My Dimensional Life Simulator

Chapter 23 Exclusive limiter for the strong

Chapter 23 Exclusive limiter for the strong

Five years later.

Somewhere in the windmill village.

A boy was quickly doing standard push-ups one after another on the mountain, and kept counting with the movements.

"9951, 9952, 9953"

The clothes on his body were almost soaked in sweat, and the excess sweat slowly dripped down on the puddles on the ground through the clothes and skin.

At this moment, there was a sound of running not far away.

Hearing the sound, the boy looked up and saw a child holding a big lollipop and shouting at him:
"Brother, we should go home for dinner."


The boy didn't stand up directly, and then he replied and continued to do push-ups until after [-], and then he slowly got up, and whispered softly: "Release the gravity mode."

Then he took off the soaked shirt, and suddenly clenched his right hand into a fist, hitting the top of the little boy's head.

"Garp, where did you go just now?"

"How can you run away from a good practice!?"

"If you do this again, believe it or not, I'll ask mom to confiscate all your snacks. If you eat so much, you won't be afraid of becoming a little fat man!"

Garp scratched his little head, raised his head and pouted.

"But I saw other children either eating or playing."

Jiang Feng rubbed Karp's little head vigorously with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

"Believe it or not, the old man will definitely beat you up when he hears this. His iron fist hurts more than mine."

"Hmph." Garp snorted haughtily, held up the lollipop with his right hand, and shouted with his left hand on his hip, "I will definitely be better than Dad in the future, and then I will become a high-ranking officer in the navy and fire him. You don’t dare to let me practice anymore!”

"Then you have to be strong." Jiang Feng grabbed the little Garp's waist with both hands and lifted him up. "Father, I really hope that we can become a powerful navy."

"If you don't work hard, maybe you can only become a pirate."

"At that time, let alone food, basically everyone will shout and beat you if you are seen. You don't want to live that kind of life, do you?"

Seeing that his elder brother was "lecturing" to him again, little Karp rolled his eyes cleverly, and then pointed at the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Brother, it's time to go back to eat."

"Tomorrow. I will practice with you tomorrow."

Jiang Feng looked at him suspiciously, then walked back with him in one hand.

And while he was walking, he also recited the "Limiter" silently in his heart.

In an instant.

A light blue interface appeared in front of his eyes.

[Name: Monkey D. Feng]

【Age: 5 years old】

【Currently unlocked】

[Strength] "Low-level requirements: complete 200 million push-ups under ten times the gravity, (current progress: 196 million/200 million)"

[Speed] "Low-level requirements: Under five times the gravity, one-time sprinting can reach 20 meters, (0/20 meters)"

[Physical Skills] "Low-level requirements for the Secret Book of Physical Skills: Defeat 100 enemies with the Secret Book of Physical Skills (current progress: 3/100)"

[Armed color domineering] "Haven't reached the top of the low level, can't break through the limit"

[Knowledge-colored domineering] "If you haven't reached the top of the low-level, you can't break through the limit"

[Overlord Color Domineering] "If you haven't reached the top of the low level, you can't break through the limit"

[Low-level requirements for swordsmanship: accumulate 200 million sword swings under ten times the gravity (current progress: 196 million/200 million)]

[Intermediate Chef Requirement: Make 80 dishes with a score of [-] or more]

This is the [Golden Talent] "Limiter" he got.

Indeed, as I said at the beginning of the selection of talents, as long as the corresponding requirements are completed, you can break through the current limit.

And this "limiter" can also trigger many types of things, including physique, swordsmanship and even cooking skills, almost everything.

It's just that this requirement is really restrictive. Terrible.

"Strength" and "Swordsmanship" training can be considered normal.

Anyway, as long as there is a problem in training, no matter how serious it is, the "limiter" will be repaired together, and you only need to do a little bit every day, and you can make a breakthrough in a year.

It's just that this "speed" is really terrible.

20 meters at a time is equivalent to running 200 kilometers at a time. Is this something a five-year-old child can do? ?

If this "strength" breaks through to the middle level in the future, he can't even imagine the requirements. I'm afraid it will be multiplied several times? ?
If it weren't for the "Human Evolution" chosen at the beginning, which started to take effect at the age of three, which made his body grow greatly, it is estimated that he would be difficult even to get started, and the low-level ones would have to be completed in his 10s. up.

As for now, if he remembers correctly, it should be 1447 in the lunar calendar, which is before most of the main events started.

After all, even Garp, who will dominate in the future, is still his little brother licking a lollipop in his arms.

But for now, he is still too weak, he still has to be honest and wretched to develop, even if he joins the navy, he has to stay away from that damn "Marie Gioia", and try not to enter the "King of the World Im" when he is weak In sight, otherwise there would be a big problem.

After all, this is not a "quick simulation", but a real "real life".

This day is really difficult.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Little Karp looked at Jiang Feng's sighs from time to time, pinched his face lightly with his little hand, and said softly, "Brother, are you angry?"

"I didn't." Jiang Feng shook his head and grinned. There's nothing to be angry about. Isn't this fun-loving nature of children.

Little Karp took the lollipop and put it to Jiang Feng's mouth, grinning and said:
"Brother, eat something sweet and you won't be angry."

"You kid." Jiang Feng bit the candy hard, and then looked at little Karp for a few seconds. Suddenly, the two laughed and walked towards home.

But at night, I have to take this little brother to practice a little bit more. No matter what, he has to complete his 1% training target.

After all, to train a navy, you have to start from a baby, which is what his father told him.

Inexplicably, Little Karp felt a sudden shiver in his body.

He looked around vigilantly, for fear that something terrifying would take a fancy to his delicate skin and tender flesh.

After all, the big brother can say that the bad guys like to gnaw on children the most.


late at night.

In the forest near Monchi's house.

Jiang Feng was standing in the open space with a wooden sword in his hand, constantly making slashing movements.

After all, this is a daily training routine.

If you don't think about finishing it today, I'm afraid it will be delayed again tomorrow.

Tomorrow is tomorrow, tomorrow is so much.

As the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and even without this bit of perseverance, he would not be like an idiot who has practiced honestly in the world of warriors for more than ten years.

Though that would be really tasty. Talented.

"Brother, I'm tired, can I stop?" Little Garp's voice came from the side.

After Jiang Feng slashed, he turned his head and glanced at his gradually non-standard movements, and said with a light smile:
"It's impossible to stop."

"Why don't I, big brother, reluctantly change the way of cultivation with you, you come to swing the sword, and I will practice boxing."

When little Karp heard this, a few drops of cold sweat burst out of his little head.

Swinging a sword is something that even the eldest brother feels tired, is this something he can do? ? ?
"No, I listened to my elder brother, it's better to practice boxing honestly."

After speaking, he straightened his body and continued to practice according to the method taught by Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng glanced at his appearance, raised his head to look at the night sky and stretched his brows slightly.

That idiot father said the navy conscription, but he can go with the kid Garp in the future
(End of this chapter)

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