Develop the world from one person

Chapter 35: 035: Dongchen's Arrangement

Chapter 35: 035: Dongchen's Arrangement
The dragon's negative map comes out of Luoshui, and the colorful phoenix holds the book in Biyun.

Because of fate, it will be written later, and the Dunjia Qimen will begin from then on.

Among the Eight Miraculous Skills, warlocks all have a dream of Qimen, that is: Fenghou Qimen.

At the same time, Fenghou Qimen is also known as the ultimate Qimen.

However, no one knows what effect and how powerful Feng Hou Qimen is.

Even the founder of Fenghou Qimen, Zhou Sheng of the Wudang sect, is dead or alive, no one knows.

And when Xu Si heard that Guo Yi actually looked down on Wuhou Qimen, the only possibility is that Guo Yi knew how to get Fenghouqimen.


Guo Yi nodded, and recognized it with a smile: "Fenghou Qimen is the warlock technique I want.

That is, the risk of contacting Fenghou Qimen is too great..."


Xu Si drooped Guo Yi's shoulders again, and asked with bright eyes: "What is the Qimen like after Fenghou?

Also, Fenghou Qimen..."

"Don't chat~"

Guo Yi looked at Xu Si with an inexplicable smile, and said quietly: "You will see."


After Xu Si heard Guo Yi's words, he froze in place.

will see...

This also means that the successor of Fenghou Qimen is in the Luotian Dajiao.

Otherwise, Guo Yi should have said "who will see it later" instead of "you will see it"...

In addition to the two Eight Wonders of Unlocking the Heavenly Scroll and the Origin of Qi Body, Luo Tian Dajiao actually has a third Eight Wonders of Fenghou Qimen! ?

The more Xu Si thought about it, the more he felt that after the Luo Tian Dajiao, a new storm would be set off in the world of aliens.

The Jiashen Rebellion, the thirty-six thieves, and the various sects...

"Fourth brother, what are you thinking?"

Guo Yi walked for a while, and found that Xu Si was still standing there, not knowing what to think, and shouted loudly: "Let's go, eat quickly.

After eating, we are still a little busy. "


Zhang Chulan looked at Guo Yi in bewilderment: "What are we busy with?"

"It has nothing to do with you, you and Sister Bao'er will continue to watch the competition in the afternoon..."


In the afternoon, in an unobtrusive place in Longhu Mountain.

Xu San, Xu Si, Guo Yi and the others watched as the employees who communicated everywhere continued to unload all kinds of boxes from the truck.

Kang Jie, on the other hand, led the Nine Shadows Special Forces and Liao Zhongxian's combat agents, and kept taking out various equipment from the box.

In addition to the people brought by Guo Yiyuan, there are also [-] Dongchen's first-class special forces transferred from the special brigades of the nine military regions.

The so-called first-class special forces team is Dongchen's most powerful special forces team besides the nine special forces team of the Nine Shadows Squad.

Luo Tiandajiao's action this time, Dongchen has spent a lot of money, and he is bound to cause trouble on Longhu Mountain.

"Is this what you call a helper?"

The old master pushed Tian Jinzhong, and Lu Jin, a thug in a suit, also came here.




When the three elders approached, the old man Lu Jin's eyes almost popped out, he looked at Guo Yi in a daze, and then at the boxes: "Are you planning to destroy Longhu Mountain? "

"Guo Yi, are you planning to turn Longhu Mountain into a battlefield?"

The old Tianshi, who was originally calm and calm, also twitched at this time, and looked at Guo Yi with a hint of guard.

The boxes of boxes contained various monitoring equipment such as drones, cameras, radios, consoles, and so on.

In addition, there are boxes of weapons...

Anti-infantry mines, remote-controlled mines, heat-seeking individual rocket launchers, mortars...

In addition to these exaggerated guys, Sanlao also saw five CS/LM12 7.62mm rotary machine guns.


The ammunition it uses is 7.62×51mm NATO bullets, which are mainly installed on Zhi-20 armed helicopters.

Although the three elders don't know the specific power and data of these weapons, but the appearance of the weapons and the videos circulating on the Internet, they also have some understanding of these weapons.

With the weapons and ammunition in front of them, the three elders believed in a small-scale war.

As a result, they all appear in Longhu Mountain now...

The old heavenly master was a little suspicious, whether Guo Yi, in addition to ambush Quan Xing, also gave him a blow to him...

How unreasonable!

"Old Heavenly Master, there is nothing we can do to help..."

Xu Si lit a cigarette, and explained to the old master helplessly: "You know the identity of that kid, and the company can't stop him.

We can only be responsible for transporting..."

"Dont look at me……"

Guo Yi saw that the eyes of the three elders were focused on him, and decisively threw the pot out: "I just told the other side that this place may become a battlefield...

The ghost knows that they really arranged this place as a battlefield...

I don't want to either! "

"Yeah, you don't want to..."

Seeing that the pot was about to be thrown away by Guo Yi, Xu Si couldn't help but make up for it: "In addition to these weapons here, fifty armed helicopters have been arranged near Longhu Mountain...

Moreover, a mechanized land-air mixed brigade was secretly arranged to stand by at the foot of Longhu Mountain.

After the whole nature emerges, they will block Longhu Mountain as soon as possible..."

After finishing speaking, Xu Si quietly took a puff of cigarette and looked at the sky blankly.

At the announcement meeting of Luo Tian Dajiao, Lu Jin announced that he would take out the Tong Tianlu as a prize. The purpose was to attract people of all sexes to come out and give them a good meal.

Although it is not possible to draw out all of them, most of them should be able to be drawn out.

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of this plan, Lu Jin also greeted Tianshi Mansion and the company in advance, and negotiated all matters among the three parties.

However, a Guo Yi came in halfway...

That's fine, anyway, Guo Yi is on their side.

As a result, Xu Si, Lao Tianshi and Lu Jin all underestimated the materials and manpower that Guo Yi could mobilize.

Now in this situation, Xu Si only hopes that people of all sexes can choose their own cemetery and explain their last words well...

No help, just die.

"You kid..."

The old celestial master trembled, and looked at Guo Yi resentfully: "Are you going to play the old Longhu Mountain as a battlefield?"


Guo Yi rubbed his nose, and said a little embarrassedly: "Old Master, I really didn't mean it.

I'm going to tell them to be as careful as possible. "


Seeing the resentful old Tianshi and Tian Jinzhong, old man Lu Jin couldn't help laughing and said, "Old Tianshi, I'll thank Tianshifu for your help first..."



The old heavenly master didn't dare to do anything to Guo Yi, but it doesn't mean that Lu Jin can gloat in front of him...

So, the old heavenly master took Lu Jin as a punching bag, and "lightly" punched Lu Jin, making old man Lu bend down and burst into tears from laughter.

"This, I don't want to, my heavenly master..."

Guo Yi looked at the old master with a little embarrassment, and smiled awkwardly: "After it's over, I'll ask the official to fix it for you."

"What on earth do you want, boy?"

The old heavenly master looked at the special forces that were silently preparing and seemed to be about to go to the battlefield, and asked curiously: "Where did Quan Xing offend you, so that you are so mobilizing?"

(End of this chapter)

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