Great Power Technology.

Chapter 500 Emperor Chapter 503 Artificial Solar Storm

Chapter 500 Emperor Five Hundred and Three Man-made Solar Storms

"We have always been. As long as the crisis is there, we will be."

"However, our name is not Fugitive Faction, we are called Ark."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou couldn't help but laugh.

"Sure enough, it's the logic of your Westerners. When the flood comes, it's not water control, but escape. But unfortunately, today, you can't get out of this base."

"Why? Just rely on this pistol in your hand? Do you know that if necessary, I can control everyone else to attack you now."

Ye Zhou nodded and replied calmly:
"I know, but I don't care."

"You don't care? What do you mean? You don't care about the lives of these people, or your own life?"

Ye Zhou put down the gun in his hand and replied:
"Actually, I don't even care."

"Yes, I really want to save them, but as you said, this is a fatal situation. Either I give up now and let you leave calmly; or I will fight you to the end and destroy this base."

"The lesser of two evils, let you go, we won't get anything; but if you stay, at least all your technology accumulation here, including you and other possible researchers, will be reduced to ashes. "

"Your organization will suffer a major blow, but we... To be honest, whether it is me or these more than 100 ordinary people, it is insignificant to Huaxia."

The man's eyes gradually changed from surprise at the beginning to anger, and then to disgust.

"It's really disgusting Chinese people. You have always been so cold-blooded"


Ye Zhou couldn't help laughing out loud, he shook his head and asked:

"Did you reflect on what you were doing when you accused us of being cold-blooded?"

"In the guise of saving humanity, you have abandoned billions of your fellow citizens and consumed a lot of resources so that you elites can escape the danger zone and go to space."

"What starships, what deep space voyages, what fish trying to land. Do you still think that what you have done is great? Do you still think that you guys are tragic heroes?"

"Stop watching movies about personal heroism, that thing is bad for your brain."

The man on the opposite side had a gloomy face and said nothing. His right hand made a concealed movement behind him, then stepped forward and stepped out of the shadow area of ​​the wooden house, looked directly at Ye Zhou and said:

"I know there must be satellites staring at me in the sky right now, which is why you can stand here and talk to me as an equal."

"Unfortunately, I still made a mistake. I should have killed you as soon as you entered the interference range. Unexpectedly, in just 20 minutes, you can break free from the shackles of BCI interference."

"I'm curious, how did you do it?"

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:
"It's just a coincidence, maybe my chip just ran out of power?"

"Your joke is very inappropriate."

"Your intentional delay is also very inappropriate."

Seeing the man's dull expression, Ye Zhou put the pistol back into the holster, and then continued:

"Don't you think that when I was exposed in this open space, we still have no way to break through your communication blockade?"

"Yes, you can interfere with electromagnetic waves, you can interfere with quantum communication - this is very strong, even we can't do it, but you forgot, today is cloudless."

"They're not just looking at us, they're seeing" every word I say."

"Did you just want your other men to retreat? It's too late. Now you have only one choice, surrender."

The man suddenly looked up at the sky. He didn't understand what Ye Zhou meant by "I can see every word", but he knew that the other party was not lying.

Because in his line of sight, he has seen the location information of other team members transmitted from the BCI chip --- they are retreating to the camp.

Obviously, the escape route has been completely blocked.

"How did you do it?"

"It's not important. High-precision satellites can even read my mouth shape. I just want to know your choice."

The man stared at the distant sky in silence, and after a long time, he sighed deeply.

"It seems that I am destined to be the group of people who cannot board the ship."

"For the Garden of Eden of Humanity!"

He roared suddenly, and then all the hallucinated villagers in the base seemed to wake up, but in an instant, they were controlled by the new hallucination again, and together with Ye Zhou's teammates, they rushed towards Ye Zhou .

Everyone who looked like a madman had a murderous and bloody hostility on their faces. Even Ye Zhou, who appeared to be confident, couldn't help being a little nervous at this moment.

But he didn't flinch in the slightest, but took a step forward, raised his pistol and pointed it at the man's head.

"Kill me."

The man spoke.

"Now, you may think I'm crazy, but I want to tell you that compared to us, you are crazy."

"It's crazy enough to invest a huge amount of resources in an attempt to confront a civilization that is far superior to ours. Now, just to stop the Ark's plan, you will not hesitate to take the lives of hundreds of people. You are not only lunatics, but also butchers .”

Ye Zhou looked at him with a sneer and didn't answer.

If it was said that both of them were trying to delay the time in the previous question and answer, then obviously, the man's plan failed, but Ye Zhou's plan succeeded.

He had already vaguely heard the howl of a dragon coming from the sky, maybe in less than ten seconds, the bomb he was expecting would fall on the heads of the two of them.

"I didn't intend to kill you."

"Then I'll do it myself."

The man smiled miserably. He knew that after Ye Zhou made the decision at all costs, all his threats had lost their expected effect.

He stretched out his hand to the robe, and Ye Zhou pulled the trigger without hesitation. The high temperature bullet pierced the man's shoulder in an instant. He staggered and fell to the ground, and asked in disbelief:

"What are you trying to do? It's over. My guns are already aimed at me. Those furious experimenters will kill both of us at the same time. Do you think your pistol can stop them? I just want to end myself in a more dignified way!"

Ye Zhou sighed and replied:

"Look, you are still insisting on your so-called gentleman's etiquette—or is it an island etiquette?"

"A decent way In this day and age, how can there be any dignity?"

"To survive, we all have to, become beasts."

"—But it's not over yet."

As soon as his words fell, a bright blue firework suddenly lit up in the sky above the two of them.

At that flashing core, incandescent light exploded from the void, and the conventional explosives that evenly wrapped the core exploded first, compressing the core inward to the reaction critical value, and then, lasers shot from different angles The core target pellet was hit, and the high temperature ignited the fusion fuel inside the target pellet

The violent fusion reaction occurred immediately, and within one millionth of a second, the huge energy released by the nuclear reaction heated the center of the explosion to the temperature of a supernova explosion, and the charged particles bounded by strong magnets surged out along with a huge shock wave. The electromagnetic radiation is like a storm, sweeping across the entire area with a radius of tens of kilometers.

It was a silent explosion.

Compared with the huge impact it caused, both the flames of the explosion and the noise produced by the explosion can be said to be insignificant.

But it was such an explosion that instantly paralyzed all electronic equipment in the entire base.

This is a man-made solar storm.

The BCI chip in the brain of the man opposite was completely burned at the moment of the explosion. Under the strong impact, the brain evolved from ancient times gave him the last protection——his brain actively activated the shock function, and the BCI chip The loss of ablation is controlled in a very small range.

Looking at the man collapsed on the ground, Ye Zhou knelt down and said softly:
"To fight against a civilization that moves mountains and reclaims seas, you guys are still too young."

(End of this chapter)

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