Develop the world from one person

Chapter 828 Chapter 826: Unable to activate thoughts

Paconoda was silent for a moment, then said in fear: "I don't know how to say...

Anyway, when you mentioned him in your memory, I seemed to feel endless malice, as if..."

Speaking of this, Paconoda turned pale again, folded her arms with both hands, shook her head and said, "I don't know how to describe that feeling, it's scary anyway...

I don't know why it's scary, it's just scary.

A terror emanating from the soul! "


Guo Yi frowned after hearing what Paconoda said, and his face became a little ugly.

Iluvita dared to leave his power in his body without his consent, and didn't tell him...

What is Iluvita trying to do! ?

"Godhead pollution."

Just when Guo Yi's face became more and more gloomy, Kruse walked up to Guo Yi and said with a light smile, "It seems that your godhead pollution has not been completely cured yet."


"Do you think he dares to secretly leave his power on you?"

Cruze looked at the puzzled Guo Yi, shook his head and said, "Don't forget, Sanqing has been paying attention to you.

If you have a problem with your body, Chonglou has already told you.

Did Chonglou tell you in a roundabout way?
Also, a certain ontology has glanced at you.

If there is really a problem with you, that one should not just sit idly by.

So it is very likely that your godhead pollution has not been completely eliminated...

The only power in your body that is related to him is the pollution of the godhead.

What Paconoda should face directly is the pollution of your godhead, which is why she is so terrified. "

"It hasn't been eradicated yet."

Guo Yi suddenly realized, and shook his head with a wry smile: "It's been so many years, why hasn't the cure been cured yet.

Besides, I didn't feel it either. "

"If you feel it, it may not be the case now."


Guo Yi shook his head helplessly, then looked at the other people who looked dazed, and signaled to Pak Noda: "Share the memories you got from me with others."


Paconoda took out the revolver, looked at the others, and said indifferently: "Are there any of you who don't believe me?"

"Paconoda, hurry up."

Wo Jin stood up and urged, "I really want to know where Guo Yi came from."

"Are you all ready?"

Paconoda raised her pistol, pointed it at Wojin, and asked again: "Okay, I will share the memory with you."


"Bang bang..."

After a series of gunshots, every member of the Phantom Brigade was shot between the eyebrows. They raised their heads and stared blankly at the sky, digesting the memories shared by Paconoda.


After a period of time, Wo Jin's personnel in charge of the battle began to laugh one after another, and the laughter was unusually rampant.

And those members like Xia Ke who are more rational than emotional, silently opened their eyes and stared at Guo Yi and the others.

After a while, all eyes were on Kuroro, waiting for his final decision.

"Two conditions."

Kuroro glanced at the others, then raised two fingers with Guo Yi and said, "First, I want you to take in the people from Meteor Street.

Second, eradicate the Meteor Street Presbyterian Church. "


After Guo Yi heard Kuroro's conditions, he was taken aback for a moment, frowned and said, "You want me to take in the people from Meteor Street?
Is this bad?
Or, Kurolo, can you change other conditions?
I can help you rebuild Meteor Street, help you formulate a new order, and even provide a lot of supplies and so on.

As for taking them in...

I don't think so? "

Kuroro wants to destroy the Presbyterian Church on Meteor Street, this can only be said to be reasonable and expected, and there is nothing to make a fuss about.

However, Kurolo wanted him to take in the people from Meteor Street, which made him very embarrassed...

The population of Meteor Street is only 1000 million, and many places can arrange people from Meteor Street. Therefore, Guo Yi's difficulty is not the population of Meteor Street and the site where they are placed.

What troubles Guo Yi is the character of the people on Meteor Street.

The isolated and unique environment of Meteor Street, as well as the culture developed in that unique environment, make the people of Meteor Street have one characteristic: they are extremely united externally, and the weak are preyed on internally!
This situation leads to a result...

The people on Meteor Street cannot integrate into other worlds!
This integration means that people on Meteor Street will not abide by the laws and regulations of other worlds.

If the people of Meteor Street are not allowed to abide by the laws and regulations of other worlds, then the people of Meteor Street will definitely conflict with the world they live in.

The simplest example: more than ten years ago, a certain country suspected a homeless man without an ID card for murder and arrested him.

After checking their identity, the homeless have no nationality and no proof of social existence.

He himself claimed to be a resident of Meteor Street, the country forcibly prosecuted the homeless person who denies the charges, and the court convicted him without giving him a chance to explain.

Three years later, Guolu Shashen, who abused drugs, was arrested, and the remaining crimes were exposed one after another, proving the innocence of the homeless man.

Immediately after this incident, police officers, magistrates, prosecutors, witnesses, jurors, lawyers, etc., 31 people related to the homeless man's unjust imprisonment were all killed.

Regarding the method of killing, it is said that they carried a switch-type bomb and died together with the other party, which was no different from suicide.

According to eyewitnesses, the bomb went off after they smiled and shook each other's hands.

31 people in different places were killed at the same time.

This matter was instructed by the Meteor Street Presbyterian Council. At the same time, those who blew themselves up voluntarily!

It is conceivable how united the people of Meteor Street are when they are out to the outside world!
As for the law of the jungle...

There are countless fights on Meteor Street every day, and every one of them will lead to death.

It can be said that everyone who grew up on Meteor Street has blood on their hands.

Both men and women are the same!
Such undisciplined Meteor Street residents who like the weak like Gu worms, Guo Yi taking them in is no different from taking in a batch of unstable bombs...

God knows when they'll explode over something!
"My conditions are only those two."

Kuroro looked at Guo Yi and said lightly: "If you can't meet my conditions, it doesn't make any difference to me whether I join you or not.

Or, you can't even do such a simple thing? "

"You're really going to give me a hard time."

Guo Yi shook his head helplessly with Kuroro, and then asked Kruse: "Kruse, do you have a solution?"

"It's not difficult."

Kruse smiled slightly, and then said to Kurolo: "Krollo, we can take in those Meteor Street residents who are willing to obey our orders and leave voluntarily.

As for the rest, it has nothing to do with us. "


Kuroro shook his head and said seriously: "I want you to take in all the residents of Meteor Street...

How you arrange them and make them obedient is your business.

However, you must take in all the residents of Meteor Street! "

"That's it."


As soon as Kreuzer finished speaking, the members of the Phantom Troupe became nervous, making a gesture of running away at any time.

"Don't be nervous."

Guo Yi and Kuroro waved their hands, and said to Kruze dumbfounded: "Kruze, don't scare them.

The residents of Meteor Street are troublesome, but if they are used well, they are still beneficial.

At the very least, the people on Meteor Street are loyal people. "

Meteor Street is the talent base of Hunter World...

Among the gangsters, [-]% of them are from Meteor Street.

Almost all the servants who beat up the enemy's family came from Meteor Street.

Qi Ya's mother is also from Meteor Street.

In addition, there are other scattered organizations, such as the black glove organizations in some countries, etc., all like to choose people from Meteor Street.

And there are only three reasons why they like the people on Meteor Street...

First: The residents of Meteor Street are loyal enough.

Second: The residents of Meteor Street are all ruthless people who are not afraid of death.

Third: The residents of Meteor Street are all survivors of the survival of the fittest.

Therefore, Meteor Street is a super-large talent training center in the eyes of some people...

It's just that the training system in this training center is a bit too cruel and bloody.


Kruse spread his hands and said with a smile: "Select the adoptive mothers and children from Meteor Street and distribute them to various professional institutions.

Then pick out those who like to live a stable life and scatter them to other worlds.

As for the others...

Just put them in Junkstar and let them live with the rescue truck.

There is an ambulance in charge of them, and they can't fight.

In this way, after a few decades, there will be no residents of Meteor Street.

In addition to this method, we can also throw the entire Meteor Street to the garbage star, and continue to use the way of raising Gu to make them live...

It is also possible to raise a hundred Gu kings with the lives of 1000 million people.

Kurolo, which method do you think is better? "

There are often abandoned babies on Meteor Street, and these abandoned babies may come from places other than Meteor Street, or they may be discarded by people in Meteor Street.

Therefore, some women on Meteor Street who don't like to fight have become the adoptive mothers of these abandoned babies, responsible for raising these babies until they are teenagers, making them a new generation of residents of Meteor Street.

"They'll take the first option."

Kuroro shook his head, and said lightly: "It's not that we like to kill, but that we can live and live well only by killing."

"This has nothing to do with me."

Kruse spread his hands and said with a smile: "The new generation and those living in Meteor Street may be like this, but it's hard to say for others.

All in all, resettling the residents of Meteor Street is a troublesome task, but it is not a difficult task. "

Speaking of this, Kruse and Guo Yi said with a smile: "The point is, Guo Yi, you have to coax Lao Wei and Lacus well...

In the first few years of Meteor Street, there must be many trivial matters that need to be handled carefully, so it is necessary to send enough management personnel and security personnel to manage and station.

After three to five years, the residents of Meteor Street will get used to it, and it will be fine. "

"Old Wei is going to nag me again."

Guo Yi rubbed his nose, and said with a sore face, "Okay, I'll fight the thunder."

"Kulolo, I'll accept the residents of Meteor Street, then we..."

After Guo Yi and Kruze finished talking, they looked at Kuroro again and asked, "From now on, will you obey my orders?"


Kuroro opened his book of thieves, opened a page, and said to Guo Yi: "Beat me, and you can replace me as the head of the Phantom Brigade.

If you are the leader, we will naturally obey your orders. "


Guo Yi nodded, and then appeared in front of Kuroro in an instant, punched him in the face, and swept his foot towards his ankle.


Ku Luoluo didn't hide or jump, but used Benz's magic knife and Guo Yi to exchange injuries, which scared Guo Yi to cast a golden light spell.


Guo Yi kicked Kuroro to the side, and then punched Kuroro's temple in the direction where he fell.

While Kuroro fell sideways, the knife in his hand also hit Guo Yi.

It's a pity that even if Benz's Magic Knife is equipped with mind power, it is not enough to break the crystallized Golden Light Curse, and is stuck in the Golden Light Curse.

Seeing this, Kuroro immediately let go of the knife and blocked Guo Yi's fist with one hand.


Not surprisingly, Guo Yi punched Kuroro's arm, causing him to smash into the ground.

However, just when Guo Yi was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue him, Ku Luoluo rolled away without hesitation and moved away from Guo Yi.


After Kuroro rolled away from Guo Yi, he immediately got up, took a book in one hand, and unfolded a canvas in the other.


After Guo Yi saw Kuroro's canvas, he changed from advancing to retreating, and took the initiative to distance himself from Kuroro.


Holding the canvas, Kuroro looked at Guo Yi, who was standing still, and asked with a frown, "You know all about my ability!?"

"Incredibly convenient pocket."

Guo Yi nodded and said with a smile, "It's the mind ability you stole from the tenth old man's captain Xiao Xiao."

"He is the captain of the Yin Beast Troop."

Kuroro suddenly realized, and said with a little disdain: "The strength is really rubbish."

After finishing speaking, Kurolo and Guo Yi laughed and said, "Since you know this ability, what can you do?"

"Any object covered by that cloth, no matter how big it is, can be instantly shrunk and packed. Even living things can be captured, and the objects inside can be released at any time. It is a super convenient mind ability."

Guo Yi and Kuroro gestured to the canvas, and said seriously: "I need you to permanently fix that reading ability.

Because the reading ability is very, very powerful for me.

As for how to break it..."

Speaking of this, Guo Yi glanced at the other members of the Phantom Troupe, and then laughed with Kuroro: "Do you know?

Your telekinetic ability is quite troublesome for us, but...

If we fight you head-on, even if we are one level behind you, we will still win.

Because you can't fly! "


Holding the canvas, Kuroro raised his head and looked at Guo Yi who flew up into the air and became a small black dot, the corners of his eyes twitching...

Damn, how do you fight?

Just when Kuroro was having a headache, Kruse's nano armor projected Guo Yi's figure: "None of you thought that someone would fight you from the sky, right?
Chrollo, how about it, admit defeat? "


Kuroro closed the book, but did not cancel the power of thought, and said lightly: "Being able to fly is indeed able to gain a foothold in an invincible position, but...

So far, can you hit me?
Also, how long can you last? "


Ku Luoluo saw Guo Yi snap his fingers, and his sky darkened, so he quickly looked up...

At this time, the sky was covered by dense swords, without a single gap.

Kuroro calculated the area covered by the sharp sword, and found that he would need at least three seconds to escape...

Is three seconds short?
In a battle, one millisecond of distraction may lead to the failure of the battle, let alone three seconds!

Therefore, facing Guo Yi's move, he had no choice but to bear it!

The question is, can he handle it?
Of course, Guo Yi's move must be fast, otherwise it will be useless.


Kuroro was silent for a while, and said lightly: "I want to try again."

"Complete you."

As soon as Guo Yi finished speaking, Kuroro's pupils constricted.

The circle of sharp swords seemed to turn into streaks of light, falling into the ground almost in the blink of an eye.

"Boom boom~"

There was a violent explosion, and after the dust settled, a gully with a width of three meters and a depth of one meter appeared around Kuroro as the center.


After Guo Yi waited for Kuroro to see the situation clearly, he smiled lightly and said, "How about this power, do you appreciate it?

If you don't think it's enough..."

When Guo Yi said this, the sharp swords in the sky began to gather at dozens of points, quickly absorbing the surrounding sharp swords.

And with the gathering of sharp swords, the sharp swords at dozens of gathering points began to swell visibly with the naked eye.

After a while, only dozens of long and thick swords remained in the group of sharp swords in the sky.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~"

After the new sharp sword took shape, the dozens of sharp swords turned into streamers, instantly surrounding Kuroro, exuding a sharp chill.

"Have you taken it?"

After the sharp sword surrounded Kuroro, Guo Yi flew down from the sky, floated outside the sword, and laughed with Kuroro: "I remind you, my trick is for killing people, isn't it?" used for sparring...

No matter how powerful it is, it can kill you! "


Kuroro looked at those sharp swords, put away his thoughts, and said lightly: "From now on, you will be the head of the Phantom Troupe."

"very good."

Guo Yi nodded in satisfaction, canceled the sword control technique, and asked other members of the Phantom Brigade: "Who is there among you who is not convinced and wants to try it?"


Feitan and Finks looked at each other, and stood up with fists clenched: "The two of us want to try."

"You two are enough, don't forget that I know your abilities."

Seeing the two of them stand up, Guo Yi said dumbfoundedly: "Do you think I will give you a chance to make a big move?
As long as I don't give you a chance to accumulate power, you can't beat me at all.

Besides, I'm not stupid, how can I have nothing to do when I'm full, so I can carry your trick...

So, are you still fighting? "

Finx's trick is called "Back to Heaven"...

It's not the Huitian of the cataract family, but the qi is condensed on the arm, and then the more circles the arm rotates, the stronger the punch will be.

In theory, as long as Finx spins enough, he can blow it up with one punch...

A city.

How much power this trick can store is probably related to his physical fitness.

In other words, there is an upper limit to the power he can store.

Otherwise, Finx's ultimate move is too invincible...

After spinning for a year, he can kill a strong person with one punch.

Spinning for a lifetime, it is estimated that God will blow him up.

It's so incomprehensible!

Feitan's unique move is called Blazing Sun, which uses Nian to create a small sun with considerable power and range, and at the same time uses "Unforgivable Sin" to protect himself.

When the sun bursts, all the surrounding creatures will be burned to death by the mind force sun, and the power of the move refers to the degree of damage it has received.

To put it simply, it is to actively increase the damage and counter the damage...

Uh, the legendary stack of the thickest armor, the most vicious beating, and then killing people with one blow?

All in all, Feitan's trick is also at the cheating level.

It can be said that in the Phantom Troupe, the tricks of Finks and Feitan are unreasonable, and the tricks of other people are still within the range of normal people.


Finks twirled his arms quickly, and said unhappily: "Punch me, I want to see if I can kill you with one punch."

"I'm stupid, why should I be punched by you?"

"Then you fight me."

Fei Tan drew out his sword in the umbrella, and said quietly: "I want to see if I can keep up with your speed."

"Stop it."

Guo Yi shook his head, and then a 40-meter long sword appeared on his shoulder: "I'm afraid my sword will cut you in half."

"Didn't you just ask who else wants to fight?"

Finks curled his lips and said with disdain: "I've stood up now, why don't you fight again?"

"I'm not here to liven up the atmosphere."

Guo Yi waved his hand, scratched the back of his head and said with a smile: "Everyone is our own now, why do you want to fight and kill?


Speaking of this, Guo Yi narrowed his eyes immediately, and said with a light smile: "You don't want to fight me, do you?"


Just as Guo Yi finished speaking, Finks suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Sanfeng and punched him in the face.

"Why old way?"

Zhang Sanfeng seemed to be taken aback by Finks' sudden attack, while yelling loudly, he quickly raised his hand to block Finks' wrist.

Afterwards, Zhang Sanfeng sucked, pulled, and pushed with his palm while retreating.

Finx watched his fist being pressed softly on his stomach by Zhang Sanfeng, with question marks all over his face...

Where is the strength? ?

Also, how come I suddenly hit myself! ?
Did you miss any plot just now?
"Are you the one who sees old Taoists as the best bullies?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the bewildered Finks, smiled slightly, then twisted his palms, and vomited vigorously: "Go."


The clothes on Finks' entire back were torn by a huge force, and he turned into a man with bare legs on the spot.


Finks felt a chill on his back, and then began to sweat profusely...

No matter whether Zhang Sanfeng blocked his fist, or avoided his fist, or Zhang Sanfeng simply used offense as defense, and confronted him head-on, Funks dared to pat his chest and shout: Come again.

But now this situation...

Let alone yelling to come again, he couldn't even hold back his sweat!
This old man not only silenced the strength of his fist, but melted it almost instantly, and he was able to hit his clothes with all his strength through his body! ?

What's more, this force not only left his body unscathed, but even inside his body, there was nothing strange about it.

In addition, this strength also ignored his thoughts! ?

With such a strong force, only his clothes were damaged, his thoughts, his body surface, and his body did not feel attacked at all...

what's going on! ?

This Nima is a little too weird, right?

"Striking cattle across the mountain is a skill that can barely be regarded as an advanced level of difficulty."

Seeing that Finks was stunned, Guo Yi smiled and said: "Also, Lao Zhang's Taijiquan is best at beating you people who are strengthening...

Finx, you are so immortal, you actually find trouble with Lao Zhang, you are awesome! "

After teasing Finx, Guo Yi looked at Fei Tan who was walking back quietly, and shouted: "Fei Tan, who among the three elders are you going to challenge?
I suggest you choose Mr. Lu, he is the weakest of the three elders, you can definitely do it. "


Fei Tan glanced at Lu Jin who was looking at him excitedly, and shouted to Guo Yi angrily: "How about you fight me?"


"Don't start a fire."

Ku Luoluo looked at Guo Yi, who was not too serious about watching the show, and said lightly: "If you have an order, give it. If you don't have an order, we will go free."


When it came to the next business, Guo Yi stopped smiling and beckoned everyone to gather around: "I came here to find a teacher to learn to read, and you all know that.

So, we're going to split into two groups...

A group of people are responsible for solving the problem of Meteor Street, and another group of people are my bodyguards.

The people who deal with Meteor Street..."

Speaking of this, Guo Yi turned his attention to the old Tianshi and the others: "Old Tianshi, Mr. Lu, Zhang Zhenren, the three of you should join Kluzer and the others, and Kluzer will lead the team.

Meteor Street is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. I'm afraid there will be some old monsters in it.

With the three of you accompanying them, I feel more at ease. "

"I have a question."

After hearing Guo Yi's words, the knight raised his hand and asked, "First: If you want to learn how to read, we can also teach you, why do you need to find a specific person?

Second: Where are you going to learn reciting?

How dangerous is it?

Third: We grew up on Meteor Street since we were young, and we didn't find any masters in Meteor Street.

So, are there any hidden masters on Meteor Street?
Fourth: Why don't we concentrate our efforts? "

"Let me talk about the masters hidden in Meteor Street first."

Guo Yi frowned, and said with a bit of pain: "I don't know exactly how many masters are hidden in Meteor Street, but I know that there is one person in Meteor Street who can kill your entire group...

The grandmother who beat the enemy Hakka, Jeno's wife, she has been living in seclusion in Meteor Street. "


After Guo Yi finished speaking, everyone looked at Kuroro, Pac Noda and Knight.

And the three of them frowned and thought for a while, then shook their heads and said, "We haven't heard of anyone who beats the enemy in Meteor Street, maybe she didn't use the name of the enemy."

"Guo Yi, are you exaggerating too much?"

Wo Jin folded his arms and looked carelessly: "Ku Luoluo fought against the owner of the enemy before, and he is not very good."

"Shiba is still a little bit off..."

Guo Yi shook his head, then raised a finger, and said lightly: "Jie Nuo has a move called Dragon Star Group, which is a rain of thought power bullets covering thousands of acres of land...

Although a single bullet from Long Qunxing doesn't do much harm to you, but if tens of thousands of bombs hit any of you, who of you can withstand it? "


"Let me change the analogy."

After Guo Yi saw him finished speaking, the members of the Phantom Brigade didn't take it seriously. After thinking about it, he explained again: "The radius of the "circle" of a first-class hunter is only about 50 meters, and the radius of the "circle" of Jie Nuo is only about 300 meters. The radius can reach [-] meters.

Also, Zeno's circle is movable, not fixed.


Speaking of this, Guo Yi looked at Hisoka, spread his hands with everyone and said, "Which one of you thinks you can win against Hisoka?

Hisoka's strength is just on par with Ilmi...

Whether it is Zeno or Sheba, they can surely win the fans of Il.

So, do you still dare to underestimate Zeno's wife? "


This time, the Phantom Troupe finally turned serious and nodded silently.

"As for why you don't concentrate your strength..."

Guo Yi saw that the Phantom Brigade finally did not underestimate the enemy, secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and continued: "It will take me [-] more days to open the door.

During these thirteen days, I have already gone to another place, and I may not be able to come back anytime.

In order to avoid wasting time, so I did two actions simultaneously.

As for why you didn't let you teach me how to practice reciting...

The Island of Greed, who of you know? "

"Island of Greed!?"

"I know."

Finx and Feitan raised their hands, and said calmly: "The Island of Greed is a game created by those with abilities.

At the beginning of the game, Nian will also activate and pull the player into the game.

As long as the player is in the game, the game will still continue even if the host is unplugged, and the game console body cannot be damaged.

When the player dies, the game stops.

In addition, this game can only be played by those with the ability to read. "

After explaining, Finx couldn't help laughing and said: "Guo Yi, you don't think you can practice reading by playing games, do you?"

"To be honest, if it wasn't for the lack of game consoles and memory cards, I think you all should go to the island of greed to play with me once."

Guo Yi and Finks rolled their eyes and explained: "The Island of Greed is the place of trial Jin left for his precious son...

Every field map in it is actually a kind of ability corresponding to the ability of mind.

From the lowest level of "wrapping", "absolute", "practicing" and "fat", to "zhou", "hidden" and "condensed", and finally to "round", "firm", "hard" and "flow".

If a person with ordinary mind ability can rely on these abilities to clear the island of greed without injury, his strength will definitely not be inferior to yours!
At the same time, this time there will also be a famous teacher entering the island of greed.

There are special training venues and famous teachers, why should I learn to read with you half-baked people? "


The members of the Phantom Brigade looked at each other for a while, then frowned, a little hesitant...

If they were divided into two groups, then they would definitely need some of them to go to Meteor Street.

That is to say, people who go to Meteor Street cannot go to the Island of Greed to practice...

The Island of Greed was boasted like that by Guo Yi, they definitely didn't want to miss it for nothing.

"You don't have to be so entangled."

Seeing the members of the Phantom Brigade, Guo Yi hesitated, and said with a light smile, "Krollo, Paconoda, Kube, Peeling Cracker, Franklin, the five of you are going to deal with the matter of Meteor Street with Kruzer and the others. .

Others, you can go to Greedy Island with me, or you can go to Meteor Street...

Because, behind your mindfulness ability, you need to switch to cultivation.

The reason why I want to learn the ability to read is because of other purposes. "


When it came to the matter of changing cultivation, Kuroro and the others also reacted...

Guo Yi and the others are not users of reading ability, so they also have other abilities to learn, and they don't necessarily need to use reading ability.

"Now you know."

Guo Yi saw that other people had reacted, and smiled and said: "Also, I will record the whole process of my cultivation...

When I go back, I can have people reproduce the level of Greed Island. "

"That's whatever."

After Guo Yi finished speaking, Wo Jin and the others suddenly became bored: "If this is the case, then let's go to Meteor Street."

"I'm going to the island of greed..."

"I'm going to Meteor Street..."


After a while, the people who went to the island of greed settled down.

Not many, just three people: Hisoka, and two game fans: Feitan and Finks.

Including Guo Yi, there are four people in total.

Seeing this, Kreuzer frowned slightly, and said a little worriedly: "Guo Yi, is it too dangerous for the four of you to go?"


Guo Yi shook his head and said with a light smile: "When I enter the island of greed, I will immediately hug my thigh.

As long as I stay by her side, I won't be bullied.

Besides, Hisoka, Feitan and Finks are also there.

So, you don't have to worry about security.

On the contrary, I am more worried about your side...

The water in Meteor Street is not shallow.

Moreover, you also need to prepare in advance for immigration...

It will take eight months to clear the island of greed. After clearing the customs, I will come back.

When I come back from Greed Island, I will immediately go to Meteor Street to open the door, and then transfer the personnel as soon as possible.

So, you only have eight months at most, can you figure it out? "

"Eight months..."

After calculating the time and what needs to be dealt with, Kruse nodded and said, "Enough is enough.

Eight months is enough time for me to take control of Meteor Street. "

"Then arrange it like this."

Guo Yi clapped his hands, then stood up and smiled with everyone: "Xia Ke, help me find the game console and memory card right now.

When I finish beating the enemy family tomorrow, you can go and grab a game console and four memory cards for me, and then we can officially take action.


Eat what you should eat, drink what you should drink, then play music, and then dance. "

"I have another question."

As soon as Guo Yi finished speaking, the knight raised his hand again, and asked quietly: "The Island of Greed is a game that only those with abilities can play...

You are not a person with the ability to read, how do you enter the game? "


Guo Yi stretched halfway, and suddenly froze.

Yes, to enter the island of greed, you need to inject your own thoughts into the memory card, and then the game console can send the corresponding person to the island of greed...

He is not a user of mind ability, where did he get the mind injection?
No injection, the greedy island of his hair removal!
"Forcibly open the fine pores for me."

After Guo Yi was speechless for a while, he said helplessly, "Who will help me?"

There are three ways to activate the mind ability: innate, exercise awakening and forced awakening.

Innately, some people can use thoughts without any practice. These people are usually called "geniuses", "dominators", "superhumans", "supermen", "immortals", and "strange people".

Awakening through exercise is the normal way of activating the mind ability: keep working hard to feel the existence of qi through meditation and sitting meditation, and then learn it step by step.

Whether you can learn it and how long it takes to learn it varies from person to person.

There are two types of forced awakening: awakening by fright and opening up Qi channels.

Awakening by shock is the fastest way: directly contacted by the attack of the mind-powered person with mind.

The key is whether you can understand the trick of keeping Qi in the body in a short time.

Because the body is attacked by thoughts, it is easy to enter the state of "entanglement", thereby stimulating one's own thoughts.

The higher the aptitude, the shorter the time it takes to read.

Opening up the Qi channel means that the person with the ability of mind will directly inject "Qi" into the body of the person without the ability of mind, and the Qi channel will be opened, so that he can feel the existence of "Nian". People who use this method may die.

Guo Yi is definitely not born with the ability to read, and it takes too much time to exercise and wake up, so he can only choose to force the awakening.


The startled awakening in the forced awakening has no effect on Guo Yi!
God knows!
Why do you know?
Because Guo Yi looked at the knight speechlessly at this time, and confirmed: "Xiaker, are you sure that your antenna has the power of thought!?"


The knight pressed the phone for a while, and found that he could not control Guo Yi at all, so he could only say helplessly: "Don't you know the effect of my fate of carrying others?
Do you think there are my thoughts on the antenna? "

After the rhetorical question, the knight pulled out the antenna on Guo Yi's body, and said helplessly: "In this situation, I don't know whether it is because I can't control you, so I can't wake you up by surprise, or you just can't wake up by surprise...

Try another person.

If it doesn't work, the only way is to open up the air channels. "


Guo Yi rubbed his nose, ignored Wojin and those who were about to move, and set his sights on Franklin: "Franklin, I remember that you are a person who releases the ability, give me a group of thoughts."


As soon as Guo Yi finished speaking, Franklin casually threw a thought force on him, but there was still no result.

"Please read more and come again~"



After Guo Yi tried a few rounds, he confirmed that it was not a matter of the amount of thought power of the mind force bomb, but that he just couldn't force it to wake up because of the frightened awakening.

This makes everyone depressed...

Who the hell dares to pump his own Qi into Guo Yi's body?
This is not a good game, Guo Yi is not dead, they are going to die!

Guo Yi waited for a while and found that no one stood up, so he could only ask dumbfoundedly: "None of you have the confidence to open up my Qi?"

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