Obviously, the Great Protector did not trust the words of the third elder.

Long before coming here, the Great Protector had already figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

Moreover, the reason why he was able to come here was because he was entrusted by the leader.

According to the news that the leader sent to himself, the clan is now facing a shortage of water resources.

Due to the serious injury of the leader, there are very few fresh water resources that can be produced.

If it develops like this for a long time, it won't take long for this tribe to face the problem of running out of water.

With such a serious issue, the four elders united with the Hundred Fish Tribe and decided to oppose it.

As for the reason for the opposite, the first reason is that the Hundred Fish Tribe has very rich freshwater resources, which can provide them with substantial help.

But in exchange, the four elders need to give the leader and daughter to the Hundred Fish Tribe.

After the two parties reached an agreement, the plan began, and it developed to the current situation.

"Dharma Protector, you must trust me, I am absolutely loyal to the leader! It is him! It is him! He is the culprit!" The third elder pointed to the second elder and said very excitedly.

Now, the third elder has completely stopped cooking, and since the moment the Great Guardian appeared, he has lost the arrogance he had before.

Because in the face of absolute strength, the third elder is a completely insignificant existence.

The Great Protector could easily kill him with just one move.

Tell me, with such a disparity in strength, how dare the third elder be arrogant?

After listening to the third elder's explanation, the Great Protector smiled coldly: "Have you finished talking? It's time to go on the road."

Hearing this, the third elder actually made a plop and knelt down to the guardian!

In front of countless people, he directly knelt down!

"Dharma protector, I beg you, spare my dog's life! I beg you, protector!" The third elder was like a bereaved dog at this moment, begging bitterly.

This scene made everyone's eyes full of shock.

Fuck!who I am?where am I?What just happened?

The Third Elder, who had always been extremely strong, actually made such a low-value performance in front of the Great Protector at this moment, and immediately knelt down!

The second elder lay on the ground and laughed loudly.

It turned out that some of these things were under the control of the leader.

Everything is a bureau!

Just when they thought they could deal with the leader together.

Only then did I suddenly realize that they were the ones who were dying, and the clown was myself.

"Hahaha! Hahahahaha!" The Second Elder laughed wildly.

"So that's how it is! That's how it is!" The second elder looked up to the sky and shouted.

Seeing that the second elder was almost insane, the third elder couldn't help but sternly said: "A traitor! How dare you be presumptuous!"

After speaking, the third elder didn't hesitate at all, and rushed directly towards the second elder.

He is now going to kill the second elder to show his determination.

But when the third elder had just killed the second elder, a huge wave of water light rushed towards him.

boom! ! !

After an explosion, the body of the third elder fell directly to the ground.

The big protector said coldly: "Take them all for me!"


This response was earth-shattering. All the guards stepped forward and tied up the second and third elders.

As for the Great Elder and the Fourth Elder.

The Great Elder has been completely injured, and it is estimated that he will not be able to get up for a while, and he was also suppressed.

The body of the Fourth Elder was dragged to the Great Guardian.

"Great Protector, the Fourth Elder is dead, how should I deal with it!"

The Great Protector glanced at it, and said: "Throw it out and feed it to the dogs, this kind of traitor is not worthy of staying in our clan."


After the guard answered, he followed the request of the Great Elder.

This day has a huge impact on the entire tribe.

The four elders failed in their rebellion, and they were all arrested. Some died and some were injured.

As for the clan, before the leader left, he emphasized that when he was away, everything would be presided over by the Great Guardian.

On the other side, the scene shifted to Su Chen.

After leaving the clan land, everyone went to Xuanwu City.

Apart from the leader and the little girl, the guards of the leader's mansion and their families all went to Xuanwu City.

These people are all guards who are absolutely loyal to the leader. Of course, they will become guards who are absolutely loyal to Su Chen in the future.

"Thank you, thank you for saving us." At this time, the little girl came to Su Chen and said very gratefully.

If it weren't for Su Chen, his mother would definitely be arrested by the four elders and sent to the Hundred Fish Tribe.

As for himself, he would also be sent there as a plaything.

Fortunately, with Su Chen around, none of these tragedies happened.

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Su Chen replied lightly.

The little girl looked at Su Chen very seriously, unable to express her inner gratitude to him.

The leader of the Hundred Fish Tribe is an old pervert who has been coveting him for a long time.

If he really fell into the hands of this old pervert, the consequences would be disastrous.

"How is your mother's injury?" Su Chen asked.

"It's still very serious. The previous injury hasn't healed yet, and I fought with the four elders again. Now it's even more serious." The little girl said worriedly.

"I'm really worried, my mother..." Speaking of this, I couldn't help crying.

After the rebellion of the four elders, the little girl was really scared.

She had never seen this scene before.

It never occurred to him that he would be so close to death.

"Don't worry, your mother will be fine." Su Chen comforted.

"Then where are we going next?" The little girl wiped away her tears and asked again.

Now, the Hui people will definitely not be able to go back, and the mother is also seriously injured, and the two mothers are already homeless.

Su Chen thought for a while and said, "Hundred Fish Tribe."

As soon as the words came out, the little girl was stunned.

"What? Bai, Hundred Fish Tribe?"

While speaking, the little girl backed away again and again. The Hundred Fish Tribe, isn't that the place where the four elders want to sell themselves and their mother?

Could it be that Su Chen will do the same?

Seeing the panicked look of the little girl, Su Chen couldn't help but smiled and said, "Don't worry, I went to the Hundred Fish Tribe to get something."

"Get something? What kind of thing?" The little girl asked very curiously.

"Water." Su Chen said very firmly.


"That's right." Su Chen said: "Fresh water resources are scarce now. If there is not enough water, we can't go there. It just so happens that the Baiyu tribe has abundant fresh water resources. We went here to get their fresh water."


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