Great Power Technology.

Chapter 231 The Burial of the Old Era

Chapter 231 The Burial of the Old Era

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone didn't seem surprised by Ye Zhou's question. Instead of answering directly, he asked:

"Are you sure you want to participate in this thing? The reason why I didn't report it to you before is because I was worried that it would involve too much energy on you. You are already busy enough now, and Iron Man can't stand it if you put more pressure on you."

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:
"You think too much, I don't care, I just remembered this matter just now, I'm just a little curious."

"Besides, technological development also needs to adapt to long-term planning. If I don't know what you are going to do, how can I arrange the next technological output?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao sighed helplessly and said:

"Then go and turn on the computer now, I'll send you the overall plan, and you can take a look for yourself."

"Okay, wait for me for 2 minutes."

While talking, Ye Zhou trotted all the way back to the room. After turning on the computer and connecting to the private network, Chen Hao's document happened to be sent over.

Ye Zhou slowly flipped through the document, transferred the call on the phone to the meeting on the computer, and Chen Hao, who saw Ye Zhou's screen, began to explain every step of the plan to him remotely.

"First of all, I would like to explain to you the ultimate purpose of this whole plan: Our goal is not to make money through the futures market, nor to increase our oil reserves with low prices, but to obtain oil exploration rights."

"Or, control of the world oil market."

"You know, there has always been a saying in the world that the Ugly country's attack on Iraq was not to fight terrorism, but to obtain oil from Iraq. This kind of saying is correct, but it is also wrong."

"It is right because it is indeed related to oil; it is wrong because oil itself is not the main issue in this matter."

"Essentially speaking, they are trying to improve the international economic system of oil-Taole-gold, thereby strengthening the binding relationship between Dole and gold, and thus stabilizing the international standard currency status of Dole."

"As long as Duole's international standard currency status can be firmly established, they can continue to use endless economic means to attack other competitors. I think you should be clear about this."

"Whether it's the previous swift turmoil, or the subsequent operation of releasing 5000 million barrels of crude oil reserves, or the so-called ofac restrictions, in fact, fundamentally speaking, it all comes from the status of the currency's standard currency."

"Therefore, only by truly breaking the status of the other party's standard currency can we truly be unrestrained in the international trade market."

"In order to do this, we have also made a lot of efforts."

"Huayi contract, soft sister currency settlement terms, technical cooperation, ocean transportation cooperation, cross-border oil pipelines, etc."

"However, to be honest, these measures have not really changed the current situation. The reason is that the opponent's advantage of being the first to strike is too great."

"At present, most of the world's oil producing areas are already under the control of their multinational companies. It is really difficult for us to break this control."

"So, we have been looking for a path that can really break the situation."

"We have two main directions. First, new energy alternatives; second, to find new sources of oil."

"There are always difficulties in these two directions, such as the new energy field. In fact, before your sulfur-silicon battery technology appears, our existing technology is not enough to completely replace the traditional fossil energy with the existing energy storage method. energy storage."

"A very simple example is that traditional gasoline vehicles still occupy a broad market and have a large number of fans. This is a very understandable thing, because new energy vehicles are far better than non-electric vehicles in terms of mileage and charging speed. Get on the gas truck."

"Things that the public cannot accept, no matter how much energy we spend on promotion, the final results are limited. We desperately need an energy storage medium solution that can completely change the new energy pattern --- From the current situation, This is your sulfur-silicon battery solution."

"I won't go into details about the impact of this plan, and go directly to the next direction, the issue of new oil production areas."

"You know, the traditional oil production areas are basically concentrated in the Arab region, but in fact, there are too many places in the world with oil, and the only problem is that they have not been developed."

"Since the last century, we have started operating activities in a series of key industrial resource producing areas including oil, including but not limited to Africa, Latin America, West Asia, and the most important of which is Africa."

"We have put in a lot of effort and used huge amounts of foreign exchange resources. Many explorers have even buried their bones in that land, and we have to bear the slander of some people in the country."

"Why don't you use the money to help the poor, why give it to Africans, why don't you send it to me, etc. I think you should have read a lot on the Internet."

"However, even in such a difficult situation, we have not flinched."

"Everyone can see the current situation. On that hot land, we have iron mines, coal mines, railways, and even ports and bases."

"More importantly, now, we have oil."

"Some time ago, Sudan announced that it would bid for the preferential exploitation rights of 70 billion barrels of oil in its own territory. The main competitors are only us and the ugly country."

"As far as the ugly countries are concerned, their approach is very simple and rude, that is, they lifted the 30-year-long economic restrictions on Sudan, opened up the authority of the international financial system, lifted the trade ban, and provided a huge amount of humanitarian assistance."

"This is an extremely exaggerated show of favor - of course, this is also based on their previous unfriendly attitude."

"Think about it, if a person has given you a big mouth every day for a long time, and suddenly one day, he gave you a candy, would you feel grateful?"

"This is the situation we are facing now. Sudan has gradually fallen to them."

"We have to offer stronger terms in exchange for what we want."

"Originally, our plan was to provide a large amount of economic assistance and infrastructure assistance to each other, but such a plan has obvious disadvantages."

"In the relationship between two people, if you just give blindly, you will definitely not get a good result in the end. Instead, you will be regarded as a licking dog? Right? Is that what the word says?"

Hearing this, Ye Zhou hummed and signaled Chen Hao to continue.

Chen Hao at the other end of the video took a sip from the water glass, then continued:

"So, what we have to do is give both kindness and strength."

"We want them to feel the pressure. On the other hand, we also want to root a concept in their hearts, that is: only China can save them, and only we can let them live and live well!"

"So, there are two main things we have to do."

"The first point is to take advantage of the impact of silicon-sulfur batteries to significantly suppress international oil prices in a short period of time until they drop below negative numbers!"

"We want to use this price shock to make them think that the future of relying on resource exports alone is slim, so as to seek new industry development."

"Secondly, we need to help them build new industries—mainly photovoltaics."

"In fact, Sudan is a country with extremely abundant solar energy resources. However, due to the shortcomings of our previous photovoltaic solutions, including insufficient energy storage and slow charging and discharging speeds, this solution has not been recognized by them."

"Now, everything has changed."

"As long as silicon-sulfur batteries can be put into production smoothly, all the difficulties in these industries will disappear, and they will have no reason to reject our proposal, because our solution is the best solution!"

"We will help them build the world's largest photovoltaic system in the next few years, in exchange for their right to drill underground oil, plus other more resources we need."

After finishing speaking, Chen Hao took a deep breath of relief.

After a short pause, he said:
"So, you should be able to understand now, right?"

"Our ambition is certainly not as simple as making some money from the financial market."

"What we have to do is to completely change the power of the world's energy."

"We are not only to be the rulers of the new era, but also to be the buryers of the old era!"

(End of this chapter)

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