Great Power Technology.

Chapter 552 Returning

Chapter 552 Returning
A week later, over Istanbul, on a plane flying to China.

Wang Yang leaned back on the chair relaxedly, with the toy model that his son asked him to keep temporarily after he took it on the plane.

After reading the overwhelming news reports, he already knew that the model of the Golden Crow bomber made by imagination was quite different from the real Golden Crow, but this did not affect his special feelings for this model.

Just days earlier, on a fire escape staircase in Istanbul, he had watched a prototype of the plane swoop through the air, using its massive shadow to disperse a rioting mob.

Later, he saw from the news the whole process of Jinwu opening the magazine for a demonstration bombing——although the official propaganda was just a routine military exercise, everyone knew that the bombing was aimed at the United Fleet of the Confederate States to go.

As long as the other party's attitude is a little wrong, then those ammunition did not explode on the sea, but exploded in the middle of the fleet.

Can the ammunition carried by a Golden Crow completely wipe out a mixed fleet of ships?

He checked a lot of information on the Internet, but he didn't get a definite answer. The only thing he was sure of was that if one was not enough, then two would definitely be enough.

At that time, there were a total of three Golden Crows in that area.

It seems that the country was really aiming to tear its face off at that time, but at the last moment, half of its face was torn off, and it was sewed back up abruptly by those ridiculous Western politicians.

A series of dialogues unfolded, a series of guarantees and statements were issued, and all military dispatches have entered a freezing period, and even the exchange of fire between two tribes in Africa has been suspended. The reason is that they are worried that the Chinese side will misjudge their military actions. The interests of Huaxia employees working in the oil field were damaged—in fact, the oil field was tens of kilometers away from the firefighting site.

However, no one is willing to touch Huaxia's bad luck at this time, what if?
In the past, the Ugly Country was a bit reluctant to be the world's policeman. Military bases spread all over the world, and its deterrence was not enough to cover all countries.
No, they don't want to be the world's policeman, and they don't want to.

They just want everyone to do their own thing obediently.

In addition to the Allies, the attitude of the Ugly Nation is also intriguing. Their officials seem not surprised by the "silent offensive" launched by China, as if they know that China can have an absolute information advantage in the war.

No one knew what was going on, but everyone knew that the Huaxia people just used the methods they had used on Ugly Country in a more drastic way.

Wang Yang shook his head, turned off the pad in front of him, and looked at his younger son, who was staring at the sky outside in a daze.

He unbuttoned his seat belt and leaned over, and asked:
"Tuantuan, what are you looking at?"

Tuantuan knocked on the glass with his hand and replied:
"I'll see if there are planes outside."

Hearing this, Wang Yang burst out laughing.

"There will be no planes outside. The routes of the planes are independent of each other. We have been flying for so long. You can't see other planes here."

"Yes! I've seen it before!"

"That was during takeoff."

Wang Yang didn't want to argue with this kid who just finished kindergarten, so he turned back and said to his wife beside him:

"This time it's really thrilling. I didn't expect it. I just wanted to go back to a country, and there was such a big commotion. Tell me, are we witnessing history?"

"It must be a witness to history, but I didn't want to understand why they did this. I read a lot of news on the Internet, and I was at a loss."

The wife looked a little confused. In the past few days, she has been scrolling through various news on her mobile phone, analyzing the cause and development of the incident with netizens, and speculating with the Chinese trapped in Istanbul when the problem will be solved and when the plane will arrive. Can go around.

According to her understanding, this incident seems to be that the two camps had a disagreement on the route of fighting the adjacent dimension crisis. The conflict occurred because the two sides did not agree with each other. Simple.

Isn't it still those Westerners who want to fight for hegemony?
In this case, will they really give up so easily?

Thinking that just before takeoff, some people in the group said that the plane may not land safely, and that they might control the plane to temporarily fly to other countries, and cause some trouble for China, and she felt uneasy again.

She has already experienced too many twists and turns this time, and she really doesn't want to go through it again.

Seeing her tightly furrowed brows, Wang Yang patted his wife's hand lightly and comforted him:
"It's right to be confused. The reasons behind this kind of large-scale game are usually very complicated, and have nothing to do with us——we just want to return home smoothly."

". Can it go smoothly? I heard that some planes landed in other countries midway, saying that it was a temporary transit, and I don't know if it is true."

"Are you worried that they will detain us again?"


The wife nodded and replied worriedly.

"It's unlikely. If you want to buckle it, you should do it on the ground. Once you get on the plane, it should be safe."

"The plane is the most unsafe, okay? Think about it, on the ground, we are at least within the monitoring range of the aircraft carrier formation, but what about on the plane?"

"When we got on the plane, we were told that every day should not be done, and that the ground was not working, who can control us?"

"These people are crazy, if they do something."

Hearing this, Wang Yang also fell silent. According to common sense, his wife's worry should be extremely ridiculous, but the problem is, when it is put on those Westerners, they suddenly feel that they can do any bad things.

What if a few robbers rushed out of the plane and hijacked the plane?What if the air force of the passing country suddenly came to intercept it?What if someone directly launches a missile to shoot down the plane?
His hands subconsciously clenched the armrests of the seat, and the fear of being trapped on the fire stairs enveloped him again. The helplessness and despair surged up, making him feel a little breathless.

The idea of ​​"get off the plane immediately" even flashed in his mind, but he also realized the ridiculousness of this idea.

get off a plane?How to download?Open the hatch and jump?

If I had known it earlier, I would have waited with the others and took the Air China plane back home. Why did I have to go fast and choose the Turkish Airlines plane?

A month ago, they joined forces with the government to harm the Chinese people!

Wang Yang slapped his thigh hard and sighed heavily.

Seeing his demeanor, his wife also realized that she had conveyed bad emotions, so she comforted him in turn:

"It's not that serious, I just said it casually, don't worry, it will be fine"

"I know there is a high probability that nothing will happen, but I just can't let it go, think about it."

In the middle of Wang Yang's words, the youngest son on the side suddenly pointed out the window and shouted:

"Dad, the plane!"

Wang Yang turned his head subconsciously, and then he saw a strange sight that he had never seen in his life.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, there is a huge plane spreading its wings, like a giant bird in mythology, flying through the sky under the reflection of the rising sun.

Other passengers in the cabin of the airliner also opened the sunshade of the porthole, and when they saw the plane, everyone let out a neat exclamation.

Wang Yang felt in a trance that the plane seemed not to be a human creation.

It is a deity descended from the void to suppress all things.

A moment later, a Chinese broadcast suddenly sounded on the cabin radio.

"Hi passengers, this is Jinwu 3, and we are broadcasting to you through wireless communication."

"You are about to switch to the Air Silk Road route, and I will sail with you for the next 1000 kilometers of voyage."

After the communication was hung up, Wang Yang looked out of the porthole again. The Golden Crow had already begun to speed up. From his perspective, he could gradually only see the bright yellow wake of the jet's tail.

Like, a sun that never sets.

(End of this chapter)

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