Develop the world from one person

Chapter 761 759: 2 couples

Chapter 761 759: Two couples


Guo Yi slapped a vague palm print on the table in front of Ernest, looked at him with an unfriendly expression, and said quietly: "Three days and three days, Captain Ernest, it is now Ten days!
What about the test we said?

What, are you going to regret it?

Or, you are very upset about me taking away Crea Padolo, so you don't make arrangements for me? "

At this time, it was the eleventh day since Guo Yi came here.

On the second night, that is, in the early morning of the third day when Guo Yi came to the world of Macross, under his control, one of the members of the tactical music group Walküre, Crea Padolo, officially retired from the group and lived in seclusion. up...

Instead of flying solo, I stopped singing at all.

As for her follow-up...

Don't ask Guo Yi, he doesn't know anyway.

Afterwards, Yao Bakaniya, Makina Nakajima and Reina Praura avoided Guo Yi...

Yao Bakaniya told Makina and the others the ins and outs of why Crea Padolu left the group, which caused Guo Yi to have an extra entry in Makina and the others' hearts: devil!

Therefore, during this period of time, as long as Yao Bakaniya and the others saw Guo Yi, they would hide if they could, and pretend to be dead if they couldn't.

All in all, they would never stay in the meeting room with Guo Yi, and at the same time, they forbade Guo Yi to go to their dance practice room.

As for the execution of tasks...

At this time, there is no way for Bakaniya and the others to hide, and there is no way to pretend to be dead. However, Guo Yi will not control or kill them at that time, so I want Bakaniya and the others to kill them. At that time, he was not afraid of Guo Yi.

Well, two shuttles are needed for dispatch and return.

And Guo Yi is very pleased with the actions of Yao Bakaniya and the others...

Just because Bakaniya and the others were still in a period of fear of him, he could boldly invite Natal to his dormitory for a tryst.

I am really happy to have someone to accompany me on lonely nights.

As for other people's situation in these ten days...

He came here to relax, so he didn't take the initiative to ask about other people's situation.

At the same time, since Kruse didn't take the initiative to tell him about other people's situation.

Kruse didn't say anything, which meant that the others were acting according to the plan, and there was nothing unexpected that he needed to know.

Of course, when it came to the accident that he needed to know, he probably could only listen, and could do nothing...

He and others are not separated by a few continents or oceans, but tens, hundreds, or even thousands of light-years away.

What can he do at such a long distance?

Therefore, Guo Yi's behavior in the past ten days has been very regular...

Either fly a plane and masturbate, or go to the music department's candidate training room to feel the breath of youth and rejuvenate, or play around on the planet Ragnar.

Of course, there will be a crackdown mission and trying to keep the daily tryst mixed in from time to time.

This is all that Guo Yi has done in the past ten days...

It is because Guo Yi has only done these things in the past ten days, so he kicked Ernest's door open at this moment...

What about testing?
What about his exclusive machine test?

Before Ernest said it was "tomorrow", that is, Guo Yi's fourth day in Macross, he arranged it for Guo Yi.


After Guo Yi drove Crea Padolu away, Ernest changed his words: It will be ready soon, please be patient.

With this patience, three days and three days passed.

Today, Guo Yi's patience finally ran out, so he went straight to the door.


Ernest looked at the looming palm print on the table, swallowed, and said with a smile: "It's really fast.

But when exactly, I really don't know.

Because the headquarters responded to me like this, I can't help it! "


When Guo Yi heard Ernest say that the headquarters was stuck, he suddenly became suspicious: "Didn't you say that you can definitely apply?

Why does the headquarters get stuck in your process? "


"You'd better explain it to me."

Seeing Ernest hesitating and not speaking, Guo Yi narrowed his eyes and said in a bad tone: "If you don't make it clear, I'll take you to the judo room right away and weigh you The weight of the chief fighting instructor of the Ragnar branch!"

"Violence cannot solve problems..."

"But violence solves the person who raised the issue."

Before Ernest finished speaking, Guo Yi squeezed his fists and said with a smile: "At the same time, violence can also make people happy."


Ernest's face froze, and he said cautiously: "Promise me first, and you won't be angry after I tell you."


Guo Yi frowned slightly at Ernest's words, and asked in puzzlement, "What's going on?"


Ernest sighed and said with a wry smile: "I submitted your information to the headquarters, and the headquarters told many people about your information..."

With Ernest's explanation, Guo Yi became a little complicated for a while.

The future VF fighter of the Delta team, the VF-31 Siegfried (Siegfried, also known as Siegfried) special fighter, was not actually developed by Caius, but with Nova Heavy Industries as the main body, composed of Nova Heavy Industries, Surya Aero Space, a joint venture between LAI, Feifeng Aerospace Industries and Bharat, was developed on the basis of YF-30 Chronos.

Moreover, VF-31 only has two types of fighter jets, Type A and Type B.

Therefore, the VF-31 Siegfried of the Delta team was customized and refitted by Caius for the Delta team at the expense of Caius, and it was not developed by himself.

To put it simply, Caius is just a company that focuses on warp wave communication and intelligence, and invests in warp navigation. It has neither the strength nor the qualification to develop and produce VF fighters.

Therefore, Caius' customized machines are all customized with other companies.

However, Guo Yi's custom machine is different from the Delta team's custom machine.

For the customized aircraft of the Delta team, Caius only needs to trade with Surya Aero Space, a company.

And Guo Yi's customized machine...

Vf-27 Lucifer belongs to General Galaxy, and Yf-29 Durandal belongs to Xinxing Heavy Industries, and these two companies have not established joint venture subsidiaries.

Therefore, if Caius wants to customize an exclusive fighter for Guo Yi, the first thing is to let the two companies communicate with each other...

This difficulty is about the same as that of a certain treasure and a certain letter of mutual online banking.

It's not difficult, it's just a little weird.

Or let those two companies form a joint venture to form a subsidiary...

There is no "Anti-Monopoly Law" in Macross, so it is feasible.

However, it is impossible for those two companies to spend so much time on this order from Caius.

Therefore, Caius must first purchase two sets of technologies, vf-27 Lucifer and yf-29 Durandal, from General Galaxy and Nova Heavy Industries, and then sell them to General Galaxy YF-29 Durandal, Nova Heavy Industries vf-27 Lucifer's technique.

In the end, Caius paid for the two companies to form a temporary team to develop an exclusive fighter for Guo Yi.

Therefore, the price of Guo Yi's customized machine is just one word: expensive!

In addition to being expensive, it is still expensive!
It's outrageously expensive!

Such an expensive price naturally alarmed Caius' top management...

The customized machine is usually applied by the head of the branch, and then the headquarters will help the branch select the company according to the request of the head of the branch, place the order in the name of Caius, and finally deliver it to the branch.

So generally speaking, Caius' top management will not take care of the branch's needs for customized machines.

After all, no matter how expensive a customized machine is, the price limit is there, and Caius, as the leader in the communications industry, is not short of money.

Besides, the person who can be the head of the branch will not be so stupid as to customize a custom machine that no one can drive...

You know, the branch also has to pay a certain percentage of money for the customized machine.

Although the bulk belongs to the headquarters, the branch does not have as much money as the headquarters.

Who would be taken advantage of and spend money on airframes that are not needed?
This is not buying clothes and bags...

As a result, Ernest became the number one fool in Caius.

Therefore, Caius high-level collectively held Ernest accountable.

As a result, Ernest had to disclose Guo Yi's suspected identity to the headquarters...

Before, Ernest only provided Guo Yi's vague data information, and applied for a customized machine with the authority of the head of the branch, so he did not submit Guo Yi's identity to the headquarters.

After the headquarters knew Guo Yi's information, although it had not been tested, it still started to act: Caius has now inquired about the situation of vf-27 Lucifer and yf-29 Durandal with General Galaxy and Nova Heavy Industries, and started Prepared funds, and also explained the purpose to the two companies, so that the two companies also began to evaluate.

And Caius's strange behavior of wasting money and sacrificing himself for them naturally aroused the curiosity of the two companies.

Therefore, the two companies strongly demanded that Caius explain the driver's information and specific data...

Although the technology is very fragrant, the two companies are not high-level R&D and production.

And those R&D personnel, they don't want to waste time and energy developing unmanned fighter jets...

One is because of the common fault of R&D personnel...

Who doesn't want the products they developed to resound across the galaxy and suppress the contemporary era?

The other is benefit...

Unmanned driving means that it cannot be sold, and if it cannot be sold, it means that the company has no profit. How can they have dividends if the company has no profit?
None of the two requirements were met, so the R&D personnel of the two companies were too lazy to accept Caius' inexplicable order.

There are no researchers to take care of it, but the two companies don't want to let Caius who has been taken advantage of...

Helping Caius complete the order, in addition to money, you can also gain two sets of technologies: the technology of the other company and the technology of Guo Yi's customized machine.

This is good, don't be too fragrant!

Therefore, the two companies joined forces to buy and sell, and asked Caius to explain why they placed such a strange order.

If they didn't explain, the two companies would put Caius on the blacklist and never trade again.

Therefore, after considering various aspects, Caius disclosed Guo Yi's information.

As for after revealing...

"So, now Caius, the senior management of Xinxing Heavy Industries and General Galaxy know my identity!?"

After Ernest finished talking about the situation, Guo Yi asked blankly: "Then do you know what they are doing now?"


Ernest looked at Guo Yi who felt unusually calm in front of him, swallowed, and said humbly: "I don't know, the last time I communicated with the headquarters, I only heard that our senior management and the senior management of the two companies are still negotiating. reply in."

"No, you actually know that too."

The corners of Guo Yi's mouth rose slightly, and he sneered: "They must send troops to arrest me now, and then take me back, study me, and reverse the technology on me!
Ernest, you are so fucking good at it! "


After hearing Guo Yi's words, Ernest waved his hands frantically and shook his head: "No, you trust me."

"You only have one last chance to speak."

Guo Yi looked at Ernest indifferently, and said calmly, "Either it's your last words, or it's the reason for me to give up killing you. Tell me."


Ernest took a deep breath, looked at Guo Yi with distressed eyes, and said in a comforting tone: "I was notified after I reported your information to the senior management. There is information related to the biochemical transformation experiment...

Some people were indeed conducting biochemical transformation experiments before, and the process was more cruel than before.

At the same time, there are also many people who have been successfully transformed.

However, those reformed people have all become lunatics without exception. They are killing machines that cannot be controlled, regardless of enemy or friend...

The moment they succeeded, they started killing everyone they saw, until they were killed themselves, or their bodies collapsed.

Even controlling them with a control chip can't stop them, let alone let them fly fighter jets.

Therefore, no one continues to study in that direction now, but turns to a more mature mechanized transformation technology.

So, even if you were the only cyborg that was reasonably controllable, no one would be interested in you.

The technology on your body has been abandoned.

People who are not you have been abandoned, you can still stay here and treat this place as your home, we will not abandon you. "


Guo Yi was silent for a while, and seemed to laugh at himself and said: "That means, my previous experience is completely meaningless!?"

After speaking, Guo Yi stopped talking to Ernest, turned around and left.


Ernest saw Guo Yi leave after finishing speaking, and immediately picked up the communicator.


On the deck of the Elysion, Guo Yi stood on the edge of the deck, quietly watching the distant scenery.

Not long after he came here, Allard, Chuck, and the three members of the Walküre group also came around him, quietly watching the distant scenery with him.

Very touching, but unfortunately, Guo Yi was not moved, and even wanted to laugh...

The reason why he wasn't moved was because he wasn't really a biochemical transformation person, so what did Ernest's words have to do with him?

And the reason why he said that was just to strengthen the personality.

Therefore, he expressed indifference to Arad and the others who came here to accompany him, and even worried about his suicide.

Want to laugh, first because Arad and the others were tricked by him, so I wanted to laugh.

The second is because Arad's actions made him happy...

Allard and the others could come here to accompany him, because Ernest must have told them what happened just now.

And Arad and the others came here to prove with practical actions that they would accompany him and regard him as a comrade in arms, a friend, and even a family member.

Otherwise, who the hell would be like a fool, standing with him in the cold wind all the time?

Guo Yi may not be tired of watching the high-altitude scenery, but Arad and the others must be tired of watching it.

Therefore, they are willing to accompany Guo Yi because they want to tell Guo Yi with their actions that they are one and don't have to worry about being abandoned.

As for why Guo Yi is here, and why he is silent...

Ernest's words made him suddenly realize that the world of Macross has many other technologies besides machinery-related technologies.

The clones cultivated by cells, the lead singer of the tactical music group Walküre: Meiyun Ginumel, and the mechanical transformation, the driver of vf-27 Lucifer: Brera Stern...

These two people are enough to represent the scientific and technological level of Macross in life genetic engineering.

As for the genetic engineering of life, he also needs it...

What is Orochimaru used for, no one will forget, right?
So here comes the question, if he gets all the technologies of Macross, will his technological level explode again?

There is a high probability that it should be!
Therefore, Guo Yi is now hesitating whether to open the door or not.

They didn't want to open the door before because the two technologies of warping navigation and gravity control system were not worth the risk.

But now that it has been investigated on the spot, apart from the two technologies, there are too many technologies in Macross that are useful to them.

Is it really worth the risk to open the door if you count all the technology?
Besides, there is another problem.

Ninety percent of the technology in Macross involves the fold...

From the perspective of people in Macross today, Fold waves are things like waves that occur in high-dimensional space, and their speed is faster than the speed of light.

The fold bacteria is a kind of bacteria on Vajra.

At the same time, this fold bacteria will also invade the human body...

Naturally invading, fold bacteria will invade the cells of the host body, so they are called folding factor receptors.

A singer with a break factor has the ability to calm Wahl's syndrome in his singing.

That's right, the tactical music group Walküre.

That's why he didn't bring Lux here now...

It's true that Lux is a diva, but she can't join Walküre because she's not a KF receptor.

For passive invasion, fold bacteria will only lodge in the host's intestines, and at the same time threaten the life of the host, so it is called V-type infection.

Time and space Cinderella: Orchid Lee and the Fairy of the Galaxy: Shirley Nome, they are V-type infections.

All in all, people in Macross now think that Vajra's fold bacteria and fold waves are two unrelated things.

In his opinion, this statement is both right and wrong...

The fold wave is actually a network system covering the entire galaxy developed by the Prodo civilization based on the unique biological wave between the fold bacteria on Vajra.

To put it simply, the fold wave is the network line, and the fold bacteria is the base point of the network line, but the method of using the fold wave is just what system you use to access the Internet.

Therefore, fold bacteria and fold waves are not unrelated things.

However, he suspects that the people in Macross are right: fold bacteria and fold waves are two things...

It's possible that the fold bacteria weren't something Vajra was born with, but that they, too, were infected.

Fold bacteria are high-dimensional things, and Vajra travels through dimensional space all day long, so they are contaminated with a certain factor of dimensional space! ?
or an infectious disease...

Only in this way can it explain why the same fold bacteria invade, but there are two cases of folding factor receptors and V-type infections.

To put it simply, Vajra is just a receptor for the jump factor!

The fold wave may be a door-opening technology: a technology that uses the fluctuation between fold bacteria to open the dimensional space.

So, if the fold wave is just a door-opening technique, it has nothing to do with the fold bacteria?
Or do you need fold bacteria as a key to open them?
But if the fold wave really needs to fold the bacteria...

Scratch head Vajra back to be the source?
Isn't this bringing an undercover home?
Find the information about the unique biological waves among fold bacteria studied by the Prodo civilization?

There are so many ruins in such a big universe, so it's better to open the door?
In addition to this, Guo Yi suddenly thought of an extra thing...

Macross seems to have games too! ?

So can they farm monsters and upgrade here?

In addition to humans, there are Ragnar people, Windermere people, Bold people and so on.

These creatures other than Earth people should be able to provide experience, right?
It’s really not possible, there is still a steady stream of Jetradi’s backbone fleet, and countless Vajra, these are always okay, right?
Even if they only provide 0.0000000% of the experience, but just by their number, the heap can push everyone to a higher level!
The simplest example, a battleship of the backbone fleet of the order of one million, each battleship has a hundred people, that is hundreds of millions!

What's more, it is impossible for a battleship to have only a hundred people!

Three things combined, so the door is still open?
Guo Yi is silent here at this time, because he is thinking about the pros and cons of these three things, and it's not that he can't think about it.

Why don't you talk to Kruse and the others?
He also wanted to, but couldn't do it!
Because the newly integrated officer went to another planet for a meeting, Kruse and Karl also went with him.

Therefore, he couldn't talk about these things with Kruzer and the others through the flying insect communication.

Chat with the communication equipment of Macross?
God knows if their communications equipment is being automatically monitored.

In case there is something like "Prism Project" here, then play Dafabet.

And use codes to communicate...

These three things are discussed in code, and one of the three of them counts as one, and all of them will blow their heads!
Natal and the others?
Sorry, I don't have enough permissions to discuss topics like this.

Therefore, Guo Yi can only come here alone and stay silent.


As time passed, the weather became cooler and cooler, and at this moment, a sneezing sound woke Guo Yi from his silence, causing him to turn his head and look over...

Yo Bakaniya and the others should have come here during dance practice, so they were wearing safety pants and thin T-shirts.

As a result, all three of them now have blue lips from the cold.

"Let's go back."

After Guo Yi saw the situation of Yao Bakaniya and the others, he gestured to them and smiled: "If you continue to stay here, be careful not to catch a cold."

"Guo Yi~"


Yao Bakaniya and Makina saw Guo Yi speak, and said worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"What can I do?"

Guo Yi shook his head and said calmly: "You don't think I'll be overwhelmed, do you?
Since the past is meaningless, I have to find a way to create a meaningful future.

So, I won't be overwhelmed. "


Yao Bakaniya and the others looked at each other, then looked at Arad, and Arad nodded slightly with them: "You guys go back first.

You are here, it is not easy for us three elders to chat. "

"Yeah yeah."

After Chuck heard it, Heyao Bachaniya and the others teased: "There are some topics, you'd better not get involved."

"Chuck, don't spoil Guo Yi."

Yao Bakaniya and the others glared at Chuck, then smiled with Guo Yi: "Then let's go back first.

Tonight, let's eat at Chuck's house instead of in the dining hall. "



"Boy, are you really okay?"

After Arad waited for Bakaniya and the others to leave, he took out a piece of dried jellyfish silk from somewhere and put it in his mouth, and laughed with Guo Yi: "There are no women here, cry if you want, I and Chuck won't laugh at you."

"Ham, if you want me to tell you, Guo Yi, you should cry."

After Allard finished speaking, Chuck urged on the side: "Believe me, if you cry, there will definitely be a woman to comfort you.

Then, you can take the opportunity to eat tofu.

If you fall in love, let that woman accompany you to drink.

Tonight, you can make a woman cry and throw up, how wonderful. "


Guo Yi glanced at Chuck, and said speechlessly: "I'm curious, how did you survive here?"

"Girlless Chuck is well known in the Ragnar branch."

After hearing Guo Yi's words, Allard laughed and said: "When he was dispatched, the communicators would use male voices to communicate with him if they were able to do so. How bad is his reputation among our female comrades-in-arms? .

However, he is also open-minded and can't move his hands, so he has lived until now. "

"I'm just looking for someone to date..."

Chuck said aggrievedly: "It turns out that I have been here for so many years, a person who is willing to date me."

"Who made you say nothing~"

"It's not good to be straightforward, I'm just greedy..."



Guo Yi saw that Allard and Chuck deliberately used Chuck's embarrassing incident to divert his attention, shook his head, and said with a chuckle: "You can do whatever you want, don't make noise with me, I need to be quiet."


Allard and Chuck glanced at each other, and then asked anxiously, "You don't think about it, do you?"


Guo Yi gestured to each of them, and said speechlessly: "I survived so hard, do you think I will commit suicide so easily?
To put it bluntly, if you want to die, I don't even want to die!
I committed suicide, which means my previous experience is a joke, understand? "


Arad and Chuck looked at Guo Yi for a while, and after confirming that he really wouldn't be overwhelmed, they nodded: "Then Chuck and I will let you be quiet.

Tonight, you remember to go to Naked Food Empress.

You have been here for so long, it is time to hold a welcome party for you. "



In the evening, at Naked Food Empress Shop, Yao Bakaniya, Arad, Chuck, Ernest and the entire crew of the bridge held a welcome party for Guo Yi, welcoming him to officially join them.

After a lively party, Guo Yi and Yao Bakaniya went back to the dormitory to rest.

Silent all night.


The next morning, as soon as Guo Yi came to the dormitory hall, he saw Majina standing up, looking at the screen in front of her, and shouting frantically.

"what's the situation?"

Guo Yi picked out his ears, looked at Makina with a strange face, and asked curiously: "What did you see, why is it like seeing a ghost?"


Makina froze for a moment, and found that it was Guo Yi who came, and suddenly hid the communicator behind her back in a hurry, and shook her head frantically: "Nothing, nothing, nothing."


Makina's behavior of trying to hide it immediately made Guo Yi curious, and he stretched out his hand and said, "Take it out, what did you see?"


Makina turned her head and looked, and found that Yao Bakaniya and Reina had already run to the door, and secretly waved to her, and immediately reacted, turning her head while running and said: "It's really nothing, let's hurry up!" I'm late, you eat slowly, we're leaving first."


Guo Yi looked at the backs of Yao Bakaniya and the others fleeing in a panic, frowning in confusion.

Damn it, didn't they obviously conceal something related to him?

However, it shouldn't be a big deal...

Makina's cry was obviously a cry of excitement, not a cry of shock or panic, so it must not be a bad thing.

Since it was not a bad thing, Guo Yi didn't bother to break the casserole and ask the end.


"I'm coming."

In Ernest's office, besides Ernest, Allard and the others, and Yao Bakaniya and the others, there are also three people who do not belong to the Ragnar branch: one A green-haired girl, a pink-golden-haired girl, and a blue-haired girl don't know if they are male or female.

The three of them looked at the big screen in front of them with Ernest and the others, with a trace of curiosity in their eyes.

And on the screen is Guo Yi's tracking video...

Guo Yi usually goes to six places when he comes to the Ragnar branch: Ragnar pilot's classroom, flight simulation room, logistics department, fighter hangar, canteen and music department candidate training room.

The general route is to go to the simulated flight room to warm up first, then go to the logistics department to learn about aircraft maintenance, and then board the real plane to fly. Relax in the candidate training room, and finally get off work.

After get off work, Ernest and the others often couldn't find him, so they could only contact him by mobile phone.

Of course, occasionally Guo Yi would go to the deck to enjoy the scenery.

Day after day, the thief disciplines himself.

Therefore, as long as Ernest and the others turn on the surveillance in these places, they can completely track Guo Yi's every move in the Ragnar branch.

On Guo Yi's side, he didn't feel anything unusual, so he opened the door of the simulated flight room as usual, and was about to go in for training, but...


As soon as the door opened, Guo Yi saw a yellow-haired man standing behind the door and looking at him.

Just when Guo Yi was in a daze, the yellow-haired man's arm, with a vague afterimage, hit his chin from bottom to top, causing him to squint his eyes.


Guo Yi's hand speed was even faster, and in the blink of an eye, he blocked the attack of the yellow-haired man with his palm on his chest.


Before Guo Yi could speak, the yellow-haired man moved his whole body, swinging his legs, fists, elbows and shoulders to attack him.


When Guo Yi saw an unknown person attacking him, he immediately spat in displeasure, and then confronted the yellow-haired man foot to foot, fist to fist, elbow to elbow, shoulder to shoulder.

For a moment, the door of the simulated flight room was like a middle line, separating Guo Yi from the yellow-haired man.

In the room between the two, shadows of fists and feet continuously appear and then disappear with the sound of the wind. At the same time, they are accompanied by the sound of the collision of flesh and metal...

Metal sound! ?

After Guo Yi played with the yellow-haired man for a while, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly, and he said with a light smile, "Is this your standard?"


After hearing Guo Yi's words, the yellow-haired man snorted coldly and took a step back. Then, a short knife popped out of his hands, and said coldly to Guo Yi, "If you're dead, don't blame me."


Guo Yi glanced at the two short knives, and said disdainfully, "You don't think you can hold a stalemate with me because you are at the same level as me, do you?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~"

Just as Guo Yi finished laughing at the yellow-haired man, the yellow-haired man took a step forward and swiped toward Guo Yi's chest at a speed that was three minutes faster than before...

It seemed that the yellow-haired man didn't want to hurt Guo Yi too much, so he just wanted to give Guo Yi a few blows.

Since the yellow-haired man was so polite, Guo Yi also became more polite.


With two soft beeps, Guo Yi grabbed the yellow-haired man's wrist in an instant.

At the same time, the soles of Guo Yi's feet also appeared on the yellow-haired man's abdomen.


Letting go, kicking his legs, Guo Yi kicked the yellow-haired man into the flight simulation room, making the teeth of those who watched it ache.

"Are you still fighting?"

Guo Yi looked up at the ceiling, looking for the camera looking here, and said with a light smile: "Although I am behind, I am a little more advanced than you...

Brera Stern! "

That's right, the yellow-haired man is the second male protagonist in Macross F, the driver of vf-27 Lucifer γ: Brera Stern.

Why would Guo Yi know him?
Among the mechanized transformants, only Brera Stern is the most famous.

At the same time, only Brera Stern can be related to him, and only Brera Stern can appear here...

"Galaxy General asked you to be my tester?"

Guo Yi searched around but couldn't find the hidden camera, so he looked at Brera Stern and asked curiously: "You drove the vf-27 Lucifer gamma model, isn't that model already Did it crash?"

"How do you know it was me?"

Brera Stern stood up and loosened his joints, and asked lightly: "Also, did you cut off the pain nerve?"

"Any nerve is useful, including pain nerves, so those guys didn't cut my pain nerves."

Guo Yi waved his hand and said with a light smile, "However, my nerves are thicker and I can withstand them better, so your slight electric shock has no effect on me.

As for how to know you...

What kind of test can best reflect my ability?

Of course, let me drive the VF-27 Lucifer γ, and see if I can bring out its performance.

If so...

YF-29 Durandal and Saotome Art are also here?

If you both come...

No wonder Makina was so agitated and excited in the morning.

Time and Space Cinderella: Orchid Lee and the Fairy of the Galaxy: Shirley Nome is also coming, right?
This is meeting an idol. "


After hearing Guo Yi's words, Brera Stern looked at him in surprise.

"It looks like I guessed right."

Seeing Brera Stern's surprised expression, Guo Yi couldn't help grinning, looked up and shouted, "Ernest, you fucking told me you didn't know.

These four people are here, I can't believe you didn't hear the news!

Wait, I'm going to find you now! "

After finishing speaking, Guo Yi signaled to Brera Stern: "Lanhua Li, Shiryl Nome and Saotome Art should all be in the captain's room, let's go."


"I'm going to the toilet."

Seeing Guo Yi clenching his fists and walking towards this place with a "nuclear" smile on his face, Ernest couldn't help standing up, and said to the others, "Allard, greet the guests for me.

Ms. Orchid Lee, Ms. Shirley Nome, Mr. Saotome Alter, let me leave first. "


Before Ernest lifted his foot, Allard and Chuck hung on Ernest's arm, crying, "Ernest, you caused this, and What do we have to do?
We don't want to be pulled into the judo room by him to practice fighting skills!

Besides, do you think it is useful for you to hide from the toilet?
How dare he block the toilet door and wait for you to come out! "


Seeing Ernest looking at them, Yao Bakaniya and the others wanted them to stop Guo Yi's gun, so they immediately hid behind Lanhua Li and Shirley Nome, helplessly fighting with him. shook his head.


"Here I come, dear Captain Ernest."

Guo Yi walked into the captain's room, ignored Ernest's serious expression, and said with a smile: "You don't need to put on an air, and you don't need to change the subject.

There are only four outsiders here, which means that the test task this time is mainly based on the four of them.

And since you agree with Brera to compete with me, it means that you are familiar with them to a certain extent, and may even be friends who have worked with them.

Besides, the four of them, Lanhua Li and Arad, didn't stop in front of you, which means there are no outsiders here.

Since there are no outsiders here, I don't need to save face for you.

Therefore, die! "

"Don't slap your face..."


After beating Ernest, Guo Yi crossed his arms, looked at Orchid Lee who was holding Bray's hand, and Shirley Nome who was holding Saotome Alter's hand, and asked curiously: "Who are you?" Two couples!?"

Orchid Lee and Brera Stern are brothers and sisters in the animation, but in the official comic KISS IN GALAXY, Brera Stern and Orchid Stern are not brothers and sisters, but they have a crush on each other, so they have a relationship People get married, and naturally Saotome Art and Shirley Nome are a couple.

So Guo Yi didn't wonder why the four of them were two couples, but just wanted to confirm.



Seeing Lanhua Li and the others nodding, Guo Yi couldn't help smiling.

It seems that Macross F is a comedy ending!

This ending is pretty good.

"Tell me, what's going on here."

After confirming the relationship between Lanhua Li and the others, Guo Yi looked at Ernest, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and asked, "What's your relationship?
Also, what's the situation now? "

(End of this chapter)

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