I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group.

Chapter 5 "Awakening God Stone"

Chapter 5 "Awakening God Stone"

Another universe.

Also on a blue planet.

This originally peaceful world has also been invaded by supernatural forces.

But the difference is that the power of the Awakened is brought from a meteor shower.

And here is the recovery of magic power.

The boiling magic power renders the silver moon red, and transforms all living things into berserk monsters...

Human beings have also become professionals who control extraordinary power by using this magical power.


When the red moon rises.

The murmur of the strange existence and the huge noise of the monsters followed.

But now, more than ten years later, the people have long been used to it.

Almost every city that people live in today has an official organization responsible for keeping monsters out.

There is no specific standard for "outside the door" here.

Rather, it depends on the power the city has.

Some directly cleaned all the monsters within hundreds of miles from the urban area, and some let the monsters use the slums in the suburbs as hunting areas...

As for those weird whispers?
This point is not dangerous.

As long as you don't spread too many negative emotions related to fear at night, those weird existences won't come to your door.

At first after figuring this out.

The government began to vigorously support the creation of the entertainment field so that the people can have fun at night.

At the same time, all horror fantasy works are banned.

And open the copyright of all works before the Red Moon Era, and turn them into public copyrights that anyone can legally adapt.

Under the various decisions to support entertainment, countless excellent works have naturally emerged in the past ten years.

There are also many works of "followers".


Rand City.

It is a relatively peaceful city.

At this time when the sun is gradually setting.

The streets that originally had only a few people here and there soon became completely silent.

The doors and windows of the residential buildings were closed and the lights were brightly lit.

Everyone is playing games, reading novels, chasing dramas and other activities of their own interest at home.

In order not to think wildly in the dead of night and kill yourself.

And in the city, a European-style detached villa.

In some dark bedrooms.

A mixed-race woman with long hair wearing gold-rimmed thin-rimmed glasses and a western style was sitting in front of the computer.

The fluorescent light scattered by the screen illuminated her delicate facial features.

This is a beautiful woman with creamy skin and excellent looks.

Although combined with the surrounding dark environment, it looks like a female ghost in the underworld as a whole.

But there is also a Chinese style.

Her name is Siya, a witch who controls the power of prediction.

It is also the "omniscient witch of fate" in the dimensional chat group.

Of course.

Today's Xi Ya is a professional who has just embarked on the path of transcendence.

Not even the rank of "Morning Star", let alone "Huiyue" and "Yaori" after that!
And want to understand fate, and achieve the level of omniscience...

I'm afraid that even the professional "Yaori" who only exists in legends may not be able to do it.

She will not say more.

But who made the group members in the chat group all characters in fantasy works?

Xi Ya can know her fate without any foreknowledge!
As for the characters in the works, why are they real?
This may be due to some kind of quantum entanglement between worlds, causing the fate information to leak to another dimension.

As a result, it was learned by the "author", and finally became various works in reality.

Or for some other special reason...

But no matter what the reason is, this does not prevent Xi Ya from taking advantage of it in the group.

I just didn't expect that the day of being exposed would come so soon!
She felt a little helpless about this.

I also know that I deserve it, so I don't have too many negative emotions.

But this Xeon Awakened...

Xi Ya thought about it and recalled it.

"I have a little impression... it seems to be a character in a certain work?"

After she whispered something, she searched on the computer.

Soon, there was a lot of information related to the keyword #耀强先生# on the webpage.

Xi Ya casually clicked into the top article.

[The 208th episode of the latest popular anime series "Awakening God Stone" has an easter egg at the end, and the Xeon Awakener appears? ! 】

After the title, comes the text:

"Hi everyone, I am Anime Analyst."

"Today, I will give you an analysis of the easter eggs and the mysterious black shadow that appeared in the 208th episode of "Awakening God Stone" just updated yesterday!"

"The easter egg tells about the protagonist Ye Nantian's defeat of the city lord of City D in the first two episodes and was learned by a mysterious person, but this big event was evaluated as a play among ants!"

"Those who dare to say this, there is no doubt that this will be a ruthless character! It is likely to be the final big boss of this anime, but it is a pity that only a black shadow appears in this episode."

"However, if you analyze carefully, you can find that this character should not appear suddenly, and the foreshadowing is still in the first episode of the anime!"

"Do you still remember the official establishment of the [Supreme Council] announced in the first episode of the anime, as well as the lifetime honorary president who has never shown up, but has the only right to veto?"

"Well, let me recall the origin and rights of this [Supreme Council] first!"

"The original text in the anime: This is the official organization parliament jointly concluded by 26 city-states."

"Each city-state representative has one vote, and the decisions voted on in this parliament will take effect anywhere on Blue Star, and must be implemented locally."

"A place that violates the regulations of the parliament will lose all legitimate rights, and it will also be regarded as a city-state-free area!"

"Here is the key point: the decisions passed in this parliament must be implemented unconditionally everywhere! And the last punishment for treating it as a city-state-free area..."

"Actually, it means that others can wage war on it at any time, and this is not called an invasion, but an occupation!"

"Tsk tsk!"

"Understood? What is the Supreme Council? It has such power! Absolute power! (Tactical retreat)"

"But someone has the only right to veto in such a parliament!"

"What kind of concept is this?"

"Undoubtedly, it is tantamount to declaring that that person has dictatorial absolute power on Blue Star!"

"Judging from the world view, the honorary president who has never shown up must possess overwhelming strength!"

"So the mysterious shadow who regards the city lord of D city and the protagonist who defeated this big man as bugs is likely to be the same person as the lifetime honorary president of the Supreme Council!"

"If this guess is correct, it is undoubtedly the most powerful existence of many awakened ones!"

"Okay, that's the end of the analysis for this issue, let's meet again next time!"


After Xi Ya finished reading this article with a blank face, she soon realized that she was lonely after reading it.

Although, there is a lot of useful information in it.

But even though she didn't pay attention to "Awakening God's Stone", she also knew that this very popular anime had just ended not long ago.

So this article is obviously outdated!

After realizing this, Xi Ya immediately returned to the search page.

Looking at the many search results, she began to filter them step by step.

[The mystery of the protagonist Ye Nantian's life experience is finally revealed. He belongs to the Ye family in X City, and his biological parents are deceased!The enemy is an existence that the city lord of X calls absolutely untouchable!It is also the most powerful existence among the many awakened ones! 】

[The lord of City X claims that he will try his best to prevent the protagonist from revenge!What kind of existence is Ye Nantian's enemy?Xeon Awakened?god? 】

["Awakening God Stone" is coming to an end!The most powerful person known as "God" finally showed up, he was actually...]

【Xeon Awakened - Encyclopedia of Information】

Sweep all the way down.

Soon, Xi Ya found the target.

With a movement of the slender finger on the mouse button, he directly clicked on the encyclopedia of information at the bottom.

【Xeon Awakened - Encyclopedia of Information】

[Introduction: "Xeon Awakened" generally refers to Li Ye. 】

[Li Ye is a popular villain in the anime "Awakening God Stone" and its derivative works. 】

[Nicknamed "Xeon Awakened", "The Untouchable God". 】


[Officially debuted in the final battle of episodes 298~300. 】

[The awakened fantasy template: Superman in the state of doomsday spores.The source of the ability is the DC comic works before the Red Moon Era...]

"Li Ye...should be right."

She said something to herself.

But this Doomsday spore, and Superman?

Xi Ya, who has never known DC comics, naturally does not know the difference.

It is not even clear what kind of ability this character has.

Therefore, I thought that the Xeon Awakened who just joined the chat group probably came from this "Awakening God Stone".

She directly searched for this anime on the video website, and she planned to watch the last three episodes where Li Ye appeared.

Then, while waiting for buffering.

Xi Ya glanced at a high praise comment below.

[When it comes to the introduction of the plot, don't enter if you don't like it! 】

This title immediately attracted Xi Ya's attention.


This is all she needs now.

Xi Ya slender fingers tapped the mouse button and clicked it.

A long comment was revealed.


"The background world view of this work is set so that people can awaken a certain character ability template in fantasy works."

"After the protagonist Ye Nantian touched the awakening stone at the end of the college entrance examination, he successfully awakened the rubber ability of the protagonist Luffy of "One Piece". The strength of this character template can already be regarded as above-average."

"However, with the help of [Sacred Stone], the protagonist has awakened another ability. This second template is even more powerful. It comes from the ability of Saitama, the protagonist of the "One Punch Man" manga!"

"And this sacred stone left by the protagonist's parents can also transform real things into things in fantasy works."

"With the standard halo of the protagonist and the golden finger that comes standard, there is no need to say more about the follow-up. This is undoubtedly a cool manga!"

"And because the protagonist's awakened Saitama template is an ordinary person's period, it takes three years of 'exercise' to fully awaken."

"The first template is Luffy when he just went to sea, so the protagonist who awakened his ability went to college..."

"In the early and mid-stage of the plot, I slapped my face all the way at school and pretended to be aggressive...but in the later stage, I felt a little bit aggrieved."

"Ever since the protagonist realized his life experience and was about to take revenge, he began to find that those who were originally friendly in power have become obstacles!"

"Even, the city lord of City X, who thinks highly of Ye Nantian, is even more over the top, claiming that he will stop it even if he dies!"

"Also, after the protagonist has tried his best to get revenge, the final result is still unsatisfactory... Well, I won't reveal it here."

"I can only say, look forward to the second season!"

"Finally, as a person who has watched the whole work, I suggest that you don't substitute the protagonist when you watch the last few episodes. It will be better to substitute the villain."

"Not to mention anything else, just because of his appearance, compared to the mediocre bald protagonist, the high-profile villain is more immersive."

"Right, handsome guys?"

——167 million people have liked this comment.

(End of this chapter)

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