All People's Island: Awakening SSS-level talent at the beginning

Chapter 74 Defensive Artifact, Armor of Thorns

With Xiaojin's help, Wang Kuo's points also increased.

However, after killing a few giant monsters, the points ranking directly rose to the 50.00% one.

From the next liquidation, 20.00% of humans will be eliminated.

As long as you keep your points within 80.00%, you will prove that you are safe.

After arranging the situation on Wang Kuo's side, Su Chen can safely earn points.

Let's not talk about how powerful Tang Dao is.

Just Thor can stun countless monsters.

Even up to now, the situation at the scene was no longer a monster looking for Su Chen, but Su Chen looking for a monster!

After seeing Su Chen's strength, the monsters also began to be full of fear towards Su Chen. Whenever they saw Su Chen, their immediate reaction was to turn around and run away.

After all, this guy is really frightening, no matter how powerful the monster is, as long as it is encountered by Su Chen, it will definitely be included in the bag and used as mission points.

So far, Su Chen's points have successfully exceeded 100 million.

And everyone has already set their goals on No.2.

Because everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible to compete for No. 1, even if the dream is shattered, it is impossible to achieve it.

As long as they can stabilize the ranking at No.2 and No.3, it is already a big expectation for them.

[I really saw what it means for one person to attain the Tao and ascend to heaven, and an artifact numbered 10089 took off directly. 】

【Please, that is the strongest artifact, the Tang Dao, the attack power of breaking moves is not a joke. 】

[The current Tang Dao is not in its peak state yet, the real peak Tang Dao can ignore all defenses in the world. 】

[Isn't it ignoring 70.00% of the defense at most? 】

[Brother upstairs, learn about weapon forging, and then enchant and break armor, who in this world dares to claim that he is invincible in defense? 】

At this moment, everyone was talking about it, and between the lines, they all expressed everyone's shock at Su Chen's strength.

And just when everyone was bragging about the unsolvable attack power of Tang Dao's breaking moves.

Suddenly someone came up with a bold idea.

【I would like to know, if Tang Dao, the strongest armor-piercing weapon, meets the armor of thorns, the strongest defensive equipment, what effect will it have? 】

As we all know, the armor of thorns is the strongest defensive equipment, which can effectively block all critical damage effects, and at the same time, it will also cause a certain amount of rebound damage to the opponent.

For a long time, the armor of thorns has been regarded by countless people as the most perverted equipment.

Because no matter how strong your weapon is, as long as you fight against an opponent equipped with the Thorn Armor, you will definitely receive great rebound damage.

And up to now, everyone has never seen the magical scene of Tang Dao confronting the armor of thorns.

Everyone is looking forward to it, looking forward to what kind of power will explode if these two artifacts meet together.

As soon as the topic came out, it quickly aroused heated discussions among countless people.

[Fuck!This question is absolutely perfect, I think Tang Dao is better, right? 】

[Yeah, Tang Dao has its own armor-breaking and attacking attack power, so it can be said that there is no pressure to deal with the armor of thorns. 】

[Stop bragging about Tang Dao, Tang Dao is indeed very strong, but in front of the armor of thorns, he is the younger brother! 】

[I think back then, someone used a magic tool to dry the armor of thorns, and was unexpectedly killed by the reflected damage. Can you believe it? 】

[The armor of thorns is really terrifying. Really, don't make any moves when you encounter it, otherwise, you must be the one who gets hurt. 】

Regarding this issue, for a while, the voices of everyone's discussion began to become more and more heated.

This is really a controversial issue.

No one dares to jump to conclusions until they are sure about the conflicting attributes of the two artifacts.

On the other side, when everyone is concerned about who is better between Tang Dao and Thorn Armor.

Su Chen's points have already broken through the 150 million mark.

Since killing monsters no longer explodes experience, it can only explode energy crystals.

So, so far, Su Chen has harvested more than 150 million energy crystals.

With so many energy crystals, Su Chen also considered upgrading after accumulating a certain amount.

[There is still one minute before the second clearance! 】

After the system prompt appeared, many people just sat and waited to die.

Because their points are too low, and they don't dare to fight against too powerful monsters.

Back and forth, only some low-level monsters can be killed.

Therefore, under such circumstances, they have no chance of turning the tables.

After two rounds of withdrawal, 70.00% of the population remained.

The third clearance is also the last final clearance, and the clearance ratio will be increased to 40.00% at that time!

What is this concept?It means that only 30.00% of the survivors can be left.

Of course, for those who are capable, it's just a point collection game.

But for some people who are not strong, this is a time to face the fear between life and death.

[Announce the points ranking! 】

[No.1, number 10089, points: 160! 】

[No.2: Number 14313, Points: 28! 】

[No.3, number 23822, points: 27! 】

Seeing this points ranking, everyone couldn't help being completely shocked.

Nima, this gap is getting bigger and bigger.

I thought it was a points chase.

But I didn't realize it, this is completely a 10089 solo performance show.

The points of No.2 and No.3 are loaded together, which is not as much as Su Chen's fraction.

Tell me, under such circumstances, everyone still plays a game of hammers.

[Nimma, I'm so scared, I'm so scared. 】

[This difference in points is simply not too big, it can't be compared at all, okay? 】

[It’s good to be able to stabilize the second and third. The gap between the second and the third is only 5. The fourth No.20 has also broken through [-]. The second and third positions are not stable. 】

[I can only fight for the second or third place, and I can still get a chance to draw a lottery, which should be regarded as the participation reward. 】

There was a lot of discussion, and by then, the time for the third withdrawal would also be shortened.

The previous two times were in hours.

But this time, just three or ten minutes later, there will be a third clearing.

The reason why it is defined as this rule is also to speed up the beast attack this time.

Those who are capable will survive, those who are not capable will die.

On the other hand, Auntie Su Chen's points harvest is also very good, she has already ranked No.10, and her points have just broken through the 20 mark.

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