The appearance of the forged spar caused the world channel to be blown up.

Everyone never expected that this number 10089 will always bring you too many surprises.

From the beginning of Tang Dao to the present, Su Chen has constantly refreshed everyone's perception of the strong.

It's like saying that now, when these news are placed in front of everyone, everyone, one counts as one, is already dumbfounded.

It has to be said that without Su Chen, they would not even have heard of such materials.

But now, everyone knows.

It turns out that there are still many things in this world that they don't know.

Especially for the division of the realm of the strong, it has become something that everyone can't figure out.

[The forging crystal should be the material used to forge weapons, right? 】

[If it is used to forge Tang Dao, wouldn't it take off directly? 】

[No. 10089 Niubi, should I say it or not, it's too damn strong! 】

[If I also have Tang Dao, I will definitely break this day! 】

At this moment, everyone has expressed their views on this matter.

And when faced with these facts, from the shock at the beginning, to now I have begun to complain a little.

Why, why is this lucky one not them?

Why is it not unfair that all good things are met by number 10089?

However, even if everyone feels unfair about this, the fact is a foregone conclusion, and there is absolutely no way for everyone to change the reality in front of them.

[If I can have Tang Dao, wouldn't I be able to walk sideways? 】

[Tang Dao's most powerful feature lies in his armor-breaking and attack-breaking attributes, so that no opponent with strong defense can resist in front of Tang Dao. 】

[Compared with other weapons, the attributes of Tang Dao are almost the ceiling of all weapons. 】

[If Tang Dao can be matched with good equipment, it will be a real explosion! 】

Speaking of this, everyone can't help but start talking about the matching of equipment.

But Wang Kuo said, everyone, you are really thinking too much.

As Su Chen's queen blacksmith, Wang Kuo had already thought of all the situations.

What he is doing now is to create equipment for Su Chen according to Tang Dao's attributes.

Moreover, Su Chen's future development trend must be mainly based on breaking moves and armor, which is also Tang Dao's advantage.

As for other aspects, it is the accumulation of strength.

Comparing with each other, Su Chen has surpassed 99,999% of people in terms of basic attributes.

Take the giant lava beast as an example, maybe a strong person with high strength can only seriously injure the giant lava beast, but cannot kill it.

But for Su Chen, the defense power and defense ratio are all younger brothers.

In front of Tang Dao, all living beings are equal!

As long as one sword strikes, even a god cannot withstand the armor-piercing power of this move.

This is Su Chen's strength.

Wang Kuo had already made an overall plan for Su Chen.

In terms of armor, there is no doubt that all kinds of defense must be added.

This is to ensure Su Chen's combat endurance to the greatest extent.

For other equipment, all of them are based on armor-breaking and attacking power.

Speaking of which, maybe someone wants to ask.

Why not choose to also forge strength on armor?Isn't this getting stronger and stronger?

wrong!If you think so, it is a big mistake.

People who don't have a deep understanding of equipment will think this way, because they just know that strength is the most respected, but they don't know that the reason why armor can be called armor is because its defense cost-effectiveness is the highest.

If the strength is increased, the effect on the armor will be greatly reduced.

Wang Kuo also calculated an account.

If you increase the strength of all the armor made for Su Chen and give up the defense.

Strength can be increased by about 20.00%.

However, if they all focus on defense, it will increase Su Chen's defense by more than [-]%.

In such a comparison, everyone must know which is more important.

The battle continues.

After some kills, Su Chen's points were approaching the million mark.

As for the others, No.2 has not broken through [-] points yet.

Under such a huge gap, this can't help but make an idea sprout in many people's hearts.

That is, quickly look for traces of number 10089.

Since this guy is so powerful, it would be good to follow him and pick up some trash.

If there are mobs that 10089 despise, they can also take the opportunity to collect them in exchange for a little points.

Things like points are accumulated gradually.

If you want to break through 10089 points all at once, there must be no one other than [-] who can do it.

When the thoughts in my mind came here, I saw the system prompt and announced the current points ranking.

[Announce the top three rankings so far! 】

[No.1: Number 10089, current points: 89! 】

[No.2: Number 10938, current points: [-]! 】

[No.3, number 2817, current points, [-]! 】

As far as the gap between No.2 and No.3 is concerned, it's not very disparate. When people look at it, there is still a bit of suspense.

However, if you compare the data of the second No.3 with No.1, it is really nothing.

Even if the second and third points are added together, and the top [-] points are added together, they are not Su Chen's opponent.

Thinking of this, countless people began to question Su Chen's strength.

Why this guy is so strong is simply unscientific.

To say that the disparity in points this time is too large is because the number 10089 equipment is suppressed, and they have the magic weapon Tang Dao.

But what about the last frenzy?Why is the number 10089 still able to easily get No.1 steadily?

[Important reminder, the first round of liquidation is about to begin. 】

[Countdown! 】

【ten! 】

【Nine! 】


【three! 】

【two! 】

【one! 】

As the countdown time of the system ends, and then you see the bottom [-]% of the people, their bodies will win in place in an instant.

Their vision also began to gradually change from colored to off-white.

This is a sign that their lives are gone, and soon, they will leave this world completely.

This is the rule of the game. If you want to survive, you must follow the requirements of the system.

If it cannot be done, what is about to be faced will be a terrible disaster.

And here, no one can be your backer, the only one who can help you is yourself!

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