Great Power Technology.

Chapter 257 Challenge the authority of Swift!

Chapter 257 Challenge the authority of Swift!

Two days later, business delegations from both countries in the energy sector kicked off their first talks.

This time the negotiation was still conducted online. Although the other party strongly requested to organize an on-site meeting in a third country, Huaxia completely ignored the other party's request.

The conference organizers had only one sentence for their answer:

I said where it is.

In desperation, Chouguo finally accepted the online meeting.

They sent company representatives, mainly oil giants, as well as relevant important personnel, to discuss only one issue, and that is how to stabilize the current world crude oil price.

Neither Chen Hao nor Ye Zhou participated in this meeting. One of them was busy promoting the establishment of the personnel list for the quantum computing project, and the other was busy following up the manufacture of the Qilian engine and the turbofan-20 engine. Neither of them planned to devote their energy to this meeting. Although important, but not so important meetings come up.

The video conference started, and everyone in the Huaxia conference delegation appeared on the screen.

"Hi everyone, there's no need to say more about greetings. Let's get straight to the point of today's meeting."

"First of all, I would like to introduce the agenda of this meeting."

"This meeting consists of three parts. First, discussions on the recent fluctuations in international oil prices; second, discussions on how to maintain an orderly operation of international oil prices in the future; Discussions on cooperation in biochemistry, finance and other aspects."

"The total estimated duration of the three agendas is 6 hours. Topics 4 and [-] are one hour respectively, and topic [-] is [-] hours. Please confirm if you have any objections. If not, then we will directly enter the discussion."

It was the negotiator from Huaxia who spoke. His eyes swept across the Ugly Country representative on the screen, and after a pause of only a few seconds, he directly opened his mouth to announce the start of the meeting.

The first person who raised his hand to speak was the commercial representative of Mobil Oil. He looked directly at the camera with a serious face, and then said:
"We have noticed that under your intervention, the current oil price has fallen below 10 Dole per barrel, and there are signs of further decline. We believe that if no measures are taken, within a very short few days, The price of oil futures is about to fall below the positive value. I would like to ask, can you take responsibility for this situation? Or let me put it more bluntly: this situation is not good for both of us. After the goal is achieved, can oil price stability be restored in the shortest possible time?"

The tone of the Mobil representative was tough, but anyone could hear the hidden meaning behind his words.

That's right, you Chinese people are awesome, we can't do anything to raise the oil price to this level, but the problem is, such a low oil price damages our common interests, you can't just leave it alone, can you?
If you have any purpose, then discuss it as soon as possible, and restore the oil price after the negotiation is completed, so as not to affect the profit of both of us.

Officials in Ugly Country looked at the representative of Mobil with irony. They were different from these businessmen. They were more concerned with the overall interests, and as soon as the representative of Mobil’s words came out, they had already put their own position in the Next.

Eat based on people's faces, is there still a negotiation to be made?

Just as their official staff thought, upon hearing this, Huaxia immediately had a bottom line in their hearts.

The tone of this negotiation has been set, so there is no need to adjust the strategy in the future.

As long as we stick to our position of superiority and use a strong attitude to raise interest demands, it will be fine.

Thinking of this, a man sitting in the corner tapped the keyboard lightly, and then an order was sent to the small screen on the desk of a certain person in the venue. The person glanced at the screen and replied:

"We don't think that the operation of the so-called oil price position is unfavorable to us. Ladies and gentlemen, you also know that compared with yours, our oil reserves are very low. Less than a quarter."

“Is low oil prices bad for us? No. We can just use this opportunity to expand our oil reserves to deal with some extreme situations that may occur.”

When it comes to the words "extreme situation", the spokesperson deliberately aggravated his tone a little bit, and the faces of the officials of the Ugly Country on the screen darkened, and one of them quickly answered:

"We believe that when the oil supply is normal and stable, the extreme situation you are worried about will not occur. We can guarantee this in advance."

"Understood. Your attitude is very sincere, so we also have a question: if the price of oil continues to remain low, how much impact will it have on you?"

The representative of Mobil looked at the camera helplessly. He knew that the other party was asking knowingly, but he had to answer.

"The impact is huge. If this continues, the related companies of both you and us will face a large loss of profits, unemployment, or even bankruptcy."

"Oh? Is that so?"

The spokesperson looked at the business delegation beside him, and the representatives of the oil and petrochemical companies were sitting there.

Seeing the spokesperson's eyes, the representatives of the two companies replied one after another:
"Our company has sufficient cash flow, and even if we continue to lose money, we can guarantee stable operations for three to five years."

"We can guarantee it for five years."

The spokesperson nodded in satisfaction, then looked back at the screen, and said:
"So, the situation may not be as you said. If the oil keeps running at a low level, the damage to you may be much greater than the damage to us, right?"

"Our new energy layout is in a leading position in the world, and we should be more prepared for the drop in oil prices."

"In this negotiation, we are not going to solve our own problems, but to solve your problems. Do you agree with this sentence?"

". Agree."

The Ugly Country representative answered with difficulty.

His heart was full of unwillingness, he couldn't imagine that one day he would be in such a controlled situation, but there was no way, he also had a task on him, and he had to accept such pressure if he wanted to complete the task.

"Very well, now that the basic positions are clear, I think we can really start to have meaningful talks."

After all, the spokesperson took out the document and began to read to the other party the analysis of Huaxia on the recent drop in oil prices.

All of these analyzes are written in a high-sounding way, what new energy has impacted the traditional energy market, what international speculators are suppressing oil prices for profit, what major oil-producing countries’ economic downturns overdraw productivity ahead of time, and what new oil fields are put into operation
Sentence by sentence, it seems to be telling the story of someone else's family, but everyone present knows, isn't it just you rabbits who did it?
The impact of new energy on the fossil energy market is due to your sulfur-silicon batteries; the profit of international speculators is most likely due to your layout in the futures market; the overdraft of production capacity by major oil-producing countries is also a result of the agreement, and the ghost knows that you gave them away in order to increase their production. How many gadgets can't be said; and as for the new oil field put into operation?

You have taken care of the important personnel of SPLM, is there anyone who doesn't know what you are doing in the oil field?

After listening to the report, everyone couldn't help but have an idea in their hearts.

This rabbit is not analyzing, it is just showing.

It is a way of telling the other side of the negotiation, you see, we have done so many things, we can tell you all of these things, and we can do more.

As for whether to do it or not, it depends on your sincerity.

After a long time, the speaker finally finished reading the report, and the time for the first topic just ended.

Seeing this situation, the other party had no choice but to move on to the next topic.

"So, do you have the confidence to restore oil price stability in a short period of time? Our requirement is to restore oil prices to above 1 Dole per barrel at least within one month."

"We can, but do we need your cooperation?"

"How do we need to cooperate?"

"It's very simple, let go of the swift restriction."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present fell into silence.

Swift, the most powerful and effective tool in the international financial field, has assumed extremely important functions since its birth.

It is not only a standard message for international settlement, nor is it a financial instrument, but more importantly, it represents a system.

Tuola-oil-gold system.

Since the Bretton Woods Conference, this system has never been shaken, but has become more stable.

And now, the system has its first challenger.


They put forward their demands straightforwardly, if not to completely smash this system, but to insert their own mark on this system.

If the restrictions of Swift are truly released and it is used as a pure and commercial message system that is open to the world and can be used by any country, then the standard position of Dole in the world will face the most direct challenge .

With that, there will be a challenge to financial dominance.

After a full minute of silence, the representative of Ugly Country asked:
"When you say let go, what degree of let go do you mean?"

"You can talk."

The Huaxia spokesperson replied simply.

This answer made the other party breathe a sigh of relief. At least, what they asked for was not a comprehensive and non-interfering release, which at least gave them room to change.

"We need to discuss this topic internally. You can add it to the next agenda and discuss it as a separate argument. But what we want to confirm is, can you restore the price while temporarily maintaining the status quo?"

"It's not difficult."

The speaker nodded and continued:
"Actually, if you want to restore the price, you can rely on yourself, but you don't plan to pay extra costs for this matter, do you?"

"Yes, it's a very real factor."

"Okay, then, I will briefly introduce to you some of the strategies we can implement. After the introduction of the strategies, we will enter the third part of the discussion."

"We need to discuss what kind of sincerity you need to pay for us to make these strategies."

(End of this chapter)

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