My Dimensional Life Simulator

Chapter 18 Permanent Special Talent

Chapter 18 Permanent Special Talent
Jiang Feng sneered indifferently, and then wanted to take out a dagger from his waist to divide the valuable part of the wild boar.

Generally speaking, the most valuable thing about the iron-haired boar is the crystal nucleus, the two fangs, and the tough boar skin.

In comparison, the wild boar with a decent taste is not too important.


Seeing that Jiang Feng didn't take him seriously, the red-haired man's face darkened, and in a hurry he pulled up the iron bow and shot it at his calf.

But next second.

Jiang Feng turned sideways slightly, and then quickly grabbed the air with his right hand. He also held a bow and arrow tightly in his hand, unable to move forward at all.

This action stunned the red-haired man and his party, and made the surrounding onlookers fall into shock and confusion for a while.

"How did he catch that arrow just now??"

"Isn't that young man facing away from the Blazing Squad? He really dares to shoot arrows, but with this young man's nerve reaction speed, maybe his strength has already surpassed the Foundation Establishment Realm."

"How is this possible? At best, it's luck. How could people in the body training realm be hunting and killing people on the first floor of the dungeon? If it were me, I would have already gone to the second and third floors."

And the red-haired man looked at the iron arrow that was slowly bent and kneaded, and couldn't help swallowing in his throat.

"How did you do it?"

"Huh? With that kind of shooting speed, everyone should be able to dodge it, right?" Jiang Feng threw the kneaded iron arrow in front of him, crossed his hands and kneaded it, "But since you dare to draw the bow, how much is it? You have to pay for it.”

Listening to the whispers of his teammates, the red-haired man's panicked expression instantly improved a lot.

"If you speak wild words, you are not afraid of blowing the bull out."

"Boy, I missed the shot on purpose just now, or do you think you can escape!? What's more, not long ago, my people saw you being caught by orcs on the street."

"Looking at your appearance, you should have just become a half warrior for a few days, right?!"

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth hung high.

"I advise you to keep your prey and get out of here obediently. Otherwise, you will get injured in the dungeon. This kind of thing is very normal, and the Martial Arts Bureau won't care about it!!"

Just as he continued to speak, he saw a huge fist with a little blue current suddenly appear in front of his eyes, and then it slammed into his face, knocking him off his feet.

Seeing this, the little quacks of the Agni team also tried to fight back, but Jiang Feng broke them all in two or three.

"This fire team has never been defeated on the first floor. Basically, no one on the first floor can escape his looting. Now they are defeated by this young man?"

"How is this possible!!! Could it be that this brother has already reached the body-refining state!? Otherwise, how could it be possible to solve all the Agni team in less than half a minute!!"

"However, how could a person of that level come here?!"

"What's this called? It's called hunting wild geese all day long but being pecked at by eagles, hahahaha."

The group of onlookers were almost all wandering on the first floor, hunting and killing more and more monsters.

Most people have been more or less plundered by the Raging Fire team. After all, with the cooperation of their team, even the peak Foundation Establishment Realm is just their defeat.

And through the collected information, they cleverly avoided the warriors above the foundation establishment level to avoid conflicts, but now they didn't expect to meet a person who seemed to be a novice, but was actually a veteran.

Jiang Feng glanced at the red-haired man with swollen cheeks, grabbed his collar and lifted him up, and said softly:

"So, since you wanted to rob me just now, isn't it fair for me to rob you now?"

"Fairness." The red-haired man looked at the fallen teammates around him, nodded repeatedly, and pointed to a backpack behind him, "My lord, all our things are there. Just take it as you see it."

"It's quite interesting." Jiang Feng put him on the ground, let out a rough breath, and said in a cold voice, "Be careful next time."

"Otherwise, I'll beat you up once I see you, anyway. If it doesn't hurt your life, it should be normal for you to be hospitalized for less than half a year with broken hands and feet."

"And if I can't hunt the prey next time, I will ask you for some."

Looking at the devil-like face in front of him, the red-haired man instantly turned into a woodpecker, nodded frantically and said with a dry smile:

"My lord, you are right, I definitely dare not."

Jiang Feng ignored them and went to the back to pick up a few of their backpacks, walked towards the surrounding onlookers, and threw them on the ground.

"Just now you said that you seem to have been robbed by him, right?"

"Then you can make do with this."

"My lord, this is not good." A man glanced at the backpack full of various materials, and swallowed hesitantly.

Jiang Feng turned around and stared at the red-haired man, and said with a faint smile:

"Don't worry, if you let me know that he dares to retaliate against you, I will let him have no good fruit to eat next time we meet, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes." The red-haired man stood up while supporting the stones beside him, and pointed at the backpacks from afar and shouted, "My lord has already said, you can take whatever you want, and my Blazing Squad will have no complaints!"

Hearing this, a group of people swarmed up immediately, and looking at the constantly shriveled backpack, the red-haired man felt as if his heart was bleeding.

You know, this is the material they collected for two days!

Jiang Feng also saw his distressed expression and couldn't help laughing.

Afterwards, he packed the main materials of the wild boar, the light golden crystal nucleus, and a large piece of wild boar into his backpack, and walked towards the portal with the big bag on his back.

This trip to the dungeon, just a rare wild boar, is enough to be called a huge harvest.

It feels like Mengxin is going fishing for the first time. Just put a line hook in the water and fish will come to your door.


late at night.

Jiang Feng was lying on the bed with a face full of joy, looking at the balance on the phone.

【Balance: 1038252】

He really didn't expect that two wild boar tusks and a piece of wild boar skin were worth so much.

After showing it to Brother Luo, he casually offered him a price of 102 million.

It's no wonder that warriors have risks, but the rewards are also too high.

Thinking of this, he casually took out a washed pale golden crystal nucleus, put it in front of his eyes and glanced at it for a while.

"Can the crystal nucleus be sold for 50?"

"This little thing is really scary."

"However, a million or so is enough for now, let's use it on the [simulator]."

[Decomposing special monster crystal nucleus]

[Acquire [Special Talent] "Tough Fur": Your body is very tough and can be immune to most physical attacks]

[This talent is [Special Talent], which has been permanently solidified in reality and the simulator. 】

Jiang Feng looked at the information on the interface that jumped out in front of him, his eyes widened suddenly.

"Permanent solidification into reality and simulator??"

"This special talent seems to be a bit fragrant!!!"

"However, I hope that tonight's journey can completely get rid of yesterday's bad luck. I don't want to go through that nasty ten consecutive draws again!!!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng took a few deep breaths to relieve the pressure, and fell asleep on the pillow.

When he opened his eyes again, the familiar white space came into view again.

【World Anchor: One Piece World】

[Quick simulation: 1/12 of the current remaining times]

[Real life: 1/2 of the current remaining times]

"Tonight is the last [Quick Simulation], which means that tomorrow night, I will start the first and only [Real Life] of [One Piece World]."

"But it's useless to think too much, let's start!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng clicked [Quick Simulation].
 The normal update will start tomorrow. Today, hehehe, I went out to play on the first day of the new year.

  Happy New Year, everyone. In the New Year, we need to release more of the pressure accumulated over the year. I also wish you good luck in the Year of the Tiger.

(End of this chapter)

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