Great Power Technology.

Chapter 259 The exoskeleton test is completed, but...

Chapter 259 Exoskeleton test completed, but
The second round of negotiations came as scheduled, but in this meeting, the opposite party's performance was much more positive than the last time.

The two sides have reached some useful consensus. In order to show our sincerity, we have also stopped the decline of international crude oil through our hole cards. However, if the oil price is to return to the previous normal level, we need to continue the lengthy negotiations.

However, for the final result of the negotiations, both parties actually have a relatively consistent expectation.

In terms of agriculture and biochemistry, the other party will conduct an objective amount of technology transfer and disclose some confidential information acceptable to both parties. In terms of finance, the other party will include those companies in the exemption list and guarantee that they will not conduct Swift limit.

This will greatly improve the autonomy of our international trade, and also allow many transactions that could not be carried out in the first place, but only certain special countries can be successfully completed.

And those interests sold in the energy market?
As Ye Zhou said, those are just the last sunset of the fossil energy industry. Although they still have a huge scale, they are insignificant compared to the newly rising sun.

While the meeting was still in progress, domestic new energy vehicle companies were the first to respond. Under the patent authorization of the General Technical Office, they released their next-generation new energy vehicle designs based on sulfur-silicon battery technology. Due to the power redundancy of high-density batteries, some companies have even begun to play tricks on traditional trams.

For example, the most typical technology that has matured in the mobile phone market is reverse charging.

This originally tasteless function, at this point in time, seems to be full of confidence. The comments on the Internet have also changed from the previous ridicule and disdain, and began to blow up the vision of the car factory.

It's as if they knew there was going to be a breakthrough in battery technology, so they developed the technology ahead of time.

Ye Zhou felt a little amused by the reaction of netizens, but he didn't have time to expose it.

Business matters are left to the business, for himself, there are more important things to do.

He put down the pad in his hand, looked at Chen Hao who was sitting opposite, and asked:
"So the outcome of this negotiation has basically been finalized, right? Has our expected goal been achieved?"

"Basically, it has been achieved. There are still quite a few breakthroughs in the agricultural field, especially in the fields of improved seeds, cultivation techniques, and gene selection techniques. If we can absorb all of them, it will have a more favorable impact on our staple food production."

"How do we judge the authenticity of the technology they gave us? Is there any risk?"

"There are definitely risks, so the technology has to go through preliminary screening --- we can still do this. Although we are a little behind them overall, we still have basic judgments."

"Then it's fine."

Ye Zhou nodded reassuringly, tilted his head back slightly and stretched, then continued to ask:
"Have the quantum computer project personnel been selected?"

Chen Hao glanced at Ye Zhou with a wry smile, and replied:
"I've been telling you for a week now, and it's really not that fast in the past four days, but the long list is finalized, and the next step is to enter the screening of the short list."

"The main thing is to do review and background checks. This takes time. The level of confidentiality you require is so high. It will take at least another two or three weeks to fully organize it."

"Why, have you been free for a while?"

Ye Zhou nodded.

Compared with the previous time in Liming Hangfa, he was indeed much more relaxed during this time.

I am still absorbing the relevant knowledge of quantum computing, and there is no need to rush to start a new simulation, and most of the previous projects have entered the stable operation stage.

There is no need to inspect the production workshop every day, and there is no need to explain technical details, just stare at one or two key people and let them inform the progress.

This made him feel the feeling of being a leader for the first time——however, he also knew that this way of working is short-lived, and as long as new technologies emerge, he will enter the cycle of "technical evangelist" again middle.

After pausing for a moment, Ye Zhou opened his mouth and replied:

"It's been a bit idle recently. Qilian's progress is going well. The airframe modification of the C949 is about to be completed, and Qilian will be on the plane for a test flight soon; the Turbofan-20 basically doesn't need me to do it. The technical guidance from the Sanchi Research Institute It is enough, this is a remodeling project, and this time there is a technology transfer from Mao Xiong, and the adaptation of the three-rotor structure is also very smooth. It is estimated that it will be able to test drive or even get on the machine in two or three months. "

"So, there's really nothing I need to do in those areas."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao nodded.

"That's fine, you try to reduce your work intensity first, and you have to get used to this intensity in the future. This is a healthy way of working."

"If you really want to find something to do, there is something I can do for you here."

"What's the matter?"

Ye Zhou asked curiously.

"Didn't you say some time ago that you want to make an individual exoskeleton? In fact, the Ordnance Group has already finished this project. The only problem is that the battery capacity is insufficient. However, after the sulfur-silicon battery is released, this problem has been solved."

"So during this period of time, they replaced the batteries of the existing active mechanical exoskeleton, which extended the battery life by nearly 6 times, and basically reached the usable standard."

"About two weeks ago, the strength test of this mechanical exoskeleton has begun."

Hearing the news, Ye Zhou's eyes widened in surprise.

He has known for a long time that there are mature active mechanical exoskeletons in the country, so he proposed this project direction at the beginning, but he did not expect that the weapons group would move so fast.

This is army equipment, and it costs money to update the new version.

As we all know, the domestic army is the poorest branch of the army. Every New Year’s greetings, they have to pull 59 or even captured MK.EB tanks from the history museum to make videos and cry poorly.

But this time, it suddenly stopped hiding?
Thinking of this, he said:
"The army has also started to have a lot of money. How much did the first batch make?"

"More than 400 tools, all of which have been put into testing."

"That's really rich and powerful. How about using so much for the test alone? Is it easy to use?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's question, Chen Hao suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, he replied with a troubled face:
"How do you say this thing?"

"Easy to use is very easy to use. First of all, the load capacity of individual soldiers has been greatly improved. In the past, it was the limit for us to carry one soldier with 40 fire. Now if we add a special hanger, it is not a problem to carry two or three."

"Artillery operations are also much simpler. Carrying shells is basically not considered physical labor."

"After the experiment, after being equipped with an exoskeleton, the firepower configuration of a combat team can be doubled compared to the current stage—anyway, it means more explosives and more bullets."

"The mechanical exoskeleton is pretty good for treating the phobia of lack of firepower. The only problem is..."

"What is it?"

Ye Zhou asked impatiently.

From what Chen Hao said just now, he didn't hear anything wrong.

Because it is too expensive?
This is not a problem.

Larger load capacity, richer weapon configuration, and stronger individual firepower, isn't this enough to offset the disadvantage of being expensive?

Or, is there a variation in training difficulty?

It shouldn't be, after all, the design of the mechanical exoskeleton has taken ergonomics into consideration, and it will not design some counter-intuitive and counter-logic operation methods.

He looked at Chen Hao suspiciously, waiting for the other party's answer.

Chen Hao coughed and hesitated for a moment before answering:

"Let's keep it simple."

"The mechanical exoskeleton is easy to use and very labor-saving."

"But the problem is that after removing the exoskeleton, many of our fighters will not be able to walk."

(End of this chapter)

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