Great Power Technology.

Chapter 251 Dedicated Quantum Computing Simulation Plot -- Mountain Climbing

Chapter 251 Dedicated Quantum Computing Simulation Plot - Mountain Climbing
Just like what Ye Zhou said to Chen Hao, his next plan is to simulate the first stage of the "Omnic Kingdom" plot, and then extract special-purpose quantum computer technology from it.

In fact, judging from the first-stage simulation results of the "Little Sun" plot, there is a high probability that it will not be a universal quantum computer, because the construction of this kind of computer is too difficult, and even far exceeds the controllable nuclear fusion to some extent. .

However, according to the level of technology in the near future, it is possible to obtain a complete set of documents for the construction of a dedicated quantum computer. This kind of quantum computer only needs to focus on a certain non-traditional high-speed computing field and rely on coherence preservation algorithms that exceed the current world , to exclude local noise to a certain extent, can greatly increase the availability of qubits, reduce the number of redundant bits, and improve computing efficiency.

From Ye Zhou's point of view, such a quantum computer will most likely appear in the three fields he called macromolecular simulation, RSA calculation, or quantum machine learning, because these three fields are currently the most promising areas for dedicated quantum computers. possible areas of breakthrough.

Macromolecular simulation technology based on quantum computing can greatly promote the development of materials science, and it is even possible to simulate the change process of some proteins, which can play a huge role in many industrial and medical fields.

The RSA solution can completely break the current pattern of intelligence black holes among countries. In the eyes of countries that have mastered this technology, the security systems of other countries will be useless. In theory, this is a significance that even exceeds the nuclear threat. technology.

Quantum machine learning is much easier to understand. It uses the ultra-high computing power of quantum computing to input massive data sets at one time, thereby speeding up the training speed of artificial intelligence based on traditional computing.

No matter which of these three areas appears, its significance will not be weaker than that of the previous high-density batteries—even worse.

Now that the battery project has basically completed its start, then, just as Ye Zhou told Chen Hao, it's time for him to open up a new path.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou chatted with Chen Hao a few words, arranged the follow-up accommodation, and then returned to his own room.

He lightly touched the bracelet and entered the simulator.

【The stars are forever, the human race is forever】

A huge title appeared, and Ye Zhou directly entered the plot simulation interface, choosing the first stage of the plot simulation of the kingdom of omnics.

Over the past month or so, he has learned a lot of basic knowledge in the field of quantum computing by using the efficiency improvement brought by thinking programming, which makes him confident that even if he is faced with complex technical problems, he will not be completely confused. level of understanding.

The plot simulation started, and a line of titles appeared in front of Ye Zhou.

【Story simulation of the first stage of the kingdom of omnics - mountaineering】

Ye Zhou opened his eyes and found himself in a small room. His first reaction was that there was something wrong with his height.

Because the furniture around him seemed a bit too tall for him.

He stretched out his hand suspiciously, only to find that his palm was surprisingly small.

It was a pair of dirty, callused, wrinkled little hands.

He walked to the low cabinet with a sense of the times, stood on tiptoe and took a look in the round mirror on the low cabinet. What appeared in front of him was a childish face.

The flow of information slowly poured in, and he gradually understood his situation.

This is Huaxia in the 60s. Due to natural disasters, the harvest this year was not good, and the family was about to run out of food, and his father was sick in bed, and his mother was doing heavy farm work. The population with sufficient capacity has had to reduce from two meals a day to one meal a day.

At this moment, she was sitting weakly at the door, looking at her brother expectantly.

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, and more memories came flooding back.

In the countryside at this time, all those flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the water have basically been eaten up. Although the food mobilized between the villages can basically keep most people alive, but because of the long-term Malnutrition caused by starvation is likely to kill them.

The younger sister and father have fallen into such a situation.

If you think about it in the most cruel way of thinking, this reward, if the younger sister can't survive this winter, it won't bring disastrous consequences, but if the father can't survive it?
It is impossible for families who have lost their main labor force to survive the natural disaster that will last for another two years.

He is now facing such a problem.

As the youngest labor force in the family, but he has begun to take responsibility, he must find a way to allow the family to tide over the difficulties smoothly.

Ye Zhou pushed open the door and walked outside. The cold wind was howling, and he couldn't see his mother, but he knew that her mother had gone to dig rat holes in the fields and mountains with other people in the village.

In those mouse holes, there are not only fat and strong voles, but also the grain they store for the winter.

If a rat hole can be found, it means that the family is likely to have a way out this winter.

Ye Zhou originally wanted to follow them to find them, but his sick father and young sister needed to be taken care of, so he had to stay at home, keep the fire in the stove alive, and ensure that the wind wouldn't blow the door open.

Ye Zhou was staggered by the bitter wind. At this moment, he already felt the fragility of this body.

This feeling of fragility is different from all the other physical exhaustion he has experienced. It is a state where the energy in the body has been severely consumed, and the last bit of potential has been almost squeezed out.

In this state, even thinking programming cannot stimulate additional potential.

He looked at the endless white snow, and his heart became more and more sad.

The goal is simple, but how to do it is very difficult.

This is not survival in the wilderness. The wilderness where survival in the wilderness is located is at least rich in resources, and what he is facing now is a land that has almost been squeezed out of its potential just like him.

There is no way.

Ye Zhou glanced back and forth, and suddenly, he saw a towering and majestic figure in the distance.

That is a mountain.

The moment the mountain peak came into view, a piece of information suddenly broke into his mind at the same time.

to go mountaineering.

On that mountain, there was a nest of eagles.

Shooting down that nest of eagles will allow my family to survive.

As soon as this idea appeared, Ye Zhou instinctively wanted to ask other people for help, so he immediately closed the door and ran out, going door to door asking if anyone was willing to go with him.

However, all he got was a negative answer.

The reason is simple, it's taking a risk.

No one can afford such a risk in such a difficult time. Once an accident occurs and is injured, the labor loss caused cannot be made up for by a nest of eagles.

They would rather just wait at home, and wait for the weather to get better, and use a safer method to get through it.

But Ye Zhou knew that he couldn't afford to wait for his home.

Thinking of this, he made up his mind, took out a hatchet from behind the stove at home, put it on his waist, and walked on the road of climbing the mountain without hesitation.

This is the only choice he can make.

On that mountain, there was a family with the only hope of survival.

Ye Zhou ran all the way, and the snow was very thick. When he reached the foot of the mountain, his physical strength was almost exhausted. What's more, this limit can't be alleviated by taking a rest and adding some heat by lighting a fire. food.

But the reality is, there is no food.

Ye Zhou directly entered the sea of ​​subconsciousness in the simulation, and used the talent of thinking programming to activate the talent of courage to a constant state, but this state brought him little physical improvement.

Fortunately, he was finally able to continue on his way.

This mountain is very high, with a vertical altitude of nearly 1000 meters; this mountain is also very steep, and the narrow mountain road that is not easy to walk is covered with snow and there is almost nowhere to go; the wind on the mountain is very strong, and the leaves wearing thin clothes The boat swayed like fallen leaves in the wind.

But he didn't retreat.

He pulled out the curved hatchet from behind, used the hatchet as a climbing claw and embedded it in the deep snow, and then climbed up step by step.

His palms had already been frozen, so he had to rub his hands every once in a while to recirculate the blood, because prolonged low temperature would put him in danger of amputation.

Two hours later, Ye Zhou's body reached its limit again, and even under the influence of mind programming, he no longer had any extra physical strength to support him upwards.

But he knew that this was a critical node, if he couldn't even cross this point, then everything behind would be vain.

Ye Zhou hid behind a huge boulder sheltered from the wind, and lit a fire with the relatively dry firewood around him. After resting for half an hour, when he felt his physical strength recover, he set foot on the mountain climbing road again.

Looking back, I was getting farther and farther away from the ground, and the drifting snowflakes were like thick fog, covering the world below the mountain in gray and white, but when I looked up, the top of the mountain, which was still in the clouds, was far away.

He has no way of turning back now. Even if they insist on going home, they will probably fall ill due to long-term hypothermia. At that time, after losing him as the last labor force, the family will have absolutely no chance of surviving.

Climbing is the only thing he can do.

The snow has gradually stopped, but the mountain road has become narrower and narrower, leaving a long trail of trails behind Ye Zhou.

He has been unable to support the body to stand.

The top of the mountain was right in front of him, and the information flow in his mind told him that the nest of eagles was hidden in the crevices on the top of the mountain.

In this winter, it also needs to avoid the wind and snow.

Kill them, plunder its flesh and blood, so that you can survive.

Finally, Ye Zhou reached the top of the mountain.

In the crevice of the highest rock, Ye Zhou saw the goshawk hiding deep in his nest.

It has a huge body and thick feathers, but it is not so scary compared to Ye Zhou who is carrying a hatchet.

Ye Zhou was blocked at the exit of the lair. Its wings could not be spread out, its activities were restricted, and it could hardly exert any combat power.

Waving the hatchet, it was Ye Zhou's last effort.

The goshawk hid back in shock, and at this moment, Ye Zhou discovered what it was hiding under his body.

It was a young, mutilated, half-eaten roe deer.

Ye Zhou was stunned. He freed one hand to grab the hind leg of the roe deer and pulled it out. The goshawk immediately attacked Ye Zhou, but the latter could not get out of the nest under the driving of the hatchet. step.

One man and one eagle just stood there deadlocked.

On the top of the mountain, the wind and snow rose again.

After a long time, Goshawk stepped back and Ye Zhou took a step forward.

He climbed up this mountain.

The picture was dark. Ye Zhou thought the simulation was over, but after a while, the picture reappeared in front of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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