Develop the world from one person

Chapter 74 074: The whole nature of being slaughtered

Chapter 74 074: The whole nature of being slaughtered

On Longhu Mountain.

Because there are more and more people of all sexes, the Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain are starting to be a little powerless to stop people of all sexes because of manpower problems.

Moreover, some buildings were set ablaze by all-sex people, which made the Taoist priests in Longhushan wonder whether to fight the fire or intercept the all-sex aliens.


Just when the Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain were about to fight for their lives, several signal flares rose in the air, and many of them followed them suddenly, and the whole-sex alien in front of them was suddenly cut off.

Either the upper body looks like a smashed watermelon, or the lower body looks like a smashed watermelon...

Anyway, there is no dead body.



Just when Quan Quan and Longhushan Yiren were in a daze, a mosquito-like sound suddenly sounded above their heads.

"Drone swarm!?"

Some strangers who are familiar with electronic products looked at the group of drones curiously, and muttered, "Why are there so many drones in Longhu Mountain?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Suddenly, flame tails appeared at the bottom of these drones, lighting up the sky.

And following these flame tails, the mouth of the all-natural alien opened wider and wider, shouting frantically: "Damn it, missile!!!"


Those who were not entangled with the Taoist priests of Longhu Mountain, and who were all-sex aliens who were still preparing to go, experienced what bombardment was like.

Countless guided missiles directly hit the crowd, blowing up all the strangers who doubted their lives.

Is this Longhu Mountain, or a hidden military base?
The missiles are all out, let's play with people!

"Too much."

In the courtyard of the monitoring center, Tian Jinzhong said to the person in charge of Dongchen excitedly: "You have blown up this all-natured monster so much, how will you clean it up later?"


The person in charge of Dongchen said calmly: "We have a professional corpse collection team to ensure that no piece of flesh will be left behind."


Tian Jinzhong nodded and continued: "Also, you have to pay more.

Take a look at what Longhu Mountain has been blown up for you, with potholes, broken walls and collapsed houses. The cost and manpower for subsequent repairs are not low. "

"It's easy to talk about money."

"Second Grand Master, are you concerned about this matter?"

Gong Qing and Lu Liang looked at the surveillance video with cold hands and feet.

Fighting between different people, if they die, they will die, and they will definitely not make any waves.

But died under missile and anti-material sniper...

If you use a magnifying glass to spell it out, you can't match one person!
The death is too cruel and inhumane, right?

Dong Chen is too ruthless!
At the same time, the two of them were still deeply afraid.

If it wasn't for Guo Yi asking the two of them to follow, they would probably be one of those strangers.

At that time, let alone saving lives, it is estimated that there will not be enough corpses.


After two rounds of bombing, the whole-sex alien finally came to his senses and started running frantically down Longhu Mountain.

As excited as they rushed up Longhu Mountain, they ran down Longhu Mountain in fear.

This Longhu Mountain is too much!

And some strangers who were closer to the Taoist priests of Longhu Mountain rushed towards the Taoist priests of Longhu Mountain. They would rather be beaten than hug the Taoist priests of Longhu Mountain: "Master Taoist, help!"

"Fuck~ Don't come here, I'm afraid too!"

The Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain glanced at the drone in the sky, shivered, cried and shouted, punched and kicked the strangers of all sexes, and frantically distanced himself from them.

They don't know where these drones come from!
God knows if those drones will bomb him too...

Too scary!

"Free hunting."

Commander Dongchen saw that the all-gender aliens were divided into two groups, so he and the special forces ordered: "Take care of the targets on Longhu Mountain first."





With the new order issued, the members of the Dongchen Special Forces began to hunt and kill the all-gender aliens in their respective areas.

The continuous sound of sniping made the Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain and all the aliens tremble.

This time, they finally knew what the voice was.

"Hide behind the wall!"

Suddenly, an all-gender alien had an idea, thought of the operation of various movies and TV shows, and yelled frantically: "Hide behind the wall, they will..."


Before the stranger finished speaking, a big hole was broken in the wall behind him, and his upper body disappeared with the big hole, leaving only a pair of trembling feet.

When the people around him saw his end, their hearts almost stopped beating.

With this power, is it treating them as tanks?

"Found those snipers!"

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, those all-natural strangers finally know where the sniper is hiding.

But when they found out, they were even more desperate.

Beside the snipers, there were two employees who knew everything.

That's not to mention, those employees who knew everything turned out to have machine guns across their chests, standing by their side.

All heterosexuals who wanted to attack the snipers were all killed by machine guns.

Even if it wasn't killed, it was forced to stop.

The consequence of stopping in front of a sniper is not much different from suicide!
Damn, since when did people who know everything do not talk about martial arts like this?

Don't play if you can't afford it, you actually use a gun!
These are not bad, at least the death is clear.

What's even more pitiful is that some places where the snipers are going are a bit remote, or where the roads are relatively open, and the snipers actually planted landmines in those places.

These all-sex aliens who wanted to fight back ran and ran, but they were blown to pieces and died with a grinning grin.

"Tsk tsk tsk, violent machines are different."

Xu Si looked at the massacre on Longhu Mountain, and asked Xu San with a sigh: "How is your side?"

"I'm here..."

Xu San looked at the area covered by machine gun fire, and said twitchingly: "All kneel down.

Dozens of machine guns were guarding them, and those who were full of sex all came over with their hands raised and their knees slid. "

The whole-sex alien who went down the mountain immediately knelt down when he saw the machine guns on the road.

There are drones constantly bombing in the rear, and machine gun positions in front. Don't you kneel down and wait for death?
As for the all-sex alien rushing up the mountain...

When they saw the machine gun position and heard the explosion on Longhu Mountain, they turned around and ran away.

Don't dare to rush at all.

"Then the whole nature in the woods remains."

Xu Si glanced at the continuously exploding forest, gloated and said, "I hope they can escape.

The Dongchen people are too brutal, I kind of like their style. "

"Should be able to escape a lot."

Xu San also looked at the forest that was constantly exploding, not knowing whether to cry or laugh: "This whole nature will have such a day, too miserable."

"We should be almost done with this."

After sighing, Xu Si saw that the aliens on Longhu Mountain gradually surrendered, and said to Xu San: "I don't know what happened to Guo Yi and the others?

Baby, should be all right? "

(End of this chapter)

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