Just when the patriarch of Baiyu was already feeling very angry with the situation in front of him.

At this time, the Second Elder sent another news, that is, the electric eel, the divine beast in the clan, died!

As soon as he heard this, Patriarch Baiyu felt a sudden suffocation and choked his breath.

Nima!Excessive!This is simply too much!

This divine beast electric eel is the treasure of the town, but now it was just wiped out by Su Chen and others.

If I don't get this place back, what will the outside world think of me in the future.

Thinking of this, the patriarch of Baiyu naturally didn't think about it any more, if he wanted to fight, then he would fight.

After so many years, I have never been afraid of anyone.

Even I have never suffered a loss or lost a battle.

Immediately, Patriarch Baiyu rushed out with his clansmen.

Now, he wants to tear Su Chen into pieces!To relieve the hatred in my heart!

With all the Baiyu tribes dispatched, this news also brought great shock to many surrounding tribes.

For a long time, the strength of the Baiyu tribe has been considered relatively strong among the surrounding tribes.

But now that such a situation has arisen, everyone can't help but think to themselves, what a serious thing happened to force the Patriarch of the Hundred Fish Tribe into this position, and he went out to fight himself.

The screen shifted to Xuanwu City.

After solving the attacking school of fish, the sound of the system also sounded.

[Ding, it is detected that there are items that can be collected, whether to collect them. 】

【yes. ] Su Chen replied.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 300 million units of fish meat. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining three thousand tortoise shells. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining four thousand sets of tough fish scales. 】

After listening to the system prompt, to be honest, Su Chen was a little surprised.

He never thought that he would have such a rich harvest.

Originally, I just thought it was a trouble I encountered halfway, but these gains brought me a great surprise.

[Island owner, an enemy is found ahead. 】

Just when Su Chen was still happy, Xiao Jin's voice suddenly came out.

Hearing this, Su Chen looked into the distance.

I saw a dark shadow moving towards me at this moment.

The person at the head looked a little familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

"It's the leader of the hundred fishes."

Before Su Chen could react, the female leader at the side said immediately.

Her voice and attitude became serious at the moment.

It can be seen that such a large formation must be the full strength of the Hundred Fish Tribe.

It has to be said that the Hundred Fish Tribe still has capital and arrogance, no wonder they can secretly collude with the four elders and want to swallow their own territory, that's how it is.

Judging from the visual effects, the Baiyu Tribe's population is almost five times that of their own.

"A group of native chickens and dogs, don't waste time, quickly log in to the Baiyu tribe to collect resources."

After finishing speaking, Thor and others all showed a gesture of eagerness to try.

To be honest, they were just waiting for Su Chen's words.

There are hundreds of fish, thousands of fish and thousands of fish, as long as Su Chen gives an order, they will all be beaten to death.

A battle at sea will soon begin.

The Hundred Fish Tribe also has experts in the sanctuary realm.

But in front of Thor, these sanctuary masters are not enough to eat and drink by themselves.

It was all resolved in a matter of two seconds.

Seeing that all the masters on his side fell down, Patriarch Baiyu knew that his doom was over.

Originally, I wanted to engage in a bigger battle, to frighten the opponent, and let the opponent see my own strength.

But what they never expected was that the strong men of their own race were not enough to put their teeth between their teeth.

After the first round of fighting, Xuanwu's body was already covered with a large amount of blood.

Of course, these bloodstains were all left by the Hundred Fish Tribe. In the first battle, the Hundred Fish Tribe suffered a disastrous defeat.

Seeing the countless clansmen collapsed in front of him, the leader of Baiyu couldn't sit still.

Dude, is this a fight?This is clearly a unilateral massacre!

And everyone has seen that Su Chen's strength is really too strong.

Whether it is Thor Xiaojin or Siyana, their strength is a bit too strong.

Especially Thor, that tail, as if on a pulley, is called a swift and vigorous one.

At this moment, everyone's attention has been focused on Thor.

However, when facing the Hundred Fish Tribe, Thor did not relax his vigilance.

It is true that the opponent's single strong man in the sanctuary realm is not his opponent, but if they all gather together, they may still have the capital to fight against him.

"Look, leader, who are those two women!"

When the patriarch of Baiyu was still looking at Su Chen and the others in the distance very puzzled, the third elder said beside him.

Good guy, I don't know if I don't look at it, I was shocked when I saw it, aren't these the two girls I think about day and night.

But then again, how could the little girl and the matriarch run into Su Chen's hands?

Could it be that Su Chen has taken down their mother and daughter?

Thinking of this, a trace of heartache also surfaced in the heart of Chief Baiyu.

"Give it to me! Kill them!"

At this moment, the leader of Baiyu seems to have lost his own treasure, and the whole person is going crazy.

Then, countless murlocs rushed towards Xuanwu City.

This battle lasted for a full hour. When it stopped, Xuanwu's back seemed to be covered in a layer of blood, which looked a little scary.

The final outcome of the battle was also expected.

Su Chen's side won steadily, but as for the Baiyu Tribe, all the four elders were killed in battle, and countless people were killed or injured.

The words of the Patriarch of Hundred Fishes have gone to nowhere at this moment.

But before escaping, he was also seriously injured by Thor.

This time, Su Chen once again proved the strength of Xuanwu City to the little girl and the female leader.

Although it is not as good as others in terms of quantity, it cannot stand up to our quality.

A Thor can easily challenge the masters of their whole family, tell me, how can you fight this way.

The harvest of this battle is also very rich.

In addition to some food and forging materials, Su Chen also harvested a lot of energy crystals.

With these energy crystals, you can also quickly upgrade the level.

[Ding, it was detected that there are rare materials that can be collected. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a unit of (exquisite fish bones). 】

Seeing this reward, Su Chen couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his face.

This wave of battle is not a loss!

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