All the island owners panicked at the sudden attack of the beasts that descended on the system.

No one expected that troubles would follow.

Originally, a frenzy of monsters had already brought a great psychological shadow to everyone.

This time the fierce beast attack sounds more powerful than the frenzy of monster beasts.

After all, the frenzy of monsters is just a monster in the sea.

But in this frenzy of wild beasts, there are all amphibious monsters on land and sea.

Under such circumstances, more and more people began to seek help on World Channel.

【system hint!system hint! 】

At this moment, the system prompted another message.

[The duration of this fierce beast attack is 48 hours. Within 48 hours, all the items killed have a double chance to be collected, and the material explosion rate will also increase. 】

Hearing this news, it can be said that some people are happy and some are worried.

For those with strong abilities, this is an excellent opportunity, not only to obtain a large amount of materials, but also to increase the explosion rate of killing monsters.

But for some people who are not strong, this is really a nightmare of death.

[It's over, can I choose not to participate? 】

[I can't protect myself, so what's the explosion rate? 】

[I pay for the food, who is willing to protect me? 】

[The brother upstairs is not dreaming, is he?The explosion rate increases, who is short of your money? 】

All of a sudden, the world's public screens became very lively.

【system hint!There is still one hour before the beast attack, all island owners please get ready! 】

After the system sound fell, everyone started to get busy.

They have to organize their forces and choose a camp to fight against the beast.

Those with weak strength need to find a hiding place to ensure that they will not be discovered by ferocious beasts.

Su Chen was very calm at the moment.

What ferocious beasts attack and do not attack, come to kill one, come to kill a pair.

All in all, Su Chen accepted as many kills as he wanted.

When Su Chen was still so confident, he suddenly thought of something.

I have enough strength on my side to resist the invasion of ferocious beasts, but I don't know what the situation on my aunt and Wang Kuo's side is.

So I sent a message to my aunt to ask.

[News, the beast attack is coming soon, do you need help? 】

My aunt received Su Chen's message, and immediately replied: [I don't need it at the moment, my current strength is enough. 】

[That's good, contact me anytime you need it. 】

After talking to my aunt, Su Chen sent another message to Wang Kuo.

[The beast attack is coming soon. It is said that this time the beast attack is even more powerful than the last wave of monster beasts. I will ask Siyana to help you. 】

After finishing speaking, Su Chen directly sent a transaction reminder to Wang Kuo.

Wang Kuo didn't need to be polite to Su Chen, he just accepted it.

It's true, I really don't have the strength to fight against monsters.

The reason why I have been able to survive until now is that I am very lucky. After such a long time, I have not encountered any too strong opponents.

Whenever a ferocious monster is bumped into by him, Wang Kuo's life is probably gone.

[The transaction is successful, congratulations on getting Siyana. 】

Seeing the pets he received, Wang Kuo felt confident.

For him, Xiao Jin's strength is already very strong.

The current Siyana is even more powerful than Xiao Jin in terms of overall combat ability.

It can be seen from this that the beast attack this time must be more serious than the last mission.

After making arrangements for Wang Kuo, Su Chen was completely relieved.

In any case, Wang Kuo is his friend, and also his right-hand man.

The occupations of Su Chen and Wang Kuo are completely different.

One is the output combat type, while the other is the auxiliary forging type.

In the early stage, the combat output is definitely an advantage, it can enhance self-protection ability, and can also deal a lot of damage, which is of great benefit to the early stage upgrade.

The forging skills will only play their greatest role in the middle and late stages.

Because as the island owner's ability gradually improves, attribute bonuses will become more and more difficult.

In the early stage, it is very easy to increase strength by dozens of points casually, and a powerful weapon can easily achieve it.

But if it is in the later stage, it may be very difficult to increase a few points of strength.

Therefore, at this time, the ability of the blacksmith was brought into play.

An excellent blacksmith can forge a piece of equipment to the extreme.

The equipment is also divided into grades, from bottom to top, they are ordinary, advanced, rare, artifact, epic, legendary and so on.

The higher the grade of the equipment, the stronger the attributes that can only be added.

For the same piece of equipment, there is an unbridgeable gap between common and legendary.

Perhaps your own strength is not as important as equipment.

Fighting at the same level, if the opponent is using a legendary weapon, you are using a high-level weapon.

Don't hesitate, even if your strength is a little stronger than the opponent, the opponent can easily defeat you.

This is the charm of top equipment.

Don't look at Wang Kuo's current strength is not strong, he doesn't even have the ability to protect himself.

However, everything should not only be seen in front of the eyes, Su Chen is a person with a very long-term vision.

He believes that Wang Kuo in the future will definitely play a role that will shock everyone.

[The system prompts that there are still 10 minutes before the beast attack. 】

The system notification sound came again. This sound was like icy winter water pouring on everyone's heads, making people feel their backs go numb.

[No, there's still half an hour left!I haven't found a place to hide yet! 】

【What to do!Who can protect me, I pay a high price! 】

[Money is not important now, all kinds of important materials and explosion rate have been increased, who cares about your little money? 】

[That is to say, those who are capable will fight alone. 】

Everyone talked and said everything.

And just when everyone is in a state of tension and anxiety.

Suddenly, a shocking news came from the public screen of the world.

[Number 10089 has entered the beast attack ahead of time. 】

what! ? ? ?

Seeing such an improvement, everyone in the World Channel, one counts as one, is all stupid.

What's the matter with this Nima?Is there really someone who is not afraid of death?How many people are very frightened by the invasion of ferocious beasts, this number 10089 is very good, it has actively entered the combat mode.

But after thinking about it again, everyone understood.

It turned out that this number 10089 was the island owner who won No. 1 in the last frenzy of monsters.

Not only won No.1, but also won the artifact Tang Dao!

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