Develop the world from one person

Chapter 400 398: Tony joins

Chapter 400 398: Tony joins

"Have you seen enough?"

Guo Yi waited for a while, and found that Tony was still engrossed in looking at the structure diagram of the assault armor. He didn't intend to talk to him in a short time, so he had no choice but to walk in front of Tony: "My patience is running out, give me a sentence So, what are you going to do?"

Speaking of this, Guo Yi looked at Tony with murderous intent, and said in a cold voice: "After reading so much of my information, and now without my permission, I deciphered my military secrets without authorization.

Are you planning to study hard before you die? "

"You are inviting me, not me begging you to join."

Tony ignored Guo Yi's expression, and said proudly: "From the structural model of this armor, it can be seen that your technology in some aspects is indeed quite good.

However, your overall technology should be a patchwork of different technology systems from different worlds...

You need a genius like me who can lead the world to sort out the different technologies in your hands for you!

So, if you want to invite me, you have to have a better attitude. "

After finishing speaking, Tony bypassed Guo Yi directly and continued to study the model of the Assault Armor: "I will talk about other things after I finish reading this model.

Now, don't disturb my work, just stay and go. "


The corner of Guo Yi's mouth twitched, and he walked aside silently.

As Tony said, the overall technology of Lao Wei and their worlds is indeed composed of the technology trees of multiple different worlds.

Elysium, Gundam, and their respective original technologies, each of which was developed by different people for different purposes and with different luck.

It’s like boiling water, some use money, some use electricity, some use wood, and so on.

Therefore, some technological products that look the same are different in different worlds.

Some people may say that everyone should study on their own, and then combine again if necessary...

However, it is impossible for the product of the combination of different technologies to play its due performance 100% stably, let alone play to the theoretical upper limit data value.

To put it simply, the technologies of different worlds represent different seasonings, and the complete technology tree is the ingredients.

Now, Lao Wei and the others only have seasonings and no ingredients.

Although the seasoning is edible, it can't make a dish with a complete color, flavor and flavor!
And Tony is the one who can make ingredients...

Lao Wei and the others really have no one, or no one currently has the ability to integrate the technologies of several worlds into one food.

The ability of the group of top scientists gathered in the old world is good, and the potential is nothing to say.

However, none of them are currently at Tony's level.

The simplest example is that the top scientists in the old world improved radar technology and sonar technology, invented missile technology and nuclear weapon technology during World War II.

In addition to this, there are a bunch of theories that have been used for hundreds of years.

And what about Marvel?
During World War II, Tony's father developed a prototype of a suspension car. How does this compare?
And Tony's research and development capabilities are stronger than his father's!
You know, in science and technology, 99% of the discoveries are made by 1% of scientists (this sentence is said by Julius Axelrod, Nobel Prize winner in medicine and physiology: Ninety-nine percent of the discoveries are made by one percent of the scientists.).

This sentence does not mean that 99% of scientists are useless, but that 99% of scientists are doing some further development and repair work on the basis of 1% of scientists.

And Tony Stark is that 1%!

This is why Guo Yi wastes a lot of time on Tony...

By the time those top scientists in my family reach Tony's level, I don't know how much time has passed!
Otherwise, based on what Tony said, Guo Yi would have crushed him to death long ago.

Just like this, Tony understood through the model of the assault armor that Guo Yi wanted to get him, no, and he would not kill him easily.

Since Tony knew that Guo Yi would not kill him easily, why is he so stupid?
This is the confidence of an irreplaceable person!

Of course, the premise is that he joins Guo Yi, and he belongs to Guo Yi...

"...wake up."

Just when Guo Yi was so bored that he was about to fall asleep, Tony came to Guo Yi with wine and a glass: "If I join your team, can I still come back?
Or, can I bring some people to immigrate with you? "


Guo Yi shook his head and stretched his waist: "Have you chosen?"

"Do I have a choice?"

Tony took a sip of his wine and looked at Guo Yi with a wry smile: "If I can do it all over again, I will definitely drive you away as soon as possible!"

Tony had no choice but to join at this time, because he knew too much!

Guo Yi's origin, his strength, the brief introduction of the worlds behind him, the function of swallowing the bag, and the structure of the assault armor, etc...

As he learned more about Guo Yi, there were only two options left for him: join or die!

And all of this is a set-up that started slowly when Guo Yi said that he could save his life.

It first aroused his curiosity, and then under his ridicule, Guo Yi "had to" prove his words, so that his attention was focused on Guo Yi's answer, while ignoring the price of knowing the answer.

More importantly, it ignored the fact that Guo Yi came from another world.

Therefore, if Tony doesn't want to die, he can only join Guo Yi's team.

After all, he was dead when he died.

And Guo Yi, as long as he returns to his own world, he doesn't have to pay for his death at all.

Would Tony allow himself to die so aggrieved and worthless, or in other words, would he want to die if he could survive?
More importantly, Tony didn't want Pepper to die because of it!
This is why Tony said that he drove Guo Yi away from the beginning...


Guo Yi didn't feel any response from the sense of truth, and confirmed that what Tony said was true, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said proudly: "I finally got you, I'm so tired!"

Tony got into the car, although he didn't do it voluntarily, although he was also angry, and there was a high probability that he would not work hard.

However, as long as Tony got in the car, the rest would fall into place.

Slap a sweet date. After getting along for a long time, there will naturally be a chance for Tony to devote himself to work.

This is the so-called difficulty at the beginning of everything. It can also be said to get on the bus first and then make up for the ticket...

"Who gave you the plan?"

Tony looked at the triumphant Guo Yi, his teeth itching with anger.

If it wasn't because he couldn't beat Guo Yi, Tony would have liked to throw a glass of wine at him: "Don't tell me it's you.

As far as your IQ is concerned, it is impossible to think of such a way to deal with me! "

"Playing with routines, our family will always be the ancestors of the West!"

Guo Yi and Tony raised their eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Learn from me, so as not to be fooled again in the future."



Guo Yi and Tony teased for a while, then took out another document, squinted their eyes half-closed and said: "This document is a complete document, which contains a lot of detailed information.

Including but not limited to the purpose of my coming here, a more detailed introduction of several worlds, and my identity and ability.

You see, but there is really no way out.

If you dare to retreat, not only will you die, but the world will also bury you with you! "


Tony put down his wine glass, and then waved to Xiao Dai beside him: "Give me that document."

"Don't think about it?"

Guo Yi looked at Xiaodai in front of him, and instead of handing him the document, he emphasized to Tony again: "The information you know now is just a drop in the bucket.

If you quit now, the most I can do is pull out the memories related to you and me, and I won't kill you. "

"Since I'm already sitting in front of you, it means I've already thought about it."

Tony looked at Guo Yi and said seriously: "I only hope that you and the worlds behind you can do what you say.

I also hope that what you said before is true.

Otherwise, I will definitely make you pay the price! "

The source of everything is Guo Yi's words: he can easily cure him.

If the Universal Healing Capsule is only a half-finished product, or just a theoretical thing, then what happened before is a deception.

Whether Guo Yi's other things are true or not, Tony will regard them as false.

The previous logic would not hold true.

You will die if you join or not, so why do you want to join in aggrieved, just to live a few more days?

Guo Yi and Tony looked at each other, then handed the document to Xiao Dai, and fell asleep on the table again: "You can read it yourself, I will sleep for a while."


Tony took a deep look at Guo Yi, then took the much thicker document from Xiaodai's hand, and read it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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