Great Power Technology.

Chapter 518 Silicon-Based Life

Chapter 518 Silicon-Based Life
At the Birmingham International Laboratory, Minsen and Hassan looked at the latest report with complicated expressions on their faces.

Minsen was mostly emotional, but Hassan's expression was more playful.

Since Minsen confessed to him last time that he belonged to the Ark organization, Hassan actually received all kinds of temptations and threats, wanting him to join this organization, but he finally declined politely.

Because in his opinion, it is one thing to engage in consciousness uploading technology, but it is another thing to join the Ark and become the so-called "escape faction".

Of course, this is not to say that he is more noble than Minsen. On the contrary, he made this decision purely as a result of balancing interests, because he can see that under the background of the invasion of the adjacent dimension, "fleeing It is impossible for the trend of thought that is destined to abandon the majority of people to be recognized by the international community.

At least, on the surface, it's impossible to gain recognition.

Officials of various countries will inevitably formulate a series of measures to limit the development of this trend, which may include but are not limited to, such as economic policy bias, restrictions on individual rights, and even develop into the end, a serious conflict may break out, and It is self-evident what the result of the fugitive faction, which is obviously not in the upper hand, will be in such a conflict.

Therefore, he didn't intend to do such an unwise thing, even though he never put forward any meaning for the consciousness uploading project, he was still fully supporting Mingsen's work.
This is also the reason why Mingsen finally gave up on persuading him.

Interests are always the most reliable thing. Since Hassan's choice is based on the balance of pros and cons, it is impossible for him to do things that go against his own interests—such as reporting the Ark Organization and the Hermes Organization to the authorities, This kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen to Hassan.

After reading the report, Hassan joked:

"It seems that their actions are much faster than we expected. We thought they were only making breakthroughs in a single field, but we didn't expect them to be close to the final form of BCI technology."

Hearing his words, Minsen sighed and replied:

"Yes, since they can realize the transmission from machine to human, then of course, the transmission from human to machine can also be realized in reverse."

"No, it should be said that they have already realized it. After all, the retrieval and search of the database depends on neural signals, and they have obviously realized the decoding of such signals."

"So, in fact, if they want to do it, they can immediately realize the step of uploading their consciousness-the only reason for not doing it is because they don't want to."

Hassan nodded in agreement and said:
"It seems to be the case now. Then we have no other way to convince them? Don't the Hermes organization still have two people in China? They can't continue to try other, unconventional methods? "

Minsen looked at Hassan helplessly, and replied:
"Don't even think about it. China is different now than it was a few years ago. They are the lighthouses of this world. In other words, they actually prefer to call themselves 'Tinder'."

"After the release of the BCI transmission technology, the support for them in international public opinion has almost reached its peak, not to mention those countries that are friendly or neutral to them, even our own allies, a large part of them have already turned to them. "

"From my point of view, if we want to obtain their technology now, we must either find a way to really convince them, or else, there is only the most extreme path left."

"What way?"

"It's the same old way, military threat. Quantum encryption technology will complete all replacement work within this month. Their information hegemony is about to end. We still have room for military deterrence."

"Not always."

Hassan replied noncommittally, paused for a moment, and asked again:
"You don't know that their Golden Crow Fighter has entered the final preparations before the test flight, right?"

Mingsen froze for a moment, then sighed again.

"Then we have to give it a try, otherwise, are we going to give up this direction completely? Until now, I actually still think that we are correct. It is really a bit unwilling for me to give up."

"The problem is that this kind of tough method has no effect on them. In fact, the result of trying or not trying is the same. Instead, they may become more vigilant because of our bad attitude. At that time, we There is absolutely no chance.”

"Then from your point of view, what should we do?"

Ming Sen frowned, and he felt that he could no longer see any hope of turning around the current situation.

As he said, he always firmly believes that the path chosen by the Ark is correct. In their plan, uploading consciousness is only the first step. The next step is that human consciousness can be combined with machines, that is to say, " "Robot" will officially break away from the concept of "machine" and turn to have the core of a person.

Under such circumstances, human beings can easily realize survival in various extreme environments. Ultra-long-distance interstellar voyages no longer need to worry about aging problems, just shut down directly through the preset program, and restart when they reach the destination.

Regardless of whether the journey is hundreds of light years, thousands of light years, or hundreds of thousands of light years, it is a blink of an eye for mechanized humans.

In a vacuum-sealed environment, a machine body is almost invincible.

At that time, the time scale felt by human beings will become extremely large, and it is possible that the realization process of many plans and goals will become a hundred years.The development of mankind will also step onto a new level.

This is a unique path. In the past few decades, human beings have solved the problem of space navigation by finding ways to make themselves faster and to make the distance shorter. A series of concepts such as technology and wormhole conjecture have been proposed.

But no one ever thought of changing the human perception of time.

Just imagine, if a year is like a second to human beings, will human beings still care about the long journey of interstellar voyage?

Therefore, this is the ultimate goal of the Ark organization, to change human beings' perception of time, so that they can embark on a long journey to find a pure land in the universe of this dimension where they can live temporarily. Use the accumulated wisdom and experience to rebuild and develop civilization.

To achieve this goal, the human body must be mechanized first, and to fully mechanize the human body, consciousness must be uploaded.

In the view of the Ark organization, the so-called plan to maintain the brain structure and replace other organs with machines is completely nonsense, because the body will eventually decay. Since the brain is preserved, it is better not to transform it at all.

All mechanization, from carbon-based life to silicon-based life, is the ultimate solution.

This is a magnificent project. In the eyes of the Ark members, the grandeur of this project far exceeds China's so-called "Fenghuo Project" and "Tongtianhe" project, but the problem is that the first step of this project , it is no longer possible.

"I think we shouldn't be doing this with an adversarial mindset—why can't we work with them?"

"Cooperation? What cooperation do you mean?"

Mingsen said suspiciously.

Huaxia rejected the sharing of the core algorithm and database of BCI technology, in fact, it rejected international cooperation. Now that Hassan brought it up again, Mingsen didn't understand what he meant at all.

"I mean, we can give up our goals for a while."

"The current situation is very clear. The Huaxia people have consciously uploaded the technology in their hands, and we don't need to repeatedly explore this technology. The goal is to get this technology from them, right?"

Mingsen nodded and replied:
"Yes, this is what we have been discussing, how to get it."

"Don't worry, I said, we should give up the means of confrontation."

"Mingsen, why can't we be friends with those Huaxia people? Why can't we help them accomplish what they want to do first?"

"The Huaxia people are an extremely cautious group, and this cautious gene is deeply rooted in their blood."

"Trust me, they're not going to settle for one option -- they need option two."

"And what we have to do is actually put our consciousness uploading plan at the top of the list, isn't it?"

After listening to Hassan's explanation, Mingsen said suddenly:
"I see what you mean. Actually, you want us to trade time for space, right?"

"As long as we can afford to wait, sooner or later they will start the design of the alternative plan. Is that what you mean?"


Hassan nodded in relief. This is what he admired most about Minsen, who never sticks to stereotypes and outdated rules.

As long as the goal can be achieved, he doesn't mind breaking some existing principles.

"But if this is the case, we will face a new problem - how long will we have to wait?"

"BCI technology has just emerged, and no one knows how long it will take to develop and mature."

"It can't be that the invasion of the adjacent dimension is fully rolled out. Are we still waiting for the so-called No. [-] plan?"

Hassan shook his head and replied:

"You can rest assured about this - the efficiency of the Huaxia people is not a joke."

"If I estimate based on my experience, it is possible that BCI transmission technology will be fully rolled out within three years, or even within one year at the earliest."

"And when will they start the second plan? My answer is that the slowest is also within this year."

"So, what we have to do is to take advantage of this time window to have a good relationship with them, and it is best to become their friends."

"No one would turn down a friend request, would they?"

Mingsen hummed, and after thinking for a moment, he asked:
"Then what are we going to do?"

"That's not something I need to think about."

Hassan spread his hands and continued:
"Leave it to the professionals—however, I have a suggestion."

"Don't be smart and don't choose for them, just ask them what they need."

"This method of exchange is what Huaxia can really accept."

(End of this chapter)

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