Great Power Technology.

Chapter 508 Successful BCI transmission experiment

Chapter 508 Successful BCI transmission experiment
"Yaoyao, we need to confirm the establishment of the channel first. Next, I want to ask you a few questions. You must know the answers to these questions, but then don't say them, just think about the answers in your mind, understand. ?"

Yaoyao nodded, but didn't speak.

Chu Ya was taken aback for a moment, then she came to her senses and burst out laughing.

The other party obviously regarded this question as part of "several questions".

She opened the handbook that she had prepared long ago, and then began to ask Yaoyao questions one by one from easy to difficult.

"The first question, what is one plus one?"

"Repeat, what is one plus one?"

"One plus one equals how much?"

After asking, Chu Ya turned her gaze to Zhu Xuan, who was staring at the screen closely. After starting the clutter filter, Yaoyao's constantly strengthening answer finally passed the compiler's verification and appeared in the form of text in the on the screen.

"One plus one equals two."

The three people present breathed a sigh of relief, but they were not too excited. This is only the first step in the establishment of the man-machine communication channel, and the establishment is only a forward channel, which does not mean that this experiment has been successful.

"Very good, Yaoyao, now I want to ask the second question."

"What's Da Mo Gu Yan Zhi's next sentence?"

Chu Ya kept repeating her question as usual, and after several repetitions, the compiler successfully output the results again.

"It's getting faster."

Zhu Xuan said softly to Chen Li.

The other party nodded and replied:

"Yaoyao adapts quickly. She is indeed very talented in this area. In terms of the learning efficiency of human-computer interaction, her improvement is exponential."

"This has saved us a lot of effort, but I'm afraid it won't be so easy for others."

Zhu Xuan's fingers tapped the keyboard quickly, and he was optimizing the compiler's modules on site.

"Regardless of others, we must at least verify the usability of this technology first. Well, let's move on to the next question."

Chuya on the side also saw the results on the screen, and after a pause, she asked:
"For the third question, imagine the image of a certain character in a cartoon you have watched recently."

If the first two questions anchor the mathematical and linguistic transmission channels, then starting from the third question, the channel establishment becomes more and more complicated, which takes more time.

However, Chen Li actually does not require Yaoyao to restore a certain animation image [-]%, all they need to do is to confirm that the functional area of ​​the opponent's brain responsible for "imagination" is transmitting normally.

This step lasted for nearly an hour. After the final completion, the three finally entered the reverse transmission test process.

The test also started with a simple question. At this time, the transmission efficiency of the communication channel on the system has reached a total of 400M/S, and the network, that is, 170M/s between neurons, which means, The rate of direct transmission through the BCI system has actually far exceeded the rate of traditional visual transmission.

After all, such a transmission process skips a large part of the visual parsing process, and does not require the brain to identify and extract the target information in the visual signal.

The three prepared a total of three databases. Their purpose this time was not to allow Yaoyao to truly "learn" the knowledge they transmitted to the nervous system, but just to prove that such knowledge was indeed "transferred to" into Yaoyao's mind.

This is a loop, the reverse transmission is performed first, and then the answer is written back in the form of a question, and the process of input and output is established in this way.

The amount of information transmitted to Yaoyao's brain is huge. If it is interpreted according to the visual data, all the data add up, which is roughly equivalent to Yaoyao finishing the first grade of elementary school, the first grade of high school, until the All the knowledge of the first year of college.

"Yaoyao, do you feel normal now?"

Sitting on the chair, Yaoyao nodded lightly, but did not speak.

"You can talk."

"Don't let her talk."

Before Chen Li finished speaking, Zhu Xuan immediately interrupted him.

"A large amount of data now occupies her language and memory centers. In theory, she is confused and has no language ability."

"After the loop test is completed and enters the active connection test stage, she can slowly recover her language ability."

"Okay, I see. How long does the loop test take?"

"Ten minutes, this is fast."

As Zhu Xuan said, the current circuit test is only the detection of the nerve-system pathway. Basically, it has not yet involved the intercommunication test of human body functions and external information, so the whole process is carried out extremely fast.

Data and visualizations flashed across the system screen, and after just a few minutes, the green light finally came on indicating the loop test was complete.

At this time, Yaoyao's expression on the chair finally relaxed.

In fact, what the circuit test brought her was a severe headache. Under the stimulation of the high-frequency current between the nerves, her entire brain entered a state of hyperemia, and the sudden increase in intracranial pressure made her feel abnormal dizziness, nausea and pain. Headache, this situation is actually dangerous, but she never said a word.

"Yaoyao, can you speak? Can you remember what you saw just now?"

Yaoyao took a few quick breaths, and after finally recovering, she opened her mouth to answer:

"Uncle Chen, I can't remember feeling a lot of things, but I can't describe what it is."

Chen Li and Zhu Xuan looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

"It's normal, don't worry."

"The test we did just now just went around in your mind, and didn't actually enter the short-term memory function area, so it's normal if you can't describe it. Wait a minute, we will start the formal test right away."

"Uncle Chen, isn't this a formal test?"

Yaoyao asked with some lingering fear.

The pain she experienced just now was indeed enormous. If it happened again, she might really not be able to hold it.

Chu Ya on the side keenly sensed her emotions, so she squatted down and asked gently:
"Yaoyao, did you feel unwell just now?"

After Yaoyao hesitated for a few seconds, she finally said:
"Sister Chu, I felt a headache just now."


Chu Ya looked at Zhu Xuan in surprise, and the latter suddenly said:
"It should be that the information flux of the loop test is too large—this problem needs to be recorded, Yaoyao is fine, if it is replaced by other experimenters, it is estimated that it will collapse directly."

"Yaoyao, tell us immediately if you feel uncomfortable in the future, understand?"

Yaoyao nodded, and after Chen Li repeatedly emphasized, the interactive experiment finally started.

Information flows slowly and steadily between neural circuits, maintaining a minimum level of interactive activity between the BCI system and the human brain.

Afterwards, the search module of the compiler was opened, Chuya took a deep breath, and asked:
"Yaoyao, what is the mass of the earth in kilograms? Give me an accurate answer."

Yaoyao on the chair was obviously stunned for a moment, this is a field of knowledge that she has never touched, and she has never seen this information even once in her memory.

Earth's mass?kilogram?

She opened her mouth blankly, and was about to answer "I don't know", when the electrical signal composed of neural activity had already been input into the compiler, and then, within a millionth of a second, the compiler converted the signal into an executable instruction, Trusted translations of similar signals were searched from vast databases.

After multiple steps such as noise removal, logic verification, and language school verification of the artificial intelligence module, this information appears in the database of stored knowledge in the form of keywords.

"What is the mass of the earth in kilograms?"

"Answer: 5.9723710^24 kilograms."

"Answer: About 66 trillion tons."

"Answer: About 60 trillion tons."

The multiple corresponding answers in the database were instantly reverse-written to the pre-association area in Yaoyao's brain responsible for short-term memory, and a series of neural activities that were actually extremely concise and aesthetically pleasing were completed, and Yaoyao suddenly discovered that she knew the answer to this question.


This is a very interesting process. At the very beginning, she got the answer about the mass of the earth in kilograms, but she didn't know how to pronounce the string of numbers before finishing elementary school, so the neural pathway sent back to her retrieval signal.

She knew that the symbol was called a power symbol, and she also knew the definition of a power.

Afterwards, the arithmetic logic of powers began to flow into her mind, and it became more and more divergent.

From the power, to the root, to a series of concepts that she has heard or not heard before, the transmission efficiency of the neural pathway reached the peak again, but under the constraint of the efficiency of active retrieval, the brain's self-protection mechanism succeeded. The speed of information transmission is controlled below the safe value.

Piece after piece of knowledge puzzles are formed from the void, and then light up in their respective positions, like constellations in the infinite deep space.

At this moment, Yaoyao suddenly had a feeling:

The true face of the whole world unfolded in front of her.

Chuya on the side was still asking questions, but she didn't answer.

After a long time, she suddenly looked into Chu Ya's eyes, and then said:
"Sister Chu, I understand."

"What do you know?"

Chu Ya asked in surprise.

"Everything, I know everything."

(End of this chapter)

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