Develop the world from one person

Chapter 367 Chapter 365: Montenegro?Black Mountains!

Chapter 367 Chapter 365: Montenegro?Black Mountains!
"Suck, breathe~"

The old heavenly master took a deep breath, slightly calmed down the turbulent qi flow in his body, and said with a wry smile: "This move is still a bit less powerful, and the consumption is still a bit higher.

However, it worked fine for the first time. "

"Old Master, you are Versailles."

The words of the old heavenly master made everyone laugh bitterly.

Even Gandalf looked at the old master speechlessly.

He returned to Maiya's form, and then used the same level of damage magic as the old Tianshi in the world of Lord of the Rings, which was much easier than the old Tianshi.

However, this is not the world of Lord of the Rings, and he can only use his body to carry out activities.

I want to use attack magic with the same level of damage as the old celestial master under this condition...

It's not impossible, but it is estimated that the body will be gone.

With the assistance of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa, he can still use it.

As for Holy Light...

That trick is only effective against undead, and it's not offensive magic, so it doesn't count.

"Why hasn't the Black Mountain old demon's body come out yet?"

Everyone rested for a while, and found that no Yin soldiers and ghost generals have appeared until now, and the body of the Black Mountain old demon has not appeared either.

However, the black cloud magic above everyone's heads did not dissipate, and still shielded the nuclear fusion reactor.

This weird situation made Guo Yi and the others frowned and became uneasy.

Montenegrin old demon, what exactly do you want?

"Which one is the body of the Black Mountain old demon?"

Guo Yi looked around, pointed at the back of the City of Death, and said nervously with everyone: "Isn't it possible?"

The City of Dead Dead is built on a mountain range. At the foot of the mountain, there is a stone ladder hundreds of meters long leading to the city gate of Dead Dead City.

Before, the skeleton clone of the Black Mountain old demon was sitting upright on the plain in front of the stone ladder, not in the dead city.

And the head clone of the old black mountain demon flew out from the city of vain death.

In addition, the body of the Black Mountain Old Demon is a Black Mountain that has been cultivated for thousands of years...

In these ten thousand years, Zhu Bajie has become the marshal of the canopy.

It should be normal for a mountain to become a mountain range for ten thousand years, right?

Everyone looked at the dead and silent City of Death, and the stone stairs that kept approaching...

Keep getting closer! ?

After everyone came to their senses, the stone ladder of the dead city had already arrived at their feet, making everyone's hairs stand on end.

Because it was a fierce battle before, everyone didn't pay much attention to the location of the dead city.

However, after killing the black mountain old demon's head clone, everyone is definitely still some distance away from the stone ladder of the dead city!
But now, the stone ladder of the City of Death is actually in front of everyone's eyes...

In other words, the Black Mountain old demon moved them here without Guo Yi and the others knowing it?

Off the spectrum!

The Montenegro old demon seemed to know that Guo Yi and the others had reacted, so he stopped hiding.

A stretch of mountains began to rise from the ground, and closed into an oval, surrounding Guo Yi and the others.

At the same time, the dead city on the mountain range was also sucked into the body of the old black mountain demon.

"You practitioners, you are so courageous, you dare to destroy my two clones!"

Afterwards, the disdainful voice of the Black Mountain old demon came from the highest peak of this mountain range, echoing in this area, shaking everyone's eardrums: "It's because your cultivation is not easy, but your strength is not bad.

If you are willing to be my servants, I can spare you from dying!

Speaking of this, the Black Mountain old demon opened a gap in the black cloud, revealing the nuclear fusion reactor in the sky.


Subsequently, a huge rock rose rapidly from directly below the nuclear fusion reactor and exploded the nuclear fusion reactor suspended in the sky.

"The fusion reactor still has an effect on it."

The old celestial master's eyesight was strong, and he could see the place where the Heishan old demon was irradiated by the nuclear fusion reactor, and the invisible black smoke rose, and said furtively: "It is so big that it is almost impossible to avoid.

How to say? "

Guo Yi seemed to be petrified by the old Heishan demon's body, and turned his back to the old Heishan demon in a daze.

In fact, he was also asking furtively, "How much time do we have left?"

"The safety time is four hours, and the limit time is four hours and thirty-five minutes."

Gao Linlin glanced at the chronograph on her wrist, and asked cautiously, "A fight or a strategic retreat?"

The body of the Black Mountain old demon, Guo Yi thought it was a high mountain of hundreds of meters, maybe nearly a thousand meters.


The main peak of the Black Mountain old demon itself is more than a thousand meters long.

The entire mountain range is at least [-] meters long by visual inspection, and the lowest point is also [-] meters high...

Is it a prank?
Although there are almost [-] people in Guo Yi's party, and each of them still has a lot of weapons and ammunition...

However, to destroy the body of the Black Mountain old demon within four hours, and to destroy a hill of about [-] meters per person on average...

It hurts to think about it!
"What do you think?"

After waiting for a while, the Black Mountain old demon found that Guo Yi and the others hadn't given it an answer, and said impatiently and disdainfully: "Surrender now, or be tortured by me after death, and then surrender to me, choose one!"

After a person dies, his soul will go to the Hall of Hades to be judged, rewarded or punished according to his good and evil in his lifetime, and finally reincarnated.

But, that refers to the flow of people who have died of normal life.

Those who died abnormally, that is, they did not die at the end of their lives, but died of injustice due to suicide, disaster, war, accident, murder, murder, etc., will be imprisoned in the city of death, waiting for the original fate to end. , will be transferred to the Palace of the King of Hades...

Of course, people who are loyal, filial and righteous, and soldiers who sacrificed for the country or those who died in the line of duty are excluded.

Some of these people have already become gods because of their moral character and spirit.

At the very least, with a dignified appearance and perfect limbs, he was sent to the blessed land to be reincarnated as soon as possible.

As for the old demon of Montenegro, at this time, he controlled the city of death in vain, which should be controlled by King Biancheng of the Sixth Hall of Yama.

Therefore, if Guo Yi and the others were killed by the old Heishan demon here, their souls would also appear in this dead city.

Unless, those bigwigs intervened a bit.

The problem is, if those big bosses would intervene, they wouldn't let the old Black Mountain demon control the dead city!

King Yama, King Biancheng of the sixth hall, is stronger than the old demon of Montenegro, right?
If the souls of Guo Yi and the others really appeared in the city of vain death, it would all depend on the mood of the old demon of Montenegro.

In this situation, how could the Black Mountain old demon sit on the Diaoyutai and look at Guo Yi and the others with disdain?
Could it be that Guo Yi and the others can still beat its body?


Guo Yi looked at the main peak of the old demon in Montenegro, scratched his head, and said with a smile: "Why don't we let us go back as if nothing happened?"

 Thank you "Smoking cures all diseases" boss for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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