Develop the world from one person

Chapter 734: Negotiations


Guo Yi was stunned for a moment after hearing the report from the All Heavens Army, and then nodded with Kluzer: "Send the coordinates here, I'll go and have a look."



When Guo Yi and Kruze came to a cave, they saw a Zerg cerebrate being carried by a Zerg that looked like a tank bug, and there was a corpse of a soldier of the Human Federation hanging in front of it.

And around it, there are still a lot of Zerg wreckage.

As for the murderer who killed the Zerg, he was sharpening his knife in front of the cerebrum...

The three All Heavens Army members played with the nano sword in their hands, and kept making gestures at the cerebrum, as if they were simulating how to dissect it, making it shake and tremble.


Guo Yi and the three soldiers waved their hands to let them leave, and then he and Kruze came to the front of the cerebrate: "What do you want me for?"

"It's actually you guys!?"

After seeing Guo Yi's appearance, the brain worm suddenly realized something, and said faintly: "It's no wonder these humans have such powerful power...

If it is you, then it is not surprising. "

After finishing speaking, the cerebrum continued: "Outside humans, why do you want to intervene in our war with humans here?"

"Why can't you intervene?"

Guo Yi spread his hands and said with a smile: "We are also human beings, shouldn't we beat you Zerg?"

"But you don't have to intervene, this is not your galaxy."

The corpse of the Human Federation on the Cerebral Worm moved in front of Guo Yi, and said anxiously: "Since you don't belong here, why do you have to intervene in our war with the humans here?"

"You know we don't belong here?"


The corpse on the brain worm grinned and explained: "I know a lot about the Human Federation, so I know that it is impossible for the humans here to have such power as you.

You must be humans from somewhere else!
So, since you are not humans here, I wonder if I can ask you not to intervene in our war with humans here? "

"Have you seen humans in other places!?"

Guo Yi and Kruzer looked at each other, and asked curiously: "What galaxy is it in, and how far is it from the Milky Way?"


The cerebrate shook his head and explained: "Except for the humans here, we have never seen other humans in other galaxies.

However, we have seen other intelligent life. "


The words of the brain worm made Guo Yi and Kruzer look at each other, and couldn't help frowning: "Tell me about those intelligent life forms, can they travel between stars?"

In addition to Zerg and humans, there are other intelligent races in the galaxy world, which is not a good thing!

Especially if those intelligent life forms can also carry out interstellar voyages, it would not be a good thing.

Other beings can travel between stars, which means that they will probably come to the Milky Way one day and conflict with the Human Federation.

In this case, to open the door here, one must be prepared for a space war.

And if a space war breaks out here...

The yield is not high!
Then there's no point in opening the door.

The universe is not the only one here.

"Some will, and some won't."

After hearing Guo Yi's question, the brain worm shook his head slightly: "They are a very long distance from the Milky Way.

With their technology and the technology of the Human Federation, it should be impossible to meet within a million light years.

Even, until the extinction of civilization, they may not be able to meet each other. "


After the brain worm finished speaking, Kruse frowned and asked curiously: "If it's so far away, how do you know?"

"We've been around for too long."

The cerebrate seemed to be receiving some information, and said slowly: "It's been so long that we have forgotten where we were born and our purpose.

Where we came from and where we are going, even we don't know. "

After sighing, the cerebrum suddenly said: "Outside humans, can you stop meddling in the war between us and humans here?"


Guo Yi froze for a moment, then shook his head speechlessly.

This turn, a little caught off guard!


Guo Yi looked past the corpse, looked at the cerebrate, and said with a smile, "Give me a reason not to interfere with you and the humans here."


The cerebrate was silent for a while, and said in an inexplicable tone: "Because you are not humans here, we don't want to have a war with you."


"and many more."

Guo Yi wanted to say something else, but Kruse stopped him suddenly, frowned and said, "You mean, if we are humans here, we must have a war with us?"


The brain worm nodded, and said in a calm tone: "We will fight with all the intelligent races here."


Kruse frowned more and more, and asked solemnly: "If I'm not wrong, the war between you and humans should be avoidable...

Why do you deliberately go to war with the humans here? "

"Wait a minute..."

After Guo Yi heard Kruse's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and quickly interrupted the brainworm's answer, then closed his mask and asked Kruse, "Kruse, what's going on?"

"It's kind of weird."

Cruze closed his mask, nodded slightly with Guo Yi, and explained: "If the Zerg really lived for so long and have seen a lot of intelligent life, why do they have to fight against the Human Federation?
The Milky Way is just an inconspicuous galaxy in the universe.

I have suspected before that the war between the Zerg and the Human Federation may not be a simple conflict of interest.

For humans, the Milky Way may be all there is to it.

But what about the Zerg?

They are constantly spreading around in the form of drifting, and there is absolutely no need to be limited to the Milky Way.

It even said that all the places except the Kranduff galaxy are given to humans...

It is estimated that human civilization is extinct, and it may not be able to fill it up!

Then why do they want to fight with humans?
In addition to what they just said...

Civilizations that are millions of light years away from here have all come into contact...

This combination, Zerg has no reason to fight with humans!
If you look at it this way, don't you think this battle is strange? "


After Kreuzer finished speaking, Guo Yi frowned and said solemnly: "Do you suspect that there is a mastermind behind this?"

"I don't know whether I should be called the mastermind behind the scenes."

Kruse shook his head, and said in an inexplicable tone: "I have always had a question...

God War, why do we only hear about it in worlds with extraordinary powers?

Why hasn't it been heard in the tech world?
After the development of science and technology to a certain level, it is not impossible to kill gods and Buddhas.

That being the case, why is there no war in the technological world?
There could be two reasons...

One is that the world view of the technological world involves the universe, and the concept of the universe is infinite.

Therefore, the war of gods did not happen.

The second possibility...

The war of gods in the world of science and technology is not called war of gods, but other terms.

So what name is the same as in the case of God Wars, where everyone is fighting from the top to the bottom? "


Guo Yi was stunned for a moment, and said with an ugly face: "Alien invasion, the battle of civilizations!"

"That's right!"

Kruzer nodded, and said to Guo Yi: "In addition to internal fighting in the technological world, the most common thing is to have wars with aliens.

We don't know what the consequences of God's victory and defeat will be.

However, at the very least, it is definitely beneficial for the winner of the war of gods.

Looking at the world of science and technology, isn't the side that wins the battle of civilizations much more advanced than before the war?
War is a great boost to promote development! "


Guo Yi thought about Kruzer's words, frowned and said, "So, you suspect that Zerg and humans are now in a battle of gods?"

"do not know."

Kruse shook his head and said helplessly: "I was just a little weird before, and wanted to see if there was any information I could get from the Zerg.

I also didn't expect that the Zerg said that if we were here, they would definitely go to war with us...

Here, I don't know whether it refers to the Milky Way or this world.

However, now I can confirm one thing, the war between the Zerg and humans is 100% human because of desire, while the Zerg has another reason to go to war.

And, that reason is the main one! "


Guo Yi nodded, and then Kruse said: "I'll leave it to you.

Er Zhuang, raise the confidentiality level of this exchange record by one level. "

"( ̄^ ̄)ゞ Received."


"I don't know what should I call you?"

Kruse opened his mask, looked at the cerebrum and smiled, "Do you have names?"

"Arachnis, you can call us Arachnis."

Cerebral Worm seemed very happy when Kluzer asked its name, and said with a hint of happiness: "No matter which Zerg it is, you can call it Arachnis."

"Good, Arachnis."

Kruse nodded, then smiled and said, "Since we know each other now, why don't we stop?"


Cerebral worm heard Kruse say stop, his body seemed to be shaking happily: "We have already returned to the nest, and we will not come out."


Kruse nodded and gestured to Guo Yi.

"All staff return to the stronghold for alert."

Guo Yi nodded, and then ordered in front of the cerebrates: "As long as the Zerg don't attack, don't take the initiative to attack."

After finishing speaking, Guo Yi said to Natal and Lacus, "Please appease Carmen, there is something new, don't let her know."

"it is good."


Seeing that Guo Yi had made the arrangement, Kruzer continued to ask the cerebrum: "Continue with the topic just now, why do you have to go to war with humans?"


The brain worm was silent for a while, and then said: "Can you go with me to meet the queen here?
I don't have enough information, so I can't answer your question.

All I know is that we must go to war with the humans here. "


Guo Yi and Kruzer looked at each other, and then asked, "Can we take more people there?"



In a huge Zerg lair, countless Zergs silently stared at Guo Yi and the four of them as if lining up to welcome them...

Besides Guo Yi and Kruze, Kui Yu and Juggernaut are also here.

Although the number is small, if the four of them break out with all their strength, they can kill all the Zerg on this planet.

Therefore, Guo Yi and the others walked in the Zerg group very calmly, and even touched the appearance of those Zergs occasionally.

After watching for a long time, these Zergs are really interesting.

"Welcome, powerful alien humans."

After Guo Yi and the others came to the depths of the lair, a huge Zerg Queen held up the corpse of a soldier of the Human Federation and said, "We can help you get what you want. After you get it, please don't interfere any more." We are at war with the humans here."


Guo Yi and the others were taken aback by the Zerg queen's words, and said with a smile, "Are you so afraid of death?"

"No, we are not afraid of death."

The Zerg Queen shook her head and explained: "Death is a normal experience of our race, and there is no need to fear it.

It's just that we don't want to be killed senselessly by you. "

"I agree to your request."

Guo Yi nodded and said with a smile: "As long as I get what we want, we can leave you and the Human Federation alone."

After finishing speaking, Guo Yi looked at the Zerg Queen and asked with an inexplicable smile: "Then do you know what I want?"

"Planet and Resources."

The Zerg queen said confidently: "We all understand human desires.

You don't belong here, but what you ask for is nothing more than a habitable planet and various supplies.

We can provide you with planets that do not belong to humans here, and we can also find the resources you need for you.

As long as you agree not to intervene in our war with the humans here. "


What the Zerg queen said made Guo Yi smile even more, and said with a smile: "What if I want your Zerg planet?"


The Zerg Queen nodded without hesitation and said, "If you want our planet, we can move it away and give it to you."

"Where's the worm god?"

Guo Yi looked at the surrounding environment, and asked: "Isn't the insect god integrated with the planet?
If there is a worm god on that planet, what will you do? "

"Bug God!?"

The Zerg Queen thought for a while and asked, "The Zerg God you are talking about is a converter, right?

It is the people who absorb the resources of the planet and convert them into the materials we need. "


"It can wither itself."

The Zerg Queen nodded and explained: "If you choose a planet with converters, we can let it wither by itself."


Guo Yi didn't expect the Zerg to be so generous, he was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously: "Then what if I want all the planets of your Zerg?"


The Zerg queen still agreed without hesitation, and explained: "Before you take over that planet, we will evacuate to other planets, or let the people of that planet attack humans."


Guo Yi heard the Zerg Queen's words, his face turned cold, and he said in a bad tone: "Are you threatening me?"

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