Great Power Technology.

Chapter 580 Return to the body

Chapter 580 Return to the body
"So, through the holding bank, Italy froze the bank account of Mao Qiu's representative?"

In Rongcheng, Ye Zhou looked at the latest report on the desktop, with a shocked and confused expression on his face.

When he first saw this report, he even doubted the authenticity of the report, because he couldn't understand how someone could do such a stupid thing at such a time.

What is the use of freezing the bank card?Even if your strength is strong enough to freeze the financial system of the other country, what's the use?
Everyone can see that this is a plan for the Taishang project, and for the Taishang project, it is aimed at Huaxia officials.

No one really wants to fight against the current Blue Star, right?

Without the support of ugly countries?
You know, in the Taishang project, the Ugly Country officials are the most active. Relying on their long-term accumulated economic strength, they have booked as many as seven second-class seats at the beginning of the bidding, and the estimated investment is as high as 7 billion U.S. dollars Knife.

This is an extremely high premium. What they have to do is not only to complete the technology application tasks assigned by Huaxia, but to thoroughly understand those technologies.
But no matter what the purpose is, at least their attitude is clear, that is, cooperation.

But now, a little Italian has chosen not to cooperate, but to oppose.

For a while, Ye Zhou couldn't figure out what their reliance was.

Looking at Ye Zhou's expression, Chen Hao nodded helplessly, and replied:
"That is indeed the case. And, according to the speculation of the relevant intelligence agencies, freezing individual bank accounts is only the first step."

"In the next step, they will start with corporate accounts and official accounts, and use methods such as loan withdrawals, loan cuts, censorship, and whitelists to restrict economic activities in relevant countries."

"Yes, their target is not only Mao Qiu, but also every country that their tentacles can reach."

"But what's the point of doing this? Small countries are not the main force of the project, and the seats they participate in are very replaceable. Even if we can't find others, we can do it ourselves."

Ye Zhou's expression became more and more confused. According to his logic, even if he wanted to pose a threat to the project, he should concentrate his efforts on attacking a more important country instead of dragging a bunch of insignificant small countries into the water as he is doing now.

"That's what they're after."

"They're not trying to attack the project, they're trying to force us into submission."

"In a frontal confrontation, it is impossible for them to take advantage of us, and it is impossible for them to change our decision-making. Therefore, the only thing they can do is to put pressure on us through these small countries."

"Haven't you heard the joke? Why can North Korea keep itself, because whoever hits it will hit South Korea."

"Now they are targeting whoever wants to participate in the Taishang project."

"Even if the victims are only some small countries, the pressure of international public opinion they have caused is not small. At that time, if our decision-makers make a misjudgment and leave a loophole in the handling, then they will have the opportunity to go further. "

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:
"I don't think we're ever going to misjudge in a simple situation like this -- what misjudgment could there be?"

Chen Hao's expression became a little complicated. He didn't answer, but asked rhetorically:
"Do you think we haven't misjudged before?"

Ye Zhou was taken aback for a moment, and only then did he recall the well-known public opinion incidents before, and finally let go of his contempt for Italy's strategy.

But immediately, he felt something was wrong.

In the past, I was led by the nose by others because the country was not strong enough, but now, everything is different, can't I break everything with one effort?
He asked his own question, and Chen Hao simply asked him a question:

"If a country resorts to force in the face of disputes, do you think this country will have allies?"

Ye Zhou instantly understood what he meant.

When a knife is raised and you don't know where it will fall, the best thing to do is to stay away from the hand holding the knife.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou took a deep breath, and then said:
"No matter what, we can't just ignore this matter, otherwise, the partners will quickly lose confidence in us—let's solve the bank card problem first, at least let them spend money normally."

Chen Hao hummed, and handed Ye Zhou a blank piece of paper, on which was the initial coping strategy he had just written down.

"Look at these options, which one do you prefer?"

Ye Zhou took the white paper and looked at the writing on it, and said his own evaluation while reading.

"Direct communication is definitely not enough. Idaly can find 1 formal compliance reasons to perfuse us, and those representatives will starve to death."

"It is not feasible to put pressure on the banks. The banks involved do not have a deep equity relationship with us. They dare not even listen to the official words of their own country, let alone us-for them, these The value of the displaced public servants may not be as important as the ten dollars in their pockets."

"Provide temporary financial support. This is too cowardly."

He shook his head, threw the white paper aside, and then said:

"The strategies you mentioned are either too long in execution cycle, or not strong enough. If you want me to say, we might as well solve the problem directly from the root cause."

"The dividend period of RSA technology is coming to an end, and we should let go and squeeze out its last value"

A few hours later, in a large shopping mall in the imperial capital.

Kazapa walked proudly on the way to the cashier, and the assistant behind him followed closely behind him with large and small bags of goods.

He had just received news from the back of the country that the bank accounts of several key figures previously designated had been locked and frozen. Theoretically, they could not even pay for the hotel now.

Thinking of the scene where they stood at the front desk and swiped their cards one by one, and finally left with embarrassment on their faces, looking for help from Huaxia officials, Kasapa even felt that he couldn't help but laugh.
No, this is a serious operation and should not be treated with such frivolity.
But, it's really funny.

They probably never thought that their first warning would appear in this form.

Probably they also think that if they offend themselves, the representative of Italy, the negative impact will spread from the country first, right?
It's ridiculous.

Kazapa considers himself an experienced chess player. Judging from his experience of confronting diplomats from other countries time after time, the most effective way to influence a country's strategy is not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top. And up.

In other words, start with those front-line personnel.

But after these people feel the real pressure, the information they send to the country will also be distorted, and after it spreads like waves step by step, the ultimate power cannot be underestimated.

And what he is doing now is such a thing.

Freezing bank cards is not a clever or hidden strategy, but it is the most unsolvable and insidious strategy.

Modern people are inseparable from currency, cutting off their connection with currency, their life in China will become especially troublesome.

Kasapa looked at the assistant who was checking out at the cash register, and remembered the righteous expression of the previous representative named Pawang, and finally laughed.
But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore.

The assistant in front was looking at him begging for help, while the cashier already had a look of impatience on his face.

Kazapa stepped forward to inquire about the situation in doubt, and then, only 5 minutes later, he called a certain bank and asked angrily:
"Which of you froze my card??"

(End of this chapter)

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