Chapter 39

In the town of Glenna Island.

The middle-aged CP0 headed by him was already purple all over, and he barely supported himself with a knife, maintaining a posture of kneeling on one knee.

The few world government personnel who tried to kill the creatures in the black box also turned into blood from Hobbs' venom.

Hobbs glanced at the middle-aged CP0 who was panting not far away, and said with a sinister smile:

"So, the mere weak still resist."

"I really don't know how such a weak guy like you became the dog of the world government. Let me send you to hell."

As he spoke, a smear of venom condensed on his right hand.

"Poison Dragon."

A dragon-shaped creature with a thick body and venom flew out of his hand in an instant, and went straight to CP0's body. The clown and another CP0 fell aside, and could only watch helplessly as the poisonous dragon flew towards the middle-aged CP0. .

"Finger gun!"

at this time.

A voice came from above, and what followed was an attack like an air bomb.

The attack hit the middle of the "Poisonous Dragon" straight, cut off its waist, and then turned into a pool of venom and sprinkled on the ground.

"Hey hello."

"Did you not use your full strength just now? How can you be as strong as a monster? It's really scary."

Hearing this sound, "Dragon Hobbs" swallowed slightly in his throat, looked up blankly, and saw the man who had just easily defeated him - Monkey D. Feng!
I saw him walking down from the sky slowly to the side of the middle-aged CP0 as if he was walking on the ground, and said with a faint smile:

"Masters of the World Government, I am here now under your orders."

"If something goes wrong, don't blame me."

The middle-aged CP0 raised his head forcefully, said with a dry smile:

"Lieutenant General Feng, please get rid of this guy!"

Jiang Feng bent down slightly with his left hand in his pocket.

"Is that a request?"

"Yes." The middle-aged CP0 reluctantly nodded, "Please, please get rid of this guy."

"I know, I know."

Jiang Feng glanced at the middle-aged CP0 who fell on the ground and rolled his eyes, turned his head to look at Hobbs and said with a smile:

"Try to use your full strength, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will accidentally kill you."

When Hobbs heard this, the fear gradually arose in his heart, and he was instantly suppressed by the ignited anger.

He raised his hands and shouted angrily in Jiang Feng's direction.

"Poison God Soldier Titan!"

Countless venoms began to spread out from his body rapidly.

But next second.

A large hand was placed directly on his head, pressing him toward the ground.

The tumbling venom also lost its controller, and gradually dripped onto the ground, dyeing the khaki-yellow ground into purple.

A hearty laugh came from behind Hobbs.

"Sorry, sorry."

"I almost thought you were a practitioner of physical skills. Your devil fruit range is too large. If you kill these rookies, I will be in trouble."

No matter how hard Hobbs struggled with that terrifying force, it was of no avail. He could only struggle and gradually lose hope.

Jiang Feng caught a glimpse of his motionless appearance and smiled with satisfaction.

He took out a pair of Hailoushi handcuffs from his waist and handcuffed them on his hands, making the venom that was still secreting disappear instantly.

"Okay, it's finally done."

"To be honest, your crew members are more troublesome than you. Those domineering and domineering ones have to be knocked out and dislocated one by one. It's always troublesome."

"They... were all arrested too!?" Hobbs couldn't calm down for a long time when he heard this.

Some of his monster crews were even able to draw with him, but now they are all wiped out?How can this be! ! ?

Jiang Feng lifted him up and nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, a total of 46 pirate ships were knocked unconscious."

"I'll send you all to Jincheng City later. It's considered a companion."

Suddenly, he remembered one thing.

"Hobbs, what exactly did the world government rob you of, making you chase after it so happily?"

"If you don't speak well, I'll beat you up again."

This navy is simply too powerful.

After a few seconds of silence, Hobbs let out a long sigh.

"Two three-eyed people, and a few special devil fruit users."

"Hey, could it be that these two three-eyed people are your wives? We had a good time." Jiang Feng suddenly laughed in surprise.

Hobbs gritted his teeth, but seeing Jiang Feng clenched his fist threateningly, he quickly replied:

"No, they can decipher the historical text!"

"Don't you want to know what the end of the great route is?"

"I don't want to."

Jiang Feng smiled and shook his head, walked to the black box, and threw him on the ground.

"Knowing or not knowing is meaningless at all."

Anyway, he probably understood what it was in the "Quick Simulation", isn't it related to the world government, why waste all his energy looking for it.

If you know the details, wouldn't it be easier to beat up Im and ask him someday?
Jiang Feng glanced at a few black boxes, then used brute force to tear open the half-open door.

What surprised him was that the iron box was made of some unknown material, and even knowledge-colored arrogance could not penetrate it, but it may be the current knowledge-colored arrogance, which is too lame.

After opening it, the figures of a man and a woman curled up inside also came into Jiang Feng's eyes.

The environment inside is like a small prison cell, with everything that should be there, and something like a ventilator is installed to provide oxygen for the people inside.

Jiang Feng looked at the two people who were motionless and shouted softly.

"Why are you still shrinking there?"

"Why don't you run away while the guys from the world government are dizzy?"

Seeing the dazed looks of the two, he casually threw the door open and ignored it, and then opened the other closed and locked doors one by one, and saw the "Devil Fruit Ability User" lying on his stomach in a deep sleep.

Jiang Feng glanced at Hobbs on the ground and asked:
"You call this a devil fruit ability user?"

"They are the guys who ate the mutation of the animal-type devil fruit. In terms of physical fitness, they may be better than you."

"Excuse me, what do you want to say?" Jiang Feng put away his blood-stained right hand and asked in surprise.

Hobbs lay on the ground shaking his head again and again.

"No, you just misheard."

"That's fine. After I kill these guys, I'll collect some quantity." Jiang Feng nodded and continued to work hard, until he killed several "cute" devil fruit beasts one by one, and then stopped.

After seeing the two three-eyed people bowing to him and fleeing from a distance, Jiang Feng also tied the three CP0s who were not dead together with a rope, and walked towards the sky with both hands.

As for this island, why there are no other humans in this town is probably because the world government has already dealt with it, and it is specially used as a transit island.

Anyway, he didn't find even a dead body of a civilian. Otherwise, people from the world government might accidentally fall into the sea and feed the Neptunes.

After throwing the man with both hands on the boat, Jiang Feng glanced at the quiet pirates who didn't dare to move, and jumped off the boat.

Then he grabbed the huge iron anchor, kicked the sea water with both legs, and swam towards the G1 branch.

a few days later.

The whole sea shook.

"Dragon Hobbs", known as the "Sea Overlord" in today's era, and his huge "Dragon Pirates", were all arrested by a "Navy New Generation Vice Admiral".

Thus, "Dragon Pirates" became history.

However, compared to the "Poisonous Dragon Pirates" who were arrested by all members, most people want to know more about this "Monch D. Feng" who arrested a top pirate group by himself. kind of man.
(End of this chapter)

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