[Congratulations to the island owner for obtaining the SS-level talent!Water element affinity! 】

[SS-level water element affinity, can quickly communicate with water elements between heaven and earth! 】

Half an hour later, Xuanwu and Siyana were finally strengthened.

Su Chen resisted the pain and got up from the ground.

At this time, Xuanwu has changed drastically, and has completely turned into an ancient monster.

Because at this time, Xuanwu has grown from 200 meters long to thousands of meters long.

The height is at least 80 meters!

[Race: C-Class Earth Rock Turtle! 】

[Level: Level [-]! 】

[Talent: Defense! 】

[Skills: Rock stabbing, swamp vortex, earth escape! 】

[Affiliation: Su Chen! 】

[Potential: Level [-] peak! 】

[Loyalty: 100! 】

Seeing Xuanwu's attributes, Su Chen suddenly couldn't help laughing again.

"By the way, system, what conditions are needed to increase Xuanwu's life level?"

Looking at the potential of Xuanwu, there are only five peaks.

Su Chen rubbed his chin and asked the system.

Xuanwu is now level four, and he has hunted so many monsters in the past two days.

He has also accumulated a lot of experience, and within three or four days at most, he can be promoted to level five.

And Xuanwu's potential can only reach the peak of level five.

That is to say, after reaching the fifth level, it is basically impossible to break through.

Even killing monsters can't gain energy.

You can only continue to upgrade after breaking through the existing level.

"It takes a thousand points of energy crystals to strengthen a C-level life form to a B-level life form."

"It takes [-] energy crystals to strengthen a B-level life form to an A-level life form."

The system briefly explained to Su Chen the energy crystals needed for life enhancement.

Although it is more expensive, Su Chen also understands.

After all, this is to strengthen the level of life, not to strengthen the level of strength.

If you follow this law of strengthening, from level a to level s.

It should be one hundred thousand energy crystals.

Now it looks like a lot.

But in the later stage, the [-] energies crystallized.

Maybe it's just a waste of time.

"Go and rest, come over tomorrow morning, let's go and clear all the monsters on the island together!"

Su Chen patted Xuan Wu on the head.

Signal it to take a good rest.

Su Chen reckoned, that level five snow wolf just now.

It should be the most powerful boss on the island.

After all, this island is considered a novice area.

If the level is high, maybe 90.00% of the nine people will not be able to survive the beast tide after seven days.

If this snow wolf is killed.

Then I will have a period of peaceful development for the next few days.

It's time to collect some stones and cut down some trees.

Upgrade your castle first.


Xuanwu responded.

Then he walked towards the sea again.

This time, the movement brought out by Xuanwu was even bigger.

Made huge footprints in the sand.

Even the castle where Su Chen was staying felt like an earthquake.

"Let's go, let's go back and rest!"

"Siyana, use your magic to give me a bath!"

Looking back, looking at Siyana who had become beautiful again, Su Chen couldn't help swallowing.

Siyana was already very beautiful.

It looks even more beautiful now.

Especially that long sky blue hair.

Swaying slightly with the sea breeze.

However, Siyana seems to have grown taller.

Who can stand this.

One must know that Siyana is only level four now!

After she reaches the god level.

I'm afraid Su Chen really can't resist Siyana's beauty.

"Yes, my lord!"

Siyana saluted Su Chen!

Then launched his own water magic.

Above Su Chen's head, a huge water bubble appeared directly.

Then he splashed water all over Su Chen!

"You should rest too!"

"I have to go to the island to clean up the monsters tomorrow!"

Simply cleanse your body.

Su Chen walked towards her bedroom with the autistic Xiao Jin.

As for Siyana, she flew into the living room to rest.

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will definitely let you upgrade."

"Do not worry!"

After touching Xiao Jin's head, Su Chen smiled and began to coax him.

The little thing knows how to be angry!

But it's time to upgrade Xiao Jin.

When Xuanwu was upgraded, Su Chen could clearly feel that his physical strength and defense were much stronger than before.

Xiaojin can only provide himself with a ten-fold increase in strength now.

After Xiaojin upgrades, maybe how much strength increase he will provide himself!


Rubbed Su Chen's hand.Xiao Jin lay beside Su Chen's bed.

Start to rest.


"Early to bed and early to rise, exercise!"

Early the next morning, Su Chen woke up early.

Although I slept late last night.

But now is the time to race against the clock.

After all, the novice protection period is only seven days!

No one knows exactly what will happen to the beast tide seven days later!

This is not a joke.

If you can't make it through, then just gg!

"Xiaochen, there are no elemental elves today, they are all ordinary natural elves!"

Just after washing up, Su Chen received a message from his aunt.

"It's okay, don't worry, my ability is enough for now."

"It's not in a hurry to wait until it appears later!"

"By the way, auntie, this coat is reserved for you."

"If monsters attack the castle at night."

"You can use it to ignite wood and drive away beasts!"

After saying that, Su Chen directly sent the time wolf fur coat to his aunt!

"Go, I'll be waiting for you in the castle!"

Facing Siyana, Xiaojin and Xuanwu waved their hands.

Looking at their backs, Su Chen then turned and walked towards the castle.

Su Chen kills monsters by himself, there is no energy to increase the level.

So Su Chen didn't get involved.

After all, it is still very safe inside the castle.

"One energy crystal can be exchanged for ten units of wood or stone!"

Back in the castle, Su Chen lay in the swimming pool basking in the sun.

The market interface is opened.

Put all the remaining [-] energy crystals on it.

Ready to exchange some wood and stone.

This thing is necessary to upgrade the castle.

Su Chen's current small island may not have enough wood for Su Chen to upgrade himself.

And now Su Chen is not going to strengthen other pets anymore.

Siyana, Xiaojin and Xuanwu are enough for now.

At most, strengthening a humanoid creature!

Because humanoids can use weapons.

"I'm so stupid, boss, actually put [-] energy crystals directly on the shelves!"

"I'll go, your hands are too fast, I'm in a huge primeval forest."

"Trees have been cut down in the past two days."

"I didn't expect to snatch you yet!"

"This big guy with the number 10089, can you add me as a friend?"

In the communication interface, I saw that Su Chen directly put [-] energy crystals on the shelves.

Everyone was shocked.

Today is only the third day.

Only a small number have the ability to go out and hunt monsters.

But the obtained energy crystals are not enough to use by themselves.

It cannot be sold at all!

Now I saw that Su Chen actually sold [-] pieces directly.

Everyone is not calm.

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