leader stood up and prepared to go out.

"Boss!" The guard said with great concern: "Boss, your body..."

"It's okay."

With an understatement, the leader walked out the door with his head held high.

The warm sunshine shone on the face, like a clear mountain spring, and the reflection on the face was bright and white.

All the guards who were actually cited were stunned.

She took every step with a relaxed spirit, and she didn't look seriously injured at all.

This is the majesty of the leader, just like the empress descending, making people dare not take a step forward.

It wasn't until he walked more than a hundred steps that the guards in the mansion finally came to their senses and hurriedly followed.

On the other side, the little girl also received the message.

Knowing that her mother was facing a crisis, and the four elders descended to the chief's mansion, she hurried to find Su Chen.

"It's not good, the four elders are about to rebel."

Seeing the panicked expression of the little girl, Su Chen hurried forward and asked.

"Don't worry, what happened."

The little girl said in a panic: "The news from the guards is that the four elders have brought their armor to the chief's mansion, and all the gates of the four mansions are blocked."

"They are preparing to reverse."

Hearing this news, Su Chen was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect that things would come so quickly, and the four elders were so anxious.

"Let's go there quickly, mother will be in danger if we go late!" The little girl couldn't wait.

The incident happened suddenly, Su Chen didn't talk nonsense, and set off with the little girl.

Outside the gate of the chief's mansion, the elder said a few words to the chief guard, and he lost his patience.

What the hell, I'm here to attack your chief's mansion today, so there's so much nonsense.

They came here this time, but they made full preparations, and they must take it down.

Furthermore, everyone knows the truth that delays lead to changes, and the more time is delayed, the more detrimental it is to everyone.

It's better to hurry up and everything will be over.

"Chief of the guard, go away, or you will be killed."

As soon as the voice fell, the leading elder directly walked in with big strides.


The head of the guard looked majestic at the moment, holding the weapon in his hand, and pointed at the elder.

They are guards who are absolutely loyal to the leader, even if they die, they must protect this place.

Seeing this, the elder smiled coldly.

"Out of control."

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, a clear wave flew out directly, knocking the head guard into the wall, and fell heavily to the ground.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, and this time, he killed half of the guard!

When the others saw this, they also became serious. More than [-] guards were waiting in full force, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"As long as I wait here, I won't be able to enter this chief's mansion!"

The elder smiled disdainfully: "The native chicken and tile dog also want to be on the stage."

Another fluctuating move, this time, the elder increased his strength and knocked back more than a dozen guards by dozens of steps.

"Take it for me!"

This sentence was like a fuse, the black soldiers outside the leader's mansion directly waved their weapons and rushed in.

For a while, the gate of the chief's mansion was in chaos, and the soldiers of both sides fought fiercely together.

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