Develop the world from one person

Chapter 477 Chapter 475: Dealing with Team Issues Again

Chapter 477 Chapter 475: Dealing with Team Issues Again

In Guo Yi's team, there is an upright leader like Lao Tianshi who is highly respected by his own people and enemies.

There are also villains like Gong Qing in the eyes of decent people.

There are also "monsters" like Xiao Zizai and Ruan Feng who have surpassed the moral concepts of normal people.

The members are very complicated, and the methods are sometimes even worse.

To some extent, it can be said that Guo Yi is a big villain boss, and he is the kind of villain who should be defeated!

Or worse, in the eyes of some people, Guo Yi is the kind of good person who does all kinds of bad things under the banner of righteousness!

However, in Guo Yi's heart, the world is not black and white.

There is no absolute justice and evil, nor absolute right and wrong.

For Guo Yi, the method is not important, the method is not important, the important thing is why!
As long as he has a clear conscience, he doesn't care whether others regard him as a lunatic or as a devil.

Don't even care that others hate him to the bone!

Like the humanoid creatures in the old world, Guo Yi can't wait for Ruan Feng to eat them up in small bites!
And Guo Yi's concept and way of doing things is a deeper opposition to Tony and the others.

Therefore, Guo Yi used Natasha's demons to speak out about him and his team spirit.

At this time, it's better than Tony and the others discovering it by themselves in the future, or being exposed by others, which will cause the team to disperse.

Like the US team and Fury, under the slogan of being good for Tony, concealing the fact that the Winter Soldier killed his parents, which led to the split of the Avengers, that is the real stupidity.


Hearing that Guo Yi said he would let them go, Tony and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that life should be worry-free.

After Tony and the others relaxed, they secretly thought about Guo Yi's question: should they just leave Guo Yi's team?


While Tony and the others were still thinking, Natasha suddenly winked at Guo Yi charmingly, and said with a smile, "I won't leave the team."


"I've met too many people who shouldn't be in this world."

When Natasha saw Tony, Banner and Carter looked at her curiously, asked her why with their eyes, and explained with a smile: "No, according to Guo Yi, it should be called a humanoid creature.

Even, I have met the same person as Shi Qi face to face.

However, if Guo Yi hadn't said it on his own initiative, I wouldn't have known Shi Qi would do the same. "

Speaking of this, Natasha seemed to recall the feelings of those people she saw, and told Tony and the others: "Those people can tell at a glance that they are not humans, but beasts!

No matter how it feels to people, or their eyes, or their demeanor, they are completely beasts.

It's just that they look like people!

Look at Seventeen again, does he look like a beast? "


After Natasha finished speaking, Tony and the others looked aside as if no one was discussing him, Ruan Feng, who was half asleep and half awake.

Ruan Feng at this time is not the Ruan Feng who has given up on himself on Nathan Island, as if Ba Jie is still alive, and cannot wish to die.

Instead, he returned to the thirty-six thieves period, the lazy and thin Ruan Feng who didn't think about anything, ate well, slept well, and lived for a few more years.

For Ruan Feng, during these years with Guo Yi, he lived in paradise.

The things and people he met with Guo Yi made him feel very interesting.

Moreover, apart from him, everyone else can be regarded as a freak.

Including Walker and Old Heavenly Master!
For so many years, no one is afraid of him, and no one excludes him, eats, drinks and has fun with him, and kills people together from time to time...

What are they not freaks?
It can be said that, except that Guo Yi feeds him "shit" from time to time, his ultimate dream has now been fully realized.

Under this kind of mentality and environment, Ruan Feng, who was gradually possessed by demons, naturally recovered, and his strength has also improved a lot.

"Guo Yi, are you kidding us?"

After Tony and the others looked at Ruan Feng, Tony frowned and searched out a lot of pictures and videos of perverted ogres, and carefully compared them with Ruan Feng.

The more the comparison, the more Tony and the others felt that Guo Yi was trying to scare him, and couldn't help but confirm: "Are you sure that Seventeen is...

If you look at these comparison data yourself, it doesn't look like it at all! "

"Master Seventeen~"

Guo Yi coughed, and gestured to Ruan Feng, "How about a show?"


Ruan Feng sat up with a little disgust, looked at Guo Yi listlessly, and said quietly: "If you want them to believe it, just let them visit me and eat."

Although Ruan Feng complained, but after he finished complaining, he broke out with all his strength and looked at Tony and the others with great momentum.

When Tony and the others saw this, their bodies stiffened instantly, and their backs were instantly wet with sweat.

Even Banner was half-transformed because of this...

Before the Hulk came out completely, he was pushed back by the momentum of the crowd. If he didn't pay attention, Banner hadn't reacted yet.

"Let me sleep a little longer."

Seeing this, Ruan Feng immediately withdrew his momentum, and lay down again yawning: "Guo Yi, if they disagree, then forget it.

We don't have to ask them to join.

To put it bluntly, we invite them to save face!

If they don't want it, just kill it. "


Tony and the others were stunned by the change in the blink of an eye and Ruan Feng's words, and then looked at each other with a wry smile.

Banner doesn't know exactly what happened, but Tony and Carter do...

In the thousands of worlds, there are too many people who are more powerful than them.

Guo Yi, they have more, they don't have many, and they have less, they have a lot.

Inviting them, Guo Yi mainly wanted to make the implementation of the plan smoother and simpler.

And Banner...

Hulk was scared back! ?

Damn, how scary are Guo Yi and the others?

Tony sighed, seemingly helpless, but actually said with satisfaction in his heart: "Your heart is too dark, I'm afraid of death, so I dare not quit."

Shopping malls are like battlefields, and Tony has seen too many intrigues.

Guo Yi now took the initiative to tell about some special personnel in the team, in fact, he was confessing to him.

The so-called miss you, that's why I lied to you...

Tony doesn't take this set.

On the contrary, this straightforward approach made him more satisfied.

"Like Natasha, I am also an agent."

After Tony finished speaking, Carter spread his hands with Guo Yi: "Besides, I also crawled over your bed, so I don't care about these anymore."


Banner saw that everyone else had expressed their views, and he was left alone.

And he really doesn't know Guo Yi and the others...

In this case, Banner is more interested in Hulk's performance in front of Guo Yi and the others.

Even if Guo Yi can't deal with Hulk, he can deal with Hulk by force, which will satisfy his dream.

As for other things...

Is there any difference between killing someone with a gun and killing someone else?

So, Banner rubbed the goosebumps on his arms, and said with a wry smile: "I still need you to help me deal with Hulk's problem.

As for the rest...

Anyway, after the Hulk matter is resolved, I will retire.

I don't want to take care of your affairs, and I have no ability to take care of them. It has nothing to do with me. "

"very good."

Seeing that Tony and the others did not quit, Guo Yi nodded in satisfaction.

Ignore Tony and they are temporary, or decided not to change, at least, the team will not have the problem of internal division in a short time.

As for Banner...

When he retired, he also retreated to the Tiantian Research Institute.

Guo Yi did not believe that Banner would waste his seven doctorate degrees!
And Natasha waited for everyone to finish talking, looked at Guo Yi, and took the initiative to tell everyone about her past and Budapest: "I grew up in the red room..."

(End of this chapter)

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