As we all know, the Hundred Fish Tribe is very rich in water and food resources.

With these two advantages, the leader of Baiyu also gained a lot of equipment resources.

Moreover, these equipment resources are very scarce, and there are even a lot of rare equipment.

Although it is still far from s-level equipment, it is very important for a tribe.

Especially now, all kinds of resources are very scarce, and many people even sell their equipment in order to survive.

The city of Xuanwu will definitely develop very strong in the future, and then more and more equipment and resources will be needed.

So now Su Chen also needs to prepare these things in advance to facilitate subsequent development.

"Follow me down and have a look."

After finishing speaking, Su Chen went straight away.

No matter what dangers lie below, Su Chen no longer pays attention to it.

Hurry up to collect resources, this is what Su Chen needs to do next.

At this moment, there are already a lot of problems and situations in front of everyone.

Especially now, when everyone clearly knows Su Chen's meaning and thoughts.

Then, everyone followed, and Thor was naturally the first among them. As the existence of the lower god's strength, Thor would not show any signs of stealing no matter what kind of crisis he faced.

So far, Thor rushed directly in front of Su Chen, opening the way for Su Chen.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

Good guy, in the basement of the leader of Baiyu, there is something special, and it is really something that everyone never imagined that the scene in front of them would be so shocking.

At this moment, too many surprises were placed in front of everyone.

Even though the Hundred Fish Tribe is not that big, there are quite a lot of resources here.

Especially the weapons, there are simply too many to count.

No wonder the strength of the Hundred Fish Tribe has grown so strong in recent years. The reason is that they have sufficient weapons and equipment.

"Island Master, how do we transport so many things?" Thor asked looking at the scene in front of him.

If they are allowed to transport it, I don't know if it will be transported until the year of the monkey.

Originally, the mansion of the leader of the Baiyu Tribe was already very large, with a radius of more than 5000 square meters.

But after going down to the basement, it was discovered that the size of the chief mansion was nothing compared to the size of the basement.

"Isn't that simple?" Su Chen looked at Thor and smiled faintly.

Thor didn't quite understand it, and it really couldn't think of any good solution for Su Chen.

Su Chen said very calmly: "Tell the elder above to send all the resources here to Xuanwu City, and give him three days to mobilize all the clansmen to transport them. If the transport cannot be finished, Let him judge for himself."

What Su Chen said was easy after all, but it frightened Elder Baiyu.

Because Elder Baiyu never imagined that after finally gaining the chance to survive, he was now trapped in an endless loop and still had to face the problem of death.

Therefore, when such a situation and problem was placed in front of me.

In the following time, Su Chen directly sent someone to deliver the news to Elder Baiyu.

Originally, Elder Baiyu was still waiting up there for the return of Su Chen and others.

In his heart, for Su Chen, there are still some very expectant thoughts.

After all, Su Chen is not from this tribe. The reason why he came here is because of a plan. After getting what he wants, he will definitely leave here.

At that time, only oneself is the most majestic and prestigious in the entire clan.

When the time comes, he will naturally become the new patriarch of the Hundred Fish Tribe, which is exactly what the elder wants.

But I never expected that what I thought was pretty good after all, the main reason was that Su Chen didn't cooperate with me.

At such a critical moment, Su Chen even asked himself to mobilize all the clansmen to be his transport workers.

Tell me, how can there be such absurd things in the world.

But even if he had such thoughts in his heart, what else could the elders do.

As long as it is Su Chen's request, I have to follow through, because if I dare to refuse, life or death is not up to me to decide.

At this point in his thoughts, the elder could only say that he bit the bullet and agreed.

Then mobilized all the clansmen and began to help Su Chen deliver supplies.

To say that the leader had a lot of things before, all the rest of the clan mobilized, and it took three days to clean it up.

After finishing his work, the elder even began to doubt his identity a little bit.

What on earth do I do? I'm obviously a dignified elder, so why do I act like a delivery man?

Thinking of this, the elder sighed helplessly.

It is really people under the eaves, have to bow their heads.

As for the water spirit bead, Su Chen also found it after some investigation.

The place where it is stored is really quite secretive.

There is actually another floor under the underground warehouse!

And the things stored there are all good things, besides the water spirit beads, there are also many rare materials.

Su Chen thought it over, as for those materials, they would naturally be handed over to Wang Kuo.

After everything was settled, Su Chen embarked on a new journey.

The city of Xuanwu was sailing on the vast sea, looking into the distance, Su Chen's heart suddenly brightened.

This trip to the Hundred Fish Tribe was really not in vain, and I got the most wanted Water Spirit Orb.

With the Water Spirit Orb, Su Chen can more confidently integrate the affinity of the water element.

"Boss Su, we may be in trouble next."

Facing such a sentence, Su Chen couldn't help looking at the female leader with some doubts.

"how do I say this."

The female leader said to Su Chen in a very serious voice.

"Boss Su, the news that we have the Water Spirit Orb must have spread. It won't take long for someone to come up to us."

"It's just right, we will accept whoever comes."

Su Chen's words were very arrogant, and when people listened to them, there was a feeling of surprise in their hearts.

What is it that makes the man in front of him so confident, as if the world's problems are placed in front of him, that is not a big deal.

Of course, everyone also believes that Su Chen has this strength, and when facing this matter, Su Chen also has his own ideas.

That is, there are enough resources now, but who would dislike their wealth?

Anyway, from Su Chen's point of view, he really does not refuse anyone who comes, as long as there is a gift of equipment, he will accept it all.

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