My Dimensional Life Simulator

Chapter 46 The Dimensional Store of the African Emirates

Chapter 46 The Dimensional Store of the African Emirates

Holy Land Mary Joa.

among the flowers.

The five usually have high positions and weights, and they are even known as the five old stars who are the pinnacle of world power.

At this time, he was kneeling on the ground, lowering his head and not daring to look directly at the woman on the throne in front of him.

Big drops of cold sweat kept coming out of their foreheads, and their eyes were full of anxiety and fear.

The woman sitting on the throne tapped on the armrest and asked softly:

"This time, what's going on??"

"Why did I not hear any reports from you about someone invading the "Valley of Gods"?!"

"Are you arrogant, or that useless power has corroded your brains?!"

It was obviously such a soft voice, but after the five old stars heard it, their heads lowered lower and lower, almost pressing their faces to the ground.

Among them, the blond five old stars replied in that dull voice:

"Master Im, what happened this time is far beyond our imagination."

"The location of the Valley of the Gods has now become a lake."

"An attack of that level is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do. It is very likely that someone within us wants to subvert the world government."

"The destruction of the king of heaven is not a big change in this era that has not yet undergone major changes." Im leaned on the throne, his bright eyebrows slightly frowned, "It's just that the rise of Rocks also proves that Without the revival of the D clan, and without the help of the Heavenly King, the world will experience unimaginable turmoil!"

"As for Pluto and Neptune, dispatch large-scale forces as soon as possible to keep these two things in our hands."

As he said that, a terrifying pressure pressed tightly on Wulaoxing's body, until they were sweating profusely and panting heavily, the pressure gradually dissipated.

After the blond Wu Laoxing regained his composure, he quickly said:

"My lord, how should we act next, do we need to restrain the development of the current era?"

"The Rocks pirates who are the masterminds have all been arrested?" Im asked after thinking for two seconds.

The blond five old stars nodded again and again.

"Yes, all of them were arrested by that Monkey D. Feng, and they have been escorted to be imprisoned in Advance City."

"As for that Monkey D. Feng, he has been suppressed for 22 years as a general, and he has not rebelled against the world government at all. We may be able to promote him to the admiral of the Navy headquarters."

"22 years. Interesting." Im's frown eased a little, "Yes, then he will be promoted later."

As she spoke, she suddenly paused for a few seconds.

"However, let's promote the current admiral this time."

"The government will directly send a new Admiral of the Navy to take office, regardless of loss, and destroy this rising "Pirate Era" in the cradle to the greatest extent!"

"Yes, Lord Im!" Several five old stars answered in unison, and the cold sweat from their foreheads couldn't help but a little less.


Marine Headquarters Marine Fando.

After the top battle known as the "Valley of Gods", a man who arrested the most pirates in the history of the navy, the creator of the "Secrets of Naval Physical Skills", and a man known as the strongest man in the navy - "Monch ·D·Feng", his reputation almost resounds throughout the world.

Countless people know that the man who created the Rocks era "Rox D. Gibbek" was arrested by this man who was the base chief of the G1 branch of the Navy.

Because of Jiang Feng's current fame, countless younger generations even showed him as an idol, which made the number of freshmen joining the navy several times more than in previous years.

Just got off the ship.

Jiang Feng saw enthusiastic navies swarming towards them one after another, surrounding them one after another, shouting continuously.

"Go, go! I actually saw Lieutenant General Feng with my own eyes!"

"Nonsense, the last time Lieutenant General Feng came back, you obviously went to grab an autograph!!"

"The strength of Lieutenant General Feng is beyond what we can imagine. After all, the one he defeated was known as the strongest in the world, and even created an era of "Rox D. Gibbek"!"

Jiang Feng waved to them with a smile, and then left the slightly chaotic port under the cover of the navy around him.

According to the previous plan, he should have returned to the Navy headquarters a few days ago.

But in order to completely send the "Rocks" gang into the city and prevent them from causing trouble on the way.

He also simply did it himself, taking the duties of a vice admiral to the extreme.

And because of this incident, the "Dimensional Store" he had been thinking about hadn't been opened yet, so he wanted to see what good things could come out this time.

Even if not.

Why don't you refresh it once at [-] yuan points, and swipe him ten times directly, then you can get some "guaranteed products" anyway! !
Jiang Feng put one hand in his pocket, thinking while walking on the road of the Navy headquarters.

When he finished thinking and raised his head, he found that he had walked back to the Naval Academy he had attended without knowing it.

"Really, it makes people miss it."


He narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw a very familiar young man not far away.

The young man's black hair was casually scattered behind his head, he had no eyebrows, and he was wearing a navy school uniform. He was holding a light green towel in his hand to wipe the sweat off his body.


Hearing this voice, the young man was stunned for an instant, and after a little stunned, he turned his head to look.

Seeing the figure in the coat of justice on the other side of the road, he was excited and trotted over.

"Uncle, why are you back!?"

Jiang Feng glanced at his browless brows, and punched him on the head with his big fist.

"Stupid Dragon, didn't I tell you already? It's okay, don't shave your eyebrows like others, if you don't want to be a good handsome guy, do you still want to be a master without eyebrows!??"

"If the time comes to scare your sister, I have to have a friendly exchange with you!!"

"Discussion." Long touched the slightly painful top of his head, and his whole body shivered instantly.

Recalling that this uncle had told him in the past that it was just a friendly discussion and taught him a little "things" by the way, he still readily agreed at that time.

But now that I think about it, that was a lie! !
Being hanged and beaten on one side, and teaching him the essence of being beaten by the way, what is that called a sparring! !

Thinking of this, Long shook his head and came back to his senses, and quickly changed the subject.

"Uncle, I heard that you defeated the legendary strongest pirate, Rocks D. Gibbek! Is he really, really, really strong as the news said!!"

"Did you fight for three hundred rounds before you took him down!!?"

"That guy, he's not bad. His strength is really good." Jiang Feng shrugged and said with a smirk, "But your father was beaten up enough by that guy Lockes."

As he spoke, he pointed to the location of the port.

"Your father came back with me, why don't you ask?"

Hearing this, cold sweat burst out of the top of "Monkey D. Dragon".

If this uncle is just a sparring, then his father can only be described as deliberately beating his own son! !
He wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and quickly pointed to the release line of the gymnasium and said with a smile:

"Then what. Uncle, I have to go back to the gym to practice more. It seems that there is less training just now."

Looking at his figure trotting away, Jiang Feng couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"Monkey D. Long, if I remember correctly, he seems to be the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the future."

"It's a pity, uncle, I don't think I will give you this chance."

With that said, Jiang Feng walked back home along the aisle.

After seeing that there was no one around at home, he took off the coat of justice and hung it up, then threw himself on the big bed, and took a deep breath of the slightly dull fragrance on it.

After a while.

He turned over and looked at the slightly sea-blue ceiling under the decoration of Vivi's installation, and whispered softly: "Open the 'Dimensional Store'."

[The Dimensional Store has been opened. "This store will be automatically refreshed every 365 days, you can also consume [-] points to refresh in advance"]

[Items purchased in the Dimensional Store can be carried to the "Trophy Warehouse"]

The moment he saw the product, Jiang Feng frowned, and spent [-] yuan points to refresh without hesitation.

After refreshing six times in a row, the reward that appeared made his brows relax.

"Blood Fusion Reagent: 50 Dimension Points"

"Dragon King's Complete Bloodline Reagent: 40 Dimension Points"

"Genesis Component: 10 Billion Dimension Point"

"Any Door: 1000 Million Dimensional Points"

"Regeneration of Severed Limbs: 20 Dimension Points"

"Satoshi Helmet: 10 Dimension Points"

"Xiandou: 20 Dimension Points"

 The update is complete, but this time the meta store took too long, I searched for a long time before I found something more suitable.

  If you have any good ideas, you can leave a message directly, and the murlocs will directly adopt them into the inventory, Wuhu!

  Thank you for your follow-up, and I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival! !
(End of this chapter)

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