All People's Island: Awakening SSS-level talent at the beginning

Chapter 61 Harvesting Rewards, Fish Shoals Attack

When this news was spread to the Hundred Fish Tribe.

At this moment, the leader of the Hundred Fish Tribe seemed to have eaten a fly, and his face instantly darkened.

Once upon a time, he never thought that the thousand-year-old electric eel, a mythical beast in the clan, would die like this!

Moreover, the strength of the opponent is still so strong, it is completely crushed.

Under such circumstances, the leader of the Hundred Fish Tribe couldn't help burning with anger.

For so many years, no one has ever dared to challenge their clan land.

It's all right now, not only provoked his own clan, but also killed the beasts of his own clan.

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, this matter must not be dismissed so easily.

Ever since, the leader of the Hundred Fish Tribe quickly made a check on this matter.

Now he has to figure out what the hell is so divine that he can do such a shocking thing.

The leader of the Hundred Fish Tribe was already very unhappy these days.

Now that this incident happened, his mood fell into a trough even more.

On the other side, as Thor had already killed the Millennium Electric Eel, the system's prompt was immediately passed on.

[Ding, it is detected that there are items that can be collected, do you want to collect them? 】

【whether. 】

"Yes." Su Chen said without hesitation.

[Ding, the item collection was successful. 】

【Congratulations on getting an electric eel skin. 】

After the system notification sounded, the corresponding items were directly stored in Su Chen's warehouse.

"Island Master, we are very close to the Hundred Fish Tribe, and we will arrive in about two hours. Should we investigate the situation over there before going ashore?" Thor asked Su Chen.

Regarding this question, Su Chen had already thought about it a long time ago.

The news that the Millennium Electric Eel was killed just now must have reached the Hundred Fish Tribe.

In any case, this guy is a beast of the Hundred Fish Tribe, so if he died like this, the Hundred Fish Tribe would definitely not let it go.

If I'm not mistaken, the leader of the Hundred Fish Tribe at this moment can't wait to grab him and eat him raw.

That being the case, since the contradictions between the two parties have already been established.

Su Chen would not run away, let alone hesitate, just do it.

Besides, my purpose of coming to the Hundred Fish Tribe this time is very simple, there are three, that is resources, resources, and what the hell is resources!

Although it is known to the outside world, the Baiyu Tribe is very rich in fresh water resources.

But in fact, this is only what the outside world has learned.

In fact, the Baiyu Tribe is rich in fresh water resources, food resources, and material resources.

If the Hundred Fish Tribe could be taken down, it would be a qualitative improvement for Su Chen.

Having just harvested an electric eel skin, Su Chen sent it to Wang Kuo without hesitation.

[This is the latest harvest, it should be of great use to you. 】

After receiving Su Chen's news, Wang Kuo immediately replied: [Good guy, electric eel skin, and it's from the year before last, it's a rarity. 】

[How are the previous materials handled? 】

Wang Kuo said: [Everything will be built soon, this electric eel skin has just come in handy, it can add some attributes to these defenses. 】

Su Chen knew a little about the equipment forging that Wang Kuo said, but not much.

After all, I am not a professional, but Wang Kuo is a professional. In addition, Su Chen trusts Wang Kuo and entrusts Wang Kuo to do these things, so Su Chen is also very relieved.

[You can figure it out, there is something new on my side. 】

After saying this sentence, Su Chen didn't say anything more.

Because in front of him, there are many huge schools of fish!

Yes, you are not mistaken, it is a huge school of fish, which is coming towards you in a mighty way.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen immediately became serious about his state.

"Good guy, this is a great gift to your door." Su Chen said jokingly.

At this time, the female leader said beside Su Chen: "This is a school of fish from the Baiyu tribe. It seems that the news about the electric eel has reached the ears of their leader."

"So what? I just want to let him know that I'm here!" Su Chen said arrogantly.

Hearing this, the female leader couldn't help being frightened by Su Chen's such a powerful aura.

Good guy, what kind of strength is Su Chen? Why is he always so strong? It seems that there is no opponent he can look up to in the whole world.

You know, the Baiyu tribe is also a big tribe, and their strength is also very strong.

As a water-friendly tribe, their combat capabilities at sea will also be greatly improved.

For a long time, the female leader has regarded the Hundred Fish Tribe as her old enemy tribe. Over the years, she has not been able to make any substantial impact on the Hundred Fish Tribe.

Now that Su Chen was here, an idea unconsciously sprouted in the female leader's heart.

That is, as long as Su Chen makes a move, the Hundred Fish Tribe will be destroyed in an instant.

Thinking of this, the female leader didn't say anything more, he believed what Su Chen said, and even more believed in Su Chen's ability.

It would be good for Su Chen if he could destroy the Baiyu Tribe.

I hate the Hundred Fish Tribe very much, and I hate their leader even more.

As we all know, the leader of the Hundred Fish Tribe is an old pervert, and his mind is full of women all day long.

And the most important thing is that he and his daughter have also become the targets of the leader of the Hundred Fish Tribe.

Tell me, isn't this a great insult to a dignified leader!

So right now, the female leader can't wait for Su Chen to quickly kill the Baiyu Tribe.

Finally, as the school of fish got closer and closer to him, Xuanwu gradually stopped.

There are more and more schools of fish around, and it seems to be enclosing the entire city of Xuanwu.

However, after Thor and Siyana Xiaojin saw this situation, they all showed very excited expressions.

After a battle just now, Thor hasn't had a good time yet.

I thought that the Millennium Electric Eel would be very powerful and would become a strong opponent for him.

But it never occurred to him that he would be beaten to death by the opponent with a single tail.

Tell me, this is why Thor is upset, I haven't felt you yet, you are done.

Siyana has also gone through a long hiatus, and now wants to exercise her muscles and bones.

Seeing the gradually increasing school of fish, Siyana felt eager to try.

"These schools of fish are about to attack us, so we must be careful." At this time, Xiao Jin reminded everyone.

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