Great Power Technology.

Chapter 96 Let's Pay

Chapter 96 Let's Pay

Ye Zhou's proposal is just a preliminary suggestion. The actual source of these two suggestions is actually Ye Zhou's talent as a planner. Zhongbian automatically screened out these two key factors relying on intuition.

And what he has to do is to deduce the execution strategy and principle based on these two key elements, which is much simpler than the forward reasoning.

His proposal aroused extensive discussions in the venue. Most people believed that this idea was unconstrained, but it was a ruthless move to get rid of the price war and completely break the situation.

After the meeting ended, several top economists in the country sat together and began to analyze the collected seminar minutes.

However, in fact, all of them were only focusing on Ye Zhou's two suggestions.

Regarding other people's suggestions, either because they are mature enough and do not require further analysis; or the implementation strategy is too large to draw conclusions in a short period of time, so there is no need for discussion at this impromptu gathering.

"To make a long story short, you have all seen Ye Zhou's suggestion. It is very clear and clear, and the execution logic can be self-consistent. To a certain extent, his proposal really cuts into the pain points of the international chip market."

"I won't say extra official words and polite words. I personally agree with his suggestion."

It was Wang Jian who spoke. His main focus is international trade and behavioral economics. Among all the people, he has the most thorough understanding of Ye Zhou's establishment.

From his point of view, the suggestion made by Ye Zhou was like a swordsman with extraordinary talents but never trained. With a single stab, he achieved the effect of returning to the basics and hitting the vital point.

Patent authorization and confidentiality commitment, although these two suggestions seem to be unrelated, they are indeed interdependent at the lowest level of logic, as Ye Zhou said.

In other words, the two initiatives serve as barriers to each other, and if either one is challenged, the other can justify it.

"I agree with Lao Wang. The situation we are facing now is very dangerous. We can no longer adopt the previous strategy meekly, because we don't have the time to make plans."

"The change of chip technology is a transfer of strategic advantages for our enemies, and they will definitely not sit still and watch us expand."

"According to our inference, the countermeasures that the other party may take include but are not limited to supporting the opponent, price wars, trade blockades against other countries, technology replacement, third-party financing, interest-free loans, etc. etc. This series of All means consume a huge amount of resources and international credibility."

"Of course we can adopt the same strategy as them, but it is not good for our future expansion plans."

"I personally think that these resources should be put in more useful places. For example, the funds used to provide third-party financing and interest-free loans can obviously be transferred to the trial production of 3nm and sub-nanometer lithography machines. go."

"After all, we already have technical documents, and the trial production will only consume manpower and economic costs."

Cui Zhiyuan, who was sitting in front of Wang Jian, agreed.

His main focus is political economy, and he also considers issues in this area.

"Both of you are right. However, I still think that such a plan is risky. Even if it is done, it must be done with caution."

"Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the promise of confidentiality. If we want to highlight our advantages, it means that we need to tear our face with the other party head-on, and we have to use our country's credit as a guarantee to accuse the other party's commercial company of leaking secrets. question."

"I think such an action is inappropriate - I don't mean such imaginary things as etiquette, bearing, etc., but that this is an action that exposes the cards too early."

Several people in the conference room nodded together. Although most people have basically approved Ye Zhou's proposal, it is undeniable that the two proposals he proposed are too radical. Backlash.

"Is there any way to avoid the risk?"

"There must be, but to be honest, you asked me to say it now. I can't say it so easily. This is a strategy that requires a refined layout and long-term laying. Don't look at the simplicity of that kid named Ye Zhou. In fact, he just skipped the execution process and just talked about the results. The most difficult strategy design still falls on us."

It was Cui Zhiyuan who spoke, and the others couldn't help laughing when they heard his half-truth and half-fake complaints.

"Isn't that what we do? What about Old Cui, you still want him to give you a report on the execution strategy?"

"That's not right! The chip manufacturing documents he took out are a hard disk full of them. Why did they start to be perfunctory when they came to us? Isn't this a case of favoring one over another!"

"He is not a professional! It would be great to be able to put forward these two suggestions that hit the point. If we are allowed to discuss, I am afraid that we do not know how long it will take to discuss the next direction."

Cui Zhiyuan took a sip from his teacup, smiled and said:
"I'm just joking. To be honest, this young man is very unusual, that is, he has put his energy into engineering. If he had chosen economics at the beginning, I am afraid that his achievements in the future will not be inferior to you and me."

"Well, I have the same feeling. But engineering is better, and industry can save the country. Those of us who are theoretical and pragmatic should not be envious of others."

"It's okay not to be envious of him. I heard that he has a younger sister named Ye Lan, who is also quite talented?"

Wang Jian asked with great interest.

"It's talent. When I was with Chen Hao and the others at the headquarters, I heard that she was tossing about financial models all day long. Then, before the meeting just now, I heard from Chen Hao that the little girl had managed the Blackstone Fund's business by herself in the past two days. The logic worked out, which is quite powerful.”

"Did you figure it all out, or did you figure out part of it?"

"That must be part of it!"

Cui Zhiyuan finished answering with a smile, and continued:
"Although it's only part of it, it's not easy to complete such an analysis independently. At least the level of the top graduate students I have come into contact with is on par. Oh, right, here comes the most important part, you know her Who gave you the idea?"

"...Ye Zhou, you're really not very good at selling this pass."

"Is it that easy to guess? Damn, it doesn't matter, anyway, you should know why I am greedy, right? Such a person who has never studied economics systematically can accurately point out the key indicators of financial market operations, and then today You proposed these two suggestions for us to stay here for discussion, aren't you greedy?"

"Well, it's just that I'm a little older, and it's not appropriate to change careers."

The old man on the side said solemnly.

"What kind of job do you want to change! Just take a look, he has to do more important things. Let's not talk about it, so we have reached an agreement today?"

"A consensus has been reached. Let's adopt his suggestion. Let's divide the work among a few of us, first take out the executive outline, and strive to report to the higher authorities for approval as soon as possible!"

A few hours later, the man received the executive outline submitted by the economists. He just read it and signed his name on it.

For the people below, limited by their perspective, they probably only thought it was a deviant suggestion, but he himself noticed the key word that Ye Zhou mentioned in his speech.

"Asymmetric Strategies".

Indeed, what the young man named Ye Zhou proposed was an asymmetrical strategy, which has never been an unfamiliar term in his decades of silent cultivation.

But now, that young man just wants to apply this idea to a more subtle business game.

This is not deviant at all, but in the same vein.

It was at this moment that his interest in this young man rose again.

He picked up the phone on the table, dialed a number, and said to the other side:
"As for the use of the little comrade Ye Zhou, I think it can be relaxed a little bit."

"Yes, there is no need to announce it on a formal occasion, but in private, you can give him more room to play freely."

(End of this chapter)

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